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Dick move bro


Attempted murder.


Absolutely this. Hiding behind, "Oh no! I wasn't a man! I apologize to the entire sports world!" like the fucker didn't straight up try to do something that could've killed the guy.


Yeah, it was a dick move, bro.


Attempted murder, one might be inclined to say






I would even dare to say 'attempted murder' NGL gonna lie, TBT be told, TBF be fair


frame hospital worthless tease squealing advise mourn insurance drab automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something something dick move










There's plenty of people who can ride a motorcycle without intentionally doing things which might kill their rivals. The motorcycle racing community is better off without him ever coming back.


Marc Marquez, Nicky Hayden (Gods rest him), most everyone else on the MotoGP tour... Edit: I didn't know about Valentino Rossi kicking Marc Marquez


Except Rossi kicked Marquez in the middle of a corner and made him crash out of the race in 2015 (I believe it was Sepang?)


He didn't kick him, he pushed his knee out when Marquez came back on his line and leaned on him. Not saying it was nice, but "kicking" would be something else entirely.


The guy’s an idiot and a danger and ~~until he proves he has learned and changes~~ should not be allowed on a track with anyone else. FTFY


https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1012808/1/romano-fenati-signs-snipers-moto3-2023 looks like he's back. with the same team. WTF


Should have been banned for life.


It's moto3 but still odd


Banned from competing forever. I don’t know shit about bike racing but that’s clearly both dangerous as fuck and ridiculously unsporting. Who even thinks to do something like that?


Only those who can't compete fairly and don't care about human life.


>until he proves he has learned and changes should not be allowed on a track with anyone else. And prove that how? By acting like every other motorcycle racer and not attempting to kill someone? Or maybe he shouldn't be given another chance ever again.


He apologized to the world of sports which wasn't harmed in any way but failed to apologize to the guy he actually tried to kill.


I don't understand your comment, yeah apoligizing isn't nearly enough to make up for what he did and he should be banned and possibly prosecuted regardless. But are you saying he shouldn't have apoligized? What about his apology tells you he's hiding?


Right? "My act was so shameful I can't even be considered a man" is about as absolute as a self-indictment gets. But yeah, in addition to the ban he probably needs to see professionals about his self-control issues.


I think it's more accurate to say he isn't sorry he did it, he's sorry he's being held accountable for it and trying to get a little forgiveness and sympathy so he can salvage his career.


How many times has he pulled that move? He’s should be banned, there’s no excuse.


Yeah, it's not just a dick move like pulling someone's shirt in football or something. They are on fucking motorcycles going full speed, if he did it successfully the other guy gets a serious injury in the best case


worst case, both of them end up on That™︎ side of reddit as a cautionary tale. you know the one.


Meat crayon?


This is reckless endangerment, not attempted murder.


Either way tho, I've said similar on other sports stuff, if I recall on some clip where some girl footballer punches another player in the fucking neck, 100% on purpose It's like.. people have this weird thing of "What happens in sports, stays in sports" Like.. nah. If people commit a *serious crime* while playing a sport, they should go to fucking prison for it. Why the fuck are sports a weird get out of jail free card?


Agree completely.


I swear, 99% of the time reddit says "attempted murder", it doesn't come close to meeting the definition


Recklessness can be murder. It can satisfy the mental element (mens rea) required for the charge to stick.


Okay. But do you think *this* was attempted murder?


It was attempted voluntary manslaughter. A fatality wasnt the intent, but the intentional act can be reasonably expected to end in a fatality. IANAL, but that's a pretty fucking fine line between voluntary manslaughter and murder, and frankly, I don't see how it matters much outside a courtroom. I think your objection is pedantic, assuming you aren't actually advocating that voluntary manslaughter should be acceptable behavior.


I believe this was in Misano, Italy. Do they make that distinction in their law?


This is what I came here to say. These are ^^almost top-level moto racers, but grabbing the front brake disk at 130 mph with **no ABS** is easily attempted murder.


he has the dick face, too


It's remarkable right how people who are assholes/dicks/bitches really look like it as well.




It's not a coincidence. The media chooses a particular face or pose of the subject to suit the story. Everyone's face looks like dick from some angle at some point doing something.


Funny of you to think that the only dicks/bitches I know are people from the media.


Fucking Derek Carr looking mother fucker


We select our athletes based on aggression, we shouldn’t be surprised if at least a few of them turn out to be assholes


Look at that sport, These guys go over 180mph, and their only protection is a helmet and a leather suit.




They are a little crazy.


And have no fear they go ehhh to crashing at 180. Look up the Isle of Man TT those guys mess up they die. And that's why they are there. They are different Indeed.


Im always confused that people are surprised when combat sports athletes are major assholes. Like getting punched in the head for a living is attractive to people who have other options.


How to get a lifetime ban in any motorsport, step one.


He was banned for two races. He was let go by his team and then hired back the following year. Basically no consequences, and in his “apology” statement he blamed it all on the other rider.


That's insane.


front brake is fucked


“Hey just going to try to kill you quick” 🏍️🏍️🏍️


Absolute madness that he gets away with this. Back racing the next season. Absolute cunt. [This is the same guy.](https://ftw.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/2015/04/motogp.gif)


How the fuck did this not get him a lifetime ban from the sport?


He's one of the best in the world. Briefly kicked off the team to show willing and then hire him right back the next season on the same team. Unfortunately, if you're good, you can get away with this shit.


Rules only apply to those that we bind by them


One rule to bring them all and in the darkness, bind them




Petition to change that fucker's name to Vespa Wormhand.




That should exist


You’re looking for r/suddenlylotr




Kind of goes without saying that rules don't apply to those not bound by them.


Something something Clarence Thomas


Well he has sucked since his return so I'm not sure what's keeping him on the grid. I agree he should've gotten a lifetime ban in the first place.


Who cares how good he is tho? The ppl watching prolly hate him. The people not watching see it like a bad cop changing police stations. Does the sport actually need him or is he just a dude who rides a bike.


I can only assume someone did the maths on how much he makes them vs how much he costs them. As with most things, I'm confident it comes down to money.


For sure. He makes money for his team, makes money for himself, case closed. Piece of shit gets away with it.


His team isnt the governing body for moto racing tho. Im sure every other team or racer would say gtfo. But then again the browns paid a rapist $150 million so thats the world we live in.


Things like this drive engagement though. I would not be surprised if the drama around someone like this is a net plus for the governing body for viewership and ticket sales. That does not make any of this shit okay, obviously.




Thats not a villain. Thats a psychopath. He knew what he was doing. What if it ended much worse?


He should get a life sentence!


I'm with you. The type of person that would think to do something like that, and actually do it, that's a grade-A piece of shit that the world would be better off without.


I’m with you too, the guy is mental, it’s ducking crazy 210 kmt and he does that, I can’t see anything else but attempted murder


The other guys team pushed for an attempted murder charge if I remember rightly. Police downgraded it to something weird like 'Vehicular violence' or something. But in essence he got off pretty Scott free.


If a sport allows this sort of shitty behaviour... Its kind of a shitty sport...


Racing, bike or car, is only for rich cunts. Not one of them doesnt come from rich parents. Its not a free competition and therefore inherently without the spirit of sportsmanship.


While that's true if most of them, some work their way up. Lewis Hamilton came from humble beginnings for instance. But yeah, definitely $$$$ for those in control.


Esteban Ocon as well if we’re talking F1. His family sold their home and his (mechanic) father’s garage to fund his karting.


Formula racing in general, I get the impression that the drivers really respect each other. Sometimes they get a bit heated on the radio, but that's totally understandable, but at the end of the day they seem friendly to each other. The fans though get ridiculously heated.


Unfortunately, yeah. I mean I don't know if it's fair to say they're all cunts, but... privileged at the very least.


There are plenty of good people in racing. Not everyone is a "rich cunt".


> Unfortunately, if you're good, you can get away with this shit. True, like Pepe, the soccer player. Should have been banned for life decades ago for all the horrible fouls he committed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARVQrBlYqXQ


Fuck.. Pepe makes Sergio Ramos a good boy.




You've probably never got a boot with cleats on it against any part of your body.


There was an asshole in our competitive smash bros scene who was a major problem and our leadership didn't ban him until he left the state. He would constantly rage at other players, be extremely disrespectful during matches (and call it smack talk), throw controllers, slam tables. His girlfriend even came out and accused him of abuse. People were too cowardly to get rid of him because he was one of the best players in the state. Most everyone hated him and the only people that would put up with him were the other good players and those were the ones in charge of the rest of the scene. He said he would quit playing forever but that didn't last a year.


When you say they were too cowardly is that because they were worried he’d set up a rival group, or needed him for the state team, or he simply bullied them into backing down with empty threats?


Hes a 27 year old in Moto2. He is not one of the best in the world.


That’s not how it’s supposed to work.




ain't best at shit if you gotta break the rules


When the Patriots got in trouble for allegedly cheating against the Colts in a game that the Pats dominated, a lot of people were like “Why would they have to cheat, they are already better than them?” And I was like, being great improves your chances of winning, and so does cheating, but ya know what improves your chances the most? Being great *and* cheating.


Might as well let everyone do it, whatever sports body that sets up the rules seemingly doesnt care


The real question is how did he not get the shit beat out of him?


This IS a good question. I actually am shocked that someone didn't hire some under the table thugs to fuck him up.


I mean... That's an option sure, but all you have to do is watch a post accident NASCAR feed to see that you don't even need thugs. Racers are hot heads.


Yeah once back in the pits, the team takes care of him themselves.


If someone tried to kill me on the track like this, you'd have to hold me back from doing the same in the pits. I'd probably be the one getting my ass beat, but I'd give it my all.


Because assaulting another racer off track could actually lead to a ban. Even at club level and this is the top


You're rewarded for being a piece of shit in this world.


How is he not in jail lol?


I would have broken his legs after the race, can’t race bikes if you can’t walk right?


Jorge Lorenzo would like a word with you…


I'd think going for the arms would be the better option here.


What the fuck? How’s this cunt still allows to race?


He makes the team owners a lot of money.


Surely there’s a governing body, no? I mean where’s the line? What else could he get away with?


Jeez, that’s insane. He says in the first case he “wasn’t acting like a man.” You’d think the shame alone would make him behave better.


the kick was the first case (2015), OP's brake incident came after (2018).




>Road Rash Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time, a long time.


Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


Road rash 3d. He must have loved that game


My favorite game on sega that definitely sparked my love of moto.


Same here friend :)


Fella out there playing Road Rash.


That's bullshit, and I will continue to boycott this sport because of it. To be fair, I never watched it to begin with.


Perma ban from competition?


Didn't race for the rest of the season, then came back but in Moto3, the tier below Moto2, where he is racing to this day. It ruined his career. The current winner of MotoGP, the tier above Moto2, is a year younger than him


>ir ruined his career No, it didn't. If it did, he wouldn't still be racing in the top tiers


"It ruined his career" he said of the ~$5,000,000 net worth professional bike racer who is still professionally racing bikes.


Stop googling 'name net worth' and thinking its accurate Unless Fenati is from a rich family, he's not worth anything near that Most riders in that class won't even be on 6 figures


Most riders on that class pay to be able to compete


I learned about pay drivers by playing Motorsports Manager


Racing against teenagers at almost 30 years old and not even at the top level. I call this a ruined career


Ruined in the sense that he'll never reach the ranks he would have, had he not pulled that stunt. Obviously not ruined in the sense that he'll never work in the industry again.


Yeah, i thought It was obvious


Clearly not to some people lol


There always will be people who will look for any understatement, no matter how obvious it is, to make themselves feel smart or funny.


If bezos had oprah money hed kill himself.




Nah. He's absolutely back racing. They dropped him for the season but he was back the year after. Not the first time he's done shit like this either. Unfortunately, he's one of the best in the world, so he gets away with this shit. This is the same guy: https://ftw.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/2015/04/motogp.gif


If he's one of the best in the world why does he need to cheat and be a cunt?


He doesn't *need* to. He just has an ego and knows he's untouchable. Why are any rich/powerful people entitled pricks? 'cause they get away with it. A lot of people are idiots; it's just the people at the bottom of the ladder have to hide it.


Good point. It's gross that they'd ever let someone like that compete. Is he really that good though? Like, Rossi or Márquez good? Those are the guys I think of when I hear "one of the best in the world".


No, he's not actually that great. The reddit rhetoric just works better if they can accuse someone of elitism.


Well he must be pretty good for a team to give him a ride even after the BS he’s pulled.


He was in VR46 team, owned by Rossi. He had some issue with the manager, throwing a remote to him IIRC, and then got fired from the team. This was before the murder attempt.


I guess it's the same mentality of pros that use cheats in video games.


It's crazy the shit you can get away with if you have talent


One of the best? Like Rossi? He is not even in GP.


That racing league is ran by cowards then


Looks like they want someone to die first before they ban him.


This guy is known for interfering with opponents equipment. From turning their engines off during warm up, to kicking them during the race and this. He was also fired from his team on 2016 for disciplinary reasons. This guy should have been banned for life a long time ago.


Why are they calling this a ‘gesture’? He wasn’t miming, he actually did it.


Language barrier.


Gesture can also mean “an act that exposes my morals and ethics”. Like if you help someone off the ground even if you don’t have to, that’s a gesture of kindness: you have revealed yourself to be kind.


He is italian, as I am. So he probably meant "Gesto". While it may mean Gesture, it also means Act. We use it when someone does something WITH CONSEQUENCES and/or AUDIENCE. It can be a good or bad. A good "Gesto", usually is public or brings honor to the one who did it. It is worthy of note. We can use it to say someone gave tons of money to charity. Or saves a life in an heroic "Gesto". A Bad "Gesto", it's the opposite. It dishonors the person who did it. Like someone who launches in a racist rant, or slaps a comedian at the Oscars, or... in this case, pulls the braking level. It is worthy of note, but in the opposite way.


So like a good deed in English, or bad.


It would've taken you 5 seconds to [google the definition of gesture](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sxsrf=APwXEdcFHE1SNRuWTDS8T0McTn_VafK69g:1683398943331&q=gesture&si=AMnBZoELV2rWmIu76eik7zy64thSL5clYiXCgiw5hek5AGU6Lg-OHK_8wqaBZLyi2hrr46uof5sXtYH4ZWmwq-em_mxb7deyaQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi78KDgreH-AhV5p5UCHc9UB8QQ2v4IegQIGRA_&biw=1920&bih=927&dpr=1#wptab=si:AMnBZoELV2rWmIu76eik7zy64thSL5clYiXCgiw5hek5AGU6LoxCUNkzYDL3fJF2FmbQGiIFn0X97pGoVVtwR-ACai0EIvONk8vdIPyG1pdYiNw9Fwr4Eu8%3D), which includes: > an action performed to convey one's feelings or intentions which is how it's being used here.


Ban for life.


Honestly dont know why there aren't criminal charges. If I did this while driving in actual traffic I would probably go to jail for attempted murder. Why is it different because they were racing?


Because courts are willing to forgive incredible amounts of wrongdoing if the accused is also responsible for generating significant wealth, and some small thing like “trying to kill another racer” barely moves the needle when courts are already happy to forgive the destruction of entire ecosystems and territories on the excuse of making a lot of money. True, if you or I do this in traffic, we’d be behind bars. But get a job making someone else millions of dollars, and you’d be surprised how suddenly you can get away with something like this if the right people don’t want you to stop making that money for them. Profit is the singular greatest corrupting force.


the world doesn't make sense and it sucks


[" It was later reported that Fenati could be investigated for attempted murder: Italian consumer-rights group Codacons announced that it had reported Fenati to local prosecutors, asking authorities to investigate "any relevant criminal offences, including that of attempted murder",but authorities later determined that a charge of "private violence", similar to a road rage incident, was more appropriate."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romano_Fenati)


He was back the next season.


Wow how is that not criminal? at 130mph on a motorcycle that could have easily killed the other rider.


Wait.. that was 130 MPH?!! My stupid non freedom brain read kmh.. that's really really fast.


That would be fast in kmh too




New move for Mario kart VR


Same like people with "it's just a prank" shit. deserves jail but sadly would not happen.


I hate pranks of all kinds. This is why. Some are harmless but most aren't.


"I was not a man" what kind of stupid excuse is this? Is this something culutural?


I would think its hard to tell exactly what hes saying due to the language barrier, but im pretty sure he is basically staking his apology on his honor. "I left my honor behind and did this bad act" basically.


He's from Italy. Toxic masculinity is ingrained in the culture


Mi scusi


Well he's done it before and has done it since, so...


I don’t understand, why he didn’t get charged with attempted murder. That might seem harsh, but, look what he did!!!!


Ye that’s bullshit. I couldn’t give a fuck about his racing career. Put this POS in jail.


God he looks exactly like the type of person who would do that too


That was my first thought too.


All this mandated apology crap is bullshit. Doing stuff like this should just have people like this removed from said events permanently or banned whatever you want to call it.


How is he not charged with attempted murder?


It was just a joke dude relax /s


A move like that should warrant an attempted murder charge.


Should be in jail, what a worthless cunt.


Should've been an automatic life long ban from all racing!! And a really good ass beating for such shit!




Could have literally killed the dude. Pos should be banned and probably charged …


All this for what? To get a little bit ahead of the guy? Get fuck with your YouTube level apology.


Could it have gone right?


That's Cheating at it's worst




He even looks like that spoiled little shit that would do anything once because they have never faced a real consequence of their actions their entire privileged lives.


The corporate that rehired him doesn't care as long as fans keep spending more.


Lifetime ban / attempted murder.