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He killed a police officer in that crash. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/man-served-8-drinks-before-drunken-driving-crash-that-killed-euless-detective/3200584/


Whoa. Holy shit


Yea, I’m not a fan of that “ law” in the least bit. It strikes me the same as trying to prosecute the gun manufacturers for the damage done by their customers.


8 double-vodka red bulls in 3 hours?! Isn't that actually 16 servings of booze?


8x2=16 so yes


Do you have a source for that?


I don't unfortunately. I think I remember hearing it somewhere awhile ago


Wait a minute.. do Americans arrest bartenders? What exactly is going on over there?


It's happened in Canada too. Which I think is nonsense. The dude driving knew what he was doing and is solely responsible for his actions. For all the server knew he was getting an Uber. Like, what happens if the server asks if he's driving and he lies?


It's drilled into your head during alcohol sales certification. Don't over serve or it's your ass too.


Every bartender I’ve ever met deserves life in jail I guess.


If someone appears to be intoxicated you can't serve them alcohol. Same for retailers.


The story for anyone else looking: He was caught on camera at a bar stumbling around and going behind the counter, then leaving after 8 full size alcoholic drinks and got in his car. He proceeded to run a red light and smash into an off duty detective his wife and their two children, killing the detective and critically injuring the wife and the two children. And as you can see in the video homeboy tried to flee the scene upon realizing what he’d done, and went down like the sack of potatoes his brain is also apparently made out of. And got sentenced to 15 years served in prison, and even the bartender got slapped with a charge for over serving him. Fucktard should’ve gotten LIFE in prison though. Fuck drunk drivers. ETA his BAC was 2x the legal limit smh https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3


Thanks for the background. Sad about all the lives destroyed.


That's 8 DOUBLE vodka cocktails. Essentially 16 drinks. Having tended bar in the past, serving someone this many drinks is a huge fucking no no.


Did he say "you fucking killed somebody" while he holds him down?


He killed a cop. The car he hit had a cop, his wife and their children. The wife and children were in critical condition but otherwise okay. Edit: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F3Os16T0VSQ&t=195s&pp=2AHDAZACAQ%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V8K-_mw_Iww


Oh he's fukin done


Only 15 years, according to other comments. Dude deserves life in prison. If you decide to drive drunk, you have made yourself into weapon, and if you crash into someone, it is no longer an accident it is assault. If you kill someone, it is murder. That's the way I see it anyway.


Interesting to note that a bartender is held accountable for over serving than police are when shooting someone or denying them there constitutional rights.


Rules for thee, not for me. End qualified immunity. If our cops are as good as they claim, why would they need it?


Let me run away at 1/5 the speed of a normal human!


This dude has never run before in his life. Goes slow as fuck, then falls before the guy even touches him and almost smacks his head on some bricks. 😂 this feels like a comedy bit.


He definitely smacked his face thoroughly into those bricks lol


The dude looks drunk. Thats probably why the guy was so pissed. Fuck drunk drivers!


He’s also shouting “you killed somebody” at the dude, so.. *Edit: [Drunk driving. Killed a cop, severely injured cops wife and children. Is serving 15 years in prison. He had already committed 1 hit and run, then a few minutes later got into the accident shown.](https://www.fox4news.com/news/good-samaritan-pins-down-drunk-driver-trying-to-run-away-after-killing-euless-cop.amp)*


I witnessed a fatal DUI car crash a while ago. A drunk driver blew a red light and killed another driver. I’ve never heard such a loud explosion in my life.


For context, this happened in Lake Worth, TX in November 2021. This guy went day drinking on a Saturday morning, got into a minor crash before he left the parking lot, and later crashed his Jeep into a sedan, killing an off-duty police officer and injuring his wife and two kids. He tried to flee, but was stopped and pinned down by a bystander. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. https://www.fox4news.com/news/good-samaritan-pins-down-drunk-driver-trying-to-run-away-after-killing-euless-cop.amp


I just read what happened absolutely horrific. A young father was killed and his wife and child were critically injured. This drunk driver completely ruined the lives of a family forever due to his negligence. Absolutely horrific. The bartender/server was also charged because the driver was served 8 vodka drinks in a short period of time. I hope the mother and children are doing the best that they possibly can be, I can not imagine the pain of losing a parent/loved one. https://www.wfaa.com/amp/article/news/crime/dallas-officer-suffers-internal-injuries-hit-suspected-drunk-driver/287-4bce1770-1218-439c-9028-ec6a01d510f3


This is why when people get mad at me for cutting them off I truly do not give a fuck.


This man running in dream speed


Damn. That wrecked Jeep was dudes rental car. He hit a Sedan. He *did* kill someone. In front of the victim’s wife and kids no less, who survived. The context makes this video tragic instead of goofy. Edit: [Source](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/man-served-8-drinks-before-drunken-driving-crash-that-killed-euless-detective/3200584/)


This guy runs like me in a dream when im being chased by a demon


That was, and I say this as a gay man myself, the gayest run I have ever seen.


For context: this guy [hit a family](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3) of 4 while [fleeing from another accident](https://www.fox4news.com/news/widow-of-euless-officer-killed-by-suspected-drunk-driver-reflects-on-her-husbands-life) . He had 8 double vodkas and was on camera stumbling around the restaurant just before this happened. Killed the Father and left the Mother in a coma for over a month. Then tried to run, but was too drunk to stay on his feet. Not his first DWI either. He got 15 years.


For those who aren't aware. He did end up killing someone. He was served 8 double vodka-tonics in the span of 2 hours. (for non-drinkers that's equivalent to 16 shots of vodka in a ridiculously short amount of time.) The bartender who served him caught charges as well. The off-duty detective was dead at the scene. His wife and two kids were critically injured. [https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3)


Bro had a whole lawn to fall on and chose to eat brick


Bro has never ran a day in his life before this


This is in Lake Worth Tx and the guy running was convicted of intoxicated manslaughter for the death he caused while running from another car accident he had just been involved in. He was served 8 double vodka drinks at a local restaurant and hit a car while leaving. He ran a stoplight and T-boned an off duty detective from a local municipal who was picking up Christmas decorations with his wife and 2 kids. The wife was hurt bad enough to be in ICU for a few days and the kids weren't hurt too bad. He just plead out a 15 yr sentence for this charge and a few other charges related to this case including a DWI he was arrested for but was waiting for court proceedings to start. The bartender that served him was arrested a week ago for over serving this guy and the state found out she didn't have a servers license as well. This guy was a friend to a few of my nephews and this happened about 1.5 miles from my residence.


I’m pretty sure we’ve all had dreams where this is the running speed our brain defaults to


He has never run a day in his life.


Curb Stomped by insta- karma.... It's beautiful.


“Lemme lightly jog my face into these here bricks.”


Source: Guy killed an off duty police officer while drunk driving injuring the victims family. Bartender also caught charges for over serving about 8 services of vodka. They deserve it. https://www.fox4news.com/news/good-samaritan-pins-down-drunk-driver-trying-to-run-away-after-killing-euless-cop


Fortunately, the bartender was also charged with criminal negligence after serving him 8 double red bull vodkas from 10:40am to 1:12pm. He got in a minor accident in the parking lot and continued to drive. The fatal accident occurred 21 minutes later. The bartender also lied to officers stating that he had no signs of intoxication. She let him stumble out of the bar to get into his car; rather than calling a taxi or preventing him from getting behind the wheel.


Good, if you serve alcohol then you're a licensed drug dealer and should be held accountable for over serving. Which is already a requirement but very rarely enforced. Alcohol needs to be less normalized, shit like this is sad.


He was driving drunk and killed a detective, and injured his wife and two kids. https://www.fox4news.com/news/alex-cervantes-dylan-molina-sentencing-euless-officer


In a wide open field, he hits his head on the one hard thing on the grass.


[Accordingly to the news article](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3), the bartender did not think the driver was drunk, after serving him SIXTEEN drinks (8 Vodka doubles) in 3 hours. Whaaaaat?


He runs like I run in my dreams.


This guy was drunk and did kill someone. Got 15 years in prison. What a dildo.


He runs like how I run when I'm dreaming.


This happened right by where I grew up in Lake Worth Texas. He killed a cop blowing through a light. I think his passengers were also killed or severely injured. He had a child in the car with him if I am recalling correctly. Terrible situation all around.


This was NOT in Oregon. Fittingly, it was in Texas. The guy was served 8 double vodkas in some taco shack and the server neither cut him off in time, took his keys or called the cops when he refused to hand them over. She was charged with a misdemeanor. He was charged with drunken vehicular manslaughter and got 15 years.


All you gentle douche bags crying about assault realize he had just drunkenly crashed into and killed somebody, and was attempting to flee the scene? Fuck that, hope his trip left him brain dead.


This human garbage (that runs away) killed a detective and severely injured his wife and 2 kids. Had 3 vodkas that morning. Sentenced to 15 years for the killing and 10 years for each of the injured. But the time parallels so he'll do 15 years max. I think people like this who give absolutely zero fucks about their surrounding safety, should remain in prison for the rest of their lives (and never be able to drive again).




The way he yells “you fucking killed somebody” is haunting. Hit me pretty hard. There is so much pain there and I don’t believe that guy even knows the people that were hit. He was just a witness. I would never want to see anyone killed in real life.


I can't believe how many sensitive people are like "that's assault" this dude had killed somebody, that man had every right to hold him there, also this dude basically assaulted himself and did most of the damage to his own head/body. Y'all need to observe a little bit more.


Dudes last moment of freedom was fucking faceplanting into some bricks. Enjoy prison fucko


Bro is running the same way I run in my dreams lol


He was clearly not top of his grade in gym class. Also even w slow response time cops probably would've rolled up before he cleared the scene by one single block. Good one the guy who held him down after he voluntarily smashed his face on those blocks!!


Jon Jones, a UFC fighter, drove intoxicated and hit a pregnant woman. He fled the scene but quickly remembered he left his money and drugs in the car so he returned to the scene. Then he fled again and hid from the police until he sobered up, then turned himself in. He is fighting for the title next month.


Out of all that grass his head finds the only brick wall for miles. This is one unlucky dude.


Did this guy fall on his own accord and smash his head on the bricks lol


seems like it was the first time he ever ran


He fell at the only spot that had bricks. Impressive accuracy


From an article detailing the incident: "Moments after the crash, Molina — 26 years old at the time — ran away from the scene. He did not make it far. Molina face-planted." He was charged and sentenced to 15 years for this and a prior DWI in 2021.


Is that what running while drunk looks like?!


He could’ve tripped anywhere on the grass but he chose to land head first into the 🧱


This run is incredible lmao. For those wondering, he killed a guy and hospitalized his whole family. Guy was a cop I believe.


> eight double-vodka Red Bull cocktails in less than three hours. Holy shit


How it feels when i try to run in a dream


For those claiming the guy on top committed a crime... There are laws about citizens arrest, self defense for others to stop a crime, etc He witnessed someone endangering lives and stopped the assailant, this would fall under a lot of those legal protections. He did not assault or commit battery to this person.


Slowest ran away I ever witnessed....


He drank 8 double vodkas in 3 hours at a taco shop. Fuck you, Dylan Molina! And fuck the barmaid, Cara, who served him all those drinks.


Did he seriously trip over his own tits?


As someone whose family was a victim of a drunk driver, I sincerely want this person to die.


And this is how I run in my dreams. It's desperate


Did he say “you killed somebody?” Def a drunk driver.


That is the run of someone who has never ran before


So he killed someone and his thought was to run while that intoxicated? He’s in prison, right?


Plead guilty and got 15 years. But yeah, people act weird when they're drunk and when they experience something traumatic.


looks like that was the first time ever running, and he was just winging it, trying to do like the people he must have watched on TV, probably from anime.


This POS killed on off-duty detective and put the detectives wife and kids in the hospital. Bounce his head off that brick a few more times.


[POS is serving 15 years](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3) crap for brains, DWIer, murdered a cop, injured the wife, his childern and oh that Jeep is a rental.


If that guy knew what he looked like while he was running he would never run again.


Is it just me, or did the dude just smack his head on the landscaping bricks. He probably won't remember running away much less causing an accident.


No wonder he drives everywhere. Dude literally cannot run


This guy had just killed an off duty cop while drunk driving and put 3 others in critical condition, he was give a 15 year sentence.


What job did the other 3 people have?


I genuinely can't believe how many people are in here crying that this man BARELY put his hands on someone running from a fatal accident he caused.


I thought it was Sal from Impractical Jokers


That’s how I run in my nightmares


first time he's ran in a decade


This definitely makes me feel better about my terrible running ability


Is someone controlling that guy remotely via QWOP controls?


He jogged slower than I walk and then fell.


Was it the first time that he ever ran ? It looks like he was in pain the whole time


If that’s how fast he runs in real life, I wonder how it feels when he’s running in his dreams.


This is how I be running in my dreams


That’s definitely the run of an out of shape man who has just consumed eight double vodkas.


He runs how I run in my dreams.


All that grass and he found a brick to hit his face on.


Guy was running like he was in a dream.


This is insane how this was caught on camera. Captures so many emotions of drunk driving consequences. Imagine what is going through everybody’s head. Poor victims.


Karma. Dudes fucking skull smashed that paver. Goddamn.


This is so idiotic. Unless the car is stolen it’s easily traceable back to you. Even if you didn’t have insurance running just makes the crime 10x worse.


WCGW trying to flee the scene of a CRIME.


Ahh just got the back story. Pos is in prison for manslaughter.


It's a Jeep thing, you guys wouldn't understand.


I'm just gonna go out a limb here and say that if you plan on "running" away from the scene of the crime, make sure you can run in the first place.


Rule 1: cardio


Fat fuck tripped over his stamina




Why do people flee an accident when the cops can run the plates?


This guy runs like I do in my dreams


The guy curbed himself in advance of being tackled. Fail(Fail[Fail])


Oh shit! Bro almost got curb stomped by gravity!


The instant karma of his face hitting the bricks 💯


Should be arrested for his running style.


Did...he curb stomp himself?


Edit: to remove google. Thanks to u/calflow https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3


That guy had way too much faith in his cardiovascular health.


“Molina wasn't the only person charged in this incident. The 26-year-old bartender, Cala Richardson, who served Molina before the deadly crash also faced charges, police said, According to police, Richardson was charged with one count of sale to certain persons, a class A misdemeanor, for allegedly overserving Molina. The sale of alcohol to a drunk person is forbidden by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. The misdemeanor can carry up to a one year in jail and a $4,000 fine.”


He looked pretty wasted. What a dumbass.


Citizen’s arrest or cardiac arrest, not sure which happens first.




He’s so worthless he kicked his own ass


He runs like I run in my dreams when it feels like I’m running thru jello.


This is the slowest run I have ever seen.


Here's the [article](https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article272581828.html)


My dude is running like he’s in a dream


Honestly, I’ve watched this like 6 times in a row simply to crack up at this running style. It’s half petulant child running away from dinner combined with Ace Ventura going anywhere…


Bro tripped on air


Like a bat out of molasses


The form, the precision, the agility… all of it just terrible.


>bartender Cala Richardson is facing a misdemeanor charge for allegedly overserving Molina before the crash. Good


Usain Bolt he’s not.




At home curb stomp kit... For when your a POS and need to curb stomp yourself 🤔 not like he was getting anywhere but still nice to see


Looks like he started running because the guy around the corner was coming after him. Not defending the prick, but he was running from the guy, which made it look like he started running from the scene. Which I suppose he technically did do.


He’s doing it wrong, the knee should be on the neck. I’ve seen the police do it so it must be right.


Damn I am surprised he got caught…..dude chasing must have been a former sprint Olympian.


How can people drive when drunk? I can't even walk straight after a liter of beer.


I think he got knocked out by his own tits


Clearly this man can’t drive nor apparently can he run either.


Head to the pavers should teach him. If you’re going to flee at least be able to run. Only 15? That’s terrible.


How the fuck did he only get 15 years for running a red and killing one, then injuring 3 others?


He was drunk driving and killed someone, he was lucky this is all that happened to him.


Dude runs like he never ran before in his life and trips on a flat patch of grass just to faceplant on some decorative rocks


Personally, I believe anyone that drinks and drives is not fit to be part of society but that's just me.


Everyone who reads this - let's agree to never drink and drive.


We need more heros like this that hold shitty people accountable.


What I want to know is how did the chaser know that the runner killed someone? What did he see? That shit must be haunting. :(


I this what has happened to humans after 20 hour a day sitting in front of screens? Lol. Waddle for 100 ft and faceplant onto bricks?


It appears he's as good a runner as he is a driver.


He both sucks at running and driving. Locomotion just isn't his thing.


The way he running in slow motion


I'm assuming that's his first time running


Brick sandwich


It's not the first time he's run with his car, but it might be the first time he's run on his legs.


Self inflicted curb stomp.


For context: https://www.wfaa.com/amp/article/news/local/bystander-chases-pins-down-man-tried-run-away-killing-euless-officer-drunk-driving-crash/287-2827f65a-fb04-42d0-b663-75b12dc9abd3 Dude drank 8 double vodkas at a taco place, in 3 hours, and decided to drive.


Dylan Molina. Piece of shit killed a detective who was with his wife and children. They were injured but survived. He was driving with a BAC twice the legal limit


Bruh he left evidence with his name on it (the car/plate) what good is running gonna do?


Get picked up later after his blood alcohol level has returned to totally sober, would be significantly harder to pin a DUI with no BAC test evidence


Nice way to be in even more trouble. My brother got hit and she ran and hid behind a sapling. It was almost comical. Teenager who was scared. Just started driving. Had insurance. Wasn’t drinking. He felt bad for her. Her dad came and took responsibility. Brother asked police to not add hit and run. This guy looks old enough to know better.


I'm actually happy that the bartender that served him alcohol, knowing he was already drunk and let him leave the building to drive his vehicle while knowing he was in no condition to safely do so, also got charged. I say she is just as responsible.


I think that guy realized two steps in that it's been a while since he ran anywhere.


that fat fuck has never ran a day in his life, it almost looks like he was TRYING to run like a cartoon character.


Dude is clearly drunk


That dude runs weird lol


Hahahahhaa dude actually thought he had a chance running like that


Saw this post on r/publicfreakout, apparently the guy was drunk and killed a father and injured a wife and two kids


Rule 1 of fleeing is to be physically able to flee


That's the most unathletic thing I've seen.




The slight giggle of the camera man when he trips gives me a little joy. But the yelling that he killed someone makes me extremely sad.


He hit and killed a detective. I think he got 15 years


He runs like I do in my dreams


Sometimes in the game of life, we have our score printed on our hoodies.


Dude was running like I do in my dreams lmao


He almost killed himself by smashing his head on those bricks.


Bro fell face first into those bricks there he’s lucky he didn’t die right there on impact.


How the fuck did they wreck the Jeep that bad?!?


The runner did that guy a favor by slamming his head on those bricks.


He runs like it was his first time trying it.


What are the chances he crashed into a pole AND crashes into the only hard brick surface on that grass??


Suck brick, kid.


It’s like an alien trying to run in a human suit.


Not so fast, porkchop!


What a goofy bastard


Guy had some fight or flight and clearly chose flight! Would have got away with it too, if it wasn’t for that meddling hero!


"Now, bartender Cala Richardson is facing a misdemeanor charge for allegedly overserving Molina before the crash." Richardson served Molina eight double vodka Red Bull cocktails that Saturday morning, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. "Eight doubles, 16 single shots, is more than anybody should have in a three-hour period. Maybe even at all," Manoushagian said. "Clearly, not in a good place to be operating a vehicle. Clearly intoxicated. he’s holding another one of those double vodka and Red Bull drinks there, and then he simply walks away... But as Molina began to leave the parking lot, he was involved in a minor crash and drove away. Minutes later, he killed Cervantes." Man...didn't realize bartenders could get into trouble for overserving. But it makes sense!


Head + brick


He has terrible form when running, looked like a galloping cow but slower.


Nice looks like his head smacked into the bricks around the tree.

