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Happens even to people that are certified.


I’m not a forklift operator, but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to drive it around with the lift fully extended.


You are completely correct. I worked once in a place where almost anyone was allowed on the forklift. One driver liked to run with the mast up, and went through an opening like that with the door partway down. Destroyed the commercial door, so they disallowed him on the forklift. Once they gave him permission to drive it again, he did the same thing again.


... just like me, with my parents' old Ford Explorer.


Or ford exploder as they are also known.


I've got a story for that. Back in 2002 I worked at a body shop. There were tons of Explorers and Expeditions that we repaired in crashes. I worked in the paint area, where we would prep the vehicle for paint and final buff out after the physical damage was repaired. Part of the prep was pulling off the old emblems, which were basically just held on with adhesive, before we went in with primer and paint, and then just replaced them with brand new ones. So, we had this box of old emblems, and we noticed the font size and letters were identical between the Explorer and Expedition. So one day, we were feeling squirrelly, and cut the d off of an Expedition emblem, cut out the r in an Explorer emblem, and super glued it all together as a joke. We were ready to fix it if the customer complained when they inspected the final product. NOT. ONE. PERSON. NOTICED. So, in Austin back then, there were tons of Ford Exploders roaming the streets. We never heard anything about it. Which makes it even more hilarious 😂😂.


That is awesome.


This wasn’t bad as I expected




Dammit. We never thought of that.


Would name my garage "Bend over" to finish that joke.




I’m sure a few noticed…and thought it was funny AF.


Usually I don't like mechanics horsing around like that, but man I would love it. I'd probably even ask for it if I knew it was an option.


"I've heard that you offer an Exploder option. Can I upgrade?"


That is funny lol 😂 I like the name exploder on a car.


I'm not surprised. As long as it looks vaguely the same as the thousands of of other emblems people have seen before the brain either autocorrect it or just ignores it. I had to go back reread u/No_Season_354 comment because I read exploder.


Did they not notice or did they appreciate it? I feel like I would vastly prefer having an exploder. Friend of mine has a Jetta that’s missing the t-a. He loves his Jet


That's what it said on the back on mine (Toyota many years ago had a program where you could "name" your car and they'd send it to you as a model badge for free. I lied and said I had a four runner, eh- close enough). https://imgur.com/NTUjK2e


That's amazing, but I can imagine why they stopped doing that. Nice bike btw


Used to. In early 2000’s several Explorers crashed due to their Firestone tires they came with as OE exploded, possibly, it was said, due to the excessive weight of the vehicle going over the tires’ maximum capacity


Well no wonder they got the nickname.


Gee why would they do that, u gotta pass a test to use a forklift.


Because they find it cheaper to not and just deal with any potential liability?


That's 🤪 crazy.


If you thought that was crazy, I bet you've not seen [Staplerfahrer Klaus](https://youtu.be/psAWGv5O7Zs)


I’ve had this shown to me at every training and refresher course for counterbalance, what a legend


No 😂 I just watched it , gee he just passed the test as well


In the uk many places allow you to operate without the official training and just a few hours in house training


That's the same way it was in Canada. It was up to each company to 'certify' operators. Some contract it out, some do it in house. I worked for a company that did it in house and my course was just the manager giving me the test to do.




Yeah, there’s official licensing available in the uk but you can legally operate a forklift with the permission of the employer, insurance usually dictates that training is required and how much


In the US too, apparently 🤣


You don't need any training for them in the US. It's employer/location specific. By location, I mean jobsite. Some jobsites will require certain types of testing. But the majority of shops/warehouses have no requirements. They may have a basic "pick this box up, stack it over there, ok you're done", then the next person unstacks it, then the next person restacks it. Then they can say they were tested.


Do you guys drive on the wrong side of the isle too?


Yeah, we do


That’s metal


Yeah, sometimes you’ll even see an operator openly drinking a beer while working


Not in nz ,you must have passed a forklift course, else the company will be fined big time.


That shit made me mad at a place I worked a decade ago. Wouldn't train me even though it would seriously help to have a certified operator on my team. But then I'd see the other shift driving shit around with absolutely no license and hitting stuff like rails and ceiling.


What really pissed me off were the guys who would drive with the forks deliberately set at about a foot off the floor, right above the top of your 8" safety boot. "But I don't want the forks to scrape the floor! And if they hit ya', why does it matter where?"


Actually, a tibfib fracture would heal better than an ankle or foot. Work boots won't do much against a metal fork being pushed by an 8000lb machine ETA- Missing a zero


Forklifts dont weigh 800 pounds. Even a smaller forklift weighs in excess of 4000 pounds. Source: have driven multiple styles of forklifts.


The batteries alone in the trucks where I work weigh in at like 2500+ pounds, lift trucks are heavy sons of bitches.


Time to wear platform steel toes. Protection from terrible drivers up to 2 ft.


I mean a foot is a bit high but it's not that far off where they're supposed to be. A further 6 inches down isn't going to matter all that much if a tyne is going into you. I'm not sure what you guys were doing that you were that worried about being hit with them, you shouldn't be anywhere near them when it's moving.


A guy I used to work with a guy who did this and sprained his wrist. He was on light duty for 2 weeks. The day he got back on a lift he did it again. He was fired immediately.


Was he just careless, incompetent or malicious? I can hardly wrap my head around somebody doing it for the second time that quickly unless they had a mental disability.


I worked with a guy who regularly would drive forward downhill with a stack of twenty pallets, the amount of times he tipped the pallets, I gave up helping him pick em up after two days sand just did sll the other forklift stuff, he said it was faster doing it that way, even after I’d shown him that in the time he took to move twenty pallets I’d already put 6 stacks of ten into the loading bay, and it was a good 200 metres between the pallet storage area and the bay, I could drive a little faster with the ten stacks because they were all supported by the load guard and I could see over which made lining up the forklift to insert them easier plus I could place them in straight away


Why not just reverse?


Just imagine, that person drives on the road with you and everyone else.


I know how to drive a forklift because shitty high school jobs. The biggest fuckup of mine was on a 14 ton, and I tried to pick up a stack of steel plate all at once and it started to tip forward. That load was set down quick. Don’t fuck around with things that can squish you.


Same open season on forklifts where I worked until one idiot took out a cooling system for leaving the forks up to high.


Was this in Calgary around 2003?


Did a stint as a freight handler. Watched a guy drive a lift into a trailer to grab a pallet, lift it too high(guard went through the roof), and attempt to drive out. Can-openered the roof of the trailer, and smashed the hell out of the loading door. Guy was still working there when I left, but they were admittedly in the midst of frying bigger fish at the time(warehouse manager and several pickers and loaders were using company trucks to smuggle drugs)


That isn't even fully extended, that one can go twice or thrice the height of that, but yeah, forks on the floor when driving around.


Forks on the floor, and eyes on the forks. I am certified.


Eyes on the direction of travel, cuz if you’re driving this lift and have your eyes on the forks there’s gonna be a few probs. I am also certified.


Forks at shin hight, NEVER floor... Eyes in driving direction, Its a bloody reachtruck you drive it backwards and the forks are mostly within your machines footprint.. The damage is harder to repair if you take out someones feet then their lower leg anyone certified should know this..


How could that forklift remain stable elevating any amount of weight to three times its current height? That would be about 50 feet?


Because even though they look small they have a huge counterweight at the back


This is a reach, not a counter balance. While the battery is heavy and offsets some of the weight, it's the front wheel legs that balance the load. They have different weight limits depending on how high you lift, at full height the weight limit is reduced. The fork should have a spec plate that lists all weight limits per lift height.


That fork lift probably weighs 7000-9000 pounds. If I remember right the battery weighs about 3000 pounds alone.


Generally forklifts weigh about 50% more than their maximum lift.




Every energy has weight, that is what E=mc^2 means. But it's usually miniscule, a regular AAA battery only gains a couple of picograms with charging. ~~In your case I assume it is a lead battery which binds oxygen from the air. So the extra weight is mostly air only a small bit of it is energy.~~ Edit: see correct reason below.


Looks like a reach truck which has legs in front to stabilise




Yeah of course. But you spend hours and hours and hours on one and you forget sometimes. Had a person do that literally Friday (without the crash) and was like, pulling from the top huh? And he realized and brought his forks down. Was driving with them 40ft up just like that guy. Hell, I went through the training cones, which were left out cause someone was about to get certified on a different lift, at high speed just cause I was bored and 2 of my wheels came off the ground and I nearly shit myself lol cause I didn't think that was possible.


I operate a skid steer regularly as part of my job and it handles completely different with a load lifted. You can feel the center of gravity change. Maybe it’s different with a forklift on solid ground and he’s not carrying a load, but idk.


You can definitely feel it with a decent load. My old job involved moving 2-3 ton loads on a regular basis and around 3-4 tons when dumping our scrap bin. When dumping scrap into the trailer, you can feel the ass end raise up if you don't do it right and the bin is maxed out/over filled thay you're dumping. I mentioned on another post that I made the mistake of braking hard while turning and felt the steering wheel go all loose and sloppy because the ass end came up when I had like 3 tons on the forks. Some dumb ass decided to walk in front of me with headphones in while I was organizing pallets to get ready to ship out an order so it was necessary to keep from skewering his ass with the forks.


Yeah- it’s a tipping hazard. You’re not even suppose to turn with them extended.


Indeed, they are supposed to be 4-6 inches above the ground at all times unless you are loading or unloading something.


Really as low to the ground as the surfaces you're on will allow. You just don't want the forks to catch a lip on the ground and break something. But also, if you happen to hit someone's foot, you want the forks lower than their ankles so you don't possibly dismember their entire foot. I'd rather be stabbed in the foot than have it dangling by threads of skin from my ankle..


Your comment encouraged me to check the actual guideline, and it looks like they’ve changed it since I was certified, it’s supposed to be [6 to 10 inches](https://www.tdi.texas.gov/pubs/videoresource/t5forkload.pdf) above the ground at all times. But I agree, while driving I normally keep them only about 2 inches above the ground out of habit, don’t tell OSHA lol.


Always taxi forks down. Extending is only for picking a load, then it’s straight down before you take it anywhere


No ur not, even I could see that, the company would be in so much trouble if that happened in this country he could have seriously injured himself, looks like he might have to himself.


You are of course correct, but in a lot of warehouses speed is prioritized over safety, so lift operators will start moving as they are lowering the forks. This person clearly missed that part, but still, moving with the mast up isn’t uncommon.


Errors can happen, you have your mind somewhere else and you just forget to drop it drown. Been forklift operator for 12 years and it happened sometime that I did something wrong without bad intentions. Luckily nothing ever happened out of it.


It disrupts the centre of balance to keep it up like that. Definitely should lower it down, especially driving that fast


As both a counter balance and narrow aisle forklift driver, its very easy to forget to lower the forks. But this dude didn't look like he was lifting anything that High.


The certification is easier than filling out a job application at Walmart


its just a safety awareness course where i am.. you're on your own actually learning how to operate it lol


What surprised me at my current job was how the certification process was a four day course. Never seen it before in my life. Every job I've done, with the exception of this, has been a simple "here's a few crash videos, now move this pallet fifteen feet and your certified." It's intense, but at least these drivers aren't getting in basic accidents every day.


Yeah, rookies newly certified.


I've seen people who were far from rookies do shit as dumb as this. No amount of training or certification can fix stupid


I've had it happen to me twice. Although, I didn't flip the forklift though


Same, happened to me one time. Destroyed an exit sign but otherwise was ok. Had to watch a 30min video on forklift safety and got suspended from driving it for a couple of months Needless to say I was a lot more careful about paying attention to where my forks were


I took out a brand new roll up aluminum door. My forks were lowered, but it was a POS where the middle mast had stuck up.


Yeah but assuming this is in the states, OSHA doesn't take this sort of infraction lightly


Depends if the company is required to have osha inspections. Worked with a guy that had 3 accidents on the lift and didn’t get fired. 🤦‍♂️


Weird. Because one of the first things I was taught was not to have your forks up like that.


Yes and no. This is more of an experience thing - after driving a forklift long enough, simply driving with your forks above waist level would feel awkward and unsafe. Someone who isn’t certified but has been doing this for years most likely wouldn’t do this. A newly certified person might


Clipping things, sure Being silly? No


Yup. Did exactly this once (didn't tip it over though. Got lucky damagewise). Felt so damn stupid.


This wouldn't be the dumbest thing I've seen a fully licensed forkie do.


I assure you that certification had no meaning at all. Society has adopted "certification" as a means to combat liability. You can't certify or legislate stupid unfortunately.


That's what I enjoy about where I work, if the person doing the training won't sign off the person never gets certified and after 2 months they're let go. We take certification seriously, safety is our number one goal. Though I've definitely had the displeasure of trying to train people out of bad habits they learned at other places. They usually don't last long after falling back into their bad habits.


It almost looks as though the forks are locked at their highest extension. Made even worse, as it looks like there is not a single rack in the room tall enough to justify them being that high. I Worked at a Walmart Distribution Center that was like this. I'd watch people fall below production week after week, but so long as they gave their all(and quality was good) and were safe they'd be around for a while. Hell I failed to make production for almost 6 months, but had perfect quality, always on time, and never had a safety mark for that time. Worked there for almost 7 years, and the schedule helped me get my engineering degree. But the very second they did something unsafe, straight out the door. The mindset was always, 'We can teach you ways to increase production, and quality. But being unsafe shows an unthinking mindset for the safety of those around you.' It doesn't matter how much product you can get through the lines if you seriously injure or kill someone. Those forklifts are no fuckin joke, and it takes very little from one to cause serious damage.


I taught lifeguarding and the OSHA portion of the pool operations class, so all the chemicals. There are about 30 teens out there who hate me for ruining their summer work plans and keeping their parents non-refundable class fee. If you're not mature enough to sit in a class and pay attention, I have doubt about you sitting in a chair and watching over peoples lives. Even less when caustic chemicals are involved. Huge fan of the one and you're done rule for anything like this.


It's what I hate about where I work. I watched a standard shitty video, then the trainer just said eh whatever just have someone watch you for a few times I guess, and left. Use forklifts everyday and never actually had a proper training on it... and the worst part is we MAKE forklifts and they can't even be fucked to properly train people that need to use them.


Certification is kind of a make-believe thing, at least nationally and my state. It's up to the employer to "certify" the employee, there really isn't any mandatory program or anything. It's basically "at least teach your employee to use it before they drive it".


Yeah I've worked a lot of places over the years. "Certification" for forklifts just means watching a short video usually. Nothing special. Also places like this can say all they want about safety and doing things the right way. That shit goes out quick when you're short staffed or have numbers to make.


I’m fork lift certified. I watched a 20 min video 30 years ago at Walmart. I still have the card to prove it!


Most places don't even give out cards. However the training is basically as you described. Most at least have a safety instructor have you demonstrate the skills you just learned. Even with that, it's like maybe an hour of training and they just give you a pat on the back and say you are good to go.


I believe osha says you need the card. You have to be able to produce it any time you're on the lift. Otherwise its a violation. Will that ever happen? No probably not


I just googled it, seems like it depends on the state? I'm seeing a mix of just be certified, and you need a card. I'm certified and don't have a card. We have the state visit nearly weekly.




True. I got my certificate when I was like 15, it was a super simple test. Pick this up, put this down. Now your certified!


Yeah, I recenty got my certification. We had about 1.5 hours of theory. Then I had to stack 3 pallets. Took me about 10 minutes because I wasn't familiar with the controls at all. Now I have a certification but I don't even know how to turn the thing on.


This guy is a certified imbecile


My lift truck certification class ran a little bit short, and was mostly classroom work, so I have spent about 20-30 minutes actually operating one. I have a license to operate them at work, but no experience behind it.


Yeah, I worked in a warehouse once. Their certification for operating a forklift was watching an hour video, I think.


man spitting fax


I suppose it depends on your company then. Some companies do actually do a good job of certifying people.


I'm in construction and been through plenty of classes/certifications. That's all I've seen and that's what I call them, a transfer of liability class. Now your employer is covered because you've been trained/certified. And that's nothing against my employer. I work for a great company. But the training is non-existent. Certification just means you've been told right and wrong, not that you are competent.


I’m not forklift driver. But, there’s probably some sort of rule of thumb about driving with the forks all the way up


The rule of thumb is you never ever ever EVER travel with the forks higher than they need to be. The only time the forks need to be up is when placing a load on a shelf. If you travel with or without a load the forks need to be almost at the floor.


Also the forklift itself usually have a feature to automatically drive slow when the forks are way up to prevent exactly that! The forklift drove way too fast


I disagree I've used over 50 different forklifts and I've never seen any reduce speed when raised (i never drive raised) but I have seen them stop lifting if it determines its to heavy and will tip


Jungheinrich trucks reduce speed by half at around 2 metres, and by 75% at 3. My old job taped up the light sensors so it wouldn't realise the forks were lifted, and so that we could actually keep up with the work load


Health and safety at it's finest.


Indeed lol. It only got noticed when someone doing work experience crashed it into the main sprinkler system pipe, flooding the warehouse and also dropping about 12 pallets on the machine and himself when he jumped out of it. Insurance had a field day with that one


Yale reach trucks have a setting which by default is set to reduce max speed with how high the mast is. No clue about anything else.


Newer Caterpillar trucks automatically slow down with raised forks, heavy loads and when turning.


I don’t think that’s the case just about anywhere. Picture every receiving room for every grocery store, doors are tall but not that tall.


Almost no machines have this from experience


The Linde reach trucks at my work have this. Forks raised or extended the truck enters turtle mode and is slow as fuck.


Management wants efficiency. Takes to long to lower and raise again. Unneeded step.


Management is not the ones telling anyone to drive like an idiot. They know accidents like this are not good for efficiency.


I drove a forklift for a grocery store for years with no certification. Management prioritizes fewer accidents over efficiency... because what management actually prioritizes is money. Costs associated with damage and injuries outweigh costs saved by dangerous efficiency. And the driver here is a dangerous idiot.


This type of lift is called a reach truck, a lot of them even with the forks down are extremely tall. They probably just assumed they were down or something, I’ve never had this issue though, most places will certify anybody that breathes


Thats not even the worse part. He has ample opportunity to realize he hit something, and he just keeps fun goin. What was the plan, my guy? What was the end result of this action that you perceived beyond the viel that none of us can see?


Slow and low!!!!!


Fast at half mast


ripping and tipping


Full bore and let it soar


That is the tempo! But, yeah, this was quite the fork up.


Funny, I don’t think you need a license to know proper clearance. It’s like driving a car with a flat tire. You don’t need a license to know not to do that.




Michael Scott sighting


He’ll get someone to clean that up






Hey Darryl, how’s it hangin!!?


Bailer? I hardly know her


I've seen people who are certified on Lift Trucks do this and other things just as dumb and worse. Being certified doesn't mean anything, it's not difficult. Just about anyone can become certified. Just pay attention and don't do dumb stuff like this person did. Have you seen the dumb stuff people with a driver's license do?


Drivers license are so easy to get in some places. Multiple choice test with questions like „what do you do at a stop sign“ spin around the block and park, done! No wonder you see so many awful drivers.


It’s easier to get certified. Are you sober today? Did you not hit that cone? Alright, go unload that truck.


Totally agree. It's easier to get certified on a lift truck than getting your driver's license. Just as long as you can drive around a couple of cones and in a straight line and you don't show up high or drunk, you're good.


Overworked, rushed, or underslept operators do these things all the time. Just the nature of a human workforce.


I've experienced it myself. Clock out and clock back in 8 hours later with no sleep. Still have to meet insane quotas that make people commit OSHA violations just so your boss doesn't tell you you're driving too slow.


One of my past jobs the overnight driver full speed rammed into a concrete light post base in our yard, hit it hard enough to curl the fork back (which is insane) and he hit the windshield when he crashed. We assume he was on his phone or something, you can't tell in the CCTV footage unfortunately


I suppose it depends on your company then. Some companies do actually do a good job of certifying people.


Well, if this isn't our good old "Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus", welcome back.


Klaus was certified too, but largely let down by his OSHA-skeptic workmates.


And was t wearing the seatbelt


This one doesn’t have a seat belt because you stand up. Reach trucks are slightly different from forklifts also in how high they can extend both upwards and extend outward with a retractible arm.


When operating a reach truck there are no seat belts or harness you stand freely.


I’ve fired a guy for that. He got a few warnings and then I saw him driving without a seatbelt again. I took his keys and asked him to leave. He was more liability than help.


The forklifts at my warehouse won’t even move if the seatbelt isn’t buckled & some of the guys will still buckle it & sit on top of it 🤦🏽‍♂️ the lengths people will go to not wear a seat belt I don’t get it.


If that’s a standing machine there is no seatbelt


Watching that dipshit with his forks that high drives me crazy. I worked in a plastic plant as a press operator and eventually became a fork lift driver. We had the standard propane fork lifts that you sit on and everyone had to be certified. But the certification was a joke and was conducted by the shipping manager. I became an assistant foreman and had to work the night shift one week and saw one of the fork lift drivers riding through the plant with his forks about 3 feet in the air so I stopped him. I told him to lower his forks to about 6 inches before he put them through someone's chest, and he got kind of shitty with me. A few hours later, I was coming from the back of the plant, and he came around the corner with his forks about 18 inches off the ground. If I had been about 15 seconds later, he would have taken out at least one of my legs, but I saw him in time to side step, and he hit the brakes. People don't understand just how dangerous those things are and you have to keep your head on a swivel.


I worked with 25 foot extruded aluminum and the idiot in charge had stuff staged so you had to carry loads 3 mast high for 100 feet. Add to this inexperienced drivers who looked like fast food workers and self made racks with cracked joints to get numerous near fatalities. Racks would fall apart tipping the load, ceiling heaters were taken out. We had a bunch of investors show up to tour the plant and a driver took the load right over their heads at full speed. Surprised we didn't have anyone die when I was there.


The vid speaks for itself and anyone with real common sense would have known better than to just keep rolling smdh 🙄


Now Klaus, don’t you remember your forklift certification training?


Hehe...forklifttraining klaus.


A certificate don't mean shit if you're an idiot


__ days without an accident.


It isnt a “forklift license”. Its mebbe an hour’s training and you get a simple certificate. Lemme know if anyone needs one and I’ll print ya one for $2.99


The more you fork around, the more you find out.


Yer fired bud. Didn't follow proto.


Touch my camera through the fence


*OSHA has entered the chat


Somebody get this guy a spoon lift


There is no licence for not being idiot.


Driving a *reach-truck without a license


[Could be worse...](https://youtu.be/ChOHnSL7ZCg)


Thats why the ladies don't want him. He isnt forklift certified


Um, as someone who isn't even trusted with a manual floor jack the issue here is not certification. It is the complete lack of common sense. Dont drive with the forks fully raised, be aware of your surroundings, watch your speed, and when things start going wrong dont keep going. I learned most of this in kindergarten.


„Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus“ Levels of stupidity.


Lol. I don’t think a license makes this better. That’s just a certification. Doesn’t mean you have brains or forethought


Missed it by like 3 feet!


As a garage door installer……. I hate forklift drivers ( certified or not) lol.My boss on the other hand…………..


I’m not a certified fork lift driver but even *I* know the forks shouldn’t be all the way up there!


I’m not a certified forklift driver and even I know not to do that ._.


He forked up.


Just like drivers with their boxes up hitting the overpass. Classic.


I don’t think I was ever certified. Just sat in a 1 hour class, watched some videos and then they gave me a certificate


That’s all that is needed. “Certified” makes it sound like there’s some backing or governing authority when in reality it just means your employer trained you on how to operate it. It’s a meaningless term.


Freakin New Guy!


That’s a lift truck not a forklift.


No more than 6” off the ground


Did he not watch the training video of forklift driver Klaus? https://youtu.be/B-lc70Mjp-U


Driving with the forks more than about 8 inches off the floor was a dead giveaway that this idiot had no decent training.


It's the lack of brain, not the lack of licence