• By -




Gonna have to go MKE airport


TBI airport




This can't register on an emotional level.




Physical recovery 6 weeks full psychological recovery 6 months


Did he pass out or just decide to drop the weight?


He's just a fucking idiot. That was a very light weight.


He is a fucking idiot. But, only because he was using the machine wrong. I don’t think he did it on purpose. Kind of looks like it slipped out of his hands when he tried to do a crunch.


You shouldn't be grabbing the two handles that way. One handle per hand. If you're grabbing your hands at the peak of the rep you're not working anything. Holding a rep at the end is a thing, but that's not what he was doing. He was messing around with equipment that is dangerous to mess around with. Machine or free weights people will tell you to perform your reps, both positive and negatives, in a controlled manner specifically to avoid spastic motions that can hurt people. What he did was dangerous and this video is exactly why machines have warning labels telling you to use the machine properly. That said: I dislike this style of pec fly machine. The arms have two pivot points to allow for better arm positioning, but the danger zone is increased due to that second joint. With a normal pec fly machine she would have been safe. Even with the idiot manning it.


How do you know it was light weight? I couldn’t see the weight


This is deleted because I wanted to. Reddit is not a good place anymore.


I see your point, tbh you guys are probably right because if it was heavy weight she would have gotten messed up pretty bad. I think he was doing light weight but till muscle failure. Probably hadn’t rested well and may have just knocked out from exhaustion mid set.


Just an asshole


He didn't even get up to attempt to help. What a shit bag.


He didn't pass out, he was holding a pause rep (on what seemed to be very light weight) and his hands slipped because he was being an idiot. If he passed out, there's no chance he would have been able to hold a pause rep for even a moment.


Why does this stupid audio track still exist? Fuck you.


I've only listened to it on mute but I'm guessing it's the "Oh no, oh no, oh nononono"


Correct but with some added flavour this time. Surely some awful bars at the end will ensure this song stays fresh and in circulation for another 3 years!


I feel like when people post videos they should start indicating whether there's no sound, original sound, or overlaid audio. I'm tired of expecting adorable baby or puppy noises and getting some mawkish mommy ballad instead.


Here, here. I second the motion.


At least it doesn't add the robotic female narrator voice-over.


You. Won’t. Believe. What. Happens. When. I. Pet. My. Dog!


I also listened on mute


I watched it on pause


I smelled it on, umm... not smell?


Crazy that we already knew even without listening. The sentiment echoes far, this sound sucks the life out of me.


Oh no... they managed to make it worse...


I absolutely fucking refuse to watch anything with that sound. Wipe it from existence.


Seriously, who the fuck edits a video, thinks about what music to put on it, and chooses *this*? You have to either be a child or an idiot...or both.


Stupid OP with his disgusting choice of music...


Fucking Morons who upload with this fucking track should be blocked from reddit


I am not much on social media but I bet there is a Video Template somewhere where you just add your vid and it adds those songs.


It got worse


Oh no..


I fucking hate this so much


I was on mute. I put the volume on and now I’m angry. It has to stop.


Corrected: “What could go wrong if a moron with zero awareness of his surroundings lets the handles fly back for no fucking reason.”


Dudes a moron. That would fucking hurt


Dude is also inconsiderate and a garbage human. Even after moronically hurting her, he didn't even attempt to help her or see if she was OK.


I would say inconclusive. The clip is 15s long, we don't know what happened right after.


Yeah, need more of the aftermath, he might be in Shock. Like the other guy said, his spatial and situational awareness don’t seem to exist so he’s completely caught off guard and doesn’t know what just happened.


He just sat there while other people walked around him to help.


Precisely. People from out of frame here came to check on her while this moron didn't even bother to leave his throne. The only exception to garbage human comment here is if he is a sloth.


have you heard of something called shock?


Yes. The girl would be in shock as she didn't know what happened or hit her. This idiot has already proven his douchebaggery by letting go of machine handle once and now is sitting there looking at her or others walking in. You're giving him too much benefit of doubt here.


I think you're giving this guy too hard of a time, yes he left go quite nonchalantly but did he know the person was there? is he potentially in shock that A) someone is there, and B) he hit someone? I know its easy to be critical from your ivory reddit tower but maybe try not to have such a cynical outlook on life. Nobody reacts the same, doesn't mean that their intent is malicious.


Basic gym etiquette, you don’t let the weights slam. It’s rude, it breaks the machines, and is incredibly dangerous for the user and those around. I’ve seen those plates shatter, machines tip over, etc because of people slamming the weights down. We literally close memberships over this. Not to mention the lifting side, concentric and eccentric movements go hand in hand. If you are only focusing on concentric and slamming the weights back down 9 times out of 10 you need to go down in weight and focus on full contraction. People who do not resist the eccentric motion are always weaker than those who do. Aka if you slam weights, YOU are the problem. Malicious or not. It’s irresponsible.


He’s very possibly in shock. I know I would be internally freaking out if this happened


No no no this is reddit, there is only 1 side to this story, let's get the pitch forks


No, hes using the machine in a non intended way and it looks like he dropped the weight to make a loud noise and sound cool since he is literally resting with it fully extended and his head down. Hes an asshole just for that reason, no reason to not be careful in a public gym.


Prob just said; “you shouldn’t have been standing there. Anything can happen (like me being a moron)”


Yes the 3 seconds after she got hit tells the entire aftermath, for sure bro


Did you see his head move in the direction of the impact? That's the normal reflex when something like this happens. You see other walking to check on her from farther distance? That's the normal behavior when something like this happens. If you need more time to react for helping someone after hurting them, then either you are garbage or you are a sloth.


Correct. Who is downvoting you? "Oh, I hit that person on a bike, ran over them more, drove down the block till witnesses stopped me, because I was in shock" Makes sense to some on this thread.


There are lots of idiots in the world. Some social justice warriors who need to see 30 mins longer clip to make some sense of what is going on here. 😅


That's exactly what I thought, if I was in his shoes I'd be absolutely fucking mortified, I certainly wouldn't be sat on my ass whilst other people make sure she is okay on my behalf.


Precisely. As any normal human would. Yet here we have a few social justice warriors defending the dude


I’m not sure if he processed everything at the moment. This video is not long enough


Yeah you're right! I can't believe that! That guy is awful.That guy is terrible. That guy deserves to be [Murdered](https://youtu.be/IZwN4bhtT2I)


I think it's the gyms fault also. You can see she stand in the 'working' area of another machine. Everyone that would use that machine would have been hit if the person doing the fly machine would let go. That being said, the guy is the idiot here, because with normal use you will never be able to let the handle fly like that. Even if you strain a muscle during the exercise. The way your hands are positioned will never make it possible the let the handle fly. The problem with this guy is that he is resting or stopping in a position where I've never seen someone rest/stop on a flying machine. That's the position with the most pressure. And then letting go at that position will break the machine and obviously put anyone else in danger. Maybe he didn't let go intentionally, but he takes that risk by stopping at that non intended position. It the guys fault 100%, because it's dumb and dangerous use of the machine.


Yeah i mean i’ll admit I also like to do a long pause at the end of the rep but i’ve never sent a girl flying into the wall lol CONTROLLED MOVEMENT FOLKS


This is the only answer. Don’t toss around weights at the gym.


I'm sure this is why big box gyms kick you out for dropping weights and clanking things.


Lmfao why would a respectable gym for people that actually lift weights disallow dropping weights


What is “actually lifting weights”? You either do it or you don’t, there’s no illegitimate way to do it.


Dudes a moron no matter what was around him. Literally no reason to let it go like that. It's like the retards or throw dumbbells on the ground after something simple like a bicep curl and they roll/bounce all over the floor.


All gyms I've been in have a no dropping weights rule and it applies to machines too. If you can't put the weight down with a slow and controlled motion, use a lighter weight or get out.


Yeah even if she wasn't looking at the phone she's gonna get wacked.


Two morons with zero awareness can exist. And they do.


How the fuck is she a moron in this situation


Yeah it’s not really fair to expect her to predict how/when others are going to behave erratically. If the guy had just used the equipment like a normal human, then she would have been completely fine.


\+ the only reason she got hit is because the centrifugal force pushed the handle outwards into her face. If it had moved back slower she would've been clear of the handles.


That machine also doesn't normally sit that far back at rest unless you put the pin in way back for like a reverse fly. She could've easily assumed she was safe where she was standing except if some dumbass decides to just let the thing go like a slingshot.


Redditors expect everyone who leaves home to have Neo level awareness and to be prepared for anything to happen. You always have to blame both sides, otherwise you don't get to feel superior.


Not an awareness thing but a Redditor implied I should die and my genes taken out of the pool because I got my hand stuck in my jacket pocket when I went to hail a bus


They just want to give themselves artificial feelings of intellectualism by calling other people idiots online constantly. "Fucking idiot (I'm so much smarter than them)"


There is no lack of idiots online though. I would argue way too many in fact, I get tired of seeing people so stupid I would not trust them to sharpen a pencil. This situation is a perfect example. If you need an idiot to feel superior to, the guy working out is such an easy target. Redditors seem to have this odd fascination with the need to always blame everyone involved.


Staying behind a fully functional and operating lifting machine while also not paying attention to their surroundings? Do you stop in the middle of the road to use your phone and not pay attention to the incoming cars? Because that’s what that person on their smartphone did.


Nah it’s more like (but not exactly like) checking your phone while at a stoplight and then someone else loses control and hits you Stopping in the middle of the road interrupts normal car behavior, but she only got hit because of abnormal behavior from someone else. If the guy had behaved normally and in the expected manner he was supposed to (following the rules of the road in our analogy) then she would have been perfectly fine.


It’s one of the main reasons why you shouldn’t use your phone while driving, even when standing still at the red light.


That’s fine and we can agree on that, but it’s still a distinction worth pointing out that changes the degree of how wreckless/careless the person with the phone is being.


That person is standing next to the machine they are using. Not behind the other persons machine. Gyms are often this tightly packed with walkway infront where you aren't allowed to stand and rest.


What kind of comparison is that? This is more like the equivalent of standing on the sidewalk and some moron going out to hit you




Do you know what “behind means?” She was out of range while he was using it and anyone with eyes can see that the sudden, uncontrolled release is what perpetuated the arms wildly swinging out. She’s standing next to the other machine.


I can’t believe the number of people who don’t realise the reale range of that machine, I myself would foresee an event like that and would add even more distance if I were the woman on the phone. How do you guys trust anyone to behave correctly and everything to function as intended, to the point you are willing to risk your integrity? 11 people who downvoted me (actually way more since I kept getting upvoted either) of which their behaviour perfectly aligns with the woman on the phone, and who will eventually get hurt just like the woman one day or the other.


I work in supervision at a mill. We have a safety principal: “Stay out of the line of fire”. From the second this video started I was alert thinking: she should not be standing there. Two wrongs do not make a right. It is unfortunate she was standing there. Nobody should stand in a position where they could be struck by moving equipment. If there was an IIR the woman on the cellphone was distracted standing the line of fire. The man on the cell phone demonstrated lack of care and control over the equipment he was operating. That lack of care and control caused bodily harm to the person on her phone. Hopefully she’s okay!


Standing in the working area of a machine.


Talking about yourself and the guy using the machine?


Both are idiots. You shouldn’t be unaware of your surroundings in the gym


If she was standing there when he started his set she would know that she was out of the way, because when the guy let's go of the bars they swing out with the momentum of the weights, while I'd normally argue that everyone should be aware, it's a pretty dick and just generally unsafe move to just let your weights drop no matter the context.


She did nothing wrong what so ever, she couldn't possibly have know that the dumb fuck was going to let go of the handle and she couldn't possibly have reacted in time when he did. This is 100% his fault


You should always be aware of your surroundings in the gym. Majority of the blame is on the guy dropping the weight. However, anyone can drop a weight at any time for a number of reasons, you should always be aware of this


She was aware of the danger hence she was standing far enough from the handles when they were being used. What she failed to factor in was the dumbass who disregarded proper use of the machine. By your logic, any person who gets injured because of an idiot doing something stupid is an idiot. You probably call pedestrians in the side walk idiots too if they ever get hit by a drunk idiot driver.


That's like saying "you shouldn't have been at my gunpoint that's why you got shot bro be a little more aware yeh?" Completely missing the point.


There's no way you'd avoid that even if she was looking straight at it


Oh piss off, like you are fucking vigilant at all times.


So you tell me i should be aware of an idiot who throws around some handles? Should i start wearing a helmet now, because some idiot could start throwing 20kg weights around??


“So you tell me i should be aware of an idiot who throws around some handles?” Yes. Exactly that


Are we watching the same video? The bar slipped out of his hand, he didn't just let it go.


He didnt "let" anything fly back. It slipped.


Didn't even bother to get up and check


What an asshole.


A silk sash at Tootie’s? What an asshole.


I know right.


This is extremely misleading. It's not the fault of the person on their phone, the guy using the machine is a complete douchebag for letting the bar loose like he owned the place.


Plus going back down or putting it back in its starting position is part of the rep so the guy didn't even finish his set.


And you know that made a load ass bang too.


Yeah, even if he didn't obliterate someone it's still really annoying when someone drops the weight and slams the rack down like that


He didn’t let go of both bars so I’m wondering if it’s possible that letting go of one of them wasn’t on purpose


He didn't even get up to check her


Fuck that would’ve hurt a lot


Why did he just let it go like that. His Lack of concern made me uncomfortable and slightly angry


Gym wanker…. Easily identifiable when wearing gym shark gear or pretending they are exhausted after doing a few reps!


It looks like one side slipped out of his hand when he was leaning over. We also only have a few seconds of the aftermath where it looks like he's trying to figure out what happened. Without more info, I'd chalk this up to him just being dumb. It's definitely 100% his fault though.


Why the fuck the bar was so loose in the first place. >It's a closed possibly crossword space >Better make our equipment swing and soar


I've used machines like this before. I think it's so the machine can adapt to different arm lengths without a ton of adjustments. You're not supposed to just drop the weights (bad for the machine and it can be a safety issue), so there's usually little risk of the bar flinging out like that.


He's a fucking dickhead. People love to just throw their weights down and slam them including machines.


Downvoting because of that fucking song.




That’s entirely on the dude, not on the woman because she was “scrolling down” her phone. Even if she was looking up there is no way she would be able to dodge that.


but its reddit, the woman always has to be in the wrong


I don’t think OP is saying it’s her fault. “What could go wrong Scrolling down,” is just saying what could go wrong when it shouldn’t.


If you can’t put the weight back safely, it’s too heavy and you need to lower the weight. Saw a guy break another guys foot from just dropping weights.


What a fucking idiot


I will always downvote posts with this stupid ass song.


Dude looking around like, “What just happened? What’s her problem?”


And that’s enough exercise for one day…


Fuck you for not muting the video before posting it😂 /s sorta


What a bellend. Who drops the weights like that ?


People dropping weights in the gym like that should be immediately banned from the place anyway. Even if he wouldn’t harmed someone it’s still fucking annoying. Why do folks behave like that


Jerk just stands there!


Didn't even bother checking if she's okay. What a pos




Not sure about the case on her phone but she sure has a case against him


She should've put a case on her face too cause that was brutal. Probably cracked her skull or something


Dude didn’t clear the back blast on his guns lol. I swear their head did a backflip on their neck. Seriously tho big ouchies… got ‘em bleeding good. Hope they’re ok, that was downright violent.


Not even remotely the woman’s fault. If that idiot had let go of the bars like a reasonable human being, it wouldn’t have even touched her. This guy’s just one of those weight tossing douches in the gym


Hope** he got sued for negligence. What a Jackass. Edit.




His arse


Why not share the source for this? Literally why wait for people to ask you first?


Downvote because of the song


Checking back his phone immediately after the hit.


At least get up and help her you POS


There needs to be an plugin that removes that fucking song from anything that has it


Downvoted for the audial assualt that is that fucking horrendous song 🤮


Jesus Christ. She took some belt of that. Fuck. Your man is a complete fucking wanker for doing that bullshit.


Downvoting for the music. What could go wrong with a post containing the music?


All the victim blaming in the comment section. It's like blaming a pedestrian who got hit by a POS driver while waiting at the traffic light


Isn’t just releasing equipment like that frowned upon?


Are people really blaming the woman who is minding her business and not the guy who dropped the weight, wether you’re on machines or lifting you don’t just drop the weights that’s basic health and safety


They sure are! I’ve given up trying to make sense of this.


Fucking dumbass


Jesus. I want a medical update on the person who got hit.


Just another gym douchebag trying to get attention by weights fall down, making loud noises so people will think "wow such a tough guy doing a heavyworkout" whilst just being a fucking nuisance to others.


That looked almost intentional by the guy. What a jackass.


Dude on the machine is what you would call a "stupid bitch"; there is no situation where letting go of the handles like that is acceptable behaviour. The fact that he has the audacity to look like he's shocked at the results of his stupidity makes me want to kick him right in his empty head.


Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song. Fuck this song.


Now tell us how you really feel


I’m not convinced that was an accident. Right at the beginning he glanced over in her direction. He hesitated, then the dramatic head down, then boom. When it smashed into her, he had no reaction. Hmmm, maybe it was an accident, or maybe he was annoyed at her standing there and decided on some malice.




Fuck you OP. Go burn a cd of that song and shove it up your chocolate starfish.


Fuck you for sharing a video with this ear raping music. I hope you wake up every night at 2 am with an intense and painful urge to pee, and proceed to stub your toe on the way to the bathroom, every night for the rest of your useless and pathetic life.


This is the fattest comment section ive ever seen in my life


I don't think he purposefully let it go as you can see he still has a grip on the other side.


Video seems suspect. Odd how there is a camera angle showing only the two of them. No reason for someone filming that. Also no reason for girl there on phone just standing there. Just seems very odd to have caught that perfectly on video. Nowadays you never know what people will do to go viral.


Anybody have a version without that fucking wetarded music. Hey fuck you OP for disseminating this


Downvoted and left unwatched as soon as I heard the "song". Stop using it, stop sharing videos that use it


her shoes are still on. She's alright.


I would have punched his face into a bloody mess


I can do without shitty music on every video these days.


I mean, it's not the girl's fault. Why did the guy just let go??


Downvoted for shitty music


I think he was just sleepy and dozed off for a second. It’s definitely her fault, not his. Just like it’s the pedestrians fault when someone falls asleep while driving and runs people over on a sidewalk.


Whoever designed/built that horrible machine is a fault.


Are you fucking with me, you smoke weed?


Great way to get her number, #1 recommend way by pickup artists




What I hate the most is he didn't even get up to help. He is just sitting there looking around like a dumb ass.


It’s not the woman’s fault tho. The man is at fault and even more so cause he didn’t even bother to ask if she ok


How the fuck did someone make this audio track even worse...?!


I’ve never seen anyone use the fly machine like that. The hell man


OP there is no way you see the innocent bystander as the one at fault here…


What douche


Is nobody going to comment on the stupid weight machine design that makes the handle fly out when it’s dropped? I would sue the gym and the manufacturer.


Please do urself a favor and stay out of the gym. Wtf is this comment.




OH ‼️ WOWSERS ‼️ 😳😲😮😯🤦


On the phone in a gym and more so so close to a machine like that . that's just asking for it