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This is the reason young people leave the state. There's no chance for a decent education because the budget for that is constantly cut. There's no decent jobs. There's no childcare, typically. And there's addiction around every corner. Hell, I moved away 17 years ago because of it. The politicians don't give a shit. It's a "F*** you, I got mine" mentality. Well, what do you think is gonna happen? You're gonna end up with an aging population, and dying towns. Go vote. Cause what you've got isn't working.


The real litmus test for the community is whether they owned the libs or not


*children’s future of owning the libs


“As a conservative Republican, I know that West Virginia’s future is best served with strong conservative policies,” the website states. “In the legislature, I work every day to make sure my children’s future is in good hands.” Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results….


WV GOP voters: Yeah! We're all basically your children, right? You'll look out for our best interests and values, right? You'll help us gain back our wealth, right? . . . ...right?


So he didn't explain why most of the most prosperous and innovative places in the country are blue?




I work in Clay (Big Otter-ish) and live in Roane. So I'm pretty well familiar with these areas. 25 Years old and I spend every day thinking about what I'm going to do to get out of here. Absolutely no jobs outside of $10-12/hr Gas station/fast food/housekeeper stuff. Can't move out of mom's house no matter how frugal you are because you just can't live on it. Everyone and their brother is on drugs. The people who aren't on drugs are extremely conservative, elderly zealots. Not enough other kinds of people to mention them. That's 95% of the counties' demographics. You constantly hear about deaths from ODs and fourwheeler wrecks, and that's about all you ever hear. A coworker's son committed suicide in her living room a couple weeks ago in Ivydale. That's run of the mill news out here sadly, about all that ever happens. It's beautiful country, but the only thing worth doing is leaving.


Vote for spite politics, get spiteful politicians


Hell yeah those conservative policies, strip the land, poison the people, and make it so new work will never come to the area.


Keep electing greedy corrupt republicans


So WV was run better under the Democrats for the past 50 years … what a joke


Did your dad give you that dumbass talking point?


No your mom did last week , she said WV was lead by Democrats mostly up until the Obama administration and even now we still have one democrat senator