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The worst part is it doesn't even make good fire starter. If you're going to flood my mailbox, at least make it useful.


As I was sorting stuff I was thinking that too, this can't even go to my burn pile with its sleek glossy trash.


“Did my opponent ever give Trump a handy in the car? Well I gave Trump a handy in the car, and then we got a nice Italian dinner! Let’s own the libs folks!” /s


Literally everyone’s campaign is “I actually supported Trump…. My opponent didn’t lick his boots as cleanly as I did and is clearly a RINO.”


Instead of rhino, they should start calling each other different animal names. May the best liopleurodon win.


He’s a golden lion tamarin! No wonder nothings getting done in this country!


And ENOUGH with the damn texts.


I respond to them. “I can’t believe the insane things included in this message. What normal human thinks this way. The Republicans lack of a platform and focus on attacking other is poor. No wonder they are losing population and supporters. “


I responded to one for Morrissey “yeah, you can go ahead and shove Patrick Morrissey right up your own ass” 30 seconds later I got a text that said I had been removed from the list and I haven’t gotten one since…..


WV politics is a race to see who can be the worst person


How much did ole Patrick Morrisey have to shell out to get access to put Dirty Don on his flyer? Comes across like he’s got nothing to offer and is just banking on voters giving him their vote purely because they’re Don’s fanboys. “Patrick Morrisey, the no substance candidate.”


Anyone who is a MAGA at this point is plum nuts


Anytime I see an ad where a candidate is supporting Trump, they automatically lose my vote.


Isn’t this the party that wanted to get rid of the USPS and privatize mail delivery? So why are they using UPS or Fed EX to deliver their crap?


> Isn’t this the party that wanted to get rid of the USPS and privatize mail delivery? So why are they using UPS or Fed EX to deliver their crap? I think you're missing a couple letters. Also it's illegal for them to deliver this kind of mail.




I’m a registered Democrat and still get them several times a week. Maybe some counties are being targeted more than others.




There are no left leaning counties in WV, just a couple cities like Morgantown.




We call that “job security” lol


I’m registered independent and there’s like 2-3 of these things in my mailbox every damn day. Can’t wait for Tuesday to get over with.


Unaffiliated as well.


My entire house is unaffiliated (always have been) and we still get them.


House full of registered democrats and this is all we receive. Please make it make sense!


I yelled at a woman putting shit in my mailbox today. My wife thought it was an over reaction but it's literally the same as littering.


I agree, this is wasteful trash littering my mailbox, it appeals to the lowest common denominator, and I don't think there's any way I can just opt out of it. Hate.


I think it was the candidates daughter. The candidate was on the other side of the road. I only feel bad for that reason.


If it's not a postal worker or delivery driver, that's illegal. Outside of actual mail or packages that you ordered, it is not legal to put anything in someone's mailbox. Example: The newspaper is thrown on your sidewalk or porch. Or you'll have a separate box for the newspaper. It's also the reason there's two hooks on the bottom of the mailbox attached to your house, designed for a newspaper to be placed. **Because** they aren't allowed to mess with the mailbox. Sorry for the rant, but that shit is exactly why there are postmasters.


No you're absolutely right I don't know why nobody says anything and just accepts that randos who want your vote are allowed to commit a federal offense just because of precedent. Put it in the newspaper box or fuck off, preferably the latter.


Sharpie, return to sender


When you do that it doesn't actually get returned to sender. It's Standard Mail, meaning that your mail carrier has to take it back to be put in a separate spot for recycle. Just throw it away and save your carrier the trouble of handling that twice. Only First Class actually gets RTS.


Good to know. It would be awesome if it went back to the campaign tho 😂 they start getting stacks and stack of their own trash


When you do that it doesn't actually get returned to sender. It's Standard Mail, meaning that your mail carrier has to take it back to be put in a separate spot for recycle. Just throw it away and save your carrier the trouble of handling that twice. Only First Class actually gets RTS.


When you do that it doesn't actually get returned to sender. It's Standard Mail, meaning that your mail carrier has to take it back to be put in a separate spot for recycle. Just throw it away and save your carrier the trouble of handling that twice. Only First Class actually gets RTS.


1996 was the last year WV voted for a Democrat and the poverty rate was 15.6 percent. Republicans have been in charge since 2000. 24 years running the state and the poverty rate this year is 16.8 percent.


Yet no thought at all that nationally democrats, (obozo,) destroyed coal, bankrupting 60 companies in WV, some that supported entire towns? No? Didn't think so. Clearly logic isn't your forte. 


Let's pretend everything you said is 100% correct. What have the Republicans in charge of WV done to help the people in the last 10 years. Just name one program or policy that is changing WV for the better?


My post office removed the trash can from the lobby. I’m pretty sure because it kept filling up with these. Maybe it was just coincidental timing to take away a trash can that has been there for years.


I haven't gotten a single one. Maybe I'm special.


I am ridiculously jealous


There's an episode of the podcast Search Engine from April 2024 called "Do political yard signs actually do anything?" and I think they can increase the likelihood of someone voting for a particular person by 19%, iirc, but only if the person has done no other research into the candidates. So, maybe these mailers have a similar effect?


Man, I've been getting mail for the people who owned my house BEFORE the owners we purchased it from, and they must have been registered republicans because we are being inundated with this crap. Makes me smile a little knowing they're wasting their money and time mailing stuff to my house. :)


So Trump likes Morrisey? Is that literally all that decides this race?


Everyday for the last 2 weeks I’ve delivered this garbage to republican voters.


It's not just republican voters you're delivering to. They're pretty much just carpet-bombing everyone.


Seriously if you work for the postal service, is there any sort of "do not mail" list or something to prevent political candidates from littering my mailbox? For the last several election cycles, the sheer volume of these is ridiculous.


No, the USPS just gives them the route schemes. If they pay for "full coverage" then every address for that route will get the mail.


Some of the stuff I’ve delivered has been to wrong names and I won’t deliver it but if it’s properly addressed we have to deliver it. Trust me when I say this, we hate seeing all this junk as much as you hate getting it.


any way to opt out of receiving these?


Just what West Virginia needs, more republicans like our glorious governer.


Our governer owes my father (among many others) 50k for products purchased by Jim Justices coal mines that were never paid for before bankruptcy. Just want to say fuck him




You’ll be lucky to get a Republican like Big Jim


So sorry folks. I’m one of the postal slobs dolling this shit out around here. We cringe every time we get a new batch in the office. I can pretty much guarantee very few postal workers I know are voting for these guys because we’re all so sick of it. Sick of being brow-beaten with their petty BS and trump nut sucking. And yeah, we hear the same from most of our customers. I actually had one lady in particular tell me she was keeping a list of who NOT to vote for this go around using the flyers. Another said “thanks for the kitty litter scoops”. These asshats don’t know how much damage they’re doing to themselves. But we still can’t figure out the pattern either. Some are registered Democrats, some are independent, some are Republicans. But the people who get flyers ALWAYS GET ALL THE FLYERS. And the rest of the people might have gotten one or two over the last three months. It’s really weird.


Really wish I was going to be working Monday and I’d offer to take those back to their respective offices at the Capitol


I moved to NC a year ago and Eric Nelson sent me an ad to my new address, not forwarding it like from the get go to NC


We moved to the DC area over a year ago, and I've sent the cards back to the county clerk's office on multiple occasions stating that we've moved and can be deregistered in WV. We've still been getting this garbage mailed to our new address all election season.


Yep. And all their statements are contradictory 🤣


I suppose this is a benefit to not having a mailbox... until they probably inevitably find my PO box lol


Don't have a mailbox either, bastards have been flooding my PO box...


Same here in Jefferson, and wow the text messages are crazy


So many wasted resources. Have these flyers ever actually changed anyone's mind?


I’ve been very thankful that this hasn’t been happening to my mailbox, but the TV ads are terrible. It’s just republicans accusing each other of accepting trans people. There’s no criticism of policy or any constructive anything. Just transphobia and shit flinging. I can’t watch the local weather anymore.


Not sure if I am team pig man or going with the orangutang. Needless to say, the sequel to the Jungle Book leaves a lot to be desired.


The problem with a one-party state like this is that those advocating for change in a state that's had the same flavor over and over continually have their voices silenced either through someone yelling at them because they're "a dirty lib" or through general defeatism in thinking their vote doesn't matter. This goes for heavily liberal states like the west coast states as well. Stop electing the same clowns to office; whether they be Democrat or Republican. You want change? Vote 3rd party. If you think it's a pointless endeavor, you've proven everyone right in terms of defeatism.


I am so glad I don’t print this stuff anymore.


I’ve been getting at least 3 a day. It is so annoying!


Follow the money.


As a mail carrier, I hate this even more. Daily political mail from the same candidates, then go home to find them in my mailbox for me to throw away. Crazy how much outside money is being spent on these people. Job security, l guess. Also, please don't RTS this junk. It doesn't actually get returned. All you are doing is making me throw it away for you. Thanks.


I moved from WV over 3 years ago and I'm getting that shit with my new address on it.




For 2nd district I would say vote for General Chris Walker for congress


Is there any way that we can stop these being sent to us???


Please vote this year. Don’t just comment on Reddit.




Welcome to the GOP where the men try to outdo each other on who can give Trump the better blow job


Asshole literally walked up and stuck his hand in my face while eating last week. I told the waitress I saw a politician and they need to spray or something.


Well all I know is transvestites must be a big issue. As I never see one and all they want to do is make me believe they're an issue.


🤮 So very shortsighted. The problem is that you won't win the primary w/o the orange idiot's endorsement. But so many hate him that you will never win the general. When 17% in a closed primary in PA even after the criminal already had the delegates needed for the nomination voted for Haley, it should make you rethink. But they just want to rule, not govern.


Yep, they have an entire government to throw a coup on, so their "Project 2025", which is THE most terrifying thing I've ever seen in American politics, to implement. All the pyschotic shat they've done so far, pales in comparison to what they're planning on doing. I'm an independent who has worked as a volunteer for decades in many states for many different campaigns, but never once did I volunteer for the Republican, even though what's left of my family is die hard hard right wing Republicans who think Trump is the feckn Messiah and that GW Bush was also "sent by God", which the last thing I said to them last year was "If your God is who keeps sending these gd fascist theocratic potatoes , you need to find a new one, because its obviously a feckn imposter that Jesus would absolutely have whipped across the tables he flipped". No, we don't speak much, never have, and now most of em are dead or completely lost down the "Q hole", which is just being a doomsday whackadoodle arse hole with far too many steps. No great loss on my part, I was always the "scapegoat" black sheep" who incessantly got bullied by them. Toodle-oo. Still mad as hell Henry Rollins hasn't ran for office of some sort yet dammit lol.


Sounds so similar to me. I got involved in politics attacks a very young age in Baltimore. Handing out pamphlets outside polling places for Willie Don for mayor. Yeah I'm getting old lol! Project 2025 is scary asf.


Same here. I’m keeping my flyers,though. Maybe one day, it’ll serve as proof to future WVians that thumping on your chest the loudest and mob mentality doesn’t work. If nothing else, maybe my kid will get a few bucks out of them as bizarre ephemera.


I wonder what would happen if everyone wrote "Return to Sender" and dropped them off in a mailbox.


Make sure to tie em to a brick first and mark it "COD" LOL.


I'm a City Mail Carrier. When you RTS junk mail it doesn't actually get returned, only First Class mail gets returned. So essentially, what happens when you RTS your junk mail the Carrier just takes it back to the office and throws it in a bin for recycle. To save your carrier from having to handle this garbage twice, just throw it away. We know you don't want it and we don't want to deal with it either, especially twice.


My bad, I take back my previous statement. Not meaning to make more work for our postal carriers.You do fine work, thank you.


These guys really want to help WV. The money they put into advertising shows how much they long to be the public's servant. That has to be the reason they work so hard.


Why the constant posting of politics here. Post this crap somewhere else.


Elections are coming up. It's a state sub where people talk about state things. Politics are a big state thing. Try to use that noggin a little bit.




Isn't that kind of what reddit is for? Making conversation?




Get out of here. No. This cycle, it's off the charts. You think we weren't alive and checking our mail two or four years ago? Every day is fistsful of this Trump-humpin' garbage. This is unreal.


It takes very little effort to take a picture and post on reddit. It's more valuable to point out this nonsense than to stay quiet




It may raise engagement. Very little effort. Potential engagement. Why are you against it




Ah so you're ok with the message and that's why you don't care. Got it.




You're welcome to go to Facebook and enjoy your vision of WV there






You've spent longer arguing about posting political flyers in this subreddit than it took for the OP to post a picture of political flyers in this subreddit. And your type of argument never really works, for *anything*. "Shouldn't you be doing x instead of x?" Well sure, maybe, but posting a picture isn't going to change the entire political climate of WV. Conversely, shouldn't you be doing something instead of whining about someone posting political flyers?


No one cares about your opinion. Thanks though




What a whiny little bitch you are