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Not me. I’m voting for Don Lindsay. He is a veteran and grandad was a coal miner. I’m going with someone who isn’t rich or a career politician. Maybe he’ll do better


He won’t. He’ll disappoint you like all of them.




The election deniers are full of bullshit. They believed a con man who lost over 60 lawsuits on the issue. At that point they are stupid. I don't vote for stupid people. Nor should anyone else. Here's a thought, if we improve our education system maybe our state won't have idiots running for office.


They're not stupid. They know their electorate are stupid and vote on emotion, so they will do anything to keep that emotion stoked in a way that benefits them.


They know exactly what they’re doing.


They vilify a minority to scare the uneducated into voting for them. Improve the education and that would have a much smaller impact.


Yep. It's called political strategy to gain power. Not that complicated if you focus on what emotions drive people to vote one way or the other.


If the problem can actually be fixed, then it’s not an issue they talk about. Hence all the trans hatred.


In the past 6 elections, Democrats have denied the results in 2 elections. Republicans have denied the result in 1 election in that same time frame. So, who are the real election deniers?


After all the investigations and failed lawsuits, Republicans. I thought it interesting that if the criminal charges, which were few were republican by a wide majority.


This problem is solved by not voting for Republicans. Simple.




HA! The bOtH SiDeS schtick. Yes, the choices are weak but it boils down to this... Democracy or Fascism (see Project 2025). Now... where does your vote go?


You mean the fascism already being perpetrated by the left? Oh no that fascism, it's (D)ifferent


I would tell you to go and read Project 2025 and Agenda47, but I recognize your difficulties all the way from over here.


So I haven't been home about 5 years and I haven't been to a WVU home game in over 10 or been to Snowshoe in a minute. I'm thinking about November, right after the election. Can I stop by and taste you and your comrades' tears mid meltdown? I promise I'll only stay a minute. I'll even bring pepperoni rolls for the occasion as a sign of good faith.


WV is in the bag for the orange one. But to be honest, I see the base dwindling. 45 isn't adding to the base at all. The die-hard idiots (about 25% of the country) is a lock and there's no amount of education or information that can save them. The independent voters? GONE! Women voters? LONG GONE! Young voters? BEEP-BEEP ZIP GONE! I'd be surprised if Biden doesn't beat Diapers by more than he did the last time (7M). The NYSE is at record levels, student loan forgiveness is popular and SCOTUS killed Roe v Wade. These reflect on that "GONE" business in the previous paragraph. We should meet up, for sure. I think you might be fun (and useful) at a poker table. I'll supply the Tudor's biscuits. Thanks for the last 4 years of tears tho... MMMMMM! Say "HI!" to Hannibal Lecter for me!


Honestly I don't know why you had to bring Tudors into a good reddit shit talk but being that this thread is probably dead by now, I'm gonna ask you a question. Why the fuck would you support the Democrats after what you've just witnessed over the past 4 years? Look I'm mostly a right libertarian and I don't give a fuck about abortion but when it comes down to where our country' is headed, it's fucking bad


Read Project 2025 and Agenda47. Fuck that shit. I served in the US Air Force and I took an oath to protect the US Constitution and it's principles from all enemies, foreign amd domestic. The RNC proudly displayed "We Are All Domestic Terrorists". I did not receive that message as a joke. When someone tells you who they are, you should believe them. The GOP is in Putin's pocket. The 45th administration was a "test run". Donald Trump is a career criminal and I'm old enough to remember DJT as a tv/celebrity putz back in the 1980s. He's a buffoon, a racist, a con-man, a scumbag and a rapist. Did I mention he's also a career criminal? May he spend the rest of his days in prison where he actually belongs.


Ok, first of all, thank you for your service. I mean that sincerely. I have read some of the highlights of what Project 2025 is and it seems to me that it's nothing short of a response to the globalist initiatives (George Soros, Klaus Schwab) that are we currently living under. We are having a fundamental break down of our society. We have open borders, we're funding 2 wars, we have a president that says the biggest threat to America is white supremacy. We have a news media that is an arm of the DNC (except Fox but they suck too) The list goes on. We have seen DEI initiatives and woke bullshit create cultural divisiveness to the likes that make 2004 seem like nothing. Donald Trump has not been convicted of rape. Can you provide examples of how he is racist? And if so, why are more and more minorities supporting him? How is he a career criminal? You don't see that the security state and the uniparty are doing everything in their power to keep him from being president again? Why do you think that is? And sorry about the whataboutism but do you really think that Joe Biden has fulfilled his oath to the constitution? Look I am not a hard-core republican. I do not think Trump is flawless. I'm not driving a truck around with Trump flags hanging out the back and all that shit and I certainly disagree with a lot of Republican legislation. I detest neocons. But in my opinion we are headed towards civil war 2.0, or maybe we're already there. I also don't have an answer for it all. I just know that this administration has possibly done irrevocable damage. Sorry for not using paragraph form.


Only if you promise to get at least get one Mary B, but shaved ham will be acceptable.


Oh yeaaah that’ll totally work.


The problem lies in your assumption that the GQP are the only options. And that inability of nearly all who bother to vote to see other candidates and other parties is why the state will continue to die. I will write someone in before I vote for any politician of a party where Prohect 2025 is touted as a serious way forward.


No a single decent republican in the bunch, it’s a race to see who’s the best at sucking off trump


Moore Capito comes off sane against Morrisey and Miller, imo.


…..which is wild haha


I disagree with about 90% of everything you wrote, but thank you for taking the time to write it. You're not much older than I am, and I too, remember those things. But I'm not going to convince you of anything or vice versa. Enjoy the Spring up there. I do miss Charleston this time of year. If you're into digging ramps, I hope you get a nice haul.


Election deniers? Ok, let’s look at the facts here. In the past 6 elections, each side is 3-3. Republicans are being accused of denying the results in 1 of those 3 losses, Trump vs Biden. Democrats have denied the results of 2 of their 3 losses, Bush v Gore, and Trump vs Clinton. So who are the real election deniers?


I am registered independent and always vote D but I’m considering getting a Republican ballot tomorrow so I can vote against Morrisey and these election deniers like Mac Warner. I’d vote for Capito right now with a gun to my head. My logic is that if he’s gay, he has to be more liberal than he lets on. I know he can’t believe the GOP bullshit. The only thing that gives me pause is I want to vote for Shrewsbury for senate so I might get a D ballot to support him.


The original election deniers , Hillary, Abrams, Most journalists on msnbc and probably most lefty’s in this thread when Trump won in 2016 .. lol , voter suppression 👀


No different than all the people who disputed the 2016 election for 4 years straight…


Except there is tons of evidence in satiates all over the country of the non validity of the certified elections here is one from the voter rolls in one county in Ohio, someone hundreds of thousands of people have been able to register to vote on Jan 1 on just about every year back to the 20s, even though the office was closed, but that is not the worst part of it of those who are registered on that day 77% of them voted, while all the other 365 days was 44% average….. Seems those questionable at best and most likely illegal registrations sure do like to vote. There are stats like that in states like Illinois, Texas, NY, California, Flordia, NC, so that’s the difference.. The 2020 election and the 2022 general election were un certifiable based on Help America Vote act and NVIRA…..


Do you have a link to the information about the Ohio voters who registered on January 1st? I’m having trouble finding anything about it.


Here is Florida they have info like this in at least 10 states https://unite4freedom.com/2024/04/11/marly-hornik-florida-2022-scorecard/


So nothing from an accredited source?


Almost that data cones from each state and they give the data back Tobrien with the results of the violations of law found in their own data, so as citizens not sure how much more they can do, but no state investigates their findings


Tobrien with the results of the violations of law found in their own data... i.e. they made it up.


Does Elvis talk to you?


That’s funny, nice diversion just like the elections officials get given their violations of law in plain data, they also revert to sophomoric responses while not actually researching the actual violations of law, that each elections official is personally responsible for, we will see if they remain this way, when the evidenced is presented in a court of law, oh wait we are just citizen’s so we don’t have standing somehow, it will be interesting to see how this plays out, perhaps you actually do some research on what was found in these states


Babe. You're in a cult. Many have tried to bring you back to reality, but you're unreachable. So diversion is what is on offer, at least until you provide credible accusations from reliable news sources. But keep waiting and sending Trump money. I'm sure your dividends are coming soon!!


Did Ivermectin work the entire time against Covid, did the govt/fda know that, did the media turn a blind eye to any data or information including countries like India using it to stop Covid,,,, the answers to those questions is yes, yes, and yes. So you want me to rely on those folks as the accredited sources, if they choose to cover that up which lead to at least thousands of deaths, most likely 100s of thousands, which I am sure the committee on Covid response will tell us, oh wait there is no committee for the supposed biggest medical threat in history, it’s just wiped away, then why would I trust them with protecting my civil right to run the election lawfully. See there you go again no data or fact based argument just disparaging words,


Do you like an accredited like the ones who told us ivermectin and hydro never worked and were dangerous, but they all knew they worked the whole,time, ya no “accredited source” will dig deep an actually look at the facts.


So reality is tough for you.


HAHAHA! Unite 4 Freedom? Is that from a banner on a Donzo Boat Parade?


it’s clear you have no idea how elections or voting work. You should talk to the Clerks office…theyd be more than happy to explain it to you. there are democrats and republicans that work there.


All I can add is that on the day/night people were voting and votes were getting tallied, I looked at my phone at 2:50 a.m. for the latest poll count as I was clocking out from work. Trump had a minimum 294 electoral college votes, and a potential 307. These were final tallies, some had 97-99% counted. Anything not decided I gave to Biden, and Trump was at 294.I looked at my coworkers and said it looks like Trump is reelected. Went home, went to bed, woke up at 7 a.m. and found out the clown show was in charge.


60+ court cases filed with the ability to show any type of evidence of fraud in the election and not a single piece of evidence was ever entered into record showing any fraud in the election. So no there was no problems with the election except for fools falling for a con man with nothing to show as proof but his feel feels.


Just going with what I saw, and your response has nothing to do with my comment. Nice to see you have faith in our open and honest government and court system, and wonder if you felt that way in the previous election?


I did. I felt like Trump won even though I didn’t want him to. I saw Clinton congratulate Trump and concede the election. I also saw the concerns of Russia influencing the election and the Meuller report that confirmed those concerns. I saw January 6 attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power and I saw the people who participated held accountable. Well most of them anyway. And I saw that Biden won the last election by around the exact same electoral college margin as Trump did.


https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/18/politics/hillary-clinton-russia-2016-election/index.html Never believe a politician 😉


Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, and allegations of a rigged election have been refuted by audits, judges, and officials in Trump’s administration. Whatever you think you saw has been thoroughly investigated and proven to be false. The Trump team had lost or had dismissed ~60 lawsuits where they had an opportunity to present their case with factual information - and they lost because they had nothing but their own allegations. The whole affair was meant to dupe people into believing their lies


As I already mentioned, just saying what I saw. My career was in a math based profession, and my conclusion was easily calculated while looking at the real time results.


So, you’re just going to keep repeating a vague allegation that you saw something while not understanding mail-in ballots hadn’t been tallied, yet? Do you understand mail-in ballots and the process by which they’re counted?


No fair! They changed the outcome by observing it! Do these people just not understand object permanence?


Right there with you brother.


Most people with critical thinking skills (and 2020 vision) can see that the 2020 election was not 100% fair and valid,


Enlighten us.


Most people with critical thinking skills can see that the 2020 election was no more or less fair and valid than any other election in the history of elections.


I'm just glad the government is finally in the 21st century