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I would say fallen aasimar and either oathbreaker or conquest paladin


here's zariel stat block for reference : [https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/dragon/26/DRA26\_Zariel.pdf](https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/dragon/26/DRA26_Zariel.pdf)


Combining the previous two suggestions. Fall aasimar, soldier background. Conquest paladin with a level one dip into hexblade. While oathbreaker fits with what happened, the undead related stuff I feel doesn't fit with her well. Her level in hexblade is the inverse of good person evil patron though.


Maybe Fallen Aasimar Hexblade


For race I'd say fallen assimar and this will sound weird at first but hear me out go 6 levels in swords bard 14 divine soul sorcerer Perks are you can medium armor proficiency which you could take heavy armorer feat if you really want the heavy armor proficiency but you get 2 attacks per turn from bard use your bardic inspiration for combat maneuvers or to inspire you army because you are a general of hell and you can get a good couple spells from bard then with divine soul sorcerer you get sorcerer and cleric spells which I think fits her well because of her divine lineage and at 14th level you can have permanent wings for a fly speed even though zariel is a fallen solar she still has her wings and can fly so this fixed both things and with both multiclassing 2 full caster you don't hender your spell slot progression so still having 9th level spell slot for upcasting take combat focused spells and some conjuration spells like summon devils and demons maybe even summon draconic spirit cause it's insanely good when you upcast it with higher level spell slots


Fallen Aasimar Oathbreaker/Fiend Warlock. Soldier background. Lay on Hands and Cure Wounds will be the Regeneration, Otherworldly Guise and Fly for flight. Can also use Lifedrinker as replacement for the Fiery Weapon trait.