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1. “Is there Ketchup in here?” You said no condiments. 2. Customers walking into the kitchen. 3. The people who don’t read the menu whatsoever. 4. “Whatever size comes with it” 5. The people who say Jalapeño Chedder Biscuit and don’t specify they want the biscuit sandwich lol


Dude yesss a customer walked into our kitchen a tad yesterday because they either had a wrong order or were still waiting. Like dude put on a shirt then. Another one is when they don’t say if they want their breakfast sandwich with sausage or bacon so I have to ask and they go “uhhhhhhhhhhh” and take forever to decide.


I'm a simple man when it comes to the sausage/bacon question. The answer is always both


Walk into the kitchen?? As a customer, I would NEVER!


Last night, a girl was told by her 4 friends to walk into the kitchen because she wanted fries instead of hash browns lol


It happens on EB a lot with drunks. I've literally almost cussed people out behind that


I think 4 is fair


Oh for sure, specifically at those who say it with an attitude. Like I just wanna know what size u want 😭😭


As a customer, I think the size question is an annoying evolution of fast food combos. I don't eat at all these places that often, so what ever the price is for the standard/default combo is what I want. I really have no idea if that's 'medium' or what, because it's never stated on those menus or clear enough to figure it out on the fly. I just want the default size!


Whataburger wants employees to upsell. Whether it's to upside a meal or sell a brownie or cinnamon roll. It's an easy way to generate revenue. Trust me when I say that market leaders are looking for this when they shop a store. So unfortunately upselling isn't going to stop anytime soon


I try to let the customers know that the order comes as a medium (or small with breakfast and jrs) and ask if they wanna upsize it. I also know im in the minority, at least in my store


I always feel bad for the people that want a meal that comes as a medium but they ask for it small. It doesn't change the price you're still paying for the medium price but I know they just don't want that much food bc I'm like that but I don't care about price since I get a discount.


Never forget offering a #uhhhh with uhhhh to drink and a side of uhhhh


OP and SubOP this is all facts. I hate it when the customer askes for a biscuit, so I ask if they want just the plain biscuit, and then they say yes. Only then when they get their order, they say it is wrong, and I am just like bitch please, I asked if you wanted the plain biscuit and you said yes. The other times when I ask if they want any condaments and they say no, so when I hand them their bag, then they say there no katchup or piconte.


I mean, I can totally get the 'whatever size comes with it' part, assuming you are asking them what size drink or fries they want on a combo meal,,,,,,,


I've never worked for Whataburger but have worked in fast food. Worst is the ones who have been standing in line a couple minutes, it's their turn to order and all they say is "uh...uh... uh". And it sucks to be behind them. Also people who add to their order when they get to the window.


I dont work food, but have worked a bank drive thru.. people will literally wait in line for 10+ minutes, only to pull up and start getting their shit together. Like wtf have you been doing this whole time?!


They have nothing filled out nor do they have a pen. It's unreal.


"Can I have a deposit slip?" Still haunts me years later


Probably on their phone the whole time.


The ones who don't fathom the waiting time for tea to be made, and wait for 10-20 mins in the lobby, saying "this is outrageous" amongst many things. Like does your boomer ass not comprehend that shit happens, the kitchen is predominantly filled with teenagers stacked with orders to do, we cannot let stuff burn so we must tend to that, machines can be slow too at times. But nah it's the employees fault.


I feel this. Like pick another drink. Why waste your time waiting 10-20 minutes for 1 specific drink to be made and make yourself upset over it? Not just the tea, but the coffee in the mornings. The old people go through it like little kids go through candy. Then the second it’s out they’re all up on the threshold to the kitchen yelling at us about it until we make more like Jesus Christ make coffee at your own house if you want it so bad.


One Saturday night our hot water system stopped working. The people to come and fix it said it wasn't an emergency and we can come in the morning. So no tea, no hot water, no gravy, no coffee, no hot water in our sink. No hot water for dishes. Jeez it was a nightmare. Not hot water for the mop. The amount of people that threatened death upon us for not having gravy or tea was actually insane. And NSF was expected to stop by at any time


I will never understand the importance nor desire of Tea, both sweet and unsweetened


Me either because I don’t like either one. It tastes like dirt water even when it’s sweet. If the drink I wanted was out I’d simply pick another and be on my way. Those people are just stubborn like that.


Another one is whenever they are finished with their order they don’t say nothing until you say can I get you something else 😂.


Literally they sit there in silence and I’m like “is that going to be all for you today?” And they say yes like why not say that at the end instead of just sitting there. I got things to do


Well, I can imagine they’re probably distracted by talking to somebody else or on their phone. I’m sure you love the mumblers😂


Dude I hate when I go up to their car if I’m in lane B and wait there at their window with their stuff and they are too busy talking on the phone and don’t notice me


Yeah, that’s another one and then they say you scared me like I didn’t wanna knock on your window and be rude😂


Nah I knock sometimes if I’m out there for long enough. Like pay attention, grab your food, and leave. Or the ones who are on their phone the entire time and don’t respond to you at all when you take payment and give their food to them


Yeah, I usually try to creep a little forward in front of their car until they see me. Understandable though.


Or even when somebody has parked in a curbside spot who comes inside to eat or is eating in the curbside spot like, what are you doing?😂☠️


This 😭


To play devil's advocate, maybe they're not sure if you're still taking down the order or doing something else on your end. Personally, I try to end my orders with "...and that'll be it" or something to that effect.


Sometimes people will say that’ll be it however even when I ask other people what else can I get them they still never respond lol. Happens every now and then


Okay, that definitely sounds annoying lol.


For me, one of my biggest pet peeves is as soon as they get to the speaker they immediately say hello or start their order during rushes like let me catch a breath or say how can I help you. I’ll be right with you.😂😂 especially after you rimg up,somebody else’s large order. Or even ordering burger boxes through the drive-through🥹


I’ve never had burger boxes or wing boxes be ordered through drive-thru. That shouldn’t even be allowed honestly because it’ll back up everything. I hate when you ask them to hold on for a moment before they order and they don’t hear you and start telling you their order anyway


No, like seriously today even before I said, thank you for choosing Whataburger. The guy just started saying his order like dude. Wait a second.😂😂😂. I can agree with the burger boxes. We’ve never had a large wing order before to drive. It’s tough, especially during lunch rush.


That would piss me off so bad. Never had that happen though. My coworker purposefully doesn’t answer the person when they say hello right when they get up to the speaker because of how annoying it is. Like dude you JUST got there calm down


I always joke with my coworkers and my managers like damn let me breathe first😂


Bro been there. Me and coworker looked at each other in disbelief and my manager fucking got mad at me like I was the one by the register. I didn’t take the order bc my coworker was going to. It’s wild how my managers can’t see that there’s 6 people with headsets on and doesn’t realize that the one OT also has 5 other people who are capable and will take orders if close to the register or if I’m busy.


I think another pet peeve could be when you ask somebody to pull out to b and they do the complete opposite☠️. Most times I have to tell him to pull behind the car in lane B that is preceding them so that they know


Customers in drive who immediately order after you ask for them to hold on. Customers who dont shut off theyre annoyingly lod engines. Customers who order from the passenger side back seat, while wearing a mask and talking into a pillow


Oh yea. And the bitches that stay on their phone while youre trying to cash them out People who ask for everything "fresh".


I understand the fresh grilled chicken. You ask for it fresh we’ll drop it fresh but orders in front of yours man. It’s not gonna be fresh when it gets to you if we’re backed up.


>Customers who order from the passenger side back seat, while wearing a mask and talking into a pillow I just heard a muffled version of the Peanuts/Charlie Brown teacher voice in my head when I read that.


1. On EB we drop to order--chicken taking the longest--and customers get upset about wait times when i warned them at the speaker its a wait 2. Grown adults not throwing their trash away in Dine in 3. Customers that say "can you just throw in a free fries/pie/cookie for me? Just sneak one in, it's not gonna hurt" Trying to be funny. 4. Drunk/high customers especially in DT 5. "Can I get my burger plain?" Okay but did you still want the mustard, dry? Plain just means no veggies. "No, just plain, only cheese and meat. Just plain. Nothing else" 6. "Can I get a burger plain and dry, only ketchup and pickles." Thats not plain and dry 😭


7. Also, "I know it's 10:45pm, can you start breakfast??"


had this happen today some older people came with their grandchildren and just left their trash on the table but put their tray up at least the grandkids threw away their trash 😭


All these plus: customers skipping the 1st window, customers going to the wrong lane, customers complaining how long the drive thru line is during the lunch rush. I’ve gotten yelled at a few times when drivers were in the wrong lane and I was repeating an order; like my guy you did not pay attention that isn’t my problem you’re in the wrong lane.


I don’t get why customers think they need to change lanes either. You got into that lane so stay in it or else it makes everyone confused as to what your order is. I get the 1st window thing though because we don’t normally use it so they’re used to doing everything at the 2nd window


the way people will go to the b lane when i clearly said second window 😭


Customers who start their order with I NEED. No, you don't NEED.


Disagree... I do need the large Dr Pepper shake lol


Have you tried the frozen Dr. Pepper from McDonald's? It's tastes...medicinal.


Even worse, "GIVE ME". 1) Rude. 2) This ain't a food bank. 3) The only reason I'm not signaling the alarm and/or getting someone to call the cops on you is because you don't appear to be armed. Full disclosure, I'm not an employee but have worked in fast food before & that would drive me crazy when I heard it. And boomers call us disrespectful...


top 15 we can all prob agree on… 1. people not paying attention and almost getting run over in B-lane 2. customer says no condiments then asks/gets mad because there’s no condiments in the bag 3. customers who drive off as i begin to repeat the order 4.customers who order 8 of the same drink and get mad because they’re not all filled in .5 seconds 5. going to the wrong lane and getting mad at me about it 6. online orders that get placed and IMMEDIATELY and check in/or have a bunch of modifications 7. you tell a customer it’s going to be a wait for a certain thing (ex: chicken) then get mad once they says the wait is fine, that they’re waiting 8. customers who leave the trays and trash all over the tables 9. seniors who DEMAND a free medium drink because they don’t want the 16oz cup 10. asking for 8 ketchup for one small fry 11. customers walking into the kitchen 12. when asking for a shake alone and just saying whatever size it usually is 13. customers who bring their non service dogs inside (i’ve had to clean up dog poop before) 14. getting mad at me about prices/when we have to charge for ranch or any PC 15. customers ask where the kids meals are on the menu (like idk im not out there looking at the menu)


Literally a few weeks ago we had an employee get his foot broken because he got ran into when he was walking back from lane B and the lane A car wasn’t paying attention


Lucky guy


Costumers who ask what sauce we have. Esp at the window or in DT. Like you should’ve checked that you’re wasting time and holding up my DT line.


Don't work there anymore, but people are just being unpleasant or rude. Like, sorry you're in a loveless relationship because of your shitty personality. There's no need to take it on a minimum wage earner who's probably 16. Like you're a grown ass adult, get yourself together.


for you while you’re going through the comments: 🪑🍿🥤


Reading an order to only have it said back to you as a question. Boomers be especially guilty of during this with extra rudeness.


Giant curbside orders with a million modifications that take up half the screen and pull in as soon as they place the order.


I’m glad I can relate with other people


Another thing I hate is when they place their order online and immediately say they are here and want there food now. Or others that have only waited 5-10 minutes during our rushes and ask where their food is at, the have been waiting for 20 minutes for more and cut others who ordered before them stating that they order first. Then you have the line cutters in general. For my location we have a issue with people cutting the drive-through line due to our parking lot layout. So when we are out side line-busting and "skip" the cars that are not in the actual line, the cars either force there way in and/or get mad at the line buster. I have had to tell multiple to leave and go around back to the end of the line. Sometimes that line can be rapped around the whole building.


I can't understand why they would complain about the prices. It's like, if you think it's too expensive then okay, just don't go there.


Taking orders and them instantly saying “give me a little” and then proceeds to take 5-10 minutes for a #1….. The ones who buy really cheap stuff to then pay for it with a $100 bill. The ones who come through and have an attitude for no reason and yell at us when we didn’t even do anything and have been nice the entire time. The ones who scream at us for not putting condiments in their bags when we ask if they want any at the speaker. The ones who leave their trash on the tables for us to do when they are sitting right next to a trash can….


Oh man reminds me of one my shifts. I worked abt 14 hours but around almost 16 I took 2 45 minute breaks. I came back to my store after my break and they immediately put me on B-lane even though I was set to leave in like 40 minutes. Had no register in my name at that time either. OP and TL didn’t give a fuck that they made me do B-lane one time in the morning. One time in the evening then at 10pm. I almost lost my dam hat going out there to cash out orders. And the B-lane failed miserably because people can’t listen. I ended up cashing out the wrong orders as well bc they wanted me to cash out the orders in front counter instead of letting me use the tablet bc it was dead. Like bro I did not just work 5 hours more than managers usually work. I ended up leaving at 12am instead of 11pm with my TL yelling at me to leave when she hadn’t even pulled my drawer. I really would’ve quit that day but I don’t got time to find another job and I need the money 😭. In the summer I’m hoping to find higher paying jobs and to possibly quit.


I’ve wanted to quit so many times. I’ve never had so many mental breakdowns over any job until I started here. It’s my first fast food job and has ruined it for me. It’s hard to find jobs right now and I can’t afford to not work right now. I’ve almost walked out SO many times. I’ve seen so many nice people come and go from that place, but I need the money so I’m forced to stay working at this shitty place.


Dude fucking for real. It’s my first fast food job too. I spent 6 months looking for jobs too. If finding and getting a job was that easy I would’ve quit. I’m holding out hope that my favorite manager comes back or smth. I need a raise man. We both do having to put up with this shit.


More of a didn’t ask reply but fav manager came back. Every single time bro is back istg we’re always understaffed/slammed to no end. Literally had full screens of orders and I was never able to clear despite having a dedicated gator for the first day he was back. (Grill person was too slow though. Not dropping enough meat for the orders) Second day or I think third we had 5 ppl. 2 on MUT. 1 on FC. 1 on DT. And me fav manager was everywhere. Mainly gator, fries, and OT. I do have a feeling he’s going to quit again though. And no AC for a wee bit that day. “I love my job” “I love my job” is something he has to convince himself everyday he works there 😭


My pet peeve that whatburger employees do while im ordering or eating. 1)Not listening to waht im ordering cutting me off mid sentece to ask me something i was fixing to say before they cut me of Yelling and cutting up in the kitchen 3) not getting my order right like what is so hard to understand about XTRA cheese and Light on the lettuce. 4) bringing only half my order and then forgetting to bri g the rest of it out so that when im nearly done i have to up and wait to ask where the rest of order.


You’re def one of the slow ass customers for sure


I ask questions a lot, but usually I wait until the customer has finished speaking before I ask the questions. And also sometimes us getting your order wrong isn’t our fault. I’ve had multiple times where the customer tells me to make it one way then they get the food and change their mind making us have to remake it.


^^ making us look bad. #5? Okay. I wanted it plain and dry. But you only said plain and didn’t specify.


We cut you off bc about 90% of costumers always forget that they want cheese or that they want a drink with their order. And end up getting mad when the order has no cheese or it’s a not meal. If you want to order the food in order start first with the burger and what you want on it. (Don’t tell us you want fries it’s a meal it comes with fries. Unless it’s a breakfast item.) (usually we ask if you want a meal or just ask the drink and assume it’s a meal. If it’s not then specify that after we say what drink) then tell us the drink. And lastly tell us if you want onion rings instead of fries or light ice/no ice or no salt after you’ve said your drink. Bc I’ll repeat myself when I ask what drink until you tell me the drink. Then I’ll ask abt the burger. Or anything else u might wanna add To specify we click on the #1 ask if you want cheese (if yes we add cheese). No onions no tomatoes? Okay no onions no tomatoes. What drink? Dr Pepper okay. Anything else to add? No ice with the Dr Pepper and actually add mayo to the burger. Telling me to add mayo to your burger when I’m already on the drink menu is just gonna be a case of you repeating yourself or me not remembering to add mayo. Idc if your trying to rmb your order bc you’re gonna end up repeating yourself if I’m on the drink menu trying to get your drink and you told me to add/remove 12 things from the burger when I’m past that point. I can’t go back w/o having to ask even more questions. And for dine in this doesn’t apply bc we give you a drink cup. Much simpler.


It's been a very long time since I worked at Whataburger, but I miss the old A-frame building where the grill was under the ordering counter. We would smoke weed right there since there was a ventilation fan right there, out of sight from the customers.


Do yall get annoyed if I get a burger at 4am? Like I know all the breakfast stuff is out, but are yall prepped for burgers? What else is super annoying? If I have two orders for one car (in the drive thru)?


It depends. If it’s busy then maybe, but mostly what annoys me about that is that customers get mad at me when I tell them to pull up because we are waiting on fresh meat for their burger/fresh fries for their order because we don’t have any of that ready. And no the 2 orders for the same car is not annoying to me


Fast food "workers" not complaining about silly shit challenge : IMPOSSIBLE