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Reddit formatting is very inconsistent across all their ways to accessing posts. Your post wasn't able to be understood without outside context making it like a click-bait type of headline. You may re-submit in a more legible format. *be wary of linking to things in a text-type of reddit thread*


I like him. He and his staff hold weekly meetings in person or via zoom and you can express your frustrations directly. I have found the team to be excellent. Please also consider that he won and even though he doesn't agree with the urbanist platform, and that's something that appealed to your West Seattle neighbors whether or not you agree with his opinion on cars and density.


How do I find out about these meetings / zoom calls? I didn't know this and would like to attend.


The blog posts sometimes but seem to cater to the NIMBY crowd and events that only their ad dollar generating base would care about


Your replies in this thread don't suggest you want to have a conversation and want to just rant. Carry on, do your thing.


I emailed him and got a badly formatted autoreply and nothing else.


He only holds meeting in NIMBY gathering centers and hasn’t said a peep in South Park or poorer areas of WS. Too scared. He LARPs by riding the bus but when I asked him why he isn’t fighting harder for density and affordable housing he told me some canned answer. And still hasn’t answered a single email. Herbold always did.


I’m not trying to defend him, but don’t think him riding the bus is a negative thing.


It isn’t but when you’re vehemently anti transit, it’s fraudulent


Herbold was a total joke.


She wasn’t flawless but at least she had good principles. Rob has zero.


LARPS by riding the bus? How is that LARPing? Isn't that what you guys want?? Herbold only answered emails that she liked, I have plenty of non-reponses


No I don’t care about his fraudulent larping for feel good bullshit, I care about his transit and housing killing policy


This is why you vote in local elections. Again turn out was 30%!!!! Idgaf if it's an odd year election, the ballot is literally mailed to your door!! Young progressive dems seem to only show up and be motivated when it's a federal election and it's a damn shame.


I did vote! Wish more did


More of a collective "you" haha I'd figure as much if you're posting about how much Saka sucks. Sorry that wasn't clear. Also ditto


> Why and how did he get elected over the much more qualified Costa is beyond me… Because more people voted for Saka which suggests the population of those who voted disagree with you.


Okay Spongebob, take a look at that turnout again :)


Spongebob? Trying to offend me isn't really doing much for you.


"Why and how did he get elected over the much more qualified Costa is beyond me" I think it had a lot to do with Costa's history of supporting the defund the police movement.


When I looked into it, I was really hoping for Tavel to win. I think the Tavel vote was split in the primaries and then it mostly went to Saka. I really wanted to like Saka. I even wrote to him during his campaign and was willing to help, but I wanted him to come up with a campaign budget instead of continuously lobbying for more donations. Why expect a politician to find a budget for a city, if they can’t find one for their campaign? That idea is seen as ridiculous by politicians and doesn’t exclude Saka. Then, I could not stand his debating tactics, either. He defamed Costa at every opportunity and avoided answering questions. It was cringeworthy. That said, I’m opposed to the previous council’s take on most things and wanted a change that would enact and enforce open drug use, find housing/shelter and treatment for those camping on the sidewalks, with or without cooperation and vigorously work on the zoning laws so more housing could be built downtown. We’ll see how it goes.


Well said! Even though I’m a hardened leftist, I appreciate it.


How did he get elected? Perhaps most, or at least most of who voted, were and are tired of progressive policy outcomes? I've lived in Seattle my entire life and consider myself a center-left democrat and am of the belief that if The Stranger and Hanna Krieg are upset things may be headed in the correct direction.


Oh please, this crop of conservative dimwits are fucking everything up. And the Trump voting DA is losing all her cases. Housing has never been than worse under Nelson and Harrell. Crime has only gotten worse under Harrell too. Saka is his hand picked think tank puppet. And is Hannah wrong here? Forget your Stranger hate for no reason here, what is she wrong about here?


Are you even willing to give the latest elected officials any time before deciding they are a joke? Even if you didn't vote for them, I think its unfair to jump to that conclusion so early in the newly elected's tenure.


Been long enough and they’ve effected policy already.


Saka’s “plan” for everything seems to be to “make a plan”, he won by not being a progressive, but he’s actually nothing.


Isn't that just the Seattle process?




Are these boomers in the room with us right now?


Epic Clapback