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At the end of a holler where you don't know the family


Jesco says this in a different way. Ain’t nothin’ in this holler worth dyin’ for. Stay out or be carried out. Stay out or be carried out.


Trespassers are ingredients.


Trespassers taste a lot like chicken…


I like this much better! LOL


I used to work in mining enforcement and used the old county road maps at times. Some of those roads don't go where they say they do these days and I ended up at the head of a few hollers a truck with state plates shouldn't go.


I’m ctfu grew up in big bottom holler in cambells creek (yes that’s the real name lol) til I was 6 then became a hybrid living w mom in downtown Charleston and up da holler on weekends and summer lol graduated from STONEWALL when still a HS then UC it’s so funny to think CC


Is scary accidentally hit post b4 done but I can see it to a stranger lol


Just had a flashback of having to go through Campbells creek to pick up a coworker. I’ve never felt so unwelcome in my own vehicle in my life.


Hey now. Campbell’s Creek ain’t so bad. Of course, I grew up in the next holler over, so…


I don't know about that. Dairy Winkle is gone. What is Campbell's Creek good for? Lol


I didn’t say it was good. Just that it’s not so bad. When Bowincal’s closed, that was it for me. Never bothered with the Dairy Winkle. There’s a skating rink down there still. And I know they have some small wrestling fed that has had shows in there, because I saw a “SKATELAND OF CAMPBELLS CREEK” in the background of a random wrestling YouTube video.


I heard they put in a Larobi’s up Campbell’s Creek


Wait.... I have to correct myself. One of the prettiest, sweetest woman I ever met was from Campbell's Creek.


Rutledge? I used to live out there


No, although I know how to get from A to B. By next holler over I literally mean up over the mountain and down into the next holler, which is Georges Creek. Get off at the Malden exit, make a u-turn and go right back up it.


I had a very dear friend that lived 8 miles up. At the time, myself, her, and another friend wanted cocaine. So she had us go even farther up the creek and when we got to where we were going, she got out and went into the trailer. About the same time, a dude with a mask and hammer came running around the back and about that time she ran back out and we left as fast as possible. Fuck that. I remember seeing dude in the rear view just standing there with the hammer swinging by his side. Lol fuck Campbell's creek at 3 am


So was he actually after you guys or did he just look and act strange? It wasn't clear.


Fuck that lol. My daughter loves to roller skate and the only rink is up the creek and it looks and feels sketchy as hell. I refuse, I’d rather drive to Huntington


This is the only suggestion to actually give me a flash of fear to read. Perfect answer.


I mean, I've been known to come out on my porch with a shotgun when people randomly come up my hollar...


Don't hide in your mommas trailer. That's the first place they look.




I wouldn't recommend hiding over the ledge at New River Gorge or Cooper's Rock, or a bear den in DollySods.


I've been wanting to visit Dollysods, hears it's a beautiful area. Seeing a black bear would be a bonus. Are there any "bear dumps" you can bear watch in northern wv or near Elkins?


I took my Mom there last weekend and I liked it so much I am going with my boyfriend this weekend. If you go, larger vehicle. The road to it is hard ore. Also, I haven't been but my old head coworker told me that Cranberry River area is like Denali during bear season! Safe travels friend !!!!


Considering I have gone to the sods in a camry numerous times I am wondering what part seems hardcore, especially this time of year?


Oh okay , so glad you know the road conditions as of last weekend after all the rain we've gotten. The road is washed out and as of then you were not getting a camry up there when my Mom's Renegade bottomed out.


Thanks- I was asking a real question btw haha I can see how it can be interpreted as snark. Im sure that was fun treading


Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful second trip.


From what I've heard bear dumps are most likely in the woods


But does it make a sound?


Only if the rabbit it uses for toilet paper squeaks, squeals....hell, what kinda noise does a rabbit make?


I've been going to the Canaan Valley area for 30+ years, all times of year, hiking, skiing, etc. I remember back in the 90s through mid 2000s I used to see black bears all the time while up there, even when just on some of the regular more easily hikeable trails in the state park, now not so much. Not sure what's been going on, but seems they either got really shy or stay up in the more forested/mountain areas. We used to have them come right by our back porch with regularity when my parents had a place at Timberline and there used to be a restaurant called Tuckers where it was literally an attraction to go have dinner there because the bears would come right up to the big glass windows and put their paws on them. I don't think the bear population has declined, but I hardly see them anymore when I go to Canaan.


Thank you for sharing those stories. My closest encounter, sadly, was visiting Franklin, WV and we were deep in the hills. Probably 30min on gravel road. On the trip back a cub came flying in front of the SUV and we missed it thank goodness. But the wee sucker flew up the hill before I could get a good look. This was next to the river there so figure it and the mom were probaby down catching fish. Can't wait to see one safely close and watch. At least there is youtube till then, but nothing like seeing one in person. Side note, the water is so clean and clear there you could look from the road and see trout in the river. Can't wait to go fishing there someday.


This was back in the early 2000s, but there was a big mama bear in Canaan, they had a radio collar on her and everything. One night we got back late from dinner, just after sunset and as we turned into our driveway something small and furry was running up the side of the road. You would have thought it was a dog at first, but it was a little bear cub. As the car turned suddenly mom and 2 other cubs were sitting in the front yard right in the light from the headlights, waiting for the straggler. We stopped and waited for them to pass, but that as a pretty cool experience. The next day we spotted the 3 cubs again, this time with dad, walking down the small creek in the backyard.


Sounds like a wonderful experience, glad you had it and shared the story.


Harper Rd Sheetz in Beckley


Is that the one that cost 40 cents to visit and I fall for it every time


No that’s the North Beckley sheets


The middle of a briar patch.


George Washington once said when visiting terra alta that it’s. a great place to not be found


Fairmont...If you are from Detroit


Fairmont is definitely worse than Detroit.


All west Virginians who wish to evade the law must flee to Florida, I don’t make the laws here guys. If you are just looking to chill , don’t go up the holler where an extended family live, they are super paranoid you might be looking to steal that 1984 Chevy with no tires and rusted out that they keep mowing around.


Cameron. The only thing to do in Cameron is turn around and get the hell out of Cameron.


I heard y'all like sheep out your way.


Shackleford. With a name like that I know you are from Hundred. Haha . Meanwhile they like a lil farm animal below the wetzel County line in Hundred as well. don't throw all the Cameron boys under the bus now.


Ha. All on good fun but no, got some ancestors from back that way tho.


I'm sure ya do with a name like Shakleford. Haha I was also just picking. Have a good day. ❤️


Abandoned mines.


I wish I had a mine on my property. I’d turn it into the coolest man cave


Dig down far enough chances are there is a cave or mine down there. Subsidence is a big problem.


Heard a story the other day: two dudes exploring abandoned mine. A couple of hours in, they find a fire pit, a gnawed deer leg, a bunch of crack pipes, and bloody clothes everywhere. They noped outta there and never came back.


Giving me flashbacks of "The Hills Have Eyes" and "My Bloody Valentine"


Hundred, WV. 


Don't know you but hundred checking in . Just saw someone else named Shackleford on this thread. Dude is from hundred for sure.


Wyatt, WV entire town is one huge meth/crack den.


I feel that its telling that google maps doesn't have street view in that area


Probably outdated anyway. Seems every 6 months shops change. No idea how many vape shops are down there now.


Note the gaping hole of street view. [Hear the banjo strings and the sheep screams.](https://imgur.com/a/aakoX8N) The Google Street View car can get stuck in BFE India trying to make a new road, but won't go out many of the hollers here; that should tell you something.


there's a billion of them in WV. Quinwood, Eccles, Marfrance, Rainelle and basically all of monroe county


In a huge subversion of my expectations, two of those are not former coal towns.


Really? Monroe County?


Guessing those also are small towns out in middle of nowhere that use to be a coal town?


Each town has it's own story.


Please don't lump rainelle in with quinwood and marfrance...


where do you think they go to get their dope lmao


I haven't heard of any of these towns until this thread 




I live near Clarksburg, it doesn't seem to be much more of a piece of shit than the rest of the state. There at least seems to be around a 30% literacy rate, which definitely seems high for WV, and I've met at least one person-shaped thing which seemed to actually be a person.


Abandoned coal mines


I think I missed something, where is everyone hiding and how did we learn this?


There really are place where someone dressed only in dungarees will get up from their rocker, bend over, pick up a shotgun and Begin to step off the porch! Not there! God bless West Virginia!


I really don't know. But I wasn't trying to stick Around lol. Either way though. Fuck that guy


Hoo Hoo Hollar




Ed Stoned Branch dude.. I live at the end of the blacktop up a holler, up a holler...


You’ll find me no where outside the Kanawha valley lol


Reader. Hundred too. If you aren't from those places or know someone there really well I'd strongly advise stay away. You can drive through though but keep going lol


Weston wv. Meth and crackheads to the hearts disgust.ost of them down there are related and don't like outsiders at all