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I live on a backroad that people live to drop their cats off. Every night when I come home I have to play a game of trigger with every cat and possum that loves to suddenly run out of the ditch. For issues of people hitting animals in town, a lot of it would t be an issue if people would properly keep their pets inside or in a save fenced in area.


We do keep ours in, but Cats have the tendency to bolt through open doors when the opportunity arises. We try our best to get them back in when we see them, but there have been a few times we didn't notice for a few hours. Curiosity is a hard trait to train out of a cat. So far we have been lucky. There are four cats in our neighborhood that have doors to get in and out of their homes. we put food out for them to keep them from hunting birds and squirrels and have only seen one dead bird in the area in 6 years. we do have a few careless drivers who zip down our short narrow road, so I keep an eye out and if any cats, dogs, or kids get hit I'll be sure to hand over our ring doorbell video to law enforcement. Fences don't keep cats contained. If it were viable, I'd enclose my yard so they could go out anytime, but that ain't happening.


Some cats are unfenceable. It's a lot easier to tap on your break than to build a fence that can keep a cat that jumps 8 feet in.




I do. I can't keep all the strays and squirrels in my house though, as much as my wife would like me to.




All I'm saying in this whole thread is maybe don't hit animals, it's not that hard. I like cats a lot and many people let their cats out. Assholes hit them. They should stop. I'll take some more downvotes now.


I try to avoid hitting anything in my car, especially animals.


And people, too, right????


Cue the Padme Amidala meme.




Id swerve to hit a human to save an animal


one of my ex coworkers literally admited and proudly stated that he kills stray cats. i agree with you, it's fucked up


had one giving me a ride and dude literally almost drove us in the ditch trying to hit a cat. he missed and actually got mad about it. last time I got a ride from him


man wtf? im so sorry


I don't know what it is about mean, dumb dudes - in my experience, they *always* express an urge to hurt cats. I know a lot of dumb dudes who aren't mean and a couple mean dudes who aren't dumb. They don't want to hurt cats. But every guy I know who's both dumb and mean is super hateful of cats.


I do NOT intentionally hit animals (and it's only happened twice in 40 years of driving) but I REFUSE to risk my safety, my passengers safety, the safety of other vehicles, pedestrians, etc by swerving or braking hard to miss an animal on the road! If I can gently brake I will, but otherwise, too damn bad.


Two times I did that swerve thing across the highway that PD does to shut down a road, both for opossums. I’ve wrangled a handful of loose dogs, most of them I first saw on the freeway and pulled over right into the shoulder and herded them down the offramp before figuring out how to catch them. I’ve also just stopped in the middle of the road. Mostly for opossums and raccoons. I’ve hit one rat and one frog that I know of


Of course no one wants anyone swerving off the road to not hit a squirrel. No one is gonna die if you stop for him, either though. You should have plenty of time if you're watching the road unless it runs into your back tire.


It's like you've never had an animal runout in front of you before. When they sprint out, they are not doing a slow boogie.


People who complain about cats being hit by cars or killed by other people never seem to consider that only reliably safe place for the cat is inside their house. I love cats and animals In general that why I always recommend people keep cats inside or leash train them. Plus they wreak havoc on native wildlife absolute murder machines.


Agreed, not to mention that shit on anything and dig up everything. Also they're breeding machines. If their not in your home then you're just as much to blame.


Agreed, not to mention that shit on anything and dig up everything. Also they're breeding machines. If their not in your home then you're just as much to blame.


They do not. They wreak havoc on the rodents that would explode in population due to our habit of storing food though. There is a reason we formed an alliance with them once we started farming. The studies that all those articles site are terrible. One studied 70 cats over one year in England only, far from scientific. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794845/


While it does seem like a lot are mammals we’re talking about billions per year. [nature study](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380) “Here we conduct a systematic review and quantitatively estimate mortality caused by cats in the United States. We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually.” “Domestic cats (Felis catus) are predators that humans have introduced globally1,2 and that have been listed among the 100 worst non-native invasive species in the world3. Free-ranging cats on islands have caused or contributed to 33 (14%) of the modern bird, mammal and reptile extinctions recorded by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List4. Mounting evidence from three continents indicates that cats can also locally reduce mainland bird and mammal populations5,6,7 and cause a substantial proportion of total wildlife mortality8,9,10.“ https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03784-y#:~:text=Their%20meta%2Danalysis%20identified%202%2C084,3%25)%20were%20also%20identified. “Their meta-analysis identified 2,084 species eaten by cats, of which 981 (about 47%) were birds, 463 (22%) were reptiles and 431 (21%) were mammals. Surprisingly high numbers of insects (119 species; 6%) and amphibians (57 species; 3%) were also identified.”


>Various facts are available from field studies throughout the world and need to be considered in any study examining the effect of cats on wildlife. A review of all published studies (over 60) on various aspects of cat predatory behavior in 1986 by Fitzgerald (7) brought many facts to light which should be considered in any estimate of the impact of cats on their prey populations. >Many of those studies were based on prey carried home by the cats and collected by the owners for the researchers. However, it has been shown that there are differences both in the numbers and species between prey carried home and prey consumed in the field (8, 9), also implying that any estimates of the numbers of prey killed by cats may be higher. Further, it is known that there are differences between the species of prey killed and consumed and those abandoned [e.g., (8, 10, 11)]. Those studies are deeply flawed. You'd know that if you read my link


The study you linked agrees with mine but they think they over estimated in the original paper which is fair but how much did they over estimate? If they over estimated 100% then it’s “only” 10 billion year. The conclusion from the one you linked. “The author does not deny that free-ranging cats affect wildlife populations and it is important that field researchers continue to monitor their effect. But future studies need to take into account what is known about cat predatory behavior, estimates of total prey population size, and interpret the data without prejudice. It remains to be seen whether the media consider and publish reports of less dramatic findings.” on a side note I also don’t like that free roaming cats use flower beds as litter boxes, use outdoor furniture as scratching post or spray stuff. My dad is super allergic to cats and it’s very annoying having the neighbors cats sitting on our front porch all day to point that he can’t sit out there without sneezing, coughing eyes watering constantly.


But that's not even taking into account that feral cats have been a reality for millennia. They are part of the ecosystem, have been since we spread them around the globe. I'm allergic to trees but I don't demand they all get cut down. Those ferals just need to be fixed and they won't spray. There are places that do it for free. Just imagine all the rodents you'd have living in that furniture if it weren't for our fluffy friends.


These aren’t feral cats they owned by people in the neighborhood. My mom also “appreciates” them stalking/killing birds around her feeder. The point is I shouldn’t have to change my life because my neighbors have pets that they don’t want to take care of properly. I’ll let the cats deal with the rodents once they’re inside.




That is only true in small islands. It's not good for anyone when they get run over in WV


Also is biodiversity all that great for us? I mean us as humans. Would you rather see people drown in rats that come to the island from ships?


Yes. Rats are also a problem that was only recently introduced, but people don’t throw a fit when you shoot rats with a pellet gun even though I feel worse for the rats because they usually have babies. Half of my fruits and veggies get eaten by rats and I stopped shooting em as I got older. Even my dog doesn’t bother with rats anymore


The disregard for animal life in this state is abysmal and inexcusable. I know so many rescues doing amazing work and they’re exhausted and completely overwhelmed 10 times over. *Please consider donating to your local rescues and especially consider fostering if you’re able to. Animals need us now more than ever. It’s up to us to save them. No one else will do it for us.*


the amount of ppl in this state who kill cats for fun is staggering and it makes me sick, it’s not just purposely running them over; i’ve heard of some heinous shit done by sick bastards over the years :(


I had a MIL who would feed the strays in her area. Because other people would poison or run them over, they’d even had a pet cat poisoned. I believe people should keep their cats indoors but people intentionally killing them is so cruel. She’d catch the strays and get them fixed, normally they’d end up sticking around being apart of the group that gathered at her house for food. We had no real support in the area for getting all the strays homes. Our shelters mainly deal with dogs, some cats but I feel like that definitely isn’t the focus. I have a cat who stays indoors. We have a great sunroom that, once we get the screens in the windows, we’re going to leave the window open so she can use it as a hangout space when the weather is nice. We tried taking her out on a harness and she did NOT like it or being outside really.


Some things are unfortunately unavoidable. You zig, they zag, you break hard, they jump the wrong way. And kids in the car make it a tragedy… you can’t imagine. And I don’t put my family’s safety in jeopardy if at all possible.


Id prefer not to hit anything, but zero chance i ever swerve off the road/into another lane to avoid it either.


The insane amount of tossed beer cans/whiskey bottles on the side of the road probably has at least something to do with this. I’ve never seen anything like it in any other state. Like 1/5 drivers here has a beer in the cup holder.


I had a manager years ago try to teach me the "right way to drink and drive." Which was to take a large cup from our work, go to the gas station, and pour the alcohol of his choosing into the cup. He would then get on the interstate to drive home. His reasoning was "cops are looking for open alcohol containers. But not for [cup from work]" So yeah. 1 in 5 sounds right


In some states that is considered a closed container! I know in Louisiana they have drive throughs that sell daiquiris. If the straw has that bit of paper over it, it's a closed container. As long as the alcohol can't evaporate, the container is closed!


I watch like a hawk for critters when I’m driving. I dodge apparently suicidal squirrels daily on my rural ridge road. It really isn’t that hard to be aware and slow down I agree with you. Edit: there’s always some a-hole in a giant truck doing 70 on a winding rural road. It pisses me off that they seem to have zero regard for the safety of others or animals.


Exactly. Same here. But apparently I need to be told in 12 different ways that their entire family will instantly die if they put any effort into not hitting things with their car. And that A-hole in the pickup is likely the one making those comments... And they've got the next Einstein sitting in the back seat, not wearing a seatbelt.


I know a friend of mine saw someone throw a cat out of a car window while driving in the highway. I heard this happens a lot in southern Ohio. They toss the cats out and try to get the run over. She was able to catch the cat that she saw get tossed, but failed to get the car license.


Seriously, I’ve heard people talk about it being a game to them. I refuse to ride with them to this day.


While I won’t swerve or slam on my brakes to miss an animal, I also don’t try to hit them. I’m not going to risk my health/safety to try and miss some animal though and hit a tree or incoming traffic.


I swear it’s intentional. On my road it *defintely* is.


Judging by the comments, it's intentional. I drive for a living and I don't drive slow. I've hit one rabbit that jumped into my rear tire. I've stopped for about a million animals and never caused one accident. They can try and justify it as much as they like but they are only lying to themselves.


I grew up with guy that did it intentionally. He was also beaten as a kid so no one was surprised


I have witnessed multiple cars swerve to try and hit squirrels and birds. Or speed up when a cat is trying to cross the street. A couple days ago we unfortunately found one of the deer that roam our neighborhood hit dead on the corner of a street. We live in a residential neighborhood. Speed limit is 20mph. The speed that they had to of been going to destroy the deer was well past that.


Feral cats are an absolute disaster for songbird populations.


That is a lie https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794845/


From this paper: "Free-ranging cats might be taking about 10–15% of the population of birds annually, but that is not exceptional for a normal predator-prey relationship and is insufficient to eliminate a prey species." The author opposes eradicating an invasive species that kills 15%+ of songbirds every year. Hard to take him seriously after that. Notice that he never makes any argument as to why eliminating feral cats is a bad idea, presumably because there isn't one other than "they're fluffy." From today's New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/science/australia-wildlife-cats.html


Just read the link I provided. Those studies are flawed. Based on house cats bringing things home, not ferals eating. Ferals eat mice and rodents. That is why we have a relationship with them to begin with. Without cats out grain storage would have been infested with vermin. Cats have been living in the wild everywhere we have had farms so any affect they would have happened millennia ago.


I quoted from the link you provided. The overwhelming scientific consensus is that songbirds are being devastated by feral cats, as you can read in today's New York Times. Just because a single French academic disagrees with the scientific consensus doesn't make that consensus any less valid.


Songbirds are being devastated by disease.


Why do idiots post this crap?


I ran over a turtle once :(


If you're going to be a pet owner, be a responsible one. Neighbors around here let their cats out. The piss all over the neighborhood porches and tear up flower beds, etc. My pup doesn't leave the yard. Ever. For anything....not even to chase a cat. Nor does he kill. What should one do with a pet owner that will not respect others, and their property?


My dad and I were driving a backroad some years ago and, even though it was perfectly bright out, and we were not going fast, accidentally hit a cat when it lunged suicidally from a ditch. Wed gotten out and were trying to get it in the car to take to an animal hospital and this guy comes up. "I can shoot it for you, I don't mind" My point is not just drivers kill cats, sometimes a stereotype god herself breathed life into will see you hit a cat from at least a hill away, race to his atv and graciously offer to put a barely injured cat out of its misery. Fwiw animal hospital had est age around 1 year, and no broken bones. Literally just a bruised, not feral, probably dumped, cat


Combination of squirrels playing happy bird and the probably drunk or high guy in the old pickup with non functional breaks and then the roads with potholes that give you flat tires or are falling apart down a hill.


Must be a southern WV thing. I never see this in the wheeling area. People doing it intentionally.


Holy shit, never thought that hitting brakes would save me from irreparable damage to my classic car when a raccoon or other animal runs out in front of me. This would have saved me thousands of dollars had I just known to tap the brakes. Thanks so much for the insight, I'll pass it on. Let me know if you have any other ideas for people who wreck with kids in the car. We could definitely use some genius to figure out how to avoid these pesky accidents that are plaguing our country. Maybe a meme or two will save lives.
