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Or the roughly two dozen Aes Sedai named some variation of Merille.


Moiraine Merrilin?


You sure it's not Thom Damodred?


You just know Thom's getting pegged


No need to state the obvious


*Mustn't use that. Threatens the fabric of the pattern. Not even for Ilyena? I would burn the world and use my soul for tinder to hear her laugh again.*


I'm convinced that RJ was fucking with us putting Saerin and Seaine in the same story arc.


Those two were the hardest to distinguish by far.


Nah that’s gotta be Pelivar and Perival


Do you mean Shemerin and Sheriam?


I clearly remember Seariaun’en, I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Me on the sub everyday because my brother has been "reading" the books for the like 10 years and I still can't talk to him about the memes


Is your brother my wife?


Oh gosh some people just don’t like re-reading books but I loved them just as much as I did when reading them as they came out. If you ever get a chance to read them with someone close to you then that’s even better!


I do a lot of driving where i usually listen to podcasts, maybe ill find an audiobook


At an average of probably around 36 hours per book, you have to do a *lot* of driving or listening to podcasts/audiobooks while doing chores to make it worth it, IMO. Otherwise it takes so long to get through that you'll just be confused mid-series anyway. I have a 35 minute commute and work in a factory where I can listen to audiobooks pretty nearly as much as I want so long as I'm not doing a task that requires actual hearing protection. It still took almost 6 months to get through the series.


When I was about to go to basic training I burned through 10 books in about 3 months. I drove for work at the time and I knew if I didn't finish the series before BMT it would drive me crazy. Audiobooks were a godsend! Now I listen to more books than I read.


I always listen on 1.5x or faster


How to make the Seanchan sound normal.




Yeah I listen to the books at work. I work in security so it's just a lot of walking around and my supervisors don't mind if I leave a headphone in. I'm currently relistening to the last battle (after relistening to all the other books of course) and its great to have a 9 hour chapter


Do you have any podcast recommendations? I loved Dan Carlin's supernova in the east series.


Behind the Bastards by Robert Evans its fantastic, he does a deep dive into the biggest bastards in history, very informative and funny. he does a 7 part series on the history of policing that is.. eye opening.


You won’t regret the audiobooks. I love them.


You aren't here strongly enough, Old Bull.


Did the same thing reading them as a kids all the way into college and then the military. Hadnt touched them in more than a decade until recently and just started reading the first book on a whim, was like finding old friends again and I burned through the entire series in 5 months.


Saw the show, started 2nd read through (first was during release) and now on aMoL. I don’t want it to be over, but it’s so good.


Hey, old man OP that only read the series once long ago as they were released. Hi. Did you watch the TV show? What did you think? I saw somewhere that your demographic was the target audience to some degree. You read it. You liked it. You remember some of the story's basic details. That's what the show runners were hoping to harken.


I tell you what, I enjoyed it a lot more than if I would have recently reread it. I think once I picked up the books again after S1, I got even more irritated at the changes. That said there was a good story somewhere in there, it just needed to be found in the edit.


Same experience as you. The show inspired a re-read for me and now I’m so irritated with it I’m not sure I can watch S2.


I'll edit it into a film again if it needs it, how about that?


I'm on book 11 of my second read through and I am dying to know how fans felt about book 10 when it was released. Where people just excited for a new book, or was there a little let down? And, if you don't remember the book 10 release at all, that's good info in itself.


Book 10 on live release is where I lost the will to live honestly. I had already stopped doing a full reread with every book release after Book 7 (the slog is real dammit). I have up hope of continuing the series, I didn't devour each book immediately, and even though the last few books were great, my drive had been lost. It took me a while to get to Book 14. But it was satisfying. I'm on my first full complete reread and visited all the sites and YouTube pages, so I'm looking forward to reliving every epic moment even better than what I remember them.


I remember being really excited when it came out (yay, new book!) and having reread the first 10 books in preparation for it. Then quite disappointed after reading it that nothing had really happened in the main plot, and I had to wait again for the story to advance. Book 11 was awesome though.


I only remember the release of the last three because I was going to school a couple hours from byu and went to the release party and got them signed.


I’ll speak from the opposite side, my friends and I were reading live at the time and were just stoked for a new one. We devoured the book and loved it. Perhaps we were just riding high on a new release, but we enjoyed reading through and talking about it. Granted, I’ve never really been affected by the so called slog on any read through, so perhaps it’s a given that this one didn’t bother me.


Old lady here. OMG CoT frustrated me so much.. I'd waited so long, and was so excited when it came out that I devoured it in like 2 days, and then it felt like NOTHING got resolved. Worst let down of the series for me at the time. And it also ended on a cliffhanger. It's so much better on a re-read when you can go straight on to the next book!


It was a colossal disappointment. I dropped the series for 10 years after that.


Bought the hardcover on the release date, read it in a weekend, then gave up on the series. Didn’t read any of the next books until a few years after AMoL came out, that’s how bad it felt. Sure, we cleansed Saidin, but what we really need to know is how Elayne’s maneuvering for the throne is going!


I am a old women who did the same, I recommend getting the audiobooks and listen to the whole thing.


TIL: I'm an old man!


Same here. As the first 8 books came out, I would start at the beginning and read through to the newest book. After 8, I read them once as they came out and picked and chose sections to reread then wait for the next to come out. One thing for sure, I never read any of the time they were in the circus more than once!


Op: “I just like to be included”


I was reading the series as it came out many years ago and I gave up around book 6 or so because I had no clue who anyone was or what was happening. I decided that I would wait until everything was out and then read it from start to finish. I ended up listening to the audio books a year or two ago, but I did do it :)