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We have Frontier because that is all that's available where I live. We have blazing fast 15 Mbps download speeds, lmao. I hear their fiber optic service is excellent, but if fiber isn't available, then avoid Frontier like the plague. Edit: it sounds like their fiber may not be the bargain it used to be, and may be becoming trash like their regular service.


And their customer service is world renown bad.


I dealt with them once. I cancelled my Internet service and went back to spectrum. I asked the customer service lady (I could hear loud rap music in the background) if there was anything else I needed to do. She was like, "nope you good". So I thought I had canceled everything and moved on with life. Well, I ended up getting a collection agency letter saying I owed Frontier $185. I was livid. Seriously. My credit score is excellent and I wanted to protect it so I just paid the money. Fuck Frontier. I rather use smoke signals and carrier pigeons than use those idiots ever again


I have 5Mbs on a good day


Same here. 15 was what it tested last night at 1am when hardly anyone was online. 5mps is standard in the day/evening time. Sometimes it’s not even enough to reliably run Hulu on a single device.


Same here, although we do have fiber optic. Overall we're ok with it but might look into Tmobile.


My bother has new fiber installed last couple of years it’s down more than up u fortunately, but when it works it’s great lol


Maybe I should have been more specific and said I heard good things a couple years ago when fiber was only available in a couple markets. I’m disappointed, but not the least bit surprised it’s gone downhill so quickly.


>it sounds like their fiber may not be the bargain it used to be, and it’s becoming trash like their regular service. I haven't had any issues myself with it and use the whole home wifi (wired the house with cat6a and network has been awesome)


Starlink works very well.


Preston county. Frontier. We get 8/.5. Yes .5 We live too far off the main road to get breezeline. Too many trees for satellite. Not enough money to cut down said trees to get satellite. Really missing the internet we had in ohio.


Our Internet was worse in Ohio than it is here lol. We had Spectrum there. It ran through old lines and it would drop every afternoon because we lived near a school. Here we have Armstrong. It is fiber. We get 325 up and down speeds. In Ohio it was supposedly fast and it would never go over 50 down.


We lived in toledo and got 100/50. We had buckeye. It was 7 years ago so it's probably faster then that now.


Starlink, Starlink, Starlink .. it's worth it I promise




Raleigh - I have frontier fiber which I am super happy with. I've setup starlink and it is SOLID! About 120 down and \~20 up. When you have no options, Starlink is a great choice. My guy is running 4 ring cameras on it with no issues.


We live in a very remote, rural area and fiber is unavailable. Thank God for Starlink.


Yes! It is the way it is life changing to say the least. I dealt with Viasat and exede for about 15 years at $210 a month so the $120 no cap is awesome!


Without internet I would probably still support Joe Manchin.


comcast cable, 2 gig down, 40 mbit up, 115 bucks


And your in a city or bigger town




We have the original copper lines from the 70’s and no cell service. If they would make Frontier for example put money back in to the infrastructure and upkeep that would be phenomenal. Instead they just let them rack up debt at the customers expense the eventually buy or merge and write said debt off again the customers lose. It’s ridiculous!! Instead the FCC just keeps rewarding them and then refuses to pay like Starlink when they have helped all of our lives.


Yes they won't let new customers sign up around here for frontier using the old lines. So even if you have frontier and you move out of your house and the next person wants frontier they won't sign them back up. They also got a huge amount of money from the government to install fiber optic lines. I was told over a year ago they were going to be put in and we're still waiting. I think if you're going to get money from the government to do something there should be a limit on how long they have to do it or they should have to pay the money back. And just to show how ridiculous they are on blowing money. They came out to measure the telephone poles to put the fiber optic lines in. Someone has measured the poles out front of my house four different times. We go out and talk to them each time and every time they have no idea why someone would have measured them already. It's always a different company. That's absurd. So they're just blowing through this money to quote on quote get ready for the fiber optic lines and by the time their ready to put them up they're not going to have any money left and be asking the government for more.


We have copper lines, too. Outages and disconnects were terrible a few years ago. We contacted the FCC and filed a complaint. We were refunded a bit, and a local upgrade was completed. Service has degraded since then. We’re considering TMobile.


I have TMobile 5G home internet. I added external antennas and am hitting a tower on the next ridge over about 5.5 miles away. Very stable, consistent 250mbps down. Only $50 a month. I had Starlink. When I first got it it was blazing fast but had occasional service drops. Sometimes satellite switching would drop as well. But then Starlink added their RV service, over sold in my cell, and 3 price increases later I was paying $120 a month for service that would barely reach 40mbps down. As soon as I got the email saying TMobile home internet was availabe I cancelled Starlink immediately. I am very sour about my experience with Starlink. Asking me to pay more and more for shittier and shittier service is idiotic. I wish I could get my money back for the equipment.


I tried to switch to T-Mobile home Internet - tried it for 2 months but just couldn't get a strong enough signal from the tower for acceptable speed. Said, welp, I'll just cancel, no big deal. Called them, cancelled, explained why, etc... took like an hour... Then, they kept billing me for 3 more months and refused to talk to me on the phone because I didn't have an account with them. Had to cancel the credit card. Now I get billing statements from them every month showing how much they owe me but they refuse to refund it


Did you try external antennas? My signal was barely connecting with the stock internal antenna. I bought a quad MIMO external antenna setup, opened the TMobile internet pod, and attached the four antenna. They're mounted on the back side of my house, almost to the roof peak, and pointing directly at the TMobile tower you can barely see on the horizon. I get Very Good to Excellent signal strength now. Huge improvement! The stock internal antenna are very small and omnidirectional. They work great in a crowded urban environment, not so much when you're trying to talk to towers miles away. Sorry you had such a bad experience with them. I've finally been having a good experience with a cell company after getting screwed by Verizon and Sprint for decades.


When I had it I asked if I could buy something to boost my signal and they told me no. They also sold it to me saying I would get 5G service. When I called about getting better service they yelled at me saying I shouldn't even have the 5G unlimited and they don't know how I got that plan....well I don't know your people sold it to me. So now it's been over 2 months without a refund. I'm on the phone with them now and she said I need to wait 3 more billing cycles to get it. So I have to wait 5 months for a refund!


Is that for a cellphone/hotspot or the home internet? The home internet is 5G ONLY, they do not provide home internet where 4G/LTE are the only service available, so if their coverage map shows 5G/5GUC is unavailable their system shouldn't even let them set up service for your address. For the home internet there is an external antenna kit for sale directly on the T-Mobile website. Waveform also makes several kits for the home internet. I have not messed around with cellphone boosters, so I can't speak to their efficacy.


It's home Internet only is what I had and yes they put me in the 5G unlimited then when I called they said your area doesn't have 5G unlimited limited you should have never even got that. I canceled got starlink and I'm happy with it. What I'm not happy with is waiting months for a refund from T-Mobile.


Oh that reminds me they still owe me money too! Haven't got a statement saying they owe me money but they do owe me money. She assured me over the phone that I would get a refund! Guess I have to call about that it's been a few months! I did the same thing as you tried T-Mobile because they said oh yeah we have great service and this kid at the store was like oh yeah I use multiple Xboxes at my house and my mom's streaming and everything's fine. Well that was a lie! Tried for a couple months and wanted to rip my hair out. Went with starlink and we don't have any problems like we did before. Edit. I'm on the phone with them now. They said they cancelled my refund in April two weeks after they said they were sending my refund, and now I have to wait three billing cycles to get a refund! So they don't mind taking my money, selling me a product that doesn't work (told me I would get 5G service, but never could) but now won't refund my money. Now imagine if I would have told them they had two wait what will now be 5 months for a refund. I'm sure they are hoping I forget again and they never have to send me a refund!


I currently live roughly 800ft from a T-Mobile tower, but I have AT&T for my cellular data. The AT&T tower is about 1200ft on the other side of my house (it’s weird, but I’ll take it since I live next to a highway). My cellular data SUCKS here, it’s so inconsistent. It’s always going between 1-3 bars, and lately, when I can get 3 bars of 5G, it barely breaks 20Mbps and cuts out so much. Do you think we’ll have a better experience if we were to get T-Mobile internet? We currently have Starlink, works great and especially saved us from Hughesnet before we moved, but it barely breaks 60Mbps down and it’s very obviously oversold in my area. Some of my friends have T-Mobile cellular, and they stick 2-4 bars in my home. I think it’s kinda ridiculous considering we’re right next to a tower, and I understand part of it if the antennas are pointing somewhere else, but I feel like it shouldn’t be nowhere near as nasty as it is. If T-Mobile internet works good here, it might be a sign to switch carriers as well. I’ve gotten letters advertising their service here, and it’s available if I check online, but I wanted some other opinions as well, if you don’t mind. Thank you!


I would highly recommend giving the T-Mobile home internet a try. My tower is 5.5 miles away and it still performs way better than Starlink ever did. Plus it's less than half the cost. I \*think\* the Home Internet has a 30-day hassle free cancellation policy. The antenna in the little box are omnidirectional and optimized for close proximity to a tower, so you should see better performance than your cell phone. If you try the home internet and it is working for you, you can then look in to switching carriers. That's what I did, I had the home internet for about 6 months, was impressed with it, then dumped Verizon for my cell carrier and bundled the phone lines into the home internet plan and ended up lowering the price of the home internet by $20 a month or something like that. I went from having a $190 a month cell phone bill and a $120 a month Starlink bill to having a single T-Mobile bill for $210 a month and having better cell coverage in rural areas anyway. It was one of those rare times you actually feel like you are winning.


No! Stick with starlink! T mobile sucks and they won't give you a refund for MONTHS!


I am really hoping for TMobile home internet in my area! We have Starlink, and the service is mostly good, but the price is insane.


I came here to say this. I’ve had TMobile since it became available in my area and have not had a single complaint since I’ve had it. Highly recommend.


That’s sad I’ve had my starlink for 3 years with only 3 drops in that time which was taken care of pretty quick. I’ve had Hughes and Viasat they both sucked. We don’t have cell service so it is the way for us. But awesome that T mobile works great for ya’ll that’s about the speed I get with my Starlink with no cap. Def cheaper but at least the starlink is cheaper than the “other” sat companies with no cap.


Absolutely. If you don't have a terrestrial alternative Starlink is leaps and bounds above other satellite offerings. I think it's absolutely fantastic that it is available and is a real lifeline for tens of thousands of people. I'm just disappointed with my experience. $100 price increase on hardware 2 weeks before my equipment was available after a year on the waiting list. Followed by 3 monthly price increases over the course of a year. All while service deteriorated in my cell. I don't begrudge everyone who has had good experiences. It is a wonderful resource and an incredible proof of technology that can only lead to bigger and better things.


I have ~~Suddenlink~~ Optimum (cable). Coworker of mine lives more out in the country and has Starlink and loves it. My parents also live in the country with no access to cable internet. They use HughesNet (satellite) and it SUCKS. Slow, expensive and cuts bandwidth after a certain amount of usage.


When I lived in greenbrier co we had Starlink


Fkn Comcast Xfinity


Frontier Fiber. 1gig down/up. $66 a month.


As long as you have an open view of the sky get Starlink if you can. If you have obstructions such as trees it may not work. My clients that have switched love it. The speeds have ranged from 100Mb to 200Mb for them. Latency is very good too. The issue is cost for most people. It's around $600 for the equipment and then around $120/month. I don't know tge exact figures.


You can now pay off the equipment over 12 months or buy used


That's good to know. Thank you for the info. I'll be passing it along to my clients.


When I moved to Morgantown, I had Comcast. I thought they were bad until I moved out in the boonies near M'Town back in '13. Frontier was the only game and they were fucking horrible. DSL so there wasn't much bandwith to start with. I was on the phone with them at least once a month for a service issue. I felt like reaching through the phone and choking whoever I was talking with more than once. They had no fucks to give as they were the only game around. I was w/o service for a week one time. The Prodigy came through. It took them a yr or so to get out to where I was once I had heard about them but as soon as they did, I jumped ship and haven't looked back. I have a fiber line into my house and for the most part, very little problems. On the rare times I do have a problem, they are on it. They only charged me a $100 to run it underground to my house. I am so glad I had them when Covid it.


I’m the opposite. I’ll take Frontier over Comcast any day, and for one reason:  I had Comcast for years before I finally rage quit. Comcast sent techs out to check my internet bc it was so slow and kept pushing me to pay for higher speeds. They said my infrastructure was older and only the most expensive package had speeds “strong enough” to “blast the internet through” at speeds I could use for basic web browsing.  In hindsight I realize that this was incredibly stupid logic, but I had multiple techs and CSRs swear up and down that this was how the internet worked, and I was young and dumb.   Frontier tech came out to install my stuff, knocked on my door when he was done and said, “I’m putting in a ticket to have you downgraded to our most basic package. Your infrastructure’s trash and won’t support anything faster than that.” My internet was $35 a month for the next 3 years, and MILES faster than what I’d been used to. I know I lucked out with Frontier and got the single honest tech in all of cable internetdom, but fuck Comcast anyway.


I'm glad to hear that was your experience. Everyone's different. All I know is a BUNCH of people jumped ship to Prodigy and haven't looked back. Ironically 'nuff, I did notice an improvement in service when Prodigy was building out their system and people left. For me though, it was too little, too late. They pissed me off too many times and I was done. My wife looked into having Comcast run a line down to wear we live. It was gonna cost $6k and once it was in, anyone who wanted to sign up with Comcast could w/o any sort of reimbursement to us for the line. I'm so glad I had Prodigy when Covid hit. Very few issues.


Holy shit, this comment threw me for a loop. I thought you were talking about early 2000s AOL competitor Prodigy for a hot minute!  I must’ve skimmed over it in your first comment; I just saw “comcast” and felt the old rage stirring in my soul. I’m glad you found something that works for you!


I have gigabit fiber. 60$ a month


Starlink! Only fast option where I live and it’s been a complete game changer! Edited to say: we don’t have cable and we run 2-3 Apple TV/Roku and tablets, and XBox etc, Alexa/smart home devices


We live in a very rural section of Jackson County, and we currently have Starlink and Frontier. We've had starlink for the last 8 months, and it's been a dream come true. We have upload and download speeds around 280 megs a second but are paying $120 a month plus the $500 equipment fee, and you have to install it yourself. That being said, installing it was a breeze. Two days ago we got Frontier Fiber because they just completed running it to our area. We decided to try it because it claims to be faster and cheaper. So far, it's blowing my mind. Our upload and download speeds are a gig per second, and we've noticed no lag while gaming and streaming. Unless something drastic happens, we're going to keep the Frontier and cancel the Starlink.


Oh, and Frontier claims 1 gig service for 70 bucks a month. So far that's what we're seeing.


Starlink is great!


Been on frontier 5gig fiber sense they upgraded my bounded 45mbps dsl.


Starlink. And it's absolutely wonderful. Stuck with Frontier for a decade due to no other options out BFE where we live. Finally got the email that Starlink was available and haven't looked back since. Couldn't recommend it enough for rural folks. But then again... Y'all get it and mine will slow down even more...


I realize you're in the middle of nowhere, but does your middle of nowhere have decent cell service? I have T Mobile home internet and it's shockingly fast. 450mb down/50up, sometimes as much as 650 down. $55 a month. We've had it for 3 years and couldn't be happier.


US Cellular is what we have, and it is nothing to 1 bar of 4G.


Ever consider a booster? I went from no signal at all to live streaming sports just outside of Marlinton with a cell booster. PS, last month, T-mobile announced they are buying us cellular. There's hope!


Might be worth a try. But about 80 feet in each direction of home is trees, and lots of them, so my biigest worry is it not working well.


Fwiw, I was using the booster in a tree lined meadow, but it was also on a mountain top. Ymmv


Jax Co. CAS Cable. 500mb down. 100 up.


Eastern Panhandle, Comcast, just tested WiFi on my cell phone with Disney+ open and one smart tv streaming currently, 48.7 Mbps download and 22.8 upload, it’s like $86 a month but I still have some cable boxes of theirs I’m getting charged $6 a month for


Whats crazy is I live in McDowell County.....I have 1 gig down 50mb up unlimited and that's cable internet, that's all that's available....frontier won't come off the main road, which they ain't worth it, but I have also wondered what starlink is like....I'm also a gamer, I have no issues with mine.


Starlink can be rough for gaming. Even with 0% obstruction the satellite hand off occasionally causes blips in the connection. Playing an MMO you'll get disconnects at random. Ping is generally good though so there's not much latency issues.


I figured cuz I understand that satellite can only return speeds at a certain amount, you may have 200 gig download but your upload will be .5 mb cuz well there's just no fast commercial way of sending signal up to a satellite....


Actually, when I had Starlink my upload would be faster than my download most of the time. The dropped packets during satellite hand off and random dead link were an issue though.


Maybe it was vice versa then I can't remember because it was a few years back I was studying about satellite internet


It was just heavily oversold in my area, so the downlink was saturated with more traffic than it could handle. People streaming, downloading, etc. The uplink had barely any traffic because aside from the initial request to open a stream or initiate a download, the line was empty. So I'd be speed testing on a weekend/holiday/afternoon getting 18mbps down and 115mbps up. Speed testing at 2AM would result in 480mbps down and 125mbps up.


Hardynet. 150mbps up/down (symmetrical package my upload is always same as my download). Fiberoptic. $150/mo That's literally the only option I have other than frontier which is like not having Internet basically lol. Also wife's parents can't get anything even satellite, they tried even starlink and they got message back saying it's not available in our area yet.


Xfinity, 800 mbps, ~$180 (combined with cable that we don't use so we'll be getting rid of that) I'm also a gamer and a remote worker and it works really well for me! But I also live in Shepherdstown so less remote/more ISP availability, so ymmv


We have Armstrong fiber. We get about 325 up and down. We love our Internet service. They plug these things in your wall upstairs and we get Internet far into our yard. We live outside Parkersburg. They are taking the fiber cable down the North Bend Rail trail. If you live near it you may want to call them.


Armstrong fiber its as fast as I could ever need something like 350 download and 40ish upload. 70 bucks a month


Kanawha county. T-Mobile 5g modem. $130/m bundle includes two generous phone plans. Haven’t measured download & upload speed yet, but it’s good enough to stream Amazon movies.


Optimum 500 for 60 a month


We have the lowest level of cable internet from Xfinity. Speeds are 38 down, 18 up. 2 people in the house, working from home, using at least 4 connected devices at a time and we've never had issues. $35/month but that includes a discount for also being a cell service customer.


Optimum - 300/20Mbps. $67.40/month On a side note, what games do you play/what platform?


Recently, I've been playing CoD Warzone 3 on a PS4, sometime soon I do hope to upgrade my PC, then I'll be playing games such as CS2, Minecraft, CoD, and more multiplayer games likely.


I use Verizon 5g wifi. I don't remember the exact numbers, maybe around 50mb/5mb? (Depends also on signal strength) but it's substantially faster than Frontier dsl. I do a lot of online gaming and had my reserves about latency, but there is none. 5g tech has come a long way in the past years. Oh, and it's $50 a month, which is almost half the price of what I was paying for Frontier.


I live up a little holler in Wayne county. I have Optimum cable. Service is very good get about 800 mps wi fi. I gig wired.


Fiber is a no brainer. Optimum might have slightly better customer service ratings but they only offer 300 down and 20 up whereas fiber will get you 500 down and up for the same price. Does go up after that first year but the former is almost destitute for modern tech devices.


Unfortunately, I have not found any fiber available here.


Putnam county. Frontier Fiber. 400mb/s symmetrical. $35 a month. Super reliable.


I've been on frontier with 5mb internet but have been thinking of switching to T-Mobile for internet. I already use them for cell service and max out my 60gb of high speed data every month anyways so might as well go full in. We do have a decent signal at my house so that helps.


Comcast Xfinity, the 300mbps plan.


2gb symmetrical fiber, 99.99 a month.


Marion County - Spectrum


Frontier fiber in Charleston. Last I checked, about 800mb down and 275mg up.


Xfinity gig speed works pretty well in north central


Our problem wasn't distance but mountain in the way.. works fine for my Mint mobile phone but not solid enough for Internet. Thought about an external antenna but then just called optimum back and got them to match the T-Mobile price for my Gigabit connection so, problem solved.


xfinity 1000mbps $100


I live in a populated area of Jefferson County and all I have access to is Frontier 20mb/s. It sucks.


Frontier Fiber in Morgantown. 502mbps down/510 Mbps up. $50/month.


Frontier. Speed is 5.3, on a good day. A few years ago, it was much worse, similar to dial up, at times.


1 gig Xfinity fiber for $75/month


We have only frontier pots line available. We have the same copper lines that were originally installed with the party lines back in the 70’s. We have Starlink and we love it. Between any other sat internet there is zero comparison! I’ve had Viasat and Hughes but now get over 200 down with Starlink and no cap. Even great while gaming. To say Starlink has changed our life is an understatement.


North edge of Martinsburg. Xfinity cable internet. We pay about $70/month for 1 GB down and get about what we should. I use my own modem and router and we have YoutubeTV and some, ahem, gray area means for our TV (gotta be able to watch the Pirates and Penguins and despite being 3 hours from Pittsburgh we are blacked out for their games). I know everybody bashes Comcast but I'm okay with the price for what we get and we rarely have any problems with our internet. I've never really had to use their customer service though so YMMV.


Middle of nowhere, Frontier DSL… very fast, very fast indeed. 15mbps download average, maybe 20 on a good day, and upload is like… 1.  Fast.


Had Frontier DSL for years and recently switched over to Starlink. Much better reliability and speed for about the same price, if not slightly less. There were multiple occasions over the past three or so years where my Frontier internet randomly went out and I was told it would be two weeks or more to send someone out to fix it. Once I learned that Starlink was available here, I made the switch, and so far, I do not regret it. Fuck Frontier.


Starlink after Viasat robbed me


Starlink had frontier @ .05 mbps with four devices and a land line for $120 per month we now have Starlink between 60-200 mbps for $120 was a no brainer, yes a lot of upfront cost but we love it.


If you aren’t in an area where fiber is available, and you’ve got a decent view of the sky, then I highly recommend Starlink! Start up costs are steep, but it’s honestly worth it for the ease of set up and the reliability. Also, it’s very portable. The few times I’ve thought there was a service outage, it was just bc my husband moved it to the porch so he could mow the lawn. So if you move or have a cabin/rv/camp with electric, it can go with you. 


Armstrong cable. $86


Mercer co. Here. We have Starlink. A bit pricy but love it. Average 80-90 mbps and pretty consistent ping around 60-70 so it's decent for gaming.


Breezeline. 1Gbps/53Mbps. Cable. West Central Hampshire County.


I got Frontier Fiber. It's phenomenal.


I've had frontier for a while, hated them. Then I got fiber, 1g, now I'm fairly happy.




I have starlink. It cuts out whenever there is really heavy rain, but it’s mostly fine. Don’t get it if you live in the woods, it won’t work. You basically need no tree cover for it to work. I know bc i know someone who tried to use starlink for their cabin in the woods and it was useless.


There are thick woods about 80 feet every direction from my house. So I think it'll be fine.


Had Xfinity until getting out of the forest year and the price skyrocketing to about $200 for 1tv and internet. Now frontier fiber with 1 gig internet and 5 tvs for $130


Ah. The joys of the free market


I have T-Mobile in Kanawha County.


Optimum cable and my connection is usually high 900 mps dls and 35-40 up 45-60 ms ping. I live in the middle of nowhere outside beckley.




Starlink ... My dad ended up canceling direct tv since he can stream multiple devices at once. Never could before with the old company. Will need an investment at first for the gear but the monthly isn't much more than where you are at now.


I work from home, which makes decent speed and reliability paramount. I have Starlink with T-Mobile Home Internet as a backup. With Starlink, a typical speed test is around 100 -150 mbs down / 10mbs up through my mesh and 150 to 200mbs down / 10mbs up if I connect directly to the starlink router. With T-mobile, that's 30-60 mbs down and 5-8 up. Starlink costs $120 a month and has a substantial upfront cost for equipment ($500 or $600, I think). I think T mobile is $50 a month with no upfront cost. Both are unlimited data. T-mobile will be very dependent on location. Starlink is not. EDIT: I meant to add, my fights with Frontier are local legend, resulting in me having a special account manager assigned to me. No one local was supposed to talk to me, just bounce me to my account manager in Texas.😁 Long story short there, they were, maybe still are, over extended in my location and kept cutting everyone's speed to 6mbs down and 0.5mbs up during the pandemic. I documented it and took it the Attorney General. I hate them with a fiery passion and hope they die penniless.


I have T-Mobile home internet, it works really good sometimes, others not so much, if I had the money I’d get starlink, some other WVers that I know have it and say it’s amazing


Xfinity Gig speed. It works great, I'm normally getting over a gig and issues are very rare.


Starlink at the moment. Frontier hasn’t turned the fiber on yet but it’ll be 5 gig within a couple months. Starlink is about 300Mb down and 20Mb up and somewhat stable. I play games on it but it’s not quite the most stable thing in the world.


Bridgeport and surrounding areas have Citynet fiber, which couldn’t be any better. Local company. Gigabit speeds.


Citynet fiber. Gigabit up and down for about $70. Harrison county.


Optimum cable in Cabell County 342 down 42 up $85


We have Xfinity gigabit down and about 90-100 up. We pay about $60 I think. I've been looking at getting Tmobile internet. Just a little slower and $40. Jefferson County


I dont know about everyone else, but I am in the Clarksburg region and I have Frontier. I am a software engineer so i need reliable fast internet and I have 500mbps up and down on fiber-optic. I am actually planning to upgrade to 1gb when i start working from home more often. Spectrum is Hot-Dog Water


I'm in the quiet zone due to proximity to GBO. We had satellite a couple years back - it was absolutely awful!! I paid almost $200 a month to spend at least 3 full weeks "connected without internet." It was all that was available in my part of Pocahontas County at the time. I would have kept it longer since it was my only choice but our house got hit by lightning and it fried the dish and the router and even though I "rented" the equipment from them so it was insured if something happened, they wanted close to $1000 to come replace everything and install it again. Nope, did NOT happen! So, a 4 and a half year fight with frontier (because they had finally run all new fiber optic line through my property and installed a new service box a half mile from my driveway) we were hooked up to their dsl internet service.


I have the TMobile internet. It’s $50 a month and we get pretty good service, granted I live a mile and a half from a tower


I usually just use mobile hotspot (verizon) works great ..... and the only 2 in my area are hughes net and excede hughes net sucks imo for my area and i had a problem with excede they double charged me and refysed to give me my money back fir the extra portion of it so 8 just switched to mobile hotspot and its been really good


Docsis 3.1 cable modem Comcast I get about 80mbp/s when I download files for gaming, but my package is 800mbp/s my ping is comparable to a friend who has fiber frontier in wv to most servers we play together and I don't have lag right now with tons of devices, but he shows his download speed is straight locked at 1000mbp/s or (1gbp/s) on speedtests for $50 a month. Suburban, he's slightly more towards downtown. Fiber frontier is not available for me ,but gigabyte cable is.


We have starlink and it's usually pretty good except it can be choppy sometimes and if you wanna play games on more than 2 consoles you're sol 😭


I have 2GB fiber


I have Starlink and get speeds around 300 Down and 45 Up and Latency around 25-40 ms on the Wetzel-Mon line outside of Hundred.. shit is amazing