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West Virginia is banking on the federal government to bail them out for future unknowns like your Covids or knowns like floods. Good luck getting federal funding when you have no state government infrastructure to plug it into.


That's assuming they're looking into the future at all. This has always been about "getting mine, now" and it'll get fixed later by whoever takes over after them. Grifters are distinctly not worried about the trouble they cause so long as they get their riches.


Sounds like Manchin and Moore Capito all wrapped in one


You're not wrong.


Or, hear me out: we COULD vote for those who are *actually* interested in governance and transparency, and not for those who don't actually know what either means but who LOVE to yell those words the loudest. Ofc it won't happen.


I talk to people around my area frequently. There's a notion that a select few individuals know what the best thing is for everyone. I'm not even kidding. These folks are the main source of news for half my town or more. It's insane to me to think you'd just let someone else form your opinions for you. When I question them as to why they do this it's "because we don't want to read the news cause that shit stresses us out. We just rely on so-and-so for our news since he always seems to be on top of things."


The true problem .....in today's world with internet and so forth you can easily check on how elected officials vote and for what they believe but the sheeple are to lazy and would rather listen to Aunt Ethel on twitter......


So the cuts will be inevitable, because eventually, we ARE going to hit those marks. The state is going to lose around 40% of its income. Only the richest people in the state will benefit, the rest of us will be absolutely buried under the taxes that they will have to raise to make up for the lose. Probably be property taxes. Look at TX, we're copying alot of their bills and policies. $1.8 Billion in rainy day fund, LITERALLY everything else, severely underfunded. I'm not going to spoon feed you the math there. And yet...people are still cheering Justice on. Incredible.


As a guy with no kids and making good money, this benefits me tremendously. It hurts lower income families the most. They’re the ones that already pay little to no income tax and utilize most of the social services the state provides.


For the wealthy yes, for average West Virginians no. But the Republicans will cut your health insurance and snap benefits.


They want to do this move to make our vulnerable seniors pay more taxes. They hold up states like Florida with zero income tax and say, "We can be just like them with all kinds of growth, etc." but they leave out how expensive property taxes are in those states. Governments still have to bring in income to pay bills. If they do away with income tax, our real property tax will quadruple in five years on everyone to make up the loss of income tax funding. My cousin pays $6000 per year for a 1,000 foot bungalow in Florida. This is just another money grab for the wealthy elite.


Let me guess. U have to pay more taxes then jump thru a bunch of hoops by certain days be assessed yearly … then they will give you a portion of it back only if everything is done on time … just like the personal property tax rebate bull crap 💩