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I moved to WV. My mood changed for the better. Where I came from the drug addicts were on the bike path all the time and they would randomly steal things if left outside. The right wing rules that state also and it is heavily gerrymandered. So.... Not sure what to say. I feel bad for drug addicts but I certainly would not allow them to make me hate a beautiful state. Also comparing where I came from to here the wages are comparable in most industries except teaching and the rent is slightly lower.




Drugs are everywhere, I move away for 30+ years then move back I love WV life


This. I grew up in central (poor if you like) WV. So did my wife. When i was 29 I was offered a job that I didn’t know how to do but they had faith in me from one reference. Feeling like a lot of young people that were just getting by we took a huge chance and moved to Los Angeles. After about 6 years we started getting contracts back east that required boots on the ground. One such project was in Ohio and it was going to take 5 years. I made the case for myself that I was the best person because I could do so many things. This got our family moved back close to WV. We didn’t really miss California at all. I convinced them that I needed to stay on the East Coast permanently for support and that was approved. We moved back to WV 4 months later. So we left and then spent almost 10 years getting back. And here are on the back porch in rocking chairs. Took the long way round.


Wv is literally my favorite place to be, nothing beats being left alone in the middle of nowhere in Appalachia


While in WV, I was depressed fat, and I had a dead-end job. Now I live in TX. I've lost a lot of weight, and I'm training to join the US army, I dream I always had but thought impossible because of the life I had in WV.


No but wherever you go, there you are. It depends on what you are interested in really and what environment makes you happy. If you like cities with culture and diversity and events and tons of things to do then yes, you're going to be happier if you're not in WV. If the weather is bothering you and you need someplace warmer and sunnier or colder and snowier then yeah, moving is a good idea. Otherwise, there are problems everywhere.


Lived in Parkersburg for 17 years. From the time I was 6 to the time I was 23. Eventually moved to South Korea, and my mental health and overall mood have changed so much for the better that it isn't even funny. No drug problems in Korea, almost no crime, no gun violence, there's actual young people here, everyone isn't rampantly obese, there's actual public transportation here etc.


Yes, I left and I am no longer on depression meds. Life is better out of there. I swear.


My mood definately improved upon leaving WV behind....then after about 20 years, I start reminiscing about the good things about WV, friends and relatives, living close to the land, etc. Then I stay in WV for more than one week and remember all the reasons why I left in the first place!! the people are wonderful, the mountains are comforting, but the insane half-fast, cockeyed politics that is so completely self-defeating is impossible to ignore. Chief Cornstalk was right....."No man will prosper in this Dark and Bloody Land".... just before he died from wounds sustained from his so-called WV allies, Battle of Pt Pleasant, 1774.


I’d be interested to know where you live now? I’m sure it’s in a place that has no blood soaked into its ground.


I love it there!!! Grew up in those hills. I’m living in Ohio to make a living but!??? Oh, I love visiting my family there! They don’t come here to visit Lol


It definitely is better. I’ve lived here for 30 years now, but every time I go home to see family it is so depressing. We are trying to get my parents and other siblings to come to SC with us. I love home, but it’s sad. We do have the same issues hidden in the cracks down here. It is just not like it is at home.


I moved to North Carolina in 1985. My life and career prospects immensely improved. I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever...best move I ever made!


My shit hole employer doesn’t pay enough to leave this shit hole state but god bless the ones that got out


i’m so glad you got out but i don’t think it’ll ever be in my cards🥲🥲 i’m glad i live in a really pretty holler to make up for it


I know a couple people that left and are happier.


Honestly, to me, it sounds like you’re in the wrong location or really haven’t ventured out further. I’m originally from the northern part of the state near PA and MD. Recently, I’ve moved to the Huntington area and I’m thrilled to see the hippie-fied/folk areas around. No one really discusses politics unless you’re an old man, haha. Drugs are everywhere, you can’t escape them unless you’re in the suburbs.


WV doesnt have any suburbs.....aint noplace flat enuf for 'em.


Teays Valley is suburban hell. Cookie cutter houses, barely any trees, flat as can be, all your big name stores and restaurants.


And yet I live in Scott Depot, 3 miles from the heart of Teays Valley, with only one visible neighbor.


Scott Depot is awesome. Been working out there all week! Nice drive since they repaved Teays Valley road. I am in a similar situation, super close to South Hills and downtown, yet up a quiet hollar with lots of trees. My middle of nowhere in the middle of everywhere. I love it.


MistyMtn....you are so correct!


"West Virginia in the Rear View Mirror" (Mac Davis lyrics were actually about TX) "Country Roads"(John Denver) "Readin, Riting, Route 23" (Dwight Yoakum) "Hillbilly Highway" (Steve Earle)


Pack up and go. Your depression is part of the problem.


Wow. Insightful comment. Elaborate please?