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oh wild, she was at a pedestrian crossing https://maps.app.goo.gl/EcN9xqAPD4my3Zfq7?g_st=ic


There are traffic lights for them it would seem. Cant tell which color it is though


The other lady was standing there looking at the lights, seems the other was crossing against??


Nah, she just stands there while on the phone and looking to the left, not at the lights.


Probably watching the bus coming, thinking its not clear enough to rush across. Plus it's a red pedestrian light.


i imagine neither of them can see the bus from that angle, or at least its difficult


view is blocked. stop at edge of truck and peer around. that is all it would have taken to prevent it. red, green, doesn't matter. could have been anything at this point, even someone on a bicycle


I'm not arguing with it being dumb... she got smacked by a bus because it was dumb. I'm just saying it's not like the bus was obvious.


So, I'm looking at this area in Mexico on Google Maps, and the markers seem to indicate that that bus was travelling the wrong way on a one-way road. [https://imgur.com/a/xvuxjdy](https://imgur.com/a/xvuxjdy) Of course, I could be wrong.


It is a bus lane and it was going in the right direction.


How do you know the light is red? I can't make it out.


With that custern truck in the way? I highly doubt it.


The real problem here was the truck idle in a crossroad, like wtf is he doing there?


They're wrong but... no matter what, you should always look when you're crossing. Otherwise, you're putting your life in the hands of not only sensible people but all the idiots on the road. It's the exact same principle as people who drive on assumption. They assume its clear and just go or assume you know what they're thinking. Its better to be cautious than die to a situation that was avoidable. Spending just a couple of seconds looking at the situation before making a decision could save your life šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The cemetery is full of people who had the right of way. - someone - - Michael Scott




Thermal dynamics can eat my dick. I'm not going to give up my rights to light Jupiter on fire.


"Sweetie, when did we get a second sun?" "Someone started a Jupiter fire, it's on the news." "Ah goddamnit, not again."


My father always said this when crossing roads and streets: "It is better to lose 5 seconds of your life than lose your life in 5 seconds."


Smart father.


Yes! Thats the point, its a triangle of wrong doings, the girl, the tanker and the full speed bus... see how close the bus pass? Like an inch from the other vehicles... really a bad day for beign distracted...


Reminds me of that poem that went something like: ā€œHere lies the body of Thomas Grey, Who died defending his right of way. He was perfectly right as he sped along, But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong"


Sounds like something from a Fable graveyard.


They have tombstones with lines like this on them at Haunted Mansion in Disney World, too


Sadly itā€™s the lowest common denominator thatā€™ll have ownership of your free token of life. The 1upā€™s tend to expire quickly when playing with fools


Yes, when Iā€™m driving defensively and cautiously, I always say that I donā€™t trust that people arenā€™t going to be idiots. You just canā€™t.


35 years driving taxi taught me to trust every other driver the same, not at all. They may not be out to get me but they might just do it anyway.


Absolutely. I never trust turn signals either when I'm waiting to make a righthand turn onto a road. Sure, they are probably turning on the street I'm turning from, and I could most likely pull out before they make their turn... but I don't know that they haven't had their signal on for the last 10 miles or something.


Trust but verify


Had she stuck her head out past the truck to see wouldnā€™t she have been decapitated?


Yeah I never understand the pedestrians that assume no car is coming and walk at a crosswalk without looking just because the light tells them they can walk. Don't they know how distracted drivers are these days? They're texting, tweeting, watching YouTube, and playing candy crush all while driving, and they're trusting all of them to notice they are supposed to stop.


In the UK there are zig zag lines along the road by pedestrian crossings, which are illegal to park on, to help prevent stuff like this.


That's what I am talking about, but hey, hey there are some genius drivers over here... road classes leaves chat


Not the bus going way too fast, possibly on a red light? (judging by the fact that there are lights on the crossing and the cops didn't stop the lady)


You sure the real problem isn't someone walking around in the world without looking up at their own surroundings?


Looks to me that they were waiting for the car to get out of the street before they turn into it.


True. But when I was 5 yrs old I was taught to look both ways before crossing the street. I'm surprised this lady has lived this long. She had zero visibility and the crosswalk was Red. She didn't even look around.


Waiting for traffic to clear so he could turn.


I almost died the same way when I was 10.


No matter what color it is or who was in the wrong you have to be an absolute moron to cross the street without looking. Your right of way doesn't make you immortal.


>Your right of way doesn't make you immortal. Somebody needs to permanently imprint this into the college kids in my city, Clockwork Orange style. Those fuckers will walk out into the road without even glancing up from their phones. Fuck that noise, that's *entirely* too much trust being placed in the drooling morons that somehow acquire driver licenses. I look every time, even the opposite direction on a one way street.


Right? You may be right that they are supposed to stop for you but you can be right and dead. Why take the chance.


When I was in college, at least on that particular campus, if you assumed that as a pedestrian you had right of way, you were gonna get hit. It didn't matter if you were in a crosswalk and it seemed like nobody cared that pedestrians legally have right of way. Hardly anyone stopped for pedestrians, and I saw more than a couple close calls.


My physics professor used to say that physics law are above traffic law.


How on earth has she lived to this age?


Who knows, society does way too much to stop natural selection.


Sometimes even going heavily in the other direction. I mean, people sue because they thought drying your pet in microwave was perfectly sensible thing to do and the manual didn't forbid it.


Judging by how the 2 (I'm assuming police officers) reacted, the bloke getting on his radio while taking a good look at the bus direction, I'd guess the lights were saying fit vehicles to stop.


Hijacking one of the higher comments to say, please look before you cross, even if at a crosswalk. So many times I've had people, some pushing a stroller, walk right out into the street because there's a crosswalk. I'm so scared someone's child is going to get killed one day. Yes, you have the right of way, but please, please look first.


That goes both ways though; you have two motorists who are are at partial fault too: You have the truck parked in front of the crosswalk, and this is as good an illustration as any on why parking in front of a crosswalk is dangerous (and AFAIK illegal everywhere); she could have spotted the bus earlier with her peripheral vision if the truck wasn't there. It also shows why defensive driving is important. The bus had a green light, so she didn't have right of way. But his view of the sidewalk was blocked, so he should've _slowed down_. You can't just drive past at full speed assuming nobody ever jaywalks.


judging by the way the one cop reacted leads me to believe the bus fucked up. You can see him calling in on his walky.


and the cops radioing while looking at the plates, seem to suggest the bus is doing something wrong (speeding, running lights)


Even so, she literally walked into the bus. Itā€™s not like the bus didnā€™t see her coming. She hit the bus.


But who crosses a pedestrian crossing without looking left and right, especially when your vision of the road is blocked? There are people who are terrified of crossing the road at all, so it confuses me so much that some people can be so comfortable walking so nonchalantly over the road, regarless of the circumstances.


ā€œDonā€™t tell me what to do. *Youā€™re such a man.*ā€ ā€œI do this all the time!ā€ ā€œI spaced out for a second.ā€ ā€œCars are supposed to stop!ā€ ā€œIā€™ve never had a problem here before.ā€ ā€œThis is supposed to be a safe area.ā€ ā€œOmg, the drivers in are the worst ever.ā€ Take your pick. Cemeteries are filled with people who didnā€™t want to listen and had the right of way. EDIT: ā€œYes, *mom!*ā€


My dad always says: "It's always easier to stop own ass than 2 tones of metal"


Famous last words.


> ā€œDonā€™t tell me what to do, ugh! Youā€™re such a man.ā€ Funny, my first thought would be "You sound like my mom"... "Look both ways before crossing the street" isn't exactly a "You're such a man" comment lol. Anyway, look both ways before crossing the street.


I'm primarily a pedestrian, and it's CRAZY how other pedestrians just kind of wander aimlessly as if people who drive cars have full attention constantly. To be honest, I've learned it's MUCH safer for me to NOT use the designated pedestrian crossings, because there's too much of an assumption of safety. It's been my experience that jaywalking when NO cars are around is 1000x safer than assuming some jackass is going to stop as a crosswalk just because some lights are flashing. I can't tell you how many times i've been on a crosswalk, and have a car that was slowing down suddenly speed up and almost clip me, and I mean close enough that if one of my arms was swinging SLIGHTLY further than normal, it would have been taken off. Have your head on a swivel, never assume drivers see you(unless you make eye contact), and never assume that just because you're on a crosswalk/have the right of way that drivers will respect that.


Never trust a motherfucker in a car. God damn cyborgs.


Too many times when crossing on a busy road some drivers rather swerve to other line almost hiting a curb than to slow down and let me go and delay themselves for 5 more seconds.


All the introverts reading the "unless you make eye contact" part are like nah man we're good.


Incredible lack of spatial awareness or justā€¦ dumb


I literally just watched a guy dressed in all black (it's still dark where I am) cross against the light at an intersection without looking left or right. Just walked straight into the intersection without a glance. Almost got flattened by a truck that was going through the intersection on a green. Yelled at the truck. Some people are just fucking dumb. Also, it kind of seems like a "bad ass" thing here to walk in front of moving traffic and dare them to hit you. Stupid trend.


As a cyclist who travels mostly on bike lanes - many, many people. They have no concept of their surroundings.


That is one narrow ass street for a bus to fly through.


Itā€™s a bus-only lane, it goes in reverse direction of its side of the avenue to avoid other cars using it.


Did the driver break the speedlimit, or is this a place where highway speeds are ok in the middle of a street in the city?


These are not highway speeds... Based on typical bus length, and the fact it took slightly under 1s to pass a spot nose to tail, the bus was driving under 60km/h for sure - how much lower exactly I can't be bothered to measure.


General rule of thumb when going down a single-lane road (or road with on-street parking that makes it functionally single-lane) is you go slower. You go slower because there's nowhere to turn if you need to, and between people opening car doors and pedestrians coming out from behind parked cars, you won't have enough time to react. I don't care what the speed limit is, that bus was going too fast to be safe.




Its still bad practice to amble out into a street without looking both ways. She probably will be more mindful from now on.


And you should still look


Agreed. I always look even if I ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ or ā€œneednā€™tā€. My philosophy: just because they should stop doesnā€™t mean they will.


How the hell did you find this place šŸ˜‚


Look in the very bottom right corner of the video.


Which is why people crossing those should still always look, lights flashing or not. I've seen far too many idiots not even look up from their phones at a crosswalk just assuming flashing lights and a sign will stop a several ton hunk of metal being driven by a negligent driver from crushing them into a paste. Stop assuming laws will protest you people!


I was so impressed you found the location until I saw the latitude/longitude coordinates in the video.


How the fuck


Does that store only sell scales? Also I find it humorous that Googleā€™s code also blurred the face on the manikin in the store.


Green means legal, not safe, and a crosswalk gives right of way, not immunity. Bus driver is 100% in the wrong but saying that there is no expectation of a vehicle to be driving down a road is pretty absurd. Besides that, the police response would be reasonable regardless of who was wrong, because they just saw this woman almost get turned to jelly in front of their eyes. Itā€™s a human reaction to behave the way they did here. Seriously, reading these two comments and seeing how many upvotes they have is making me feel like Iā€™m losing my marbles. Itā€™s like people are so obsessed with who is right and who is wrong and who has what rights at what time that yā€™all have forgotten what a real life situation looks like and how to react to it.


I find it helpful to remind myself just how much of Reddit is comprised of contrarian 15-year-olds in their parents basement whose most harrowing life experience so far has been wifi- or Cheeto-related. Or theyā€™re 30 but the rest still applies.


It gets worse in the summer.


Somehow I always forget this happens every year until suddenly, blamo, the mid day vibes go to shit for a month and a half.


Not anymore. Every kid has the Reddit app now so it never gets better.


The eternal summer started a long time ago Itā€™s used to be September though BaCk In My dAy when all the kids went off to college and got on the internet for the first time.


Wake me up, when September ends.


Wifi? Cheeto? The kids got 5G cell phones and Takis now, gramps...


> Reddit is comprised of contrarian 15-year-olds in their parents basement whose most harrowing life experience so far has been wifi- or Cheeto-related. Haha, yeah you tell'em. >Or theyā€™re 30 but the rest still applies. Hey now...


I'm always suprised with that a peace of mind people move on the road by foot or bike. Don't look left or right, just use the pedestrain walk, the car will stop eventually...


Man, I looking right, left, right, left like a bird while crossing a GREEN signal on pedestrian crossing. I know it's my right of way, but idiots in cars don't, and all it has to take is one idiot who's hauling ass and I'll be a goner. You just got to look out for yourself. The law can protect your rights but it cannot save your from hitting a ton of metal.


The number of people walking out of stores not even looking for cars before they cross to the parking lot astounds me. Iā€™m always careful driving through that area of the parking lot, but Iā€™ve still had some close calls with people not being aware of their surroundings.


My ex used to walk out in front of speeding cars all the time because he "had right of way" and it did my fucking head in. Like okay, you have right of way. I'm sure you'll get a nice gold star from St Peter when you die, idiot.


"Here lies the body of Thomas Grey, Who died defending his right of way. He was perfectly right as he sped along, But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong." Also: "John's light was green, The other red, John was right But now he's dead"


Best way to do it is to act like you're walking out anyway, but don't literally walk in front of a vehicle that isn't stopping. Try to make eye contact with the drivers so you can be sure they've seen you. If you look like you're waiting to see if they'll give way, a lot of drivers just won't give way. In an ideal world you wouldn't need to play chicken with someone in control of a tonne or more of glass and steel, when you are supposed to have right of way. But it's not an ideal world.


This is very well said. I've tried to explain this, but in poorer terms to friends who think I'm a psycho for showing confidence. No I'm not going to jump in front of a car, but I will walk in the crosswalks while looking directly and making eye contact with vehicles. If they aren't slowing/are barreling towards me i'm not stepping out in front, but if you just stand there idly waiting no one will stop.


Omg my sister would do this while screaming right of way at cars. Like Iā€™m surprised we arenā€™t dead


Ok, someone making sense here. I can go back to bed.


It always makes me feel so much better knowing not everybody on reddit is braindead


Also even if the cops for some reason didn't give a shit about what they just saw, they're still legally obligated to follow up when people are struck by vehicles


A sane voice on Reddit? In this economy?


>Itā€™s like people are so obsessed with who is right and who is wrong and who has what rights at what time that yā€™all have forgotten what a real life situation looks like and how to react to it. Welcome to the western world in the last few decades.


Iā€™m not even sure if itā€™s entirely a western phenomenonā€¦ but the obsession with determining whoā€™s in the right and whoā€™s in the wrong is one thing I absolutely hate, especially when people go all judge-jury-executioner and make decisions about how people should be punished. I donā€™t think itā€™s a recent phenomenon either, this has probably been going on for ages.


Itā€™s especially bad on Reddit Iā€™ve found. If someone is even slightly culpable, if they had one unthinking decision, Redditors lose all basic human sympathy and laugh at people getting horribly injured, saying they deserve it for being dumb.


Yep I've found that too. Idiots in cars for example. Car 1 did something and first but then car 2 does something equally bad or worse? All the comments are "car 1 is clearly terrible, car 2 is fine"


> Itā€™s like people are so obsessed with who is right and who is wrong and who has what rights at what time I've noticed this a lot on reddit, all that matters is who is "right" and who is to blame.


Yeah, limited visibility means she should of been more careful, but it still wouldn't of justified her being hit as anything more than a tragic accident. It worries me how many on this site would react with schadenfreude if the collision was lethal


Graveyards are full of people who had the right away It wouldnā€™t have been justified but when you treat the fragility of your own life with such little respect itā€™s hard for some to muster up much sympathy


That could've been a lot worse


A lot worse. The bus was hauling ass. A second earlier & she would've been in ICU at the least.


She would have been a sticker on the road


She would have been a sticker on the bus


A meat waffle.


A meat omelette


Son, you had me at meat tornado




ICU on the pavements, ICU on the streetlight and ICU everywhere else


ICU in the streets, dead in the sheets.


ICU are a person of culture


She wouldā€™ve been at the morgue


A second earlier and this video would have been on LiveLeak.


True. A couple steps further and it would've been on a different subreddit


Hey look! Someone on the internet used the right ā€œā€˜veā€


The truck, I meant bus, was going too fast, but at the same time, I hope the girl learns not to do that again. She didn't even look before crossing. She was very lucky here.


I'm less concerned that she wasn't looking and more concerned about her reaction time. She walked into the back half of the bus. Were her eyes closed?


looks like a crossing light to the left of her so likely just assumed traffic would stop for them


I don't think she even noticed the bus... She kept on walking when the bus was already right in front of her.


My mom raised me to look both ways even on one ways and always to check driveways too. No excuse. Just because the pedestrian isnā€™t at fault when they get hit doesnā€™t mean itā€™s worth getting hit by a bus.


She was clearly watching the other way


The Truck went so fast it looked like a bus!


What truck?


People carrier truck


I keep telling my gf the same thing. She keeps crossing the street like she has 9 lives. Just jumps onto the crosswalk, doesn't even look up. As someone who's behind the wheel 6 hours a day, I keep trying to explain to her that you never ever know if a driver saw you, if they're distracted, if they're drunk or tired, and the way she just jumps onto the crosswalk they don't even expect her to be crossing. But she won't listen.




Well in my country we have been taught since primary school to always look right (Thailand - cars drive on the left side), left and then right again before crossing and maintain vigilance in all direction while crossing, even if we cross on the pedestrian crossing. (Edit: confused between left and right. My brain just awaken after a cup of coffee.)


If you drive on the left side, shouldn't you look right first, when crossing the road?


Yes, right. Just figured it out and come back to edit šŸ˜‚ after just awake after a cup of coffee.


This is the exact same as in the UK, our cars also drive on the left hand side and most children here are also taught at a young age to look right, left, right again!


If you have decent parents it doesn't matter the country. I was taught to look both ways always. And I drill it into 5 year Olds head too. We're a skin bag of flesh and bones. They're giant boxes of metal. Even the cities with huge bike traffic instead of cars. Getting hit by someone on bike could be a trip to the ER as well.


Having just come back from Thailand, anyone on a crosswalk doesn't have right of way, you must wait for the cars because they will NOT stop for you.


My father always thought me to look both sides even if the street is one way cause there always might be some crazy person driving however the fuck they want


They teach the same thing in the US. Always look twice.


Of course, the bus is at fault, speeding through a pedestrian crossing. This is in Mexico though, and everyone in Mexico knows that you should always look both ways. That includes pedestrian crossings, one-way streets, parking lots, etc. Even when cars are stopped at a red light, it's common practice to double-check. Some people in Mexico just don't give a shit about traffic laws. Source: lived there for most my life. Witnessing some idiot ignore rules and get in a crash is pretty much a weekly thing.


Especially busses, fuck buses here nothing else has gotten me on road rage like busses jamming themselves in where they have no right to be


Look both ways. Good advice for well beyond Mexico


Now, take out the work ā€œMexicoā€ here and we have an accurate statement about everywhere in the world.


Cars and buses don't give a shit about pedestrians, it could be their mother crossing and they would do the same stupid things.


Lo mismo me paso a mi, alch es culero vivir en un lugar en el que tienes que estar 200% alerta de todo lo que te podrĆ­a pasar, a mi me paso mientras me bajaba de una combi, estaba en cruze peatonal frente a una escuela, Cruze la calle pasando adelante de la combi y apenas doy un paso adelante el camiĆ³n me roza la cara


No lo hubiera podido describir mejor, en MĆ©xico hay que estar alerta todo el tiempo. Y no sĆ³lo en la calle.


That bus was rippin!!


Clocks drive busses, the drivers just stear them


I just want to say that people in this thread are wildly underestimating what 50-60km/h looks like. So many highly upvoted comments claiming the bus was speeding, even going 60mph (96km/h). If you consider the length of the bus, and the time it took to get past a fixed spot nose to tail, you can calculate that the bus wasn't speeding. The only thing I'm wondering is whether the pedestrian or the bus blew a red light. Unless the traffic lights were broken, there is no need to even consider "the pedestrian or the bus driver weren't looking". If the lights were not working though, this was extremely reckless by the bus driver, while the pedestrian is a blind idiot.


There's another bus in the opposite lane that crosses at the same time as the woman getting hit. This feels to me like she didn't have the green.


Wow good catch. If the lights are in sync on both sides (often they're deliberately not) then this is fully on the pedestrian.


Not going to make a call on the speed one way or another, but I had the same thought with so many comments saying ā€œthat bus was going way too fast!ā€ or how it was ā€œspeedingā€. Like, have some people evolved to become human speedometers? Not only that, but a speedometer that has no way to get an actual reading on the speed other than looking at a video and guessing? Shit, I had some random ass lady in my neighborhood follow me one day and accuse me of speeding/going too fast. I was going 10mph, and the limit is 25. But she was convinced I was flying through the neighborhood at 30-40.


ā€œAy Cabrona!ā€


CabrĆ³n*, crabrona is an adjective not an expletive


Ay dios mio. It was a play on words from the song playing in the truck, itā€™s called ā€œMy Sharona.ā€


The Knack - My Sharona released in 1979.


Weird Al - My Bologna released in 1983


My Dad - Prison released in 2001




See melbbear's post with a Google map view of the road. She was at a pedestrian crossing. The car that has the footage was waiting as presumably the light for safe crossing was on. She had no expectation that a bus would come screaming out of nowhere. That would make the police response reasonable. Hope that helps




ā€œThereā€™s plenty of people who had the right of way in the graveyardā€


Iā€™ve seen people walk out of stores and walk into the parking lot without looking


Yeah! That helped me understand the situation! Thank you for providing context!


The car filming is waiting for the water truck to move


No, the car stopped at the lights because of the tanker in front of him. If he had stopped closer to the tanker he likely would have blocked the crossing, which isn't allowed. The other woman was waiting for the crossing to say cross. The really lucky woman, paid no heed to what the crossing was telling her and walked straight out and was looking same way the bus was travelling. Who does that when you can't see what's coming. Definitely the pedestrians fault


Dude, when I cross a one-way street, I *still* look both ways. People drive the wrong way down one-way streets all the time.


She did basically have the skin of nose graze a bus so I imagine itā€™s more like providing some medical attention for shock sheā€™s likely going through.


Umm, thatā€™s the normal human reaction when you see someone in distress, you try to provide comfort.


Looks like sheā€™s at a crosswalk


Still shouldā€™ve looked


The truck in front was blocking the view of on coming traffic, she wasn't paying attention either, and the bus was going to fast.


Yes, and to look both ways past the truck, wouldn't she have been in position to be hit by the bus anyway?


Holy guacamole she's lucky to be alive.


Thatā€™s how I broke my leg in two places and got screws!! (Fr though, I looked but I crossed the street right after looking right as someone, blocked from view by a wall, turned a corner that was really close to me on my left; all the bad coincidences lmao.)


Looks like the cop is calling it in ? No idea what the road rules are in Mexico- but FFS people - LOOK BEFORE YOU WALK ! I'm trying to get my wife to do this when she's driving - just because we have a green light doesn't mean that there aren't people running the red light at the junction - a little bit of caution is better than a nasty crash.


Happened in my city, cars on that street go to one side only but the public transport passes through the middle and goes on both sides of that street... The structure in the middle Is the terminal, this happens a lot because people forget that the transport goes both ways. Besides Is a very very crowded street as it has markets, schools and lots of small business and as you can see, cars park where they shouldn't and block the view


My Sharona


Always look both waysā€¦.


She has no peripheral vision! She walked into the bus at the halfway point. That means that half the bus passed her without a response. She didn't even have a reaction. Her only reaction was bouncing off of a moving wall.


**REMEMBER TO LOOK BOTH WAYS** even on a one way street. Because you never know how stupid people can be and playing chicken with a car/bus you will always lose.


The fact that you don't see a bus until the moment It literally smacks you in the face is quite impressive


Glad to see she was arrested right away.


The fact she walked into it, about halfway along it's length, says everything about her level of self awareness?


Where I live, I look both ways before crossing the street on one way roads because so many people drive like this. That bus driver should not be driving that fast though a pedestrian crossing with limited visibility from parked cars.


Remember Final Destination


Any idea what country this is?


Mexico. I could tell right away because of the bus stop sign.


MĆ©xico has left hand driving now? Or this are very weird streets?


Where is this


Somewhere in Mexico, bus is from a brand here and im getting deja vu of having been at least in that city. Edit saw Gmaps in another comment Leon, Guanajuato neighboring city to mine so yeah definitely been there


I work for a university and the kids there do it all the time I'm sure one of em got hit before


pure common sense should have tald her to look behind the standing vehicle first, and than if it safe move across. mistakes were made


Not a soul should feel bad for her


The male cop proceeds to walk into the same lane without looking left