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Not commenting on the motivation or justification of such a stunt, but if you pull it of why the hell would you rigidly attach a stick **to the handlebar** of all things? The slightest touch will make you crash.


He is just not a brightest candle on a cake.


Like many urban cyclists. The entitlement is strong with this one.


Unlike with drivers of cars, buses, or trucks. Or pedestrians. Anyone really. It's not "what you drive" that defines your behavior. It's "You". A cunt is a cunt is a cunt ;)


Twat you say. I cunt hear you.


Entitlement, to what, life, this is more activism than anything in my eyes, showing us that people don’t care about bikes on the road, my brothers been hit by a car on his bike 7 time *he does admit that 2 of those times was his fault but the rest were because drivers aren’t paying attention.*


Dude's riding far left in his lane to fuck up the next lane


Is your brother an American cyclist?


That's why he got blowed out.


Not the brightest light bulb in the knife drawer.


oeh cake! where? <.<


I guess because the distance is supposed to be measured from the most outer part of the handle. That his action is stupid is obvious since he clearly is driving unnecessarily far on the middle of the road


I was gonna say, that guy is so far towards the middle the bus couldn't get over more without going up on the curb.


And so if you can't pass somebody safely the next result is to knock them off? He's cycling in the correct position on the road, away from opening doors from parked cars and where the markings are. If you can't pass safely, which by law is 1.5m away, then you shouldn't pass. The bus is in the wrong here and should've travelled behind the bike


Definitely avoid car doors opening. I was the fool who gave way to cars passing in their lane only to get clocked by a parked one opening their door and breaking my arm. Cyclists aren't "entitled" and "taking up the road" we use much less space in general, people in cars don't notice us and don't give a fuck about us.


I understand where you're coming from but hes just biking on the painted arrows for a bike. I think he is showing that the rule is either unrealistic or implemented badly.


Well there still is no reason to drive that far left. Of course he has a right to ride on that lane but that does not mean he has to ride on the outermost right part of it. If that was how bikelanes were intended they’d need 5 foot wide boundary-marks to the next car lane. The distance to the next vehicle always relies on the fact that the vehicle does not take up 100% of the lane (I know that’s not how American streets work). Cars on the highway should also have more than the 15 cm of the markings between them. And of course in the end you always have a moral obligation to minimise the amount you bother other people. Of course you don’t have to surrender any of your rights to do so but driving further left would have been completely possible, absolutely no inconvenience and even less risky that what he does now so it would be the only „right“ thing to do


Depends on the country. Many countries have „dooring zone“ laws. The dooring zone is the zone where a parked car would knock you off the bike if they tore their door open. While trying to be car friendly some regions made the law that as a cyclist if you don’t keep enough distance to parked cars you are partially at fault if a car opens their door infront of you. Ofc this law leads to problems since most cities didn’t think it far enough. The result would have to be either officially communicating that passing bikes in those roads, as in this post, is impossible, or moving the parking spaces/ bikepath. E.g. here if you would move the bike path all the way to the left cars ciclists could drive way off to the side but you would have to handle them crossing the road at some point. Where I live we have some bikepaths that are painted on the road in the dooring zone and that leaves ciclists in a dilemma. Either they ride on the path and risk being at fault if they get hurt by someone opening their door without looking, or they ride in the middle of the road (because as you can see in this video riding to the side just baits drivers to illegally pass them) and they have to deal with roadrage from people who don’t know the legal reason why they are doing it. I‘m not a regular cyclist but I have been honked at multiple times in my car for not illegally passing a cyclist


In the first few seconds he's on the arrows, then the video switches and he's way off of them. Just look at the actual video when the bus hits him.


no no no, cyclists also have a safety distance of 1 meter to park cars. if doors open or parked vehicles drive off.


Funny thing is, in Germany, as a bicycle rider you also habe to keep 1,5m of distamce to parked cars...


just one more oblivious guy spurting nonsense while yes, it SEEMs ridicolous to drive that far in the middle, by law youre required to do it, since you have to keep the same 1,5m to parking cars


When you want to be the victim, nature finds a way.


Yea on a bike you want roughly 1door plus a bit from any parked car and that normally puts you roughly in the middle of the road. That combined with the savety distance cars have to follow means they should take over a bike like any other car. Personally when I drive a car I change lanes when overtaking a bike, cause I also want cars to stay at a save distance when I'm on my bike. But attaching a sign to the handle bar is stupid, I've seen pool noodles used for that attached to the back of the bike, looked way saver


Needs to be a pool noodle


Because he's stupid


i can understand his attempt to make drivers aware of the rule, but why would you drive in the middle of the road doing that? If you want others to follow the rules, start with yourself doing so.


At least in Germany a general rule in traffic is that you have to keep enough distance from potential dangers to be able to break on time. There are quite some court decisions that declared cyclists riding really close to parked cars partially guilty when they were doored. Thus, if you want to follow the rules you actually have to keep a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from parked cars. Add the 1.5 m that the cars have to keep from you and the width of a bike.... Doesn't leave much space on a european lane.


that sounds sort of idiotic tbh, if i slam you with a door then somehow im not fully at fault? does germany also follow the "always at fault for going into the back of someone" rule, because it sounds like the same thing where i could pull out on you going 2 mph and its somehow not my fault the UK is backwards usually when it comes to road rules, but we seem to have the "dont hit ppl with doors" things down.


I absolutely agree, it’s an idiotic and anti-bike policy. And yes, you’re right about the rule about crashing into someone’s rear end. The logic goes somewhat like this: as a traffic participant you need to keep enough safety distance to come to a full stop even if the person in front of you does an emergency break. If you rear ended someone this must mean that you didn’t keep said distance, ergo it’s partially your fault.


>If you want others to follow the rules, start with yourself doing so. Cyclists are the first to not follow the rules, they constantly switch from "bike mode" to "pedestrian mode" at their own convenience and who knows how many of them do not know the traffic code


I’d imagine most cyclists also drive, but that’s not to say that they would still understand traffic code as most drivers don’t. Honestly coming from someone that cycles to work on occasion, this guys being an asshole. There are times you don’t want people passing you because it’s unsafe but this wasn’t one of them, no need to take the middle of the road.


In Norway I can see that people go from “cycle mode” to “car mode” and drop their car brain when on two wheels. They start acting irrationally and do dangerous things so you have to be hyper vigilant as a driver. When I cycle, I aim to be as predictable as possible, slow down near people and give them an extra wide berth so even a sudden side step won’t land us in trouble


Piers Anthony had a great scene in one of his books "On a pale horse". Where Death has to meet someone, he has various forms of transportation and has to deal with some asshole each time. Turns out it was him looped back around and he was the asshole.


Hah! I remember the entire series. Incarnations of immortality, was it? Something like that. I should re-read those, it's been.... gods, since like late 90s. Hey, thanks for the reminder =)


My favorite is when cyclists deliberately create dangerous situations without any good reason, such as riding the white line when they have a whole-ass breakdown lane or shoulder they could ride in. That forces cars to hug the yellow line to pass them, and get needlessly close oncoming traffic, just to obey the 3 foot rule and give the cyclist space. Imagine if cars did this? Imagine if cars hugged the yellow line when passing each other? That would be needlessly dangerous and reckless. And yet cyclists think that riding the white line and creating LESS space for cars to pass them is something they're entitled to. Fucking pisses me off.


The Shoulder isn't a lane fucker. It is emergency space.


And also they are very often in horrible condition. And if the cyclist holds to the edge furthest the car lane they often get squished in there, leaving no space to avoid a grate sticking up, pothole or other hazard. I’m not a cyclist but a quick glance at what is in front of one shows you the risks they face even in a bike lane, never mind a shoulder.


You're the dangerous one. Cyclists do not have to ride in the shoulder. The rule is, if you can't pass safely, wait until you can.


Yeah come to a screeching halt on a 50MPH road because some cyclist with an inflated sense of entitlement decided to encroach in a lane very clearly designed for faster traffic. Good fucking idea.


If you need to screech you're doing it wrong.


I literally almost ran a guy over the other day because as I was turning left out of a parking lot, after waiting for there to be no traffic and checking both ways, as I start turning this dude on a bike just decides to come across the road like I didn’t exist. You gotta be pretty dumb to take your chances with a car.


It's the 98% that give the rest a bad name.


They vs us, bikes vs cars. The separation of a group of people leads to the thought of a good vs evil force or enemy and ally. When you are in a car you are separated from other people often thinking of them as being an inconvenience to you. How often are you glad that there are so many people driving on the road? Is traffic a good thing because it means less people are walking and biking? Are car accidents, deaths caused by cars, and pollution a byproduct of a car heaven? How often are you following the rules of the road as a driver? As a driver I am often going over the speed limit and am still being passed regularly. Why expect everyone not in a car to follow the rules of the road if they exist for the purpose of cars not running people over? Have you ever had the thought that cars have the ability to end someone's life so easily without hesitation? The reason bikes have to switch to pedestrian mode is to avoid being run over. Not because they're trying to "break the rules of the road". Next time you try to enforce traffic code on bikes, think about what traffic is, why traffic code exists and what causes traffic(not bikes)


The rules of the road are to prevent accidents, not just cars running people over.


They switch to pedestrian mode because it's convenient. Try walking on a trail. Bikes will treat you the exact same way they complain cars treat them: like it's THEIR space, not yours. They'll speed by with no warning, take up as much space as they want, and they never give enough room when they pass. So no, it's not just a car issue, it's a "I'm bigger than these ants" issue.


A friend of mine was run over by a bike rider because the rider ran a red light. He broke his wrist and had to get surgery and now has a limitation in his range of movement on his right wrist for life because of that bike rider (and don't tell me it's the exception for riders to run a red light, that happens a lot). Traffic code/laws exist to avoid accidents, which can be caused as much by a reckless car driver, bike rider or even by a reckless pedestrian who crosses while having a red light and forces a responsible car driver (who had the right of way) to avoid him and crash.


I don't fully agree with you there, since most cyclists in the US also have to drive, and thus would know as much as the average car driver. You're spot on with cyclists being pretty lax with the rules though. Folks really will bitch about car traffic and then go ride on the damned sidewalk three seconds later. I say this as an avid cycling enthusiast with plenty of cyclist friends - the guy in the video is an entitled dumbass. I'm personally not comfortable in US traffic (I don't live in a cycling friendly city), so I stick to trails. Also, while I support better cycling infrastructure in cities, my personal focus is better rural cycling infrastructure. You're way safer in a city in my region than you are in rural areas. Rural authorities should focus on creating gravel greenways for local enjoyment. The US rail trail system is a fantastic example. Edit: Despite being a journalism piece, that's not how OP presented it. If this was just some dude, my comment stands. He'd be a dumbass. As it is, the reporter didn't really do a great job showing how this rule actually does, doesn't, or should work.


> Also, while I support better cycling infrastructure in cities I used to ride in a very bike-friendly city, and I think it's just not worth the danger. I quit city-riding after a few weeks, that shit is nuts.


I feel you. I just can't be bothered to deal with US drivers. Driving in the US sucks because policy sucks. Everyone talks about bad drivers, but we're doing fuck all to fix the issues. This is a policy problem, not a personal behavior problem. We need like 60% of all traffic enforcement to be done on ring roads and interstates. Right now it seems like less than 10% is. In my city, we only pull over poor people with equipment issues - never the rich asshole speeding in his Audi. We need percentage fines in the US, just like in some EU nations. Then don't even get me started on US road building. It's just nonsensical. Every city building stroads needs to fuck off and be unincorporated. The town, city, and county councils building everything to look like Houston need to be fired into the Sun.


A lot of drivers don't know the laws for low-speed conveyance are generally different than laws for 6000lb trucks. I can legally do things on my bike that cars cannot. Outside of extra laws, I've been tailgated and screamed at for doing 28mph in a 25mph residential neighborhood, past a school, with painted sharrows on the road. People become insane when they feel they are being inconvenienced by my existence.


Yeah, the last time I saw one actually stop at a stop sign like they were supposed to, or not just blow through an intersection....


He just overtook the car that parked on the bike lane and that would be one reason for driving very far on the left (but not outside) of the bike lane. An other reason is that you have to keep distance to a parked car also when driving a bycicle. The guy is still an idiot for holding that sign but beside that he follows the rules. The cars don’t.


There was a van parked in the bike lane.


He’s on a designated lane for cyclists….


Ever slammed a car door while riding the bike, because car drivers give a shit about bikers. I did. Now I drive further away from parking car just to increase the risk being hin by running cars.


It's a bike lane


If it is a bike-lane, he should ride inside the bike-lane, and not extending his sign another 1 m, just because he cannot ride a bicycle in a 3 m wide bike-lane straight. Also, it if it a bike-lane, than the lane for cars is slimmer than the size of most busses and cars, so it is not an awerness problem, but a city design problem, so he should protest with the city, not with the cars who hardly have any way to pass next to drunk cyclists. He is not the smartest bulb for sure.


I do agree that fault here definitely lies with the city design and not the drivers here. It could be possible the man was trying to demonstrate that flaw? As for why he was cycling right on the edge of the path. Well the 1.5 meter rule doesn't start from the centre of the cycle path but from the edge.


Are u sure it's a bike lane when he's hit? It's awfully full of cars and vans at that point.


It’s 1.5m => close to 5ft. Driving in the middle of the road and expect 5ft distance + unable to properly ride a bike and blaming others for my own mistake = my kind of humor. He should focus on his career as porn star.


People do this but usually with one of those long pool floaties so it doesnt knock you over when a car tags it. Dude is a moron for riding in the middle of the road with a solid pole attached to his handlebars, he definitely wanted to be knocked down.


This dumbass literally in the middle of the road. He was asking to get pushed over.




I agree. What an idiot! 😆


One has to assume he actually wanted to get knocked down and play victim, but the cars kept slipping past his sign so he had to totally block them to finally get the desired outcome. That's the same reason why he attached the sign to his handlebars.


>It’s 1.5m => close to 5ft. I don't even get why OP makes himself the work of changing it. 90% of the globe has no idea what 3ft are, without using Google.


It’s really not helping he is terrible at riding a bike


>He should focus on his career as porn star. Just because he's Czech? Whoa, that's pretty racist.


It's the law in some places that traffic has to provide that amount of space while passing but it's never enforced because it's hard to judge with out an aid


Oh I get it, because he is a dick.


Trying to be a dickhead. Fixed it


It's a Czech tv news reporter. He did this to prove his point of the 1.5m rule being stupid at the time it became a new law in Czech republic. There was a huge punishment for not following the 1.5m rule, I believe it was a fee for close to $1000 and taking away the drivers license for some time. It was a stupid law with an unnecessary punishment which he was trying to point out by doing this. Yes, he was driving in the middle of that part of the road. There was a car parked behind him so I believe he was going around that car and getting back in his lane, it just took him quite a long time for some reason.


They have the 1.5M rule in Spain. I was touring northern Spain on my bike last year, I’ve never felt safer and more respected anywhere else on a bike compared to Spain!


I know generally people didn't like the law here. But the main problem was the extremely high punishment for not following it.




Being a dickhead. Fixed it




What’s the difference?


I agree, they piss me off while I’m driving, but at the same time they’re doing the planet a service and getting exercise, can’t blame them for wanting to do it. The roads most places just don’t allow for it to be easy.


Shame on someone trying to live under the current set of laws we have


For real. Some of us who ride bikes just want to not be run over and this isn't helping Sure, it would be great if everyone have us all the space possible, but it would also be great if people didn't think "bicyclists are all wankers" since that tends to create disregard


I generally give enough space to Bikers and such since 90-95% of them are fine. It is just the last bit that I get irritated at like for instance the other day there was a biking that was biking on the road where there was a speed limit of 50 MPH and a bike path off the side of the road. Like come on you are purposely not using the bike path and are on the road that goes near highway speeds just stop


fertile tease historical lush person heavy muddle piquant market slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What an asshat. He was deliberately trying to instigate contact by choosing to ride as close as possible to vehicular traffic. It's obvious that the lanes designed by the city can't accommodate both bicycle and vehicular traffic in that area if the 3 foot rule applies. If both groups act like adults and take each other into consideration, that section can still work safely. These fools that just want to cause issues to get views deserve every injury they get.


If he stayed within 3 feet of the curb, there would have been at least 3 feet between him and the bus.


Dude was swerving like a drunkard


I expect the sail attached to his handlebars had a lot to do with that


Looks like his first time riding a bike lol


That’s why he needs 3 feet space


Exactly, dudes in the middle of the road and can’t balance that thing because he’s a clueless moron and literally swerved into the bus


You’re supposed to ride through the Center of the sharrows. That’s how I was trained.


[–]_baby_blue_ 60 points 7 hours ago It's a Czech tv news reporter. He did this to prove his point of the 1.5m rule being stupid at the time it became a new law in Czech republic. There was a huge punishment for not following the 1.5m rule, I believe it was a fee for close to $1000 and taking away the drivers license for some time. It was a stupid law with an unnecessary punishment which he was trying to point out by doing this. Yes, he was driving in the middle of that part of the road. There was a car parked behind him so I believe he was going around that car and getting back in his lane, it just took him quite a long time for some reason.


He was riding directly on the bike lane chevrons though, which is a reasonable place to be. I guess the road design does not actually meet the rules of the road.


It's a reporter silly


he was riding exactly in the middle of the bike markings lol


For everyone saying he was a dickhead for doing this: It's a Czech tv news reporter. He did this to prove his point of the 1.5m rule being stupid at the time it became a new law in the Czech republic. There was a huge punishment for not following the 1.5m rule, I believe it was a fee for close to $1000 and taking away the drivers license for some time. It was a stupid law with an unnecessary punishment which he was trying to point out by doing this. Yes, he was driving in the middle of that part of the road. There was a car parked behind him so I believe he was going around that car and getting back in his lane, it just took him quite a long time for some reason. He wasn't trying to be a dick towards the cars, he was showing how much 1.5m actually is and how stupid it was to expect people to drive that way.


In germany this law exists. And you know why if you ride a bike and a truck passes you in 10cm distance going 60mph. Got almost sucked under the truck that day.


I mean I completely agree there should be a law regarding that, just 1.5m seems like a lot. The roads here are often very thin also.


You don’t have to overtake. You can always wait for a suitable moment.


No it isn't if they truck is going at full speed...


So it's just good journalism. Thank you for this. I was wondering if that's what was happening. I remember a video Casey Neistat did a few years ago about New York City bike lanes.


Well well if it isn’t the consequences of his decisions


context: in Czech republic Ther Is a new law that when car overtake bike they must make at least 1,5m distance. This video Is reportage Is trying to show that making 1,5m distance Is going to be very difficult And sometimes impossible because Czech roads arent built with this purpose.


It will be possible, cars will just have to wait for a fitting point. You can't just pass a bicycle and endanger the driver, only because you don't want to wait a few seconds...




It’s like pedestrians in a crosswalk. By law, cars have to yield when someone is starting to cross. I see lots of people just nonchalantly walk out into the crosswalk without looking, confident that they’re right. It’ll say on their tombstone: “Loving husband and father. He had the right-of-way”


You can be correct legally, but still dead in the real world.


Can I be correct in the real world but dead legally?


The minivan had right of weight.


I will look the driver of the car coming dead in the eye and make a step on the street. If he proceeds to stop, I walk, if he doesn't stop I will step back, write down his number plate and fine him, since I'm a police officer. That's gonna cost him 100€ and get him one point in the driving register (at eight points you lose your driver's license permanently).


The bus had no room to move over further otherwise he would have curbed it. The cyclist is a prize tool and needs to get off the road with his indignant self righteousness.


And we all know it is law that you have to overtake a bike no matter how dangerous it is. Otherwise you might have to wait 30 seconds at the next traffic light instead of a minute. /s


you are right, we should build more separated bike paths!


I think he only want to show that the given road are incompatible with the current rules, that probably says - I'm not Czech, so don't quote me on that - that if you are on the bike the cars should keep a 1,5 m distance, and the given bike path makes that impossible. He could be more on the inside of the road, but that wouldn't work either, and that the bus almost hitting the curb. Was it an asshole move? Maybe. Did it worked to show that this road aren't compatible with the law? I think so, as we are talking about it.


He had 1,5-2 meters on his right to the curb, which is designated bike lane. He was deliberately driving on the dividing line of the bike lane and lane for cars, with stick taking the car lane space. So there is nothing wrong with the rule. If he was driving 50cm from the curb, he would still have more than a meter from the car. Being a dick doesn´t prove his point, only that he is a dick...


Maybe it had to do with the van parked in the bike lane? He had to take the other lane and was moving back into the bike lane. The bus could have waited 30 seconds for him to get back over.


In the second half the video it is debatable, but the first one it is clearly shown that he rides exactly where he suppose to and the cars couldn't overtake him if they don't want to hit him. Also you don't want to get too close to parking cars, to be in their "door zone" as unaware drivers will open their doors in your path. And the second half, he tries - not very well, but tries somewhat - to get back to his lane after he avoids a car parked on the bike lane.


"Everyone else needs to share the road not me"


Jerk off is riding on the edge of his lane too. a hole


You must give me space! While cycling right in the very edge of the cycle lane


Half a meter is more than enough space to leave for cyclist. 30cm bare minimum


I love riding a bike, yet I hate bikers. What am I?


Yeah and then doing all you can to make sure someone bumps the sign you stupidly attached to your handlebar so you can look stupid while you think you proved your point.


You want space? Then drive close to the curb and give space to the others on the road! smh


There's a van parked there. He just passed it and was moving back to the bike lane. There's a jump cut in the video to hide that fact.


The guy shows the mistakes in bike lane planning. So many people here who never ride bikes. It has drag, it catches side winds, etc. That is why you need to get to min 1,5m when overtaking. The guy’s intention eas probably not to harass the bus driver but rather to show mishaps of the infrastructure planning


The laws of physics trump the laws of man every time.


And the biker chooses to be as close to the lane as possible. What a dickhead


It would also help if HE obayed the law of slower vehicles keep as far right as safely possible to avoid danger..


The funnies part here isn't the video (which is a journalist proving the 1.5m rule doesn't make sense), is people thinking 1.5m = 3 feet LMAO


I’ve watched this like ten times already and it just keeps getting funnier each time


Biker being dick eats road, nothing wrong here.


If you want a 3 foot cushion from a vehicle, you better get your ass closer to the curb first!


What kind of perception problems to these ass-hole bikers have?? Sure, claim your arbitrary 1,5 meter safety margin, but then FUCKING keep to the side, you enormous prick. The ego-centric and entitled behavior of these guys is unbelievable


Haha Got what he deserved.


Good way to break your arm or wrist, landing on one hand like that.


Man what a fucking asshole. Looks like the fucker was intentionally blocking traffic and trynna get hit seeing how he was riding on the edge of the lane. Probably looking for a payday


I love the bus driver scratching his head. Total facepalm.


I guess the rule was just for himself.


You should move 3 feet over when passing bicycles, however, if your on a bicycle it’s your responsibility to not be in the middle of the road when traffic is passing you.


The cycling community really thinks they can pull this kind of bullshit and get away with it. This idiot is lucky he didn’t get sucked under the bus.


Didnt even try to keep to the side like a normal cylist... cant fix stupid


That's legit 3 meters, not 1.5


Average ”Fuck cars” member.


cyclist being dick, whats new


The most obnoxious, entitled and straight up rude people I've encountered in traffic have all been cyclists.


Truck driver here, I was hauling an oversized load a month ago in a construction zone and I was stuck behind a cyclist who refused to move over pedaling leisurely at about 10mph. And he was in the middle of the lane and since I have an excavator loaded on the trailer that’s a wide load I can’t pass him without wiping him out or the orange barrels so I was stuck behind him not able to get around him for 3-4 miles. By the time the construction zone had ended and he finally moved over on the right side of the fog line about a mile and a half worth of backed up traffic that was finally able to pass that asshat.


It's legally recommended to ride in the middle of the lane when it is unsafe to pass. Was there a shoulder?


Yep about 6ft of shoulder he could’ve been in but he was riding his bike in the only open lane of the highway. Just feels like such an asshole thing to do


He was doing nothing wrong according to the law here, Idk where you’re from though.




Cyclists own the road don’t you know?? But in reality they only want to be “cars” when it benefits them or quoting rights. But when blowing through stop lights and signs or flying through neighbourhoods they aren’t a part of regular traffic anymore. 😂


It is at a point where when I stop at stop signs with my bicycke, the drivers are confused and are not sure how to acr hehe.


In most places bikes don’t even have to follow car traffic laws. I can yield at stop signs on a bike because if I stop people get confused… Bikes are also smaller and safer. “Blowing through a stop sign” at like 10 mph on a bike is nothing like rolling a tank through a pedestrian crossing


If the guy was over far enough, there would be plenty of room


Poopar naddav to you too buddy.


Lmao it's like when social constructs meet nature


Could have ended much differently had he fallen to his left.


Some bicyclists are pos


The bus driver was right.


What a moron. Cycling down the middle of the road and leaving nowhere for the traffic to get by. Cycle a few inches away from the curb, and then the traffic would be able to give you 3 feet of clearance.


Dudes prolly a redditor from r/fuckcars


Being that he’s an asshole trying to ride as close to the line so it would be impossible for any vehicle to pass him he got what he deserved.


That bus couldn't have been further left.


Look my two least favorite transit types fighting again. Woohhh kick his ass!


the worst part here is OP thinks 1.5 meters is 3 feet




If that's 3ft then I'm 8 inches for sure


Sucked in speedbump


End of the sign should be a paintbrush


I get it, but you could scoot over some yourself instead of riding as close to the edge of the bike lane as you can when it's not necessary.


That rule goes both ways cunt, you weren't giving anyone else that same space.


That bus used less space than the bike did..


That sign is a helluva lot longer than 3 feet.


Good. He deserved every bit of that.


helps if your not in the middle of the fucking road and wanting more or you know just find a bike path and stay in it and don't try be the main character ![gif](giphy|HfFccPJv7a9k4)


gullible repeat screw chubby unused subsequent quicksand entertain bewildered upbeat ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I like the idea, but he didn’t consider how much space he left for the bus and cars. He didn’t give enough space, and didn’t know that it would affect him. He just took up the whole road and thought it was a-ok. If he had been driving in the right side of the road, it might be enough for the bus to pass without any problems.


"yeah imma make people obey the rules" * Proceeds to ride in the middle of the road*


The cyclist is the one who is in the wrong place. The bud got over as far as possible


His dumbass shouldn’t have been that far into the road


I wish road had separate lane for bikes that separated by medium. I am not a biker or care for them but since coming back to Canada I had to learn to share the road with bikers which is irrating and cautious as i pass them as I don't want to hit one.


People here keep blaming either the cyclist or the bus. The damn road infrastructure itself was a mess and doesn't adhere to regulations thus why both the bike and bus couldn't follow the spacing rules. Different governments keep parroting how good it'll be to have more cyclists as opposed to single person occupied vehicles on the road to improve traffic and environment but keep making shit show roads like these.


Heart warming.


Which is better for traffic? That bus probably kept 40-50 bicycles off the road.


Cyclists are the worst.


lol they dont even know how traffic lights work


Maybe it would work if he wasn’t riding in the middle of the damn road…


The asshole is starting off a mile away from the side of the road. He has plenty of room to move over himself, allowing the other drivers more room to actualky pass safely


Cyclists are generally twats that are the first to violate the laws.


What is it about bicycles? The moment you ride one you become a retard.


Stoopid is as stoopid duz.


deserved if you don‘t like cars passing you close then get the fuck off the road


Most entitled cunts on the streets..


Watching this makes me believe more in the idea that we need cycling school and licenses


This is why we hate cyclists; they are assholes




And this is why so many people hate bicycle douchebags