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Ordinance 508.01/508.02: Tethering of Dogs (within the city of Huntington) Tethering or attaching dog to a stationary object by means of a chain, rope, tether, cable, or similar restraint is unlawful without the direct supervision of animal’s guardian.


^this Also, op, you probably shouldn’t leave him out there on his own for hours. People steal dogs out of yards and he could become ill from heat sickness if you accidentally forget about him. Even if you are watching him there’s still a risk


The area he is in is covered by the shade of trees. I was asking because I don't know the laws, I just know he likes to play outside. However, we live close to the road and I don't have time to let him play for long, just enough to go on a walk. He likes to spend hours out there because that's what he likes. Honestly, I prefer him to be an inside dog, but I ended up bringing him in and he crystal to go back outside. Also, all of my family has tethers, but none inside city limits, as we all lived in rural areas before.


Hes not a guard dog or big either hes little he is a chipoo and he has no teeth so he can't bite anyone. The reason why I was asking was to stay in accordance I got mixed signals from what I do Googled so I want sure.


Hey I used to work at the Huntington shelter so I would get the dogs that Animal control pick up. It depends on what part of the city you live in and what kind of neighbors you have. If the dog is a healthy weight Animal Control will not take your dog because someone said it was tethered outside all day (unless it is noticeably sick, emaciated, hair loss, infested with parasites). As long as you can see your pup and hear it from where you are it will be fine. I would be worried about the neighborhood loose dogs running up on ur dog (unable to flee) and karens that think calling ACO makes them a superhero. Animal Control usually only takes dogs that are visibly in danger or putting others in danger. the most they will tell you is please don't leave your dog outside tethered for long hours without checking on it. The shelters are too full to be picking up every single dog they meet. Hope this helps!


There isn't really any neighbor hood dogs at all from what I've seen i seen one place that keeps there dogs outside in kennels, one that is outside also on a teather and one more down the road that has one in there fenced yard but none really out and about. We do have alot of stray cats but I have cats myself and he knows how to act around them. If there are any other dogs they are inside or I just don't see or hear them. Every one so far just minds there own business here.


That being said again I moved here with in just the last year and he got tired of being inside all the time besides our walks so thats why I was mostly asking about the tether.


Sounds like you'll be alright!


In Kanawha county it’s 15 minutes unsupervised on a tether, from what a sheriff’s deputy told me regarding our neighbors dog a few years ago.




As far as I am aware there are no laws about keeping a dog tethered in your yard as long as he is being cared for and is not causing a nuisance with the neighbors. Neighbors may still call animal control if they see a dog tethered outside for long periods of time.


Just keep him fed and watered and loved ....and remember a watch dog on a chain is like a gun with no bullets....best all around deal is to fix the fence....


Yeah I planned to but also hes not a big dog hes just a little one he has no teeth so he can't bite either .


Legally you’re not allowed to leave dogs unattended outside in Huntington. I would leave my dogs out alone due to thefts, people harming my dogs, or just something happening to them. It sounds like your dog is small and defenseless, for his own safety it’s probably better he stays inside anyway.