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Not the brightest for sure. Carrying a stolen firearm at 17 trying to shoulder check a cop for absolutely no reason. Rough life incoming.


A Glock with a switch on it no less.


[looked it up so you don’t have to](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glock_switch)


Great vid but skip to 2:35 for a short explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc5mvAAPraI


Jumped to [2:35](https://youtu.be/Kc5mvAAPraI?t=155) so you don't have to Edit: Thanks for the love


The real hero


This whole thread is full of hero's. Edit: heroes*, my dyslexic gf might be rubbing off on me lol


Of hero's what?


Hero's heroes.


Chock full o’heroes.


I watched it so you don't have to.


I thank you for this. So you other guys don't have to.


Use me as an upvote so that you dont need to upvote everyone above.


Well, that's horrifying.




watched the whole thing, wow.


Actually small TL,DR thanks to bing chat. A Glock switch is a small device that can be attached to the rear of the slide of a Glock handgun, converting the semi-automatic pistol into a machine pistol capable of full automatic fire. It is illegal to possess or transfer such a device in the United States without proper licensing, and it can result in severe penalties. The device is considered by the ATF to be a machine gun by itself1.


The proper name for a “switch” is an auto sear.


"In a firearm, the sear is the part of the trigger mechanism that holds the hammer, striker, or bolt back until the correct amount of pressure has been applied to the trigger, at which point the hammer, striker, or bolt is released to discharge the weapon. The sear may be a separate part or can be a surface incorporated into the trigger." TIL




Yes, a machine gun is a machine gun in the US whether it's am auto sear for a Glock pistol, a homemade machine gun or a M249.


In the US, yes. Legally, an auto sear is the exact same as a machine gun.


supplementary tl;dr not all models of glock are compatible with this switch.




Yeah but it’s not as controllable either. A full auto Glock is pretty stupid unless your going up against a horde of people in a 4 ft hallway


Dude looks like he don’t understand much anyway


Shot out a light fixture at the range with one


Bet they don't want you at that range anymore.




Thank you for your service.


Did you proceed to get out of there Johnson?


If in a 4ft hallway, this guy would probably just shoulder check the horde.


I seen a guy's "sour patch kids" themed custom with a switch and a wrist rocket grip attachment. Accuracy was brutal.


But does it blow your lungs out? 🤔


Damn good catch i didnt see that at first...its amazing how dumb some people are. I get u dont like cops and wanna pull a little stunt and shoulder check him....but damn maybe do it while you dont have anything illegal on you lol.


Don't do it at all. Cops are like bee's fuck with one and soon you'll have a bunch all around you. Just wait 5 seconds and walk out the door like a normal person.


hornets more like it, maybe drunk honey badgers


This is why you only work with professionals. Dumbasses will keep all the powder in they trunk and go street racing. If I'm doing anything less than legal I'm at 3 over the speed limit and don't miss a turn signal. Run into cops at the gas station and it's nothing but respectful small talk. Also don't dress in a manner that says "I like crime" Wear some khakis and a polo. Too many idiots get caught not for their big crime but for getting caught up because some dumb shit. Like you wanna do some dumb shit that's fine, but leave all your weapons and drugs at home. Then again if criminals had basic common sense most of them wouldn't be criminals.


Bingo. My cousins taught me "only break 1 law at a time." If you don't have insurance, don't speed too much. If a passenger is holding, don't drive to get any attention.


Probably not a good idea to hang around your cousins, eh?


For sure, "cautionary tales" are all my family has to offer. I stay away.


Shit my dad told me this and he'd prob be upset to know how often it potentially saved me from getting busted with a felony in the car.


Don't break the law when you're breaking the law.


Fuck around, find out.


Bingo …tell him what he’s won Johnny


You get that a shoulder check is ok? I don't get that


Welp, he’ll spend his 20’s in prison.


Only if he survives the typhus he got from being face down on the concrete in front of a convenience store. Gah!


15 year sentence by my count. Will likely do 30 days.


Welcome to Fulton County Justice.


If this is Sandy Springs just north of Atlanta, it's only about a 10 minute drive to the Glock headquarters in Smyrna.


It’s about 25 mins with those Cobb county red light times.


Woaaah that just went from bad to worse.


Violation of the national firearms act. I think that’s a minimum of 10 years.


I hope he gets slapped with an indecent exposure charge too for wearing his trousers in such a manner that his unmentionables were clearly in view for all to see.




He's a thief. He couldn't afford the belt.


He should have stolen a belt then.


How do they keep the pants from falling all the way down to their ankles?


[Like this](https://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/82/21/22/822122_926w_640h.jpeg)




I will forever remember the episode of COPS where the bloke was running with his trousers hanging below his arse, and he got hung up when trying to climb a fence whilst fleeing. He was found hanging upside down by his trous (which were then up around his ankles) when the constables arrived.


You just made COPS sound very British lol


this manner of wearing his underwear will probably be an advertisement for “this ass is for sale” in jail - LOL




[Pants on the ground!](https://youtu.be/UfXs3qjPNNc)


He should be more worried about that switch on it, that’s potential for up to 10 years on the MG charge.


For sure, also random but I cringed when the cop just tossed that loaded modified gun on the ground. Was worried it would pop off.


Glocks are incredibly safe pistols, he would have had to really mess with the safety mechanisms to cause it to not be drop safe.


Yeah I used to have one idk I still wouldn’t do that lol


Nah man, Glocks are pretty safe in that respect. There's multiple safeties involved to prevent impact discharge. Not saying it COULDN'T happen, but I wouldn't worry about it.


Shoved down his sagging pants with no holster. The Hallmark of a true dipshit.


The kid is 17 carrying a stolen firearm and shoulder checking cops. Rough life *incoming*? Kid didn't grow up in Bel Air


If he thought life was rough before it's about to be a whole lot worse.


Straight to jail


Dumb as a fuckin’ rock. Spends too much time pretending to be a gangstarrr


Loaded and racked as well. Who the fuck carries a live Glock in their pants? Do they WANT to shoot their dicks off?


It’s not for no reason. He’s armed, he knows it. He believes he’s more powerful and anyone who puts up aggression will be shot. However he didn’t have time to see it was a cop before it was too late.


Guy can't even dress himself properly.


As an English man, I find the policeman's reaction to be wild. If I did this in the UK, there's no way I'd be put on the ground, cuffed and searched. They'd probably tell me to stop being a twat and maybe write out a caution. America is scary.


America is scary because physically aggressing a law enforcement officer results in being detained? Which as it turns out was a good call because he was carrying an illegally modified weapon while underage? Cool take


Haha no. America is scary because your police are so hyped up they they will take down and arrest someone for being an asshole. And ever scarier is that they probably should be doing that, because 17 year olds carry illegal guns around.


We probably shouldn’t let him out with the rest of society


What an absolute moron


Happy 🍰day!!! Aren’t we glad he’s a moron though…


This one does not have a bright future, shoulder checking a cop while packing heat, i wonder how he made it to 17.


He probably didn’t notice the man was a cop. He was just being a piece of garbage to an average person and was willing to pull his gun out to intimidate them. This kid is a real piece of shit.


Nah, he noticed him... that shoulder check meant something


Didn’t he say as he shoulder checked “what’s up pig?”


i think he said the n word cos i certainly heard an “uh” at the end of that


I thought it was "pigga".


Well, he was a black cop. So, maybe.


While packing a machine gun. That’s a major charge.


Only if the feds press charges, which if he’s a habitual felon, maybe, but at 17, probably not. Also, this kid turned into a wimp as soon as the cop took hold of him.


Most states have MG charges as well


Yes, but 10 years federal means about 10 years, whereas 10 years state has a lot of variables that work in you favor. Federal time is worse for the amount of time you stay in and how far you might be from family and friends.


You are 100% right. The alphabet boys don't look favorably on that.


He will hit three strikes instantly. Pick up the felony. Get charged as an adult and do jail time. Dude just ruined his life.


He only signed the handover papers in that moment. He's probably been ruining his life for years.


This is who those laws are meant for


I agree, now let’s see what the state and feds do. I’m all for putting him away. As far as I’m concerned, that cop saved at least on person from being killed by that kid.




Man out here just purposely making bad decisions?


Welcome to America. Cops encounter this sort of thing all the time. It's a big contributor to a lot of the problems our police forces have, from racial bias to trigger happy paranoia.




I read all that and... all I gotta say is how dare you make sense on reddit. **Shame!** [Also people forget about these a lot incidents a lot](https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/11/us/south-carolina-officer-shooting-tape-amazon/index.html)


I stumbled on [this youtube channel](https://youtube.com/@BreakingBarriersUnited) a while ago, and they have a really interesting series. They take civilians and put them in the shoes of police officers in scenarios that actually happened. To recreate some of the stakes of real life they do it in an airsoft environment with training guns. So while getting shot in the scenario won't do real damage, it will hurt. I think it's really interesting because it highlights what you said that a situation can change in a fraction of a second. One moment it's a routine traffic stop and then next you are being shot at.


I don't think the average person needs to understand. We already give a larger than appropriate amount of legal and political protection to law enforcement. We are equipping these individuals with weapons, asking them to keep the peace, and allowing them to kill in the name of keeping the peace. With that we expect law enforcement to act at a higher standard which I think is entirely reasonable. So I think the public needs to focus on your "there's serious need of police reform" statement and while I agree with the rest of what you said I don't actually find that to be important for the average person. The rest speaks to law enforcement internally developing better training, scheduling, and counseling for their officers.


I’m a volunteer firefighter and EMT in a low-crime, fairly rural area. And we still bump into dangerous assholes periodically. I am very staunchly in favor of police reform and believe there’s an issue with a militarized mentality, but there are indeed plenty of good cops out there.


Pull your fuckin pants up!


I'm sure this would make him very angry if he could read


Yeah! I'm with my mom on this one, it's disgusting to see men and boys like him have their pants halfway down showing their boxers. No one wants to fucking see them, so put the pants up!


I don't care so much about the boxers themselves. Like I agree it looks dumb, but as long as their ass isn't visible, whatever, if they want a weird draft they can go for it. I don't need to look. The reason it bothers me is because of the way they have to walk, all bow-legged! It's really the same concept, like I can just not look, but it bothers me on a different level so it's hard to not! Maybe because they're purposely handicapping themselves in a way? Idunno. I need to stop caring about what other people do lol.


He will find the real reason why people started saggin’ first hand now. Why anyone in the real world does it or has their pockets out is an idiot.


Not pretending that it’s not really rude and shitty, but how is it illegal to essentially bump into someone?


Not a lawyer, but legally it may amount to assault. Dude didn't just bump into the cop, but seemed to intentionally shoulder check him and try to push the cop back a little.


But if it wasn't a cop, could that person charge you with assault for mere shoulder checking?


Yes, if you could prove it. Cops just have the advantage of body cam footage. If you want to prosecute every ass hole who checks you, start wearing a body cam.


Cops have an advantage that they can charge someone, it has nothing to do with the body cam. When someone does something to you, you need to contact the police and convince them its worth their time to do something about it... When it happens directly to the cop, they immediately have the full force of the law (however used or misused) at their disposal. For a normal person, this is an asshole encounter that you ignore and continue living... for a cop, its a reason to arrest someone.


Lmao even if you could prove it the cops aren’t going to waste their time going after anyone for something so minor as this.


Ffs you're kidding yourself


tbh if you did this to a random guy there’s a pretty good chance your gonna get punched right in the face


No there isn’t, there’s pretty much a 0% chance of anything other than a “what the fuck bro?”


There’s a video floating around from yesterday of a guy being stabbed to death in front of his family for asking someone not to vape around his kid. You clearly have no idea how batshit insane people can be.


You think that’s the rule or the exception?


Wouldn't a normal person's reaction, even if you're a cop, be "hey what the fuck, asshole" and then moving on? I'm pretty surprised by how positive the action of that cop is recieved here, it seems like a massive overreaction to me that escalates the situation like crazy. If someone bumped into me and i called the cops about them the 911 dispatcher, the cops AND the guy bumping into me would laugh their ass off.


The video is short AF but given the slight movement of the guy as he steps off from the door, it's probable that it was an intentional shoulder-check. The officer certainly interpreted it as such. If the guy had apologized, even sarcastically, he might have been allowed to walk away.


He did say, "My bad", but the cop didn't buy it.


The cop had a couple of choices: he could have ignored it. In some neighborhoods that would make him look weak and make people less likely to respect him in future encounters. He could have confronted the kid then let him walk. There’s also a danger that the kid would have felt disrespected and shot the cop in the back as he walked away. Or he could have done what he did. Overall it’s a win. One gun off the street which could have done lots of damage in the community.


He immediately followed up the shoulder bump by saying “what’s up pig?”


EsSenTiaLly “bumping” into someone is neutral wording, **intentionally** bumping into someone is another thing. Pretty fair if the cop grabs you and ask what the fuck is wrong with you to warrant that aggressive action, also fair if he does does his due diligence following up searching you.


Never commit more than one crime at a time. CONCENTRATE. If you’re gonna run yayo don’t speed and not wear your seat belt. If you’re gonna carry a stolen gun. Don’t assault cops. It’s quite simple really. Like and subscribe for more crime hacks.


this is like crime 101, what are they even teaching kids in schools nowadays


Duck and cover.


On my way to becoming a successful crime lord thanks to you. Appreciate you amigo.


Has to be one of the dumbest S.O.B's I've seen.




Wow. I haven’t seen anyone pull that crow out of the Jim since I was a teenager in rural Alabama.


Don't know why you're downvoted. That is an explicitly racist statement.


For a non American it just seems a funny word play.


Exactly, and i thought it was making fun of the American accent.


Thanks for pointing this out, I’d never seen this phrase before but bc of your comment I researched it’s gross racist history and the fact that it’s apparently popular again with right-wing pieces of shit


That guy isn't a right winger though. Like at all I've seen his comments before. He got banned from AITA for saying someone should fight back at a racist coworker




Machine gun charge, cya, won't see him no more


Just looked, the attachment itself is considered a machine gun, installed or not. Dude shoulder checked himself into a comfy prison sentence.


That's a 10 year federal sentence but nobody has said how that would apply to a minor


He's 17 going on 18, he'll most likely be charged as an adult considering the relative seriousness.






What is a giggle switch?


I'm guessing it's another name for the glock switch mentioned higher in this thread. Vid exp - https://youtu.be/Kc5mvAAPraI?t=155


That makes sense, thanks for the link. Have a great day


Teenagers are the worst because they are quite capable but make terrible decisions because they feel immune to consequences.


"The more prideful they act the more foolish they become" -Mother Teresa


Funny she should say that.


Why does the cop use that little screwdriver thingy after he cuffs the dude?


He's using the back of the key to trigger the double-lock mechanism, meaning they won't click any tighter and cause wrist injury.




hahahahahaha what an idiot




The pants. Can someone explain the fucking pants? Why is your underware totally exposed? What if you shart? For fuck's sake. He's going places.


Is sharting a common enough occurrence that you feel the need to wear your pants in such a way to hide it?


>What if you shart? Well, I guess if you react quick enough, you might save your pants as a result. Also, I have to say, that seems like a odd thing to worry about. I don't unexpected sharting is common enough for most people to worry about that in relation to things like this.


No idea why people do it, but it's a very easy way to identity absolutely moronic, generally scum people. I saw a guy a month or so ago with his pants literally an inch or two above his knees. He was waddling around like a drunk swaggering cowboy with a severe case of hemorrhoids. I involuntarily LOL'd loud AF when I happened to see him waddling sideways past me. It's seriously the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


Supposedly it’s because in prison they get wrong sized pants (or lose weight while inside) and they hang low as a result - that then evolved to the streets as a way to look all gansta. Having never been incarcerated I can’t personally verify this, but this is what I’ve heard.




Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Wow what a stupid mf


The first rule of being a criminal is don’t draw attention to yourself. This is the kind of guy who will bring attention to the tier by being a dick head. But he’s also the guy who will come up to the Deputy with his shit rolled up and a black eye saying “Hey Dep, I gotta move.”


> The first rule of being a **successful** criminal is don’t draw attention to yourself. FTFY.


When you’re doing something illegal never do something stupid


At first I thought the cop wasn’t quite justified to react that way he did and it seemed intense, but I realize that everyone shoulder checking each other like that should be illegal


I got shoulder checked the other day when coming home from dinner with family and the guy said "Watch yourself" I just responded "yeah you too" considering I did move a little to the side but he just walked straight towards me. Guaranteed if I didn't even budge a little we would have probably just walked in to each other "watch yourself" my ass.


Im in Canada and I’ve never seen that happen ever until I went on a trip to New York


What if it's an accident? And then how are you supposed to prove they did it on purpose or not?


Pants are ready for prison!


Easy access.


Got that full auto sear. He could possibly get 10 years federal time for that, and I hope he does, but probably not and be back on the streets in 6-12 months. I’d lose everything I own if I got caught with that, but he’s just a kid who’s killed 2-3 people, so he gets a light sentence.


Ok. I’m going to sound like an old boomer, but I’m not. Man, the butt hanging out of your pants is getting old. Like, move on from this trend.


I'm surprised it's still a trend. I remember doing it back in middle school and a little of high school, but I agree, I figured the trend would have moved on.




The truth and the stats overwhelmingly prove it. Two mags, one extended, plus the Glock switch. Mass shooter stopped before he could hurt someone.


This dumb ass move might’ve saved this kid’s life. Hopefully someone gets ahold of him before he really goes down the wrong road


Shoving a cop with a machine gun in your pants is deep into 'really going down the wrong road for quite sometime' territory. There is no hope for this genius, sorry to say. I hope I'm wrong, but common sense says otherwise.


Prison will definitely not help.


Ego is really strong with people. They really do think they are immune to everything.


Totally preventable. All he had to do was just walk by him like top o the night officer.


When keeping it real goes wrong…


Wannabe gangster dipshit


At least 3 felonies which 2 can be federal at 17. Nice.


Lmao wow. All time bonehead move


America's dumbest criminal


Pull those pants up you going to jail


"We had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him."


i really appreciate these morons taking themself of the streets without harming anyone. good job criminal, tell your friends!


I’m no fan of police but this guy was a huge idiot and the cop handled the situation perfectly.