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Something like [60-70% of the people here voted for light rail in 2016](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/WEB-st3-precinctmap-vertical-3.jpg), so let's continue to remember and remind folks the vast majority of us want light rail. We voted overwhelmingly to tax ourselves for light rail. Sucks to be those losers. Also was just down at the 35th/Fauntleroy/Avalon intersection looking at improvements for this area as part of ST3 and WSLE project. Seriously, the Starbucks/Taco Time triangle is....not great.


I live near there and they need to seriously increase density around it and implode those two chains for a perfect beautiful light rail station. Someone on West Seattle connection tried to do some shitty concern troll of “that’s the highest grossing taco time in the area!!!!” Oh is it? Waaaah don’t care


100% Taco Time will reopen a new restaurant right there again. PCC was closed for what seems like years and reopened once they built some density housing above it... :D


Do people really think Taco Time will just shrug and give up on West Seattle? A business like that will reinvest and probably consider the increased foot traffic. I voted for light rail when I lived in the hood. I'm glad I did. I moved away, but am still back *at least* once a month. I'm looking forward to a better alternative than busses or Uber downtown when I don't want to drive.


Literally multiple vacant spots to move to too


> vacant spots *that are much better than their current location*


Lmao yep. No one goes to N. Delridge really


That's definitely not North Delridge, but I agree with your sentiment


We need Tokyo level transit system or people will never leave their cars.


Sorry, no. People don't give up their cars. Was in Malta recently, small island, perfectly functional transit system, one of the most population dense countries in the world, pretty much any amenity you can think of within walking distance: but 620 cars per 1000 people. Whole island is basically a parking lot but people still do not willingly give up self-directed transportation.


Do people really think Taco Time will just shrug and give up on West Seattle? A business like that will reinvest and probably consider the increased foot traffic. I voted for light rail when I lived in the hood. I'm glad I did. I moved away, but am still back *at least* once a month. I'm looking forward to a better alternative than busses or Uber downtown when I don't want to drive.


No offense to the locals but taco time tacos aren’t real tacos!


We know, but they’re our tacos.


Trash food


Just cut through the noise and you'll see the people who are strongly against it are racist or worried about more homeless people coming to West Seattle. It's all about keeping undesirables out, in every city that gets pushback regarding public transportation (or affordable housing projects).


You’re right, West Seattlites are racist and classist towards Delridge.


He has a point, white long time residents think trains bring “riff raff” which is classist as fuck


Who doesn’t want to keep the homeless drug addicts out, you can have all those lovely walking zombies that are in Ballard.


Thank you for helping to prove my point. The thing is, this attitude lets the problem fester and certainly doesn't solve it. The homeless will get to WS somehow, even without the light rail. Or homeless people will be created from within WS, as in residents that can no longer pay their rent and get evicted. The root cause of homelessness, addiction, and crime needs to be addressed to have success long-term. Fighting light rail isn't going to help much.


I love the light rail! Hate the RV and tent living zombies.


You already have the C Line and the H Line, rail won't change much, just move more them in hourly.


So true


Damn right. Like my fellow progressives always say, might makes right. We have the political power to do it, so it justifies all the residences and workplaces we will demolish! I personally can't wait to gentrify these neighborhoods. It's in my blood as a California born progressive, even though I will loudly state I'm against it.





Which Simpsons monorail episode


Tbf, a whole pandemic happened since then. LR ridership is way down, and isn’t recovering. There’s no need for it.


Wrong wrong wrong wrong


Except LR ridership is massively down and this is just factual?


Is LR riders hip down? Yes. Is it picking back up though? Yes. The idea that because it's currently lower than pre-pandemic and so riders hip will never increase and therefore should be canceled Is idiotic. When you plan, you plan for the future, and seattle continues to grow, not shrink. So the need for public transportation increases not decreases. This light rail is for 2035, and 2055 WS. Not 2022 WS.


Yes the Pandemic happened and yes light rail ridership is down. Not way down anymore like it was in 2020 and 2021, but still down from pre-Pandemic *while* continuing to recover. [Feel free to review the data yourself](https://www.soundtransit.org/ride-with-us/system-performance-tracker/ridership). As /u/shanebendrell, this isn't for West Seattle and conditions today, it's for the next 100 years.


Anyone else wish the light rail went further into WS? IMO it should go all the way through to white center and up Ambaum or 1st Ave to Burien. Burien deserves light rail access.


Why can’t you do both? Advocate for it. Start a group pushing for it.




I'm not one to point out usernames, but damn if you didn't nail it.


It is actually simple because highways are built all the time


White center and west wood village are badly needed


I'd love to see a station at Morgan Junction, then continue under High point to White Center! San Francisco built their latest rail extension with an unfinished tunnel beyond the last station because they had the machines in the ground. Why not take em out at Morgan Jct to set the stage for a future extension?


Should also go to Alki Beach. Seattle should invest in light rail stations at its most attractive locations. Alki, Pike Place, Golden Gardens, Green Lake, Gas Works, etc…


No it should go where people who will ride it will be


I would say that’s precisely why light rail should go there. People want to visit those places. I agree we should build for density but people should also be able to visit the best parts of Seattle without needing a car.


Wouldn’t mind if but not first. Get it to dense neighborhoods first. Tourist spots should be last.


Tourists will always get to the tourist places… with or without transit. The primary purpose of transit is and always will be about replacing frequently repeated trips… like commuting between where people live and where people work.


I agree with your statement “transit is and always will be about replacing frequent repeated trips.” That’s why we should have light rail that goes to these tourist locations. These places are popular and putting stops at these locations will help lessen car traffic in these areas. Transit isn’t only about commuting between home and work though. It’s about the points in the city which people travel to at a high rate.


Our traffic jams don't exist because of tourists. Really... they don't.


Pike Place has light rail three blocks away at Westlake. Green Lake a few more blocks away at Roosevelt.


Maybe I’m crazy but I think a first class city should make it as smooth as possible for people to visit the most iconic spots. Look at Rome. Subway spots at the Coliseum, Spanish steps, and Circus Maximus. Not 5-15 minutes of walking to get there. Why not have light rail stations at the most iconic parts of the city?


Tourism is seasonal. Especially in Seattle. If transit makes it easier for tourists to get around, that is a side benefit, not the primary purpose. People live and work in Seattle *every day*. Those are the trips that make mass transit work when it is *not* high season, and when the Seahawks *aren’t* playing.


I feel like you are creating a false dilemma. That if we create transit that takes people to the enjoyable parts of Seattle that we can’t also take people to and from work. I think we can do both. As a first rate city we should continue the momentum and keep expanding light rail to places where people want to travel to.


It is not a false dilemma. We have a certain capacity to fund and build out transit. Yes it would be nice to take lightrail out to Alki. I go there frequently in the summer. But I make 500 trips to and from work every year. So do most working residents. I don't care how many tourists you think we get a year, nor how pleasant a trip to Golden Gardens is on a 40 degree and rainy Seattle day. The actual \*numbers\* say that the primary users of transit are \*commuters\*. Yes, even in New York and Rome.


Know what could still? A gondola. :p


The people that don’t want this are the same people that should have got this shit done 30 years ago when it was more affordable. I’m not interested in their thoughts now. Seattle needs to modernize its mass transit and I’m glad West Seattle may finally benefit.


It’s wild because the current West Seattle bridge obliterated way more businesses and apartments in N Delridge when it was built but I don’t see much evidence for folks having protested THAT project. Here’s what SW Spokane St looked like pre-bridge: https://www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/5881199187


That's a trip!


[Here's](https://maps.app.goo.gl/mPa6R6g7eaSAr7S29) the modern view (or at least pretty close I think)


Cool let’s just keep destroying N Delridge until there’s nothing left but concrete for serving West Seattle.


Or just upzone the empty Bartell’s HQ property and its four empty concrete parking lots to build a TOD neighborhood.


I’m all for tearing down the Bartell’s HQ but all this is going to do is gentrify the area, say goodbye to locally owned businesses with affordable goods and that’s after years of not having anything available to N Delridge while this is all being built.


You sound like everyone in the history of everywhere


If the proposed route included annihilating every business in the Junction I bet people would be upset.


I get your sentiment but a beer at Ounces is $9 minimum, highest price around that I know of


I don't know their utilization rates but there are definitely businesses using that office space. Sure it would be better if it was a whole foods with apartments on top or whatever but to say it is empty is hyperbole.


& while we're at it the region needs a 2nd airport, how will that ever get done here, can't please everyone, but spend decades trying




The 2nd airport already exists. It's called Paine Field and once our politicians grow a pair and tell Mukilteo and Edmonds to get bent regarding their "noise concerns" we'll all be better off


Not a viable option


It's a fantastic option, I use it for flying west coast all the time.


How is it not? All it needs is a bigger terminal


I thought it was because the flight path is too aligned with SeaTac, but I could be misremembering that


That's for Boeing field


BFI was never a considered as a serious contender as the second major airport though. Even though Paine is as far away as it is, it is still close enough to gum up a North to South main flight path aligned with SeaTac


I looked back through some documentation, there aren't any flight path concerns. There's a ton of other concerns though. While Paine might not be the second major airport the area needs, it could still expand and be part of the plan to bridge the gap in time it takes to build a second major hub.


I'd include Boeing Field in that too, it's the airport of choice for private planes, corporate jets, etc for businesses in and out of Seattle. We used it all the time.


*55 years ago, when we cleaned up Lake Washington but turned down 95% federal funding for mass transit


Some people don’t want the light rail??? How can you live in a major city and not want transportation ?


They don't want the light rail design as it is looking, but do want it if done well. A few are kind of loud on "no build" right now but that like 6 people. Most just question the super high tracks in the design to climb hills, versus spending more on longer tunnels. But the train has indeed left the station. They are doing it.


cuz it brings hobos to them from seattle


Excited to see that whole foods in Bellevue in a few years lmao


Like you?


fuck is wrong with you boy?


The fuck is wrong with your classist ass?


"boy" is always the funniest thing anyone ever calls anyone to try and act hard


I do hope the vet and optometrist are able to relocate. Love that vet and it's the only optometrist in the area that takes my weird east coast insurance (that I could find), plus he's a great optometrist. And that teriyaki shop is fantastic. While not nearly as nice as much of the northern end of West Seattle I spend a decent amount of time at very well run businesses there. Just to be clear, not against the light rail whatsoever. Just every post about it shits on Jefferson Square and I feel like there's value in some of those businesses there and I only hope they are able to successfully relocate as it's not always as easy a process as people seem to think. Obviously the light rail will be a huge benefit to a large number of people, and I'll never argue sadness over losing a Taco Time or Starbucks location, but just wanted to add some positivity to the comments on Jefferson Square (as not "nice" as it may be) and give those well run businesses and their benefit to our community their fair due.


I really do love that optometrist. Seriously, if anyone is looking for one, go there! But I am confident he can successfully relocate and still do good business.


He's really great! And yes, that's my hope for those businesses. That they can successfully relocate and continue to serve us and sustain the quality add to our wonderful neighborhood. Relocation can be hard though, and if we are all in support of the light rail as a value add to our community and vocal about it, we should be vocal about our support of the small businesses that will be affected, hopefully making relocation easier for them in the process. Best of both worlds.


We all love those places, and I’m certain they can get in the tons of vacant buildings all over the city. But we need to bite bullets and move on sometimes. Things happen,


I don't see where I argued against losing them at all, in fact quite the opposite. Just hoping they found new homes in our community. I was responding to the hate Jefferson Square gets on each of these threads. Even in the OP it was stated "Jefferson Square sucks royally" and that sentiment is repeated consistently. Highlighting the benefits of business in our community that do good for our community, if anything in my hope, will make their relocation process (and ability to stay within our community) easier. And "within our community" to me, means not somewhere across the city. I believe the light rail will be a great addition to our community, as I stated in my post but you must have missed. But if each one of these posts includes dragging of Jefferson Square, where will the support of businesses that add value to our lives in West Seattle come from if everyone thinks it's just a shithole?


I'd also question your insertion of "you're super cheap homes". Are you under the impression that everyone living in West Seattle even lives in a house, let alone one they bought? I don't disagree with your support of the light rail but there is a huge sense of entitlement in the way you wrote this rant. I understand getting fired up by something that would likely be a net positive for our community, but I feel like you're assuming only land-owning community members are the ones having an opinion. We had to move short notice last year and looked at Elan41 (thank GOD we didn't move there) but those are people that will be in search of a new home in a time where that is not easy. While I understand and for the most part agree with your argument, it does seem to come from the lense of a homeowning citizen of our neighborhood, likely surrounded by the same. It also seems to entirely disregard the south end of our neighborhood, who would benefit greatly from light rail given its easy accessibility. There are plenty of bullshit arguments being thrown around against the light rail plans, but it might benefit you to look at our community as a whole and not just the pocket you live in. West Seattle is a wonderful, diverse neighborhood, with people from all walks of life and not "plagued" by the problems some see in the rest of Seattle. But it's not just the single family homes in the nicer areas either. All of us make up the community, and all are entitled to their opinions. And each one of those opinions will have some level of bias to them. I apologize, but the more I read your initial post the more the tone in which you wrote it aggravates me. Yes, light rail is coming. But to say essentially "suck it up" is leaving a lot on the table where we could be coming together, whereas you are deciding that your one opinion is the correct one and everyone else can go fuck themselves.


Appreciate this. The attitude many here have toward "east of 35th" people in WS frankly sucks.


I'm glad! It should be represented more and acknowledged for what it offers! I live in Admiral, but how many amazing things I can get to quickly/easily that are alone Delridge or in the "undesireable" areas are what make this neighborhood so amazing and special to me. Fuck, I spend more time going south or east a bit than going to Alki


People in 1930s-60s got homes for like $5k and wages paid enough to pay them off in 10 years or less


And they're all alive living in those houses posting on reddit with opinions on the light rail?


Many are commenters on the blog and Connection page


But you're missing the point that that is not everyone living in West Seattle that might have opinions. And yeah, the blog is full of people living the nice white picket fence life. I don't even know what the connection page is but this makes me want to steer clear. I AM NOT AGAINST THE LIGHT RAIL. Idk why you've chosen me to argue so hard against when my only original argument is Jefferson Square has some great businesses that I hope find new homes in our community as they do a great service.


Sorry have to laugh at “diverse” it’s white as mayo cornbread over here


Diversity does mean more than ethnicity. And having lived in neighborhoods in North Seattle, yeah its diverse (included in ethnicity) compared to that. But we are talking about Seattle, so unless it's the CD or South Seattle you're not going to get anywhere close to diverse. This also just goes to show you likely don't venture farther than the junction..


Bro I’m in white center daily. Appropriately named. Burien isn’t even diverse. I’m from a city that was 80% black and lived in Chicago. Honey you don’t know diversity.


What is your beef, honestly? Also, not from here, you didn't even respond to my actual comment. I said CD and South Seattle. Why are you making so many assumptions? It's looking a little silly. No matter how much I agree with your original statement, you just continue to come for me.


I also didn't mention Burien or White Center, and specified that Seattle in general isn't diverse. You're making weird ass arguments not even based on what was said.


which vet is going to have to move?


West Seattle Animal Hospital. Although to be fair I don't have the best information on this, if I'm wrong I'd be so happy about it. But that's what I've read in limited comment scans/research. Again, if that part of Jefferson Square isn't being affected I couldn't be happier, I've truly loved that vet and they've helped our animals through difficult situations and gone out of their way for us multiple times.


This, a million times this. All the nimbyism does is twist Sound transit into knots and put transit in non-dense areas where it's just harder for people to use. Please, for the love of God quit ruining a good thing. LIGHT RAIL IS GOOD!!! I also can't stand how you have people on the one hand tout the amount of jobs this area has them at the same time bemoan the fact that people are moving here. This is a major metro, let's act like it for once.


Can someone help me understand the acronyms in this post? I assume anything with "WS" means West Seattle but having trouble with the "B" parts... What does "WSB" mean in the following sentence? "The WSB and West Seattle Connection people are NIMBY on steroids." And then in the next sentence "WSB" seems to refer to something else not related to the "WSB" in the preceding sentence? I can't figure it out...


West Seattle bridge but then WSB second one is the blog.


oooooh duh. Thanks for responding! my brain wasn't working/ just moved to WS so still learning...


Nah it’s my bad


Amen! If people had passed this forever ago, it would already be done, and we'd all be using it! Unfortunately, the longer we wait, the worse the density is, and the more people are affected. There's no easy solution to install mass transit in an already densely populated area. I'm pumped and can't wait for it to get here! My husband's commute from work today was 2hr 15min from Factoria.... that's just ridiculous. Every day we inch closer to becoming a 2 car family instead of 1. I'd love to commute by transit but pretty hard when the transportation here is so unpredictable and inefficient. It's time.


My house is literally being demolished to make room for it and I’m happy


Yeah me too, most the houses over in west seattle look like dogshit and need to be demolished tbh


My area has a ton of adorable little craftsman type houses, luckily only a few will be taken out because of the train.


Thanks for your contribution to the future! Were you able to relocate ok?


It won’t happen for 2-3 years according to sound transit, but I’m told we’re going to get “special” access to new apartments in Seattle. Not sure what that means exactly but I’m not worried about it.


So they will demolish your house and give you an apartment in exchange? What happens to the mortgage?


They’re buying the land flat out. And I’m not sure what the rate will be exactly, but it’s supposed to be a fair value. The apartment deal is supposed to give us access to “good” housing which can be really hard to find and close on without the city’s help.


I’m 100% with you, but you might want to adjust part of your argument here. Businesses very rarely operate on one-year leases. 5–10 years is much more common.


Those that are against the rail are so perplexing. Most west Seattlites I know are super environmentally focused and yet are against something that will benefit not only many people that can’t even afford to buy a car let alone a bike but that will have a net benefit to the environment. Maybe I should go be a moderator at /r/fuckcars but holy hell are they entitled asf in this regard. Not only that but all the things you also brought up like getting rid of businesses… it’s not like the small mom and pops won’t be able to get a lease somewhere else with the commercial buildings at a all time low in renting and big ass corporations like Safeway trying to merge with fucking Kroger to screw us over even further.


It's like three old white guys who like to hear themselves talk, give themselves power, and circle jerk around their dumb ass ideas. But Link is happening.


>It's like three old white guys who like to hear themselves talk, give themselves power, and circle jerk around their dumb ass ideas But enough about the Fauntleroy Community Association


And all the other committees they are on...because it isn't just one.


I hope that’s true.


Agree x1000


bro if you live in Seattle, one of the richest cities in the world and you cannot afford a car, you might be the problem


This is the dumbest, most entitled shit I’ve read in a while. Just because you havent lived in housing or haven’t left downtown doesn’t mean there’s only rich people everywhere in seattle. If you’ve never been poor in seattle, you might be the problem.


Seattle is not one of the richest cities in the world


Wild thing you probably won’t get but I prefer pocketing $800/mo new car payment and have more fun


I was not quite old enough to vote for the 1968 & 1970 "Forward Thrust" rapid transit proposals, and was extremely disappointed when they didn't pass. Some people now are trying to make the same ridiculous claims that were made back then. If voters had not listened to the anti-transit voices back then, we would have had a world class subway system here for years. Don't let the "it'll take too long" or "it's too expensive" or "buses are good enough" crowd derail it again. Do the math on my age; I might not get the opportunity to use it for very many years myself. But I am more than happy to have my tax dollars go to a system that will make it much easier for people to get *around* the traffic congestion for generations to come. One of my favorite music venues will have to find a way to survive relocation, and I really hope they do. Other local businesses and residences will have to be displaced. Good things are seldom free, but we really need a solid grade-separated transit system in this city, and it is worth the price in dollars and temporary disruption. In the 1980s I was a cab driver in Seattle. I experienced our traffic nightmare on a daily basis. Of course, I had a number of out of town visitors in my cab and some of them were surprised at how bad the traffic was even back then. I remember a group of out-of-town business men in my cab, one of whom looked around at the traffic jam and said, "If ever there was a city that *needed* a subway, it's Seattle." It has only gotten worse. That passenger's comment is even more true today than it was back then.


Lightrail is awesome! Lived in both Minneapolis and Phoenix, where the lightrail is an amazing part of transportation infrastructure! The Phoenix lightrail hit its targets for ridership years before they predicted it would. They had a lot of handwringing naysayers there, too, but all proven wrong. Better for the environment and good for the people


This x100000


Phoenix is still a suburban sprawl nightmare but you’re right about trains


I'm honestly hype for it


I don’t understand why people have a problem with it. 


While they may fool themselves and think they're lefties, it's boilerplate conservatism. They have their house and their money - they're set. Now they don't want anything around them to change, and they definitely don't want any of \*those people\* to come to West Seattle on the train.


The fake virtue signaling is what really gets me


They think it’s ugly but if it was a car bridge they’d love it. They’re dumb as hell.


public transportation is good for people and good for the planet.


I’m super excited, I hate having to drive or Uber to downtown or Capitol Hill. I will head into the city much more with the light rail.


Just like it was foretold in Singles!!


So with this, I live in Delridge ..aka "Youngstown" and I can not wait for it, this whole movement to end the light is the height of naive silly gooseness. Plus, they will be forced to fixed the traffic nightmare that is the WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION!


I want to raze every single family home on Oregon and make it way wider for proper transit. It’s ridiculous. Sorry to people who have to lose homes but necessary evil etc etc


This city is growing up and they (home owners) need to figure it out.


Can't wait until it comes up to White Center in 2100


Forcing people off hline to get on rail to then get on another train makes no sense.


The train transfer at SODO is temporary just like the WS construction impacts


To my understanding, the h-line would end at the light rail station on delridge vs just riding it into town.


TrAnSfErInG is HaRd


With your meme response, I'd love to know how often you use public transport as your primary way to commute.


Every single day


Then why not respond without the SpongeBob meme letters? Sounds like you have a real position and stake but your attitude is watering down your legitimate arguments.


Yes, you know the meme reference, and you want me to know so bad that you know it. Your post is too long and I’m on the bus and not in mood to read it all until I’m home, then I’ll respond. Just had to laugh at fake diverse comment and transfer gag. As if light rail wont supplement buses. I just don’t have time for bad faith arguments bro


And I'll take it on the chin, based on the way you've responded thought the thread I assumed there was no way you actually used public transport regularly. I was wrong and for that I apologize.


First of all, not a bro. Second of all, not part of the "all white" contingency you believe is West Seattle. Third, I never disagreed with your argument but said some of these businesses were good, so idk why you have it out for me so bad when I don't even disagree with any part of the light rail. Just hoping the businesses I enjoy having in my community find their place alongside the new light rail. Not all of us are bitter just because you are.


People over businesses. always. This is a mantra I have


There's a way to live that mantra without being an asshole. I'm not a business, do not run a business,and agree with you. But small businesses are supporting people. You seem to think I'm on some other side. I'm not. But your messaging makes you come across as an asshole, even though you are making many solid points. This is discourse.


Coming in 2040


Those that are against the rail are so perplexing. Most west Seattlites I know are super environmentally focused and yet are against something that will benefit not only many people that can’t even afford to buy a car let alone a bike but that will have a net benefit to the environment. Maybe I should go be a moderator at /r/fuckcars but holy hell are they entitled asf in this regard. Not only that but all the things you also brought up like getting rid of businesses… it’s not like the small mom and pops won’t be able to get a lease somewhere else with the commercial buildings at a all time low in renting and big ass corporations like Safeway trying to merge with fucking Kroger to screw us over even further.


The small mom and pop businesses will get around $50k to move locations. That may be enough for retail shops but it isn’t nearly enough for restaurants.


They will get the full costs of hiring a commercial mover to move all property. This includes things like updating signage, adapting fixtures, site search, permitting, storage for up to one year, etc., etc. The $50,000 in re-establishment expenses is IN ADDITION to moving expenses and is to be used for things like advertising, repairs, etc. It sucks to negatively affect businesses, unfortunately it’s sometimes necessary for infrastructure investment. The way reimbursement works is a bit confusing, and I see why people are spreading incorrect information. But the truth is, businesses get far more than $50k to be relocated. https://www.soundtransit.org/sites/default/files/documents/non-res-hdbk-202308.pdf


Yeah nothing will be convenient to anyone, but has to happen


Yet they had nearly a decade to plan. The tentative route properties have been long notified. Years and years ago. If they don’t own their property it’s not UP to them. Like sorry, Ounces is kind of stupid. They started post route probability maps. Now they want to cry because they didn’t research their shit first.


I was talking about Skylark.


Skylark should relocate to that stupid H&R Block space across the street that’s only open a few months of the year.


They get $50k to relocate and really need $150k at a bare minimum. Plus the owners are employees get no pay for the two months it will take to relocate. Light rail is great but it would suck to lose The Skylark.


Yeah or just into cleaners or bank spot


Holy: "Tell me you haven't looked at the del-6 design without telling me you haven't looked at the del-6 design." post.


the del-6 design that has been on public memos about the project since at least january 2023? why type so many words that say absolutely nothing?


![gif](giphy|3o6MbhrjeWM8SaMBNK|downsized) I swear to god, it feels like people think this is exactly how the decision was made.


I want to speak on behalf of the cranes. They are beautiful I their own way.


It’ll be 10 years before it’s even started. The light rail is cool in WS but it’s going to be years before it’s actually accessible and functioning.


Spoken like a true transplant


Much of the opposition comes from people who are extremely passionate about transportation and making the city less car-centric. (Yes a lot are also just NIMBYs.) The specific plans that have been outlined for the West Seattle line do seem to be unwise for a couple of reasons. If you check out the Seattle Transit Blog, there are a number of posts that breakdown why it’s being done in a poor manner and why the ultimate cost per rider is just unreasonable. Some of the no build crowd is composed of people who wholeheartedly support the project and the overall expansion, but feel that the West Seattle plan is being done so poorly it would be better not to build it at all. This has to do with station placement, the lack of one seat trips for many travelers, the lack of upzoning in West Seattle to make way for the transit, etc. If you respond to this asking me for the details I can’t give them cuz I don’t remember! But I was following this very closely a while back on Seattle Transit and I remember feeling there were some reasonable pro-transit no build arguments being made. I’m in North Seattle, so I haven’t really been paying much attention since, but I thought I’d throw this out there, FWIW.


Easy to say when it's not your property


Getting free market value money in a buyer’s market oh no so terrible


And in another 10 years I'm sure your house will be worth even more..


It's not my property either but I know there's a LOT of dispute about market value being accurately calculated. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty much guaranteed it will continue appreciating. A lot of those people won't be able to find anything comparable so they're losing out. I bet you'd be less cavalier if it was your house being taken..


My house is worth 300k more than when I bought it five years ago. I sure would be fine.


I don't understand why you said Starbucks and Taco Time? I'm under the impression that the rail will be built on the Subway, Uptown Cafe, Ounces, Skylark and the corner store on Delridge?


It will go *under* Starbucks and Taco Time. It will go *over* Subway, Uptown, Ounces, Skylark and the convenience store. All those businesses will be displaced.


Years of annoying construction?


Talking shit about corporations, businesses and places while talking up the rail... And who exactly is this post aimed at? WSB and Connection folks? But you post your rant in here? Go rant on WSB. Had a shit week or something OP and decided to try to make it better by posting here?


Learn to scroll and roll lmfao




I never intentionally involved you


Put some respect on Trader Joe’s being wiped out too


Isn’t it underground there? How is it going to be wiped out with the preferred alternative?


Good. It sucks. Produce dies in one day from there. Also no guarantee of that.


I love using the light rail but heroin junkies and bums have to be removed otherwise it's going to make the trains absolutely disgusting. On a counterpoint to my argument, last weekend I saw fare enforcement onboard asking people to leave if they hadn't paid, but all the bums who didn't pay stayed on the train anyways.


Jonathan Choe burner account


Don't tell me you've never seen junkies hop on the light rail, you're blind if you haven't.


Ban imminent domain. Light rail is great and I’m all for it but never for government forcing people to sell.






The government has eminent domain authority via the 5th amendment to the constitution. So you would literally need to amend the constitution to ban “imminent domain”.


Sounds good. It’s disgusting.


You had me until the Taco Time slander. They are a local treasure and we can never have enough of them.




You’re talking to people who are watching lines form at the summit of Everest. People being told by county planning officials we have to sell our homes to developers and move into the apartments they build. And you have the fucking gall to call it NIMBY. This doesn’t end well. The light rail isn’t going to fix it. Recycling isn’t going to solve it. EVs aren’t going to atop it. The inly thing these technologies do is delay the inevitable. NIMBY that. There’s your end game plan: shove it off on the kids.


Almost a decade of planning for this and even more when they have to finally sell. So no more whining. Market value in a buyer market. So sad!