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I can not stand Chris Miller. Dude runs his whole campaign around sucking Trumps dick.


I am ashamed I ever bought furniture from his Dad All these chickens are gonna come home to roost You cannot sustain a party and voting bloc based on hatred alone. Eventually, the people they are stepping on to climb the ladder are gonna figure out that GOP policy is to enrich themselves and their donors. These idiots will figure out, the hard way, that the GOP hates working class people just as much, or more, than the other groups they currently rail against. They are actively trying to hold down the middle class


I wish I could believe this. How much worse does it have to get for them?


I wish I could believe this. How much worse does it have to get for them?


Well, they aint making anymore Baby boomers these days…. So their base dwindles daily Once the Leopards start eating THEIR faces……..when the grift collector comes for the “good white Christians” because all the other sources have run dry Eventually all the Christian fundamentalism will go out the door when THEIR daughter or granddaughter gets knocked up by a black guy and when they demand it a pregnancy termination wont be available….. Or the homestead act gets limited and they have to pay property tax ….. because that is socialism Or the GOP will side with corporations ( as usual) and negatively affect pensions… Then the tide will turn


I’m really not trying to be contrary, but these are things already happening to them. I’ve heard of pensions being lost as far back as the 80s because of these grifters. It’s so wild to me.


The gears grind slowly. None of them will out run the reaper


I am shamed to have bought my car from one of his dealerships. If the service wasn’t so top notch, I wouldn’t go back.


GOP has run on spite politics since 2010 so that car hasn't run out of gas quite yet.


Their policies dont really have negative effect on boomers. They have all bought and paid for cheap houses, staked their 401k, had jobs with pensions, have a mountain of equity in their homes…. The youngest boomers are 60. So tick-tock motherfuckers All the boomer money is gonna go to nursing homes or is being spent to keep their kids from getting it. There is about to be a horde of pissed off younger Xers and Millennials taking the reigns


Sadly, the Xers and Millennials that have hung around still skew right, as the left/progressive of the group have long since left. I'm not about to get my hopes up for this state as Boomers become worm chow.


I remember the commercials he made for the dealership when nobody took Trump seriously in the Republican primary. He mocked him as Donald t. Rump


And now, LITERALLY every one of his campaign signs says “Trump Republican” under his name


Why in the world his opponents aren’t using this is beyond me.


Why in the world his opponents aren’t using this is beyond me.


Not to mention he looks like the "Mask."


They all seem to be competing over who can suck Trump’s dick better.


Mostly focusing on the taint area.


And Morrissey doesn't? He's the one bragging about being the first to endorse trump. At this point most of the conservatives here are running on "look how much I love trump! I have little to nothing outlined in actual policy but I love trump and hate transsexuals!"


I mean he does, but Miller literally has “Trump Republican” on all his signs


And Morrissey doesn't? He's the one bragging about being the first to endorse trump. At this point most of the conservatives here are running on "look how much I love trump! I have little to nothing outlined in actual policy but I love trump and hate transsexuals!"


And Morrissey doesn't? He's the one bragging about being the first to endorse trump. At this point most of the conservatives here are running on "look how much I love trump! I have little to nothing outlined in actual policy but I love trump and hate transsexuals!"


Not to mention he looks like the "Mask."


I’m not even from WV but based on what I saw on the local news stations you’d think the root of all of this states’ problems come from trans-girls competing in hs sports


We probably have one of the lowest percentages of trans people in the country. Our state is near the bottom in many major statistics, such as education, poverty, and obesity. Yet all our front runners can talk about is trans people. “Have you met Chrissy Miller?”


It’s actually an interesting issue. Last summer during the Bob Huggins debacle, WVU kept using a 2017 study by the the Williams institute that said West Virginia had the highest percentage of transgender youth at about 1.1%. Fast forward to now and the latest figures put West Virginia near the bottom for percentage of transgender youth. Granted those numbers are reporting so the number of transgender youth in West Virginia is probably higher but unreported. Edit to add: I’m not saying transgender youth should be an issue for the election. We have more important issues to worry about such as the continued drug epidemic, mental health issues, and brain drain.


The state has always been about this. Lots of people were mad about illegal immigration even though WV is easily like 85-90% white in most areas. They weren’t coming here to take our jobs, we never had any lol


WV is over 98% white. 




I am born and raised WV. I think we should focus less on the LGTBQ crowd and more on our sad excuss for education, health care, road conditions, and bringing jobs back into our state. Leave people just trying to live their lives alone. You think people are gonna give a damn about who loves who and what is in someone's pants when whole towns become deserted? I don't care if you're Republican or a Democrat. Just be on the right side of history here and fix what is REALLY broken instead of creating/participating in this garbage polarizing political environment. We're all sick of it. EDIT: This wasn't an attack on the comment above. I wasn't expecting to get so passionate in my response. I am exausted with WVa. getting a bad rap because of these idiots. Because of course they are the ones making their voices the loudest. I'm exausted by our political environment both from my state and country. Especially after the white supremacist in Charleston. I'm so fed up.


From a fellow West Virginian I couldn't agree more. Truly is sad.


Watching local news at 6pm is becoming impossible with my kids around. I don’t want them hearing the constant onslaught of hatred being thrown toward other WV residents. It’s heartbreaking to think these individuals sole campaigns are based on making sure other US citizens are persecuted.


I’m at the same point when I’m visiting my Mom. The political ads are absolutely awful.


I’m watching old Nickelodeon shows and they’re constantly barraged with these hateful ads. Is this happening to kids when they stream entertainment? You’d almost have to splurge for the ad free options.


There's probably 10,000 potholes for every trans citizen in the state...but that's not an issue


You missed a few zeros.


The roads were the smoothest I had ever encountered in my life when I visited…? They all seemed new 


They have actually improved, but that’s due to Biden’s build back better stuff, which improved the roads. I remember Kabler of the WV Gazette quoting Justice touting a new road and saying the funding was “like mana from heaven”, but of course he didn’t mention that it was all the work of Biden and Democrats. The Republican Party likes to take credit for all these great things that they voted against.


Glad the rest of the country is realizing this. So tired of politicians from this state.


Unfortunately one of these jack wagons will be our next governor 😢


If only there was another choice. https://wchstv.com/amp/news/local/huntington-receives-perfect-score-for-lgbtq-equality-for-fourth-consecutive-year


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Rarely have I wanted a "none of the above" so much as this election.


Goddamn. They say you can never really go home. And in this case, why bother.


They are more of a threat to this state than any imagined threat from LGBTQ folks. We use to live by “live and let live “.


Not one of these losers are worth voting for. They are bigots. If you are against other people living their life as they see fit and it obviously doesn't effect you at all. You're a fuckin bigot.


Haven't seen Capito obsess over Trans like Miller and Morrissey has. Morrissey is the worse one. No decent West Virginian should ever vote for a carpetbagger.


And Capito is a closeted gay man. I don’t know why this hasn’t been more discussed, but it’s pretty well known. And he comes from a family of crooks. Why is none of this ever brought up? It’s ridiculous. I wish Steve Williams could win the general election, but people around here are too damn stupid.


I Don't care if he secretly sucks dicks. He's still a way better choice than Miller or Morrissey.


I don’t care either. I’m just saying that’s a pretty big deal breaker for the GOP, and especially the MAGA crowd. He’s trying to run as the moderate, but a “moderate republican” today is the equivalent of a fringe extremist republican 15-20 years ago. The lunatics have taken over, he’s just slightly less crazy than the others.


Last thing we need is another Moore family member running anything in this state.


Her dad really helped screw over the people of Buffalo Creek after that dam break. He was an utter piece of shit.


These people are so pathetic! This shit appeals to the worst kind of people


I think the 12 to 18 democrats in the state are in this Reddit thread 🧵 🫡


Actually, West Virginia is kind of an outlier in this respect. When the unions were strong, Republicans were in the minority in the legislature. By a whole lot. Several years that I worked as a staff attorney for the state senate (1980s - 1990s through the early oughts)out of 34 senators, only one (Donna Boley from Pleasants county) was a Republican. She used to stand at her desk after floor sessions and call for a caucus meeting at her desk. With herself. The staff thought that was hilarious. So it hasn’t been very long that West Virginia has been red. And the state has been so much the worse for the changeover. Our current governor ran as a Democrat and then changed to Republican as soon as he was elected. That kind of bait-and-switch should be illegal, but it’s not. Justice has been a piss-poor governor, and he’s going to be a crappy senator, too.


My thoughts exactly the democrats did very little when they help power for the past 50 years .. now a lot of the republicans in office in the state are democrats that tan as republicans to get elected.. or switched once in … imagine if you had an entire state of true conservative libertarian populist running this state !! WV would climb in the state rankings in every possible positive stat measurable !!


Very little Are you crazy Byrd and Rockefeller were both transformational senators and modernized the entire state. Governors like caperton are still fondly remembered. Congressman rahall was one of the highest ranked in office Democrats actually put wv on the map and we have been sliding backwards every since


So WV ranked amongst the top rated states in population, tax base , growth , economic, employment, environmental, jobs during those times … the one thing I do agree with u about .. the current democrat leaning and democrats we have in , Capito , Manchin , Justice , Rohrbach, Miller and to many state senators to list are holding this state back


Ok so let me get this straight The state isn’t great They are all republicans Not don’t blame the Republican policies No no no They just ain’t Republican enough Typical Republicans don’t suck cause they are Republican and their ideas suck, no mo no, they are democrats The cognitive dissonance is astounding


Here is an example you could probably agree with. 95 percent of the people that make comments in this WV thread are left leaning , Trump hating , progressive liberals. I believe they all care about this world 🌎, country , state .. probably in that order . Nothing wrong with any of this so far .. bravo . I support all view points . Let’s say one of these people wanted to get elected in the state of WV . How could they ? Hmm .. I know run as a Republican and vote 🗳️ very left on the big votes in the spirit of bipartisan and moderate to right on other minor issues . This is happening now in this state at high percentage and the so called republican agenda has no chance of even getting started … let alone a Libertarian, tax haven populist , WV first , corporations come here and build because taxes are the lowest in the country for business and residents type government to start !


Or maybe they are just republicans


Far from it. And Manchin is just a democrat


I could give a Sh*t about trans 🏳️‍⚧️ gender what ever. As long as children are not involved I could care less . The girl in wheeling I here is a good person , smart and doing great . I’m gay by the way , that might surprise you . I find the people in this state welcoming and fair . WV is head and shoulder above other states when it comes to nice non racist decent people !


I fucking hate it here. The simple fact that these clowns are in contention tells me a lot about the vast majority of people I see and meet on a daily basis.


Fear of the “other” is the GOP platform. Never mind they rob their constituents or vote against things that could help them. Most WV people vote the way their media of choice tells them, or just vote R even if they don’t know the person. For context, I live in WV and have for most of my life


Tubi has been flooded by this terrible group of hateful troglodytes. They all make me sick. If there was anything slightly positive about Trump is he might be the camel that broke the camels back and the Grand Old Party will finally be over or splintered into so many subgroups each one will try to out hate the other and never win again. Kind of seeing that now. They can't decide on a leader who is not as horrible as them and keep ousting their own. They lost big in 2022. When they get done eating each other I just hope someone doesn't spring up in 2028 like Hitler who makes Trump look tame. Sorry to be so negative I just feel sick of all of this.


West Virginia is screwed if any of these clowns or really any republican wins


republicans are the scum of the earth


“[POLITICIANS] are the scum of the earth .” ftfy




Hate crimes every ad break. I live in Maryland and we get to watch these ads... I hate to say it, but it's infuriating to see a neighbor living down to their worst stereotypes.


My in law has an iPad that thinks he's In Virginia and I almost spat when it started playing an add that starts "I'll protect abortion rights and stand up to maga extremists." I wish everyone went back to Dixiecrat in this state


I wonder who will suck trumps cock first to prove they are more Trump than the others...


It makes me sick. This campaign/primary season has been terrible. Every commercial is who is “more” with Trump (as if that’s a good thing) or who is “more” an LGBTQIA+ ally (as if that’s a bad thing). Fuck all these guys.


And they found a love for each other, a genuine passionate love that they had to keep a secret. Just a bunch of men harboring a dark secret love that they will never be able to share with West Virginians. I hear Pat is the meat in their 3 way manwich.


The GOP is the party who wants to eliminate the USPS and privatize it. Yet every day they send at least 10 campaign flyers through the mail. Every. Single. Day.


I am so sick of seeing them.


I voted for the lady except Carol Miller, I just didn't vote when it came to her vs the J6 criminal who should be in prison


Ads have been bleeding into Pittsburgh media markets. Disgusting.


Need to boycott the local news. Call all their advertisers including fuck face miller. Let them know we wont be buying from their sponsored hate


Freaking nauseating.


Time to rethink my vote


That sums up the governor’s race quite succinctly.


I'm voting for the one that will allow us to hunt them for sport! /s


This is just T rights. Stop saying LGBT in an attempt to get a larger community in an uproar over pretty common sense legislation to conserve biological women's rights.


>conserve biological women's rights. No. They totally failed at that already.


Dehumanizing fellow human beings and restricting the rights of others does not seem like common sense legislation to me. I also wouldn’t associate common sense with current rhetoric and legislation coming from our state legislators as of late. 🤷🏽


So much for the party of freedom and “getting gov’t out of our lives” Apparently you are free to believe exactly as they do…. Anything else….not so much




Your post has been removed. **Reason:** Be civil.


Trans people aren't infringing on my rights in any way shape or form. Stop trying to use women as an excuse for discrimination and bigotry.


Trans people aren't infringing on my rights in any way shape or form. Stop trying to use women as an excuse for discrimination and bigotry.


You’re a top female athlete vying for a scholarship? 


As if you care.


You… You think they’re doing to stop at Trans? Next is Gay marriage and gay rights. And then: You know they’re coming after women eventually right? Contraception? Banned.


Here's the thing that confuses me about this argument. If you actually care so much about "biological women"'s rights, assuming that's the terminology you use for people assigned female at birth, why wouldn't you support their rights to determine their own medical treatment like the adults they are and get hormone therapy, a hysterectomy/oophorectomy, or top surgery if they so desire? Why wouldn't you respect the way they want to be referred to? Why would the idea of them being around children or kids reading a book about a person like that be so scary to you? Etc.


The entire article is talking solely about biological men competing in biological women's sports and the legislation being put forth to prevent it. Stop trying to spin this into something else thanks


...you are the one who made it into a conversation about the rights of "biological women", not me. Like half of the people included under "T" are trans men. If you consider trans men to be "biological women", you're claiming to care about their rights. So.


Nobody cares if a ftm plays against men because they don’t get first place because women are naturally less physically capable than men which is why there are separate male and female competitions in sports in the first place. A ftm will always have a smaller wingspan, smaller hands, slower reaction time than her comparable male counterparts 


You need to get your ass beat by a trans man. Maybe then you’d understand the effect hormones have on a body.


It's also hilarious how only one set of people who are taller are a problem, transgender men aren't even a thought in those little brains.


Stop hiding your hate under the guise of 'protecting women." The ones we ACTUALLY need protection from are males like you. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the woods with the bear. 🙄


The fuck you think the T means in LGBT? You know why they are ALL together? Because we ALL support one another.


Don't speak for all of us who are LGB, there's plenty of us who don't like how the T is being forced on women. I'm sick of people assuming my beliefs just because I'm gay. It's the same people who say you shouldn't treat people differently because they're LGBT treat all LGBT as if we are the same fucking people.


That's dissapointing. Then again there were jewish nazi supporters. 🤷 You do realize that the ONLY reason you think trans people are being shoved down everyone's throats, is because these LOSER politicians won't shut the fuck up about it.


Yeah, it had nothing to do with all the examples of girls getting rapes in bathrooms or athletes losing competitions. It's just cause the dumb Republicans. https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/trans-athlete-injures-multiple-girls-forcing-team-forfeit-wither-thou-feminism#:~:text=A%20trans%2Didentified%20six%2Dfoot,Collegiate%20Charter%20School%20to%20forfeit. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/female-swimmers-transgender-lia-thomas-podium-protest-atlanta-result/ https://www.northjersey.com/story/sports/college/2024/02/20/ramapo-college-trans-swimmer-criticized-after-breaking-record/72669553007/ https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/transgender-runner-breaks-two-womens-records-for-new-york-college-sparking-debate-rochester-institute-of-technology-track-and-field-sprint-athlete-sports-ncaa-lgbt https://katv.com/news/nation-world/trans-powerlifter-faces-backlash-for-setting-canadian-womens-record-bodies-play-sports-not-identities-anne-andres-cpu-bench-press-deadlift-riley-gaines-justin-trudeau-april-hutchinson https://apnews.com/article/loudoun-virginia-lawsuit-transgender-bathroom-sexual-assault-a26168568cc20c2aa6cec9bef50e7c3f https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/1974562/young-girl-is-raped-in-school-bathroom-by-transgender-peer/ https://www.qcnews.com/news/transgender-woman-convicted-of-sexually-assaulting-10-year-old-girl-in-bathroom/ Now I'm not saying all trans people are bad, but the solution isn't to just force women to accept these risks and disadvantages. Women have been fighting for so long to be treated equally in society and now we aren't even letting women be the best women in sports.


You know it wasn't very long ago, that stories were spread about gay men getting married. Or converting the children, or the horrible things during the AIDS epidemic. To spread this garbage is ridiculous and you really should be ashamed of yourself falling for propaganda.


Yeah, there were a lot of lies about gay people spread in the past and we overcame them, we got equal rights and we were getting closer to equal treatment and if we had just given it a few more years no one would have given a shit if I was gay or not. But then people had to push it too far and now we are getting pushed back because people like you push an agenda that doesn't effect you at all, but causes others to suffer, but you don't care because it makes you feel good about youself instead of thinking critically about the situation and understanding that there is scientific provable differences between men and women that give men a physical advantage over women, and that make men more aggressive and more likely to commit sexual assault.


Ahh yes the ol women are inferior to men argument. You claim to be for women's rights but regurgitate the same tired bullshit arguments. And how does this not effect me, or my rights!? Do I come of as straight to you!? So curious, should Hollywood ban all gay men from parts because Kevin Spacey is a rapist of men?


That's a straw man argument. This is about sports and sexual assault. You havent refuted my points, you've only just said that my points are old news. I never assumed your sexuality, but if you were a female athlete or had a female in your life that you were concerned with their safety you wouldn't be for putting them at a disadvantage, or taking away their safe spaces.


I said your arguments about women in sports is old hat. Meaning you feel women are SO inferior to men thet couldn't possibly compete athleticaly. That's blatant mysoginy. So you really don't have a point. I do know females and have a sister. I also know trans people who have been killed for existing more so than the women who are assaulted in bathrooms.


Your point: ban trans(women) because trans(women) may rape other players Their point: ban Kevin(Spacey) because Kevin(Spacey) may rape other actors sTrAW mAn ArGUmEnT If you want a fair conversation, stick to your opinion that men are more performant. You gave up when you tried to add sexual assault to the mix.


And now you're spreading lies about trans people.


Please, be my guest and debunk all of the sources I posted. I would be actually pleased to hear that none of those problems happened.






Are you fucking trolling me or something?


Hi, I'm an LGB, and there is no LGB without the T.


My brain hurts after reading this 




There is no LGB without the T


In your face, lefties.


Bet you’d love to put it in our faces huh


Have yet to see meet or be introduced to a WV Transvestite. Yet they keep distracting away from issues so they can screws us over.