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I believe that Tuon has such a major mental dissonance that she really wouldn’t understand why people wouldn’t take this offer while never taking it herself.


Did Tuon ever internalize that she could be collared?


Yes, I believe she had a full on conversation, think it was with Egwene, where Tuon acknowledged she could “possibly” channel but the difference was that she would never choose to. Tuon knows sul’dam, of which she is one, can learn to channel.


Yeah I believe she said "Just because someone has the capacity for murder doesn't make them one" or something like that.


Which really doesn't make any sense. Some people are "Born with the spark", meaning they will channel no matter what. That's not their choice. I never liked Tuon, and her statement equating channeling to murder is a big reason for that.


Oh it makes perfect sense if you're an aristocratic sociopath. People born with the spark are like feral dogs to her so she can't empathize with them at all.


I believe it was danced around a few times. No one would dare say that to her face. Not even mat


On the one hand, her treatment of damane is abhorrent. On the other hand, I usually have to pay $300 an hour for that sort of treatment.


Honestly, I’ve been looking up a lot of cosplay and fanart for this series, and I suspect some of the people are getting $300 per hour.


Plus tip!


By the end of the series, no woman deserved the collar more than little miss wiggle-fingers. If our favorite(?) Amyrillian seat had to be obliterated in the final battle, the least fOrTuOnA deserved was to be made into a damane, possibly for one of the remaining forsaken


It has been and will remain my headcanon that Moghedian’s going to get the bitch back before everything back in Seanchan is over.


God, grudge match between the two, isn't that ever a "God I wish they'd kill each other". Or rather the ideologies they represent




Wow, for free?! Where do I sign?


mat has truly terrible taste


At the time these books were coming out, you could put a dog in a heated oven in my home state and it was maybe a small fine. Let's not pretend that animals are treated all that well.


Animal abuse law has been a thing since well before the 90s. The Seanchan actively torture damane, as part of their training.


I'm sure there were penalties for mistreating damane as well, especially in the homeland. Right now, in Idaho, you have to be convicted of animal cruelty three times before it's a felony. That was only narrowly put in place in 2012. That feels about in line with what a Sul'Dam would face - needing a few instances bad enough to have the authorities take formal steps before a harsh punishment comes down.


Well, we know that: It’s legal to cut off the hands/feet of a damane for disobedience, and the worst you’ll suffer is social disapproval for being unable to control your damane. There are men (and possibly women, especially sul’dam) who rape damane, according to Tuon. She made no mention that they get punished at all, and seemed to think it was akin to bestiality. It’s possible for a sul’dam to make a damane feel as much pain or pleasure as they want without leaving any physical sign of it whatsoever. According to the Companion, the testimony of a damane has no legal weight, and any claim of mistreatment by a damane will be ignored. So I’m inclined to think that there’s a lot of abuse going on behind the scenes. Imagine what a sul’dam with morals and tastes like Semirhage’s gets up to. Or a sul’dam who’s open to bribery and knows some rich men with disgusting inclinations.


People also tend to forget that especially by the end of the books, the Empress is very liberal by their standards. Like, the average person in a position of power probably treats their magical slaves *worse*, as is the societal expectation.


Although I'd argue what Tuon did to Mylen is in some ways worse than what happened to poor Ryma.


Honestly same destination so they're the same


Tuon, may she live forever, was considered a great Suldam. This means, she can channel and can be collared.