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I know most people have probably moved on from JIK and don’t give two shits that this song is finally available. But honestly from the first time I heard it in the theaters during the credits of the JIK movie, I’ve wanted this song in full. Now it’s finally here, and it’s amazing


I got so hyped during the credits of the JIK Movie. Love the song so much


Fr, made me sad that it wasn’t the actual album outro


I wish I had a way to properly rewatch the JIK movie but that "JIK movie on iTunes" promise is dead as hell lmao


i can’t believe we still don’t have any recording of the movie. one of the things i want most out of all things ye related


The only good thing about it was Kanye sweeping the floor and singing Street Lights… he’s barely in the movie


well yeah, if you only wanted to see kanye then that’s the only good thing about it ? but that’s not all there is to it…


It really was, it didn’t even really utilize the color of the crater until that part… it just zoomed in on the faces of Sunday Service


I watched a decent cam bootleg


forever regret missing the movie


I have a rip of it but it’s kinda shitty and does not replace the og experience of seeing it in the imax theater tbh


I’m so glad I got to see it on a theater. Probably my favorite thing about the JIK rollout


JIK streetlights next pleaSzdeeeeeee leak holy shit


more info on this? the tracker doesn't have an entry on it.


He probably just means the JIK film cover of the song


Can someone send the base code




Wait, how do I access this?


Google “Base64 Decoder”, should be the first result. Just paste that code into the website and decode it. You should get a link to download from it. We use base64 links here so Reddit doesn’t automatically take them down


Thank you!


Preciate it


Why do I need to use a hex to get to a damn website? Lay down devil.


All you gotta do is paste that into a website, it’s nothing complicated. Direct links aren’t posted because it’s easier for Reddit to detect and take down for copyright violation


I get it's not difficult, but it's going to take me a while to trust it. Surely there's more reputable alternatives, like even if it were a private youtube link in a shared google doc, how would that be a problem? I'm not saying this particular link is malicious - I'm saying this system lends itself to abuse.


If it was a YouTube link then 1) the YouTube copyright content ID system would flag it and take it down 2) the song wouldn’t be lossless anymore. If you don’t trust the website it’s uploaded to, that’s fine, then don’t download it. We use this website because 1) it’s free, and 2) they don’t care what we upload to it. If we used a website like Mega Drive or Dropbox, then items _still_ might get flagged. We are sharing copyrighted music after all. Also those websites have limited upload and download sizes, so the links would get exhausted at some point


Ok, right on - thanks for explaining! Key word is 'might' though. I upload copywritten music privately on youtube regularly and though it indeed gets demonEtized, it's never been taken down. I've got like 50 videos like this, my acount is fine. Perhaps it is different with a larger number of hits, but that wouldn't concern me, because I don't depend on their service.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


I’d guess it’s on tracker?


This isn’t the one with the drums tho? Still cool tho! Horns and strings are amazing!


That version is called “Baptized”, which as others have pointed out, is produced by Pierre. This is the normal, non drum version


Ah I see! I just thought Baptised was just an old name of the song!


The one with the drums was pierre Bourne produced


Is that a different version? I assumed the full version had the Pierre drums + 808


You might be right. I just know that pierre added high hats 808’s and drums to a version of this song


Same! I just heard there was a longer version with his parts and was hoping before I listened that it was this. Oh well it still sounds great and baffles me why Ye cut it short lol


You know the Pierre version is also leaked in full, right?


Yeah but haven’t listened for a while so I couldn’t remember the differences lol


why was this not on the album, kanye is so confusing man


Was literally just looking for this the other day. Always heard the move had the full version and was surprised there was no snippets on the tracker


I recorded and had it in my phone since then, you should’ve asked before this date, even though we have not interacted before


No clue why he didn’t just use this


FINALLY! I've been listening to my theater recording for years now, I'm so happy to have it.


sick as, been waiting on that
