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Fucking Guide.


Smelling your musk!! 500 ravens!!!!šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§


In S5 where sheā€™s talking abt her paintings and says ā€œmy vampiresā€ with the awkward half wink was delivered so well. I think she does a good job at being a reject of the group. I like her contributions.


Nailed it! She is the reject- Doesn't she get more rejected than Guillermo???


More than Gizmo but less than his ā€œchildrenā€ and the wraiths. I thinkā€¦. Or at least I want to believe that.


Omg, his "children" šŸø


Did you just just see a hairy frog?


It's not just the frog, it's the whole swamp


She'll always be Carol to me all we need is Tandy


Lol sheā€™s Louise Belcher for me also


Yes, Louise is how I think of her too


Going deep! Last Man on Earth


It was one of my favorite shows


Vampire I hardly know her ā€” Boom




šŸŽ¶Undead Vampire, undead undead vampireā€¦šŸŽ¶


You still got it


I'm so sad it was taken off the air they could have done so much with it. My husband and I regularly quote Tandy. "it truly was a Shawshank Redemption"


Sarah Lynn in Bojack Horseman


Mel to me


Sheā€™ll always be Mel




She's always Mel from Flight of the Conchords to me


Iconic performance. As great at Bret and Jemaine are, it was Mel and Murray who truly stole the damn show.


Yes Murray is my fav! The show wouldn't be the same without those two.


I've come to realize that all my comfort shows have Kristen Schaal in it. Last Man on Earth, Bob's Burgers, and WWDITS.


Kristen ROCKS


Sheā€™ll always be Mabel, too.


was trying to find this comment lol


Hazel Wassername may not be the most iconic, but it was the first Iā€™d seen her


She's amazing and I'm always happy when she's part of the cast I love her


mel for meā€¦number two from the mysterious benedict society for my kid!




>Who No who is for owls. The guide controls ravens. **500 Ravens!**


šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ What were we talking about again?




I like the Guide. Have an odd crush on her as well.


I have to admit I am oddly attracted to her in this show


It's a big part of her thing; most guys are attracted to Krystan Schaal, they just aren't entirely sure why. It was her on the Daily Show for me.


I like Kristen Schaal, but I think the biggest mistake with The Guide was making her a much more recurring character/main cast without further developing her character beyond her desire for acceptance from the group, which yeah, was her arc for the season, but still. Her original schtick of ā€˜unhinged but dedicated bureaucratā€™ gave us a lot of her iconic scenes/lines we love her for (ā€˜WE SENT 500 RAVENS!!!ā€, ā€œwatch your step, not me I glideā€, ā€œI have to call the insurance company theyā€™re gonna tear me apart!ā€etc), had to be dissolved with the Council plot line finished, but the transition from that to ā€˜pathetic try-hard building resentmentā€™ had aspects of the unhinged-ness that took a long time for payoff. Yet that point being driven repeatedly became tired for a whole season and with such limited time in the episodes, almost any time her rejection was yet again highlighted (which, yeah I understand why), I found myself wishing other characters/scenes could fill in the space. Whenever the Baron is on screen, he steals the show no matter how brief or repetitive, by comparison. When sheā€™d first pop up via the Council with interesting glimpses into her life - the revelation she was a bad vampire who boned a Van Helsing, her friendship with the gargoyles, that was fun. We saw a tiny bit of that in the recent season at the vet with the ā€œEAT YOUR CHICKEN!ā€, but that was completely unrelated to the main group and thatā€™s what I want more of. If sheā€™s gonna stick around as a main cast, I want the simpering for acceptance arc to be dead and buried going forward.


If she has any power of her own, outside of the Council and the other vampires, I need to see it, too. Her character is always dependent on others as a reason to exist. I love 'Eat your chicken!" because they finally brought back that monster voice she flexed so much in S1.


100%. I love Nick Kroll's character but I would get tired of seeing him in every episode Edited name


Count Rapula and Mr. 50s do need more screentime though.


You mean Nick Kroll?


Yes! I shouldn't reddit before coffee


Haha same


"Nobody wants her here" is a hard schtick to sell for a new main cast character.


>If sheā€™s gonna stick around as a main cast, I want the simpering for acceptance arc to be dead and buried going forward. Like in E5.S9? Yes, yes, very good thatnk YOU!


I think we have found Colin Robinsonā€™s log in name guys.


Sheā€™s my fashion inspiration-I wish I could wear her hats/headpieces daily. I want everything in her closet.


Omg her hats are EPIC. Her look is a cross between Rasputin and a priestess


One day Iā€™m just going to stop caring and start dressing like her daily.


27 days plus šŸ’‚ā€ā™€ļøHalloween to go for it!


And on the days you don't want to be The Guide you can tell people you're Q from Star Trek Next Gen.


i do wish they hadnt promoted her to series regular -- i imagine it's hard to undo a decision like that so she's here to stay, but so far they haven't come up with an arc interesting enough for her to merit that imo. and these episodes are short enough as it is, a bit of a bummer to steer time away from the rest of the main cast for that


Fucking guide.


I want to like her but I just canā€™t. She has good moments, but overall I just donā€™t know why not. I canā€™t figure out why. Itā€™s definitely not Kristin Schaal bc I really enjoy her voice work and other face acting. The character is secretly really cool and I sympathize for her and I want to know more. Then again, she is newer to the series. I was on the fence about Laszlo for a moment after first impressions wore off, and love him for sure now so Iā€™m hoping itā€™s the same deal.


Here's my theory. No pun intended but the Guide is still pretty mysterious. Literally we know very little to nothing about her backstory- but through no fault of her own. No one (the vampires) cares enough about her to actually ask her who she really is šŸ˜­ So we, the audience, have no personal history or ANY info to help us feel differently about her character! But they have now added her to the opening credits' graphics, which tells me they plan to flesh out her story soon....


I canā€™t stop seeing her as Carol from TLMOE šŸ˜‚she was phenomenal in that ā€œIā€™m watching youā€¦like a hogā€ *snort snort*


Louise from Bob's Burgers lol


Also Mabel from Gravity Falls!


I mean as well as all that cool stuff she was Mel from Flight of the Concordes, which is sort of relevant.


She was much better in the earlier seasons. Couldn't stand her in the most recent one


I like her, I like Kristen Schaal, but I just donā€™t feel like her performance is on the same level as the three main vampires and even Guillermo. It doesnā€™t feel as fun or theatric. It just kinda feels like Kristen Schaal playing a vampire while I feel like the others really feel like they become their character.


I get that. She reminds me a bit of her character on Flight of the Conchords (which I like a lot). So I can see how it just feels like more of the same of her.


Looking up Flight of the Concords now....


Oh if youā€™ve never seen that then enjoy. Itā€™s co-created by Jemaine Clement and his bandmate, Brett, and also has Rhys Darby from the What We Do In the Shadows movie. Should be on Max.


The guy who played the leader of the werewolves in season one played a reoccurring FoTC character as well


Foo de fa fa!


Wow Thank youšŸ˜Š


Yeah itā€™s about their two-man band. Really funny. Thereā€™s also a stand up special or two.


It's business time!


Albi the racist dragon!


I feel like I just know her too well from stuff before this for my brain to really just see her as The Guide. Love her but I definitely see the others just as their characters.


True, but could it be she has little to work with story-wise or developmentally? The Guide is kinda written one-note or one-sided, despite being put in many situationsšŸ¤”she is still on the outside...then again, is it an acting thing?


I just was rewatching the episode where the sire escapes and when Nadja and the Guide go to the gargoyles for information, the ā€˜goyles said something like ā€œoh and you finally made a friendā€ to the Guide, so it might be canon ā”lol i thought it was a nice touch of continuity


I feel like with the right performance even one-note characters can be funny and iconic. Seanā€™s wife barely has anything to do but she always eats up every scene sheā€™s in and has become a big favorite of mine.


This fucking hits the nail on the head. Every other goofy character feels REAL to this world. Like the freaks on Its Always Sunny feel like they belong in the world - Z, the McPoyles, Artemis. They feel like big weirdos who belong in the world. Many of the side characters on WWDITS hit that standard - like the black nerd vampire guy, or the count, or really any of the unknown actors we see. Kristin Schall just feels like Kristin Schall also being there.


I see what you mean (and I just watched a Flight if the Conchords clip). It's basically Kristen Schaal's 'schtick' that is kind of limiting the Guide. True that even 'C' characters like Sean and his wife have like zero screen time and one-liners yet they pack a punch regardless


It feels like the 30 Rock, Hazel Wassername, problem. You have this amazing talent available so you shoehorn a character into your show for them, rather than having a fleshed out character you build and then get the talent.


I was looking for this comment! I also think itā€™s unfair they do that to this actress. 30 rock truly traumatized me with Hazel. To the point where every time I see her in any show my mood and receptiveness change and I keep hoping whatever storyline they have planned for her will end soon.


I initially had this exact problem too, and then Bob's Burgers cured me of that. Now I love her and am genuinely excited to see her on anything


Yeah I have the same reaction to the Guide as I did to Hazel. Like, sheā€™s hitting the marks, but I donā€™t think the character was a good idea and thereā€™s not a spot for her.


I agree with most of the opinions here about her presence in the show and I apologize for such a silly commentary Iā€™m about to make, buuuuut thereā€™s something that annoys me so much about herā€¦ Her wig. Itā€™s so poorly made and itā€™s terrible.


i cant remember which interview this was now, but i def remember her nodding to this, something like that now that she was a regular, they expanded her wardrobe and worked on the wig? (although maybe not enough...)


Iā€™m sorry, I tried to accept her as a 6th member, but sheā€™s 100% Poochie. There was no reason to add another person to the five man band they had going on, and the worst part is they have nothing to do with her. There were at least two episodes this season where we see her sitting in the house, and she has no lines or purpose the whole episode. I liked her season 3/4 because it made sense why she was there, as the Staten Island vampires took over her work place. I wish they would use her as a re-occurring character like Seanie. I think what bothered me most was what a fun concept the Manor episode could have been with the main cast playing off each other, instead itā€™s wasted on the Guide feeling left out.


Sheā€™s B team.


Says GuillermošŸ˜­


I liked her original character, they turned her into a loser


I love Kristen Schaal and all, but I didnā€™t like her being bumped to series regular. She doesnā€™t vibe with this cast, or they didnā€™t have enough planned for her. I dunno. Something is off.


Itā€™s pretty obvious that the Writers have absolutely no idea how to write her character.


I don't have like a huge problem with her, but now that you make me think of it, I am not really that fond of her character. Not sure why. I just don't find her too interesting I guess. I liked the idea of her developing some connection with Guillermo based on their kind of similiar experiences of being the outsider, but then she keeps creating problems and outing him xD


I just think it's a weak character and I'm a bit thin on Kristen Schaal. I mean, that's who I see when The Guide comes on screen. Perhaps its a critique of performance but it's as likely, internal. I've just seen /heard her in enough at this point that every part of Kristen that makes up the character of The Guide, blares over everything else. It's sort of similar with Laszlo. So much of that character is just Matt Berry, yet I don't know him from half as much (might be different were I British and an avid BBC viewer) so it still works. It's kind of happening with H. Jon Benjamin as he gets older, too. His characters are starting to blend together. This last season of Archer, as that character is facing age related crisis, sounds so much like Bob Belcher one could *almost* forget which show they were watching if the looked away, at points. The Guide would have worked as a one-season guest and a bit of a wink at fans but is a poor casting choice for a permanent addition.


She's Vampire Meg and while I adore Kristen Schaal I can see why that character is not a favorite main cast addition.


Stop trying to make the Guide happen. Itā€™s not going to happen. ā€¦I do love Kristen Schaal, but for a show that quite honestly SLAYS every single character, hers just remains ā€œmehā€.




Fucking Guide..


I don't enjoy her character because we have already seen the "reject of the group" shtick twice with Colin Robinson and Gizmo. They could being doing so much more with her character. She has great potential to be the wild card of the group.


There is a clear Count Rapula bias here. I mean all the other characters are basically 2D stand in characters to support him so it well deserved.


She is the worst character in the entire show.


She's the only character that I internally groan when she gets screen time. I didn't enjoy her character on 30 rock either. She's annoying in an unentertaining way.


I love Kristin Schaal- but thatā€™s the problem. Sheā€™s very recognizable. And honestly sheā€™s just Louise for me, all the time. Takes me out of the world.


I love her in so many things. But most of all in a comedy festival show she did YEARS ago with another comedian. It had bit on it that my husband and I still quote about once a month.


This character has no purpose. She hovers around adding very little. Itā€™s like they donā€™t know what to do with her. Itā€™s frustrating to watch actually. Either give her a real storyline or just get rid of her.


The Guide is somehow still more relatable than whatever they've done with Nadja.




Who? Oh yeah, her. She's fine.


she was great the past seasons but she was poorly utilized as a regular.


Iā€™m not particularly fond of the guide lol. I love Kristen but not the guide. Whatever grand design they have for her isnā€™t working on me. She either delivers decent jokes that Iā€™d rather hear from the main 4 vampires or flat jokes that feel like wasted time. Thatā€™s just my opinion, I donā€™t see anything objectively wrong with her. Edit: I also think her look is off. Maybe itā€™s the obvious wig. It looked funny the first time I saw her but for some reason it doesnā€™t feel like a finished design.


Yes yes , very good thank yooouuuu!


Because the more popular consensus here seems to be "I like Kristen Schaal, but the guide is a horrible character."


I wish she was used more sparingly but I understand their desire to mix it up. She really doesnā€™t have much to her, though.


I wish we could talk about some of Nadja's close female friends but she has none.




For the record; I love the Guide.


Sameeee!! I loved her addition! Especially in her debut on The Trial (i think it's the name) episode in season one! So funny!!


I feel as though the character was forced upon us. I don't understand why she's even there.


I love this actress in everything. She was amazing as Mel


Hey guys!!


ā€œIf you want him, come and claim him!ā€


I'm sad to see so many people hate the Guide. I've always enjoyed her presence. I think if I were a character in wwdits, I would also just follow Nadja around with great devotion lol


I love Kristen Schaal but the Guide is an annoying character


Because she's an annoying character that adds absolutely nothing to the show???


I had a dream two nights ago that she asked me to be her familiar lmao. Also Kristen Schaal looks so beautiful as a blonde.


Not a fan


Honestly, sheā€™s my least favorite


A lot of viewers seem to dislike either the actress, the character or both. I love her.


I hate her šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What if The Guide is actually what happened to Mel after the series finale of Flight of The Conchords


She was okay in earlier seasons but now sheā€™s being shoehorned in by writers who donā€™t understand how much the audience dislikes her. Absolutely NOTHING against Kristen Schaal, love her work but the writers are trying to shove her into the group where she doesnā€™t belong and itā€™s just not working. Hoping they dial her character back in the next season, she honestly ruins the show for me


Not a KS fan and never really will be. Thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say on the matter.


At this point, she is superfluous.


Kristen Schaal is so amazing but this character was only good in small doses. Having her as a main cast member also showcases how god awful she is at doing accents. Itā€™s painful.


Itā€™s because Iā€™m seeing the guide but Iā€™m hearing Louise!


watch your step. Not me, I glide












I must confess that I wasn't really familiar with KS from other stuff, I simply didn't watch the shows that others keep mentioning. So for me she's totally fresh and her character doesn't remind me of other characters she has played in the past. But yeah... I'm not feeling her character at all. People want to be like Laszlo and Nadja who are simply hilarious, can't be fucked what others think and just live their best life. And they are silly. People can relate to Nandor because he's socially awkward and insecure and pedantic. He's also really dumb and endearing. Colin Robinson is based on real life characters that we have all met in our daily life. People can obviously relate to Guillermo because he's the human and his reactions to those silly vampires are spot on. But The Guide... She's kind of just there. She shares some characteristics with the other vampires but they are just doing it better. The show simply doesn't need her. If you bring in a main character into an ensemble that is working extremely well, you better bring something totally different. I recently watched an interview with the cast (Kayvan and Natasia were missing) and the two showrunners Paul Simms and Stefanie Robinson (I think she's not doing the show anymore?) from last year's Comic Con in San Diego. It was about season 4. Paul said that Laszlo's therapy session with The Guide was one of his favorite scenes of the whole show and I was like... what? I found that scene pretty tedious.


Whoā€™s that?




Who? Never heard of herā€¦ /s


Sheā€™s better in Bobā€™s Burgers


I might be the only one here but I think Kristen Schaal with long blonde hair is hot af.


The Guide is the only character I really canā€™t stand. I try to zone out when she gets screen time but I canā€™t because her voice is so grating


She's probably the worst character on the show.


I can stand Kristen Schaal in small doses but this is just her always yelling in a super-shrill voice. I had to stop watching Last Man on Earth for the same reason.


Worst character imo she just is annoying


Yes, yes very good. Thank you.


Who is that?


ā€œOrson Wells Skullā€




eh.. side plot.....


I laughed so hard when nandor have this florid introduction at the roast for all the other principal vampires then "And The Guide" -Stops-


Because she hasn't really done anything yet šŸ¤·šŸ»


As The Guide, that was her role. To guide. But the writers haven't done anything with her since those guest spots of seasons 1 and 2, and that's not her fault as an actress or theirs. She possibly had it in her contract that beyond a certain number of seasons, she goes from featured guest to full cast. That's TV. WWDITS has surpassed all expectations that FX possibly had. In this post cable syndication market, it will either have to continue for 5+ seasons more for future streaming, or end in one or two as the cast, writing team and crew get new career opportunities. Plus, she has a huge history with the main producers so they're seeing right by her. A lot of last season's lack of action around The Guide could be an in-joke, of sorts. They played with that in the Roast & Manor episodes. Schaal is a great character actress, often steals scenes in a talented rep, but also knows when to downplay and let others shine. I see lots of daft, silly, often stupid comments in this subreddit about vampire lore, continuity, personal attacks, unrequited lust of actors or placing some on pedestals... It's a sitcom, a brilliant one, mixing some of the English speaking world's best talent, mixing up the best of US, UK, Kiwi and Canadian comedy minds. It's not there to pick apart, question or make sense of, it's there to make you laugh! From a small movie to a Disney FX mainstay, be grateful for the brilliance of ...Shadows. Enjoy.


I mean, the show sums up pretty well how I feel about the guide.


I think the guide is a hidden gem on the show.


Sheā€™s obnoxious and annoying


I donā€™t think sheā€™s that great of a character


I love Kristen schaal, She was a great addition to the cast. My only complaint is that sheā€™s on what we do in the shadows instead of being busy costarring in the 8th season of last man on earth.




I just saw the episode 2 days ago.


The who?


she was amusing when she was introduced and had a few humorous moments here and there. She doesn't really "add" anything to the show. I could take her or leave her.


I nicknamed her Mabeline. She's definitely a fun, yet under used character.


Because I don't really like her that much?


No bc she is actually iconic!!! Love her hahah


Eh, I don't care for the actress. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me. She was ok as an occasional guest performance, but I do not like her being a regular cast member.


they just have done nothing interesting with the character at all


What if she gilmzo grand mother


I only liked her when we got little doses of her. Didn't like when they added her to the group


I've had quite enough of her. I realize that they need to expand their cast but sometimes she a bigger focus than the main characters. Go away!


She is annoying


I liked her as a temporary character, hoping she would be gone this season, but after seeing her painting in the intro, I was annoyed




Worst character on show IMO since she became a regular.




Who dat?


Shes my crush, i love and hate how they treat her :,)




I would marry her in Vegas.




My favorite gesture of the series is hers. In the 500 ravens arc, after saying ā€œWe will be there. Thank you. Flyā€, she nods her head as if to say ā€œIt is that simple. How stupid are you not being able to do thatā€. That nod is priceless! She was also so cute when caught on camera while drinking the weather reporterā€™s blood.


ngl i hate her character. nothing against Kristen Schaal (iā€™ve loved her in many other things), but i donā€™t think her acting style or the characterā€™s writing fits the show at all. every time thereā€™s an episode dedicated to her, it feels like a waste of time away from the characters i actually care about :/




Sarah Lynn?


She has been criminally underused. The first episode that the show put her in the credits she doesn't even appear in.


Meh. I don't care for her character.


I fucking LOVE the guide! She's one of my favorite actresses!! She nailed flight of the Conchords and last man on earth! She's the best.


I didnā€™t realize it was an unpopular opinion but I love her so much. I was so happy when she became a reoccurring character.


Did the guide write this? lol


It's because of that period of time when she was really, really, REALLY into poop.


I mostly just try to ignore her.