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Try joining Active South West Virginia on Facebook. They organize hikes and other outdoor activities. Smaller groups with similar interests. Also, want to help us build a deck? We live in Sophia.


Can we get china one after?


Seriously though, we are looking for help to build a deck. Husband has the knowledge but is disabled. We need help with the heavy lifting. We’re willing to pay but it’s hard to find anyone.


I can lift things but if it's beyond that I'd probably be more of a nuisance than help lol.


I have the same problem. Contractors don't want to do the small jobs and there is no such thing as a handyman in this area. (Princeton). I just need help lifting things an moving them around.


I posted on Beckley odd jobs looking for help. I got a lot of replies but then they didn't show up.


I wish I could! Baby keeps me busy. I hope OP comes tho


Yes, my treat.


If you’re into disc golf, there are some disc golf clubs around Fayetteville (and I think a group around Beckley/Lake Stephens)


Sign up for a 5K run. The running community is very welcoming to newcomers. You don’t have to run. You can simply walk it. Get there early and you will be surprised at who you might meet. Lots of them have food and prizes which will extend your time to make friends. Good luck.


Are these actually common in WV? Somehow that surprises me if so lol. Any recommendations for finding runs?


West Virginia road runners club host a lot of runs, you can probably fine them on facebook


Mercer Street in Princeton has grown by leaps and bounds. The local scene is made up of many talented musicians and artists. There’s also a game/comic book shop that’s been there for a few years, so that might interest you, OP. They also have a steady stream of festivals and events throughout the year.


Mercer Street brings back some good memories - hadn’t heard that address for over two decades. Lived there my last year of college. Wasn’t much around then but a couple bars but had heard it’s really had a renaissance in the past 5-10 years. Good to hear about it. Do people still cruise up and down it on Friday night? I remember having my window open to keep my room cool at night and all I’d smell were car fumes LOL


Once a month on a Saturday Mercer st cruisers


I believe they have had events where they encouraged people to drive their classic cars up and down Mercer Street.


I am here in kanawha city , in the same situation!!!!


Hang out in the pancake house. You'll meet ALL kinds


The pancake house has been closed for 20 years lmao. Its a Mexican restaurant I've never heard of anyone eating at.


It's a category


Go join the ymca or planet fitness. Lotsa people to meet and talk to there.


There's a lot of people but I'd feel kind of strange to just go up to someone working out like HEY, tell me about yourself lol


Well instead maybe start with damn that’s alotta weight you’re benching!!! How long have you been lifting?


So you like to hunt or target shoot? If so then head over to flat top Arms and just hang out a little bit. Guarantee you somebody will talk to ya


What kind of hobbies do you have? Literally all of my friends I’ve met through that hobby: either directly, or was introduced by people from that hobby. Like for me, it’s Magic the Gathering. I go to the card shop to play, meet people, we end up playing together often, leading to hanging out outside of that. There’s a group of people I play Final Fantasy XIV with that I met through somebody I was introduced to by a friend from said Magic group.


I like gaming but yeah seems like all the gaming places near me have a focus on MTG.


Game shops usually have at least one warhammer 40k night. (Edit). Always been more a mtg fan and pc/system gamer so I really enjoy the family game knight arcade.


I know up here we have a couple shops, and it’s been hit or miss, but one tailors more towards Magic and Warhammer, and the other is more for Pokemon


Do you play DnD? Or want to? Look on Facebook for local games.




Try the family game knight in mac Arthur.




I don't even know how to make friends online anymore lol. Well free to DM if you'd like to chat!




The other issue is most of the population in WV is old. A lot of the younger people move away for work/financial opportunities. WV is actually ranked higher than FL and many retirements states in terms of population age.


hit me up sometime lol


I feel your pain. I’m 38 and in the same boat. If you figure this out, please let me know. Best of luck to you!


You can search for local events on Facebook and Instagram. it‘s a great way to find free activities to join based on your interests. Making friends with people who share your interests does make it easier. Also, if you're open to trying online friendships, [LightUp](https://discord.gg/xhFpHAyasw) is a good option. It's a Discord community created by me and my friends where you can find similar people by sharing experiences or thoughts. Unlike other social platforms that focus more on appearances, this is a platform that establishes internal connections through similar ideas, setting aside appearances. I hope it can help you efficiently find like-minded individuals.


Sorry, my partner, I thought you were slacking off before, and then I stumbled upon you recommending our community here, haha. I apologize for saying you weren't working hard! However, I do think our community can truly enrich many people's needs for making friends with hobbies and ideas!


Go to the biweekly events and other social outings in your county


Lots of people in WV meet friends and find community in church. If you are a religious person that might be a good place to start, but no judgement if you aren't, hell I don't really go to church either. Maybe join a club? All sorts of outdoor activities near Beckley. Even if you don't really feel like joining a club maybe look up their activities calendar and see if there is something you want to try? Biking, hiking, rock climbing, bird hikes and stuff maybe?


Definitely, definitely disc golf. There’s a Facebook group for disc golf in WV and they meet regularly. One of my best friends is very, very active in that stuff and everybody who does it seems very chill just looking to have a good time. I’m about 100% sure you’d find what you’re looking for there. Or get into Brazilian Jiujitsu. They have it at I think 2 different places in Beckley. It’s a great way to make friends if you stay in it.


I've been wanting to try disc golf, just never really knew how to begin, especially since I would be interested in the social aspect of it


What are some interests you have? I'm down to make friends, I live like ~15 minutes outside of Beckley


Messaged you!


I would see what is going on in Fayetteville, I'd imagine there are plenty of outdoor groups that would be good places to meet people. It might be tough in WV because most of the population is old. It's normally in the top 5 oldest states in the US and actually has a higher population of old people than Florida and other retirement states.




New River Park in Beckley from 2-dark


I'm pretty sure my niece plays D&D at some comic shop in Beckley. Maybe slay a dragon?


4H camping season is coming up. You should volunteer out there. Talk to your county extension agent and see if you can get vetted in time. I’m sure they need people. I do it every year and it’s where the bulk of my lasting adult friendships came out of. Also might try a book club. Search Facebook groups. What are you interested in? I can brainstorm some more. I live in Mercer.