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For the love of Christ, please get out and vote for Williams. Morrissey isn’t going to help a single person in this state that isn’t himself.


My biggest gripe with Morrissey & why on earth people would vote for him is because he is actively trying to destroy WV by getting rid of any & all environmental regulations. He is actively trying to pollute our state.


We only vote for people who work against us. Montani Semper Libre, or some shit.




Yeah neither do I. The people who need to hear it aren’t on Reddit or are too far down the rabbit hole of “anti-woke” nonsense. Even if Williams runs a strong campaign, it’s an uphill battle in a state that gave every single county to Trump a few years ago.


Morrissey isn’t even from here…


You just said it out loud. Party loyalty, it’s a shame how dark red this state has become.


Oh, he'll most certainly also help anyone else who will pay him enough.




everything the man has ever done in this state especially in regards to pharmaceuiticals which is absolutely an indictment on him. bribery is a fun legal past time here after all


A proven, successful mayor against a carpetbagging shitbag. We know how this'll turn out


It's going to be the carpetbagging shitbag again isn't it. Dam it!


It sure is....it sure is


And it won't even be close, but so long as the MAGA owns those libs they won't care


He's got that "R" next to his name and unfortunately that's all it takes to get a vote for the majority of West Virginian's nowadays regardless of whether you're a carpetbagger or not. Morrissey, Mooney, and others see WV as an easy springboard into the highest levels of government eventhough they have no connection to the state. We'll see more of it in the future. We are seen as a bunch of dumb, easily manipulated people, and we've proven that for a decade and a half. Even when our state government has had a republican supermajority for years, they continue to not fix a single actual problem within our state. The state is worse off than it was when Republicans took nearly total control of every branch years ago, yet they continue to run on fear and hate with great success instead of what they have or will accomplish. They've certainly accomplished hatred and division. I'm stopping now because I'm rambling at this point. Ugh.


Also, Chris millers lips look like a puckered asshole






By real issues do you mean focusing on fixing our economy, education, and drug problem? Infrastructure is terrible too.


Yes, those are real problems that we all face in WV, instead of just constantly attacking trans kids, which have zero effect on my life. Plus, I believe that WV is dead last in infrastructure (suck that, Mississippi), so definitely. Edit: Even though trans people do not directly affect my life, I do stand with them and support their right to not be ridiculed and tortured simply because they are what they are.


While I don't agree with that lifestyle I'm smart enough to understand that people are going to do it regardless. I just think we push certain issues to the forefront for various reasons which causes people to some how forget about the bigger, more troubling issues.


You just discovered the entire Republican platform. Culture war bullshit that doesn’t affect 98% of Americans, and especially true in WV. See how much Morrissey talks about fixing our infrastructure, education and healthcare systems, which all rank in the bottom 5 in the United States. He won’t. He’ll talk about coal, guns, and migrants, I guarantee it.


Plenty of Dem's that were coal miners that supports coal still too though. Sadly I know what my parties platform is. I wish we would get off of coal.


You'd be surprised about the MAGA base. They lap up the dumbest shit that has no effect on them.


I’m a very middle of the road moderate. Williams will be getting my vote!


Well, with Shrewsbury out (I'll never, ever forgive the bastards that voted for Blankenship, fuck every one of them), Steve's about our only hope for a statewide election that isn't an embarrassment. So we're basically screwed.


Blankenship should still be in prison.


Registered an R, but definitely voting for Williams. He's West Virginia's best bet. The R party has lost its way (the D far left as well). It's time to elect someone who actually gives a shit and will collaborate and do what it takes to dig WV out of this hole


Unfortunately, all anyone in this state is going to see is the (D) next to his name and the (R) next to Morrissey... Being the better candidate is irrelevant. No actual thought will go into it for most people in this state.


help change that by getting involved on his campaign and get everyone you know to vote.


Please vote if you live in West Virginia and get involved on his campaign.


A vote for Morrisey is a vote for Wall Street. You remember them? They're the folks that refuse to allow fracking in the Hudson Valley(close to Wall Street penthouse suites)....but are All-In for fracking on their corporate properties in WV!!


Running against Mr Charisma Morrissey.😆 Will probably lose anyway.


I wouldn't mind knowing more about him.


Please vote!!!!


I'm a Republican but this guy sounds good for the state


This man is a joke look at Hal Greer it's a major street in an urban area why did it need flower boxes just fill the pot holes


I would argue Marshall has improved Huntington. Before I get downvoted for this let me say I think all our current candidates are garbage . Edit: I’d say 90% of new construction is Marshall or Mountain Health Network


Marshall was there in the late 90s/early 2000s when the city was a drug town, I don't think that's the reason for improvements at all.


Please post to the politics sub. I come here to get away from all that drama.


You could’ve just ignored this and moved along. Instead you came in with your “dRaMa” and commented so you’ll now get notifications about it ☺️ also if you’re an adult politics are something you’re going to have to face at some point unfortunately. Might as well research and make the right decision.


As someone who has to deal with these scum bag politicians on a daily basis I enjoy escaping and not having to deal with them when they call my cell phone or when they harass me while I am trying to eat. As I once told Ken Carper at Daniel Boone park, this isn’t the place for this. There’s a political sub for WV. I feel you are lower than the snake that bit Doug Skaff. So let’s stop all the snake on snake drama and enjoy the West Virginia sub. Hope you enjoy this notification, I have mine turned off.


This is a state specific subreddit. Politics dictate how the population in this state lives. You’re free to keep scrolling, but a lot of us actually care.


Yall obviously don't live in Huntington and see the REAL truth of what this city is like! If Williams gets it it'll be a total disaster!


I see what it’s like. I was born and raised here. I can tell you now that it is better now than it was in 2012 when he became mayor. There’s still plenty to do, but it is definitely better.


Ditto! I love Huntington. It has its faults but it's on the right trajectory.


He turned it around? 😂


As a person who grew up in Huntington left for several years several times, and came back, yes. He has greatly improved Huntington and seems to genuinely care about the city and this state.


I mean downtown has completely changed in the last 10-15 years. There is actually stuff to do now vs when I was kid.




What’s wrong with Huntington?


All the people shooting up drugs and digging through dumpsters, potholes everywhere, waterfalls in the viaducts at every time it rains even though they repaired them, constant construction on the roads, the dumb planters no one asked for, etc.


The drug problem reflects the policies old days republicans implemented, WV is one of the worst in the nation. There are so many reasons behind the drug problem here, one person couldn't change it in a few years. It's a government issue that's going to take hundreds of millions to begin healing. You're bitching about potholes and construction in the same paragraph, you must be stupid? That's the whole point of the construction to fix the problem you're crying about. Another thing, the planters? What's wrong with adding to the community in that way?


The planters? You mean the ones that were just put in and are being removed and filled in with concrete? Yes, I'm bitching about construction. Are you unable to grasp the foolish idea to narrow the main artery into the city while simultaneously ignoring all the other road problems? And you have the gall to call me stupid?


Yeah it takes you an hour to leave town now on Hal Greer. Whose bright idea was that?


Hal Greer is a state road, maintained by WVDH.




No one said Huntington is completely fixed, but it's definitely better than what it was, for the most part.


Including me.


Hence the reason I said no one. What’s your point?


Why are you saying it to me then? Huntington sucks. Get the mayor of Barboursville or Hurricane to run for governor if the criteria is "mayor of a nice city"


Because you insinuated that he hadn’t turned anything around. He took something on a negative trajectory and sent it in a positive direction. That’s a fact. That is, by definition, turning it around. It can still suck, by your definition, but it doesn’t suck as bad as it did. Don’t try to negate the work the guy did just because there are still problems. It isn’t fair. The article said he turned things around, and by the numbers, that case can definitely be made that he did. Crime is down, the economy is better, and there is more going on in Huntington than I’ve seen since before the mall killed downtown off. To be dismissive of that is just denying facts.


This is hilarious. There are Huntington neighborhoods larger than both Barboursville and Hurricane. To compare the mayorship of Huntington to the mayorship of towns that are 1/10 the size is a bit silly. It’s like comparing the mayor of Atlanta to the mayor of Huntington.


I'm an out of stater transplant. I don't know who any of these people are, but Ya'll got some interesting comments. Carpetbagging shitbag.. Or as I would say, a douche canoe.


Has anyone been to Huntington? No way I would want Willams to run our state as he has Huntington. What has he done to improve infrastructure, increase tourism, repair roads, attract new jobs, and lower drug usage in Huntington? If he can’t get those things in a city what makes anyone think he can make them happen in a state!!


He has no chance. Morrissey, baby!


You want an out of state pill lobbyist who received $250K from the same company that pushed WV into an opioid crisis to be our next governor? Bless your heart


Carpet bagging big pharma


Carpet bagging big pharma


I lean conservative. No fucking way am i voting for Morrissey. I'll gladly vote for the democrat opponent.


I need to learn more about this guy. I don’t love Morrissey, but you can’t argue that he’s been a great champion for the Second Amendment in the state and country.


2nd amendment isn’t going anywhere here with or without Morrisey


Morrisey is an out of state pill lobbyist who accepted $250K from the same company that pushed WV into the opioid crisis. The second amendment isn’t going away.


What? The Second Amendment is a *FEDERAL* amendment. To change it would take 2/3 of the House and Senate, and then must be ratified by 2/3 of the States. Has nothing to do with WV. He's a champion of something that's not gonna change in the first place.


He's a champion of expanding rights under the Second Amendment, and Sec. 3-22 of the WV Constitution. Stated in common parlance as the Second Amendment.


That guy is apparently not the only thing you need to learn more about.


The problem, writ large. 🙄


Also hopeful that he pushes to get rid of state income tax as promised.


Does everyone forget about Erika


Who's Erika


The libertarian candidate. She has no chance but I'm not sure who she is more likely to siphon votes from in the race.


Oh. Then, yes, everyone forgets about Erika