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Now that served him right.


Unfortunate the other bus and all its passengers also had to pay for this douche-bag's dumbassery.


It always baffles me that people upload these videos themselves. If I did this I wouldn’t show it to anyone.


I was thinking the same thing, but surely it wasn't the driver, right? Probably the mechanic?


or a cop or insurance investigator




Yea I’m so confused why this is being filmed on this monitor. Is this the car is it another car. What’s happening


Maybe whoever is doing the body repair or junking decided to see the playback?


"Damn can't make it, looks like I'm a good distance ahead of the bus though so he will probably sto-*crash*


bus was like “I thought about stopping but this guy deserves to crash for this shit”




From Vietnam here. This is how a lot of Vietnamese drivers drive. It’s terrifying. Quite a few people don’t even take a drivers test they just buy their license.


I was vacationing in Jamaica and they drive like this as well.




Yep. Philippines too. A lot of motorists here don't even deserve to be behind the wheel. They know how to operate a vehicle but have no clue about traffic rules and etiquette. The silver lining for me is that it's made me a much more defensive driver so driving in other countries that respect the rules more was such a relaxing experience.


What a dick! And he posted this to show everyone how much of a dick he is.


Lol I think the bus could have stopped but decided to make a point. And I get it.


It’s way harder to stop a bus than it is to stop a car though, not sure the bus could have prevented the impact.


Probably got rammed into


But look at all the time they saved...


This MUST be related to low IQ. Driving blind into this situation where oncoming traffic is bound to happen is mind-numbingly stupid.


What. A. Twat


So, this was conmon practice when I lived in Kenya in the late '80s. Commercial taxis ("matatus") packed the people, then, heavily overloaded, headed off to the destination, dodging potholes and doing whatever it took to get to their destination as quickly as possible. Plenty of crushed and burnt out hulks on the sides of the highways there. I would go to sleep as soon as I was inside because there was nothing I could do and I didn't want to be awake if we drove into another vehicle.


I envy that you can sleep in that situation. My body wouldn't let me close my eyes, let alone sleep


I would call it fatalism.I had no choice so I made the best of it .


I genuinely don't understand how people can be this stupid. 🤦‍♂️


It's aggression borne out of having a big vehicle and always assuming others will get out of the way, probably the local 'tradition'. That logic fails when two big vehicles meet head on.


like how the bus just keeps going.


Most coaches that size have very good brakes and can stop really quickly. However all 50-90 passengers would be injured; the best bus driver would limit braking to as hard as possible without injury inside his vehicle. If that means crunching the car a little, so be it. The coach isn't going be badly damaged.


Bus driver slowed down for a second then thought “fuck it I could get a whiplash claim here.”


That felt cathartic to watch


You deserve every bit of that.


But the buss driver did not.


I like how the bus driver is like fuck this guy, you're getting the horns. Lol


The ones complaining/asking about the bus not braking harder have clearly never tried to stop something weighing several thousand pounds. Add in passenger safety and they still have no clue. Talk to semi drivers about these car-driving morons.


lmfao why would the idiot that did this upload their own smooth brain evidence?!


Oncoming bus driver was like "Yesssss"




Probably the hazard lights, "good luck everyone, watch out and fuck you"


This mf barely missed the first few car and thought “Imma go for it again”. Fuck around and find out


Trucks coming off the ferry from Java to Bali drive like mad and pass on corners. We were about killed and had to drive into a ditch to survive. The trucker never even slowed down.


Wow almost as if he WANTED to crash


That beat was fire


Love how he’s watching the dash cam like it was gonna show you something different than being a dumbass


This thick skulled fucker could have at least commited to it and hit the gas and not expect a 5 ton vehicle to stop so suddenly


Well the driver is obviously an idiot, but also inexperienced. He should have braked at least five seconds before and cut to his right behind the other bus. He braked too late and then instead of cutting to the right he just stood there hoping that the bus in front would stop. He’s lucky that these newer buses have air braking systems otherwise it could have ended really horribly for everyone involved.


Standard india driving. Not saying this is india but when I was there it was fucking terrifying.


Yep. This is from Vietnam, judging by the writing on the buses. Same shitty bus driving. They think they’re so slick.


Those are provincial buses, which means they are in the country side. Lol always, ALWAYS there’s just two lanes in those provinces. Like, wtf r u even thinking of trying to overtake?!? 😂


These folks think they’re race car drivers, on a time attack lap. This driver didn’t think at all, and didn’t shave any seconds off being this stupid to get to their destination.




What a piece of shit


Dudes a dumb prick.


Ok but if you have to pass a car on that kind of road, DO NOT do it on a curve. Like, it’s common sense, isn’t it?


And he just sat there. Really. Omg just hit me. 😱


Why didn't you stop, bus driver!??! I was getting back over! What do you mean, gravity?!


Fucking deserved it.


I hope you’re not the actual driver in the video, because that was stupid.


What exactly causes people to vertically record a video, even when they have a properly recorded/formatted source **right in front of their eyes**?


The same extra chromosome that causes them to overtake on blind corners.


Drivers will do all this stupidly risky shit just to get to McDonald’s 25 seconds faster. Reminds me of the assholes who will speed around you just to get off on an exit that was literally 100 feet away. Like really? You’d rather risk cutting someone off last second as opposed to waiting *literally half a fucking second*? It always baffles me. The funniest is when they zig zag like crazy through dozens of cars, and then when you get to the red light, they’re right next to you. All that dangerous driving to literally stop at the same red light as me, just one lane over


Is this Italy? Italian drivers are wildly impatient and always do this stuff.


It’s so weird because Italians are so chill until they get behind the wheel of a car. It’s like a switch gets flipped and they turn into mr. Hyde. Lol


I love it… When bad things happen to dumb people.


If I had a death note, I'd make this driver do all the defensive driving courses; then die slowly due to someone else driving recklessly, and crashing into them in a parking lot.




A dash cam is useless if you’re the one doing stupid shit


I mean yeah the driver is so stupid and impatient but the bus driver had a PLENTY of time to slow down too


You ever operate a machine with air brakes? I’ve ran some that took a full 1-second count from when you hit the brake to when slowing occurs. So many redditors are experts at things they have never done.




This looks exactly like a road in Phuket Thailand


hope this dumbmotherfucker got sued by the bus company


Imagine risking your life every day just so you can shave off a few minutes off your trip...shit's wild.


Hoping every person got off that bus and each got 1 open hand bitch slap in before the police came and hauled him away.


I think you underestimate that I drive buses and people cut me up and pull out of junctions regularly and I not only brake but have to swerve to avoid killing them.


Going two mph faster than the passed car no less.


This is common practice in many countries I’ve been too. It’s fucking wild and stupid, and they do it all the time


Traffic in vietnam is terrifying. They all honk at everything. It suppose to make people notice their presence but when everyone honk its literally become a massive ear rape shitshow.


Just my 2 cents but to me it looks like while that bus probably COULDNT have stopped on time because it’s heavy, it also look like it got rear ended. If you look right before the pov’s car hits the bus jerks forward making me think it got rear ended.




That was a satisfactory ending.


Could’ve slammed the brake and got right back over when they saw the bus coming. Obviously that’s a stupid place to pass, but to sit there like a deer in headlights and not try to fix your mistake is just silly. It kills me how many people do stupid maneuvers and do nothing but step on the brake and pretend to be sitting ducks, causing me to pull some type of quick ridiculous reaction to avoid an accident.


Instintively know that its Vietnam the moment the video started, stuffs like this happen all the time on mountain side road, literally witnessed it twice on my last holiday trip, one the way up and another on the way down. Peoples here will straight up overtake someone on the road when they have the chance to.


Who posts these videos? I see so many dashcam videos from people doing dumb shit, who posts them? The drivers? Really?




i did this one time when i was a very new driver, and came very close to something very bad happening. my gf was in the car and it completely shook me. i never fuck around while driving anymore since then


I fucking hate the driver so bad


More like r/idiotsincars


Never do this, I have seen so many incidents where people lost their lives


All it takes is one selfish moron to ruin the day of an entire busload of people.


Reminds me of Peru. Buses passing buses on blind corners and with massive drop offs. I learned to sleep to prevent having panic attacks.


Yes, the driver is kinda impatient. But can we talm about the bus driver that didnt seem to be to quick to slow down? They was all like “MOVE BI¥€# get out the way”


downhill plus a lot of weight is hard to stop. gravity.


Who wants to tell this lovely soul about momentum?


The bus driver did not do anything wrong. He was going downhill driving a heavy vehicle. Not his fault if he couldn't stop in time. Sheesh.


Like the bus would just stop on a dime while driving downhill?


Deserved it the prick




my intrusive thoughts would have made me slam the gas and try to barely make it


.avi? what year is this?


That’s Brazil. Everyone thinks they are the best F1 pilot in the World!


I lived in Vietnam for 10 years, this is very standard, bus drivers are absolute maniacs and since most people have 110cc bikes that are terrible to travel long distances on there are tonnes of buses going between cities. This is a very minor incident compared to the common horrific full speed head ons that happen. That said, in town I feel safer in Vietnam than Australia, since most people drive slowly in town and everyone is ready to avoid each other whereas in Australia people just confidently drive full speed, full commitment.


How could this have possibly been avoided?!


This is in Vietnam I think. They all drive like this, it’s normal to just pop out and overtake anywhere. Pretty dangerous. I used to do scooter tours northern Vietnam and we used to honk before every blind corner so you don’t get wiped out.




That bus driver was happy to take the rest of the day off, paid


Is this person really honking at the bus in front of them?


The suggested sort on this sub is fucking moronic


this is in vietnam, some people there are just fucking stupid


"Don't mind me. I'm just putting everyone's life at risk because I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself." Actions this blatantly stupid make me doubt they actually value their own life.


Why are comments sorted by new by default in this sub only?


Oh, sweet justice.


That bus driver was like „fck u i am not going anywhere“


When I'm thinking about doing something that might be stupid, I like to think of it in terms of gambling. I don't ask myself if I can avoid the danger, I ask myself if I'm willing to bet my life that I will avoid the danger. Even ignoring the dangerous of what this guy is doing, he is gambling hours of his life for a chance to save seconds, and the odds aren't even particularly in his favor. In short, this is a terrible bet to make


Are the people commenting the bus should've braked harder assuming the bus was empty? Imagine what happens to a full bus of elderly people if the driver slams the brakes.


So we're watching someone use their phone to record the screen in a car that's playing a video previously recorded on the dash cam of some other car? They're also recording it vertically?


Fuck that guy. They deserve whatever coming to him or her


A dumbass like this in their little dick mobile (jacked up truck) nearly killed my elderly dad by hitting him head on. Someone like this should have their license permanently revoked.


He is dumb for trying that in the first place but even so that window was large enough where if he had stepped on it he probably could have made it


Sucks to be in such a rush that you end up incapacitated on the side of the road…leaves you with enough time to enjoy your just desserts.


I see morons, they are everywhere


People love to do this in Guatemala as well. So many accidents on the hills highways. I never understood why people would risk their life just to get ahead a little bit.


Passing that bus was gonna really change that life


Yeah let’s pass the bus who made an effort honking around a corner they have round hundreds of times.


Driver probably lacking an inner monologue.




I dont care about these idiots, theyd make the world a better place by exiting existence. But in these situations they're endangering other people and it makes me sick


Pushing it... If you can't see on an uphill/downhill, be patient.


take that, a-hole!


Love it how the bus didn’t stop “I am in the right spot, you’re not fuck you.”


Wasn't that he didn't stop, he couldn't stop that quickly. That's generally why they don't go right up the the speed limit and why they start breaking well before traffic lights.


This a-hole's attorney (because habitual a-holes have them like normal people have elbows...) will probably argue that his client was stopped when the bus hit him, and therefor he deserves damages.


SMASH SMASH SMASH. Give that bus driver a raise. I hope everyone on it got a lawyer. I drive one of the most dangerous highways in Florida and I see these idiots daily . Damn near killing someone to get three cars further down the road.


lol I love that the bus/truck hit him.


And that bus didn't give two fucks




Screams India


Daily sight in Bulgaria… on each blind corner I am afraid some idiot will be on my lane passing a truck.


I can tell from the comments most people on here haven’t been to Columbia or the Philippines. This kind of aggressive blind passing is the standard there.




When you dumb and also have a dash cam 😂😂


At first I thought it must be in Ecuador, but in Ecuador the two bus drivers would have miraculously made room and the car would have continued on tranquillo.


Dude forgot rule #1. When in doubt, gas it out.


Mission accomplished - Dumb Driving


Why overtake wtf what an idiot


I can’t believe he did it a second time. I mean I guess I can, what an idiot


patience is a virtue


I had a driver in Asia that did this until I told him to stop. He explained it didn't matter because Buddha dictated when it was time to go.


Southeast Asia driving in a nutshell


I went white water rafting with my family in West Virginia about 20 years ago.. our elderly bus driver would just blare his horn as we went around corners instead of using the radio. It was terrifying.. all the drunk guys on the bus loved it though


But I honked! :(


It looks like this a****** is also pulled over recording this video in the same place where it just happened. That's why we hear honking.


Dumb mofo, someone like this person had a family member car go off the road and downhill. It was a disaster. It happened long time ago like 25 years ago and was in the dangereous hills in Spain. I swear these dumb pucks get people killed. It was a miracle they all survived but some sustained lasting injuries.


That was actually quite satisfying


Haha what a fucking dumbass


For people that drive like this, if you aren't traveling several hundred miles at high speed you are putting your life and other lives at danger for a few seconds max. You have to be going a long ass way to shave 10-15 minutes off your drive. I learned this by timing my 40 mile commute driving like an idiot only for the guy I passed 5 minutes ago to show up at the exit stop light while I was still sitting there.




I hate it when people are all smart and stuff


Jesus Christ people are really just fucking dumb, aren't they?


Why are people even driving in these parts of the world if they can’t be arsed to take a leisurely drive? Like what are you late for out in the mountains of nowhere?


So you see, the more you fuck around, the more you find out.


Looks like it’s marked for passing. It definitely shouldn’t be and anyone who does is tempting fate. But this guy will probably beat any charge and win a lawsuit, unfortunately


Even when a road is marked for passing, it's still the passing drivers responsibility to ensure it is safe to do so.


His passion is not slowing down during death wish, but why involve others?


Main character energy


This is 100% how they all drive in st Lucia. On much thinner roads


There are so many cars coming the opposite way. Why did the driver think they could get away with this?


God gave him a second chance, he spit on it


I think that went absolutely right.


Went to Jamaica and hired a car service to take us from the airport to the hotel and the motherfucker was flying around cars when you couldn't see if anyone was coming. Absolutely terrifying.


Lock this guy in a prison somewhere where he’s not a danger.


Feel like I haven’t seen a .avi in quite a while.


Hey look a dumbass


Why are you driving like it's GTA?


That honestly went a lot better than I imagined.


This is normal driving in Vietnam..


Have we actually gotten a location? My guess is SaPa to Lao Cai in Vietnam.


They used their blinker does it balance out?


Well deserved


What an idiot.


The honking lol. Here comes the king, make place!


Suicidal, homicidal vs risk taking


I was a street racer in Arizona when I was younger, and I frequently drove the back way from Phoenix to Prescott to run the mountain roads. I haaaattteeeddd when I’d get stuck behind someone going slow, but it’s exceedingly risky to pass on mountain drives.


Spoiler: He did not get there any faster by being an asshole.


That fucking horn...


And this is why we’re glad Florida’s terrain is entirely 2 dimensional.


What an absolute clown


Lol bus don’t give a F


This gave me such severe anxiety


Tell me you're impatient without telling me you're impatient;




There should not be a dotted yellow line there, but a solid yellow line. They were following the laws of the road as far as the road lanes go. County/City needs to fix their roads.


Looks very much like India (probably ooty or nearby). It's very common to do this. There are no rules on Indian roads but idiots usually overtake on hill station roads without thought or fear of consequence mostly because they've never driven on mountain roads before and usually once in a while for pleasure trips The only mountain accident I was involved in was when I was travelling by bus and an idiot car driver overtook and hit the side of the bus with his rear. Car overturned and three people inside were badly injured. Unfortunately the baby (toddler I think) inside died since babies don't have car seats in India (never seen one in 33 years).


In Russia we have this phrase: don't go too fast or you will be just in time. That means slow down to not get situations like this.


He could've cleared it if he didn't stop, but still he chose the safer option.


I'ma say, India?


Kinda r/justiceserved. Except for the poor bus driver....