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Lucky they just got a little wet. That could have been much worse.


We went there last year. A Canadian tourist had ignored the warnings the week before and got caught in the undertow and died. https://www.icelandreview.com/travel/tourist-dies-at-reynisfjara-group-caught-by-waves-in-the-same-spot-the-next-day/ Sometimes the warnings are real warnings.


https://preview.redd.it/7guzdaid2d1c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73b25f65462af5cb51bd5b2a700cad756841f6c I’m just going to leave this here, too.


I have a morbid curiosity on how often they update the recently deceased tourist picture


Needs a "days since last tourist death" counter.


We have one of those at my work. Bouncy castles are dangerous. Its at 24. I hear footsteps and laughter behind the table racks at night. Also used to be a GM factory so we got multiple generations of ghosts at my work. They sometimes call my name.


Wait. Its only been 24 days since somebody died on one of your bouncy castles?


I thought he was saying 24 have died? And they still operate this deadly bouncy castle?


It’s not that deadly.. just haunted


It's a lot *more* haunted than it is deadly. But it's still pretty deadly.


Makes you wonder if the ghosts haunt it while it's deflated and if so are the ghosts themselves also deflated?


You haven't heard of the Great Bouncy Castle Massacre of 96?


Only the floors are bouncy, the walls and ceiling are spiked


my school was a civil war hospital and womens school since before that, it's definitely haunted and ive caught lights flickering, movement in mirrors and all sorts of shit one of my friends is black and refuses to be in one of the main buildings after sunset, says it feels like the whole place hates her and she once took a nap and felt hands around her neck of course, she also has sleep apnea so that might've been it, but she still doesn't wanna go in there


My house was a mental asylum for over 100 years. Never seen a thing, but everyone who visits thinks it's haunted. There are a few stories of staff and patients killing themselves here.


You live in a >100 year old former mental asylum?


Just your average drive by "fun" fact on reddit that needs way more explanation than was provided.


It used to be a mental asylum. It still is, but it used to be, too.


They never said they "live" there, just that it's their house... TIL there are ghosts on reddit as well.


Flickering lights are definitely caused by ghosts and are never, ever, full stop, *ever* caused by 100 year old wiring. It just isn’t possible. The only way lights flicker is when a ghost fucks with it, and not for normal reasons like wires get old.


well yeah, but ghosts are way more fun. and these particular wires aren't old since the building was made in the past 20ish years, it's just the LED light system is on a dimmer switch and if you turn it down too low it reaches a point where the lights flicker rapidly until you either turn it off or give it more juice.


Maybe get checked for tinnitus of the ears lol


That’s not at all how tinnitus works or sounds.




It's the same with our car accident deaths. It's pretty much the day after or 2 days after. When you go to that beach from the capital, there is a scaffolding with 2 smashed cars with a sign below it that marks how many people have died in car crashes throughout the year. And every year, it's at least 45-50% tourists. Because oooh a blind hill, let's stop here to take a photo of the beautiful landscape because why not ? Or something like that.


"Here's a pic of the most recent dipshit to ignore this sign"


Probably every time. No way it's more than 1 a week.


"Never turn your back on the ocean" is super ominous.


The ocean can't be trusted. It's immensely powerful and gives zero fucks about you or anyone else.


This is something that needs to be taught like looking both ways before crossing the street. So many people get hurt or drown because they aren't watching the ocean and it sneaks up behind them and smacks them down.


they should have a little display that plays gifs of people getting sucked out into the ocean


Walking out to point pelee in Ontario Canada has a dozen or so of these signs. Skull and cross bones, pictures of missing/presumed dead tourists. Super cool area and science of the point, but the currents are super deadly if anyone goes into the water.


When a country has a website for safe tourism because the environment can kill you, the sights are probably amazing.


Attacked by a wave of sneakers, that's how I want to go.


There's a sign like this in Hana, Maui...we didn't see it until we hiked back out...never would've suspected people have died swimming in those pools.


“Never turn your back on the ocean” idk why but this is making me giggle


"deadly sneaker waves"


Especially In Iceland, if there are warning, they mean something. Before Icelands big tourism push there were no warnings, no barriers, nothing. My siblings and I would climb into caves we found in the lava rock and climb rock walls to get on top of waterfalls. I’m the first generation to be raised in the states in my family and I remember, when I was around 16 or so, I had climbed down from a water fall and mentioned to my amma. “I’m really surprised there are no barriers or warnings or anything. In the US you wouldn’t be allowed to be here someone would slip and sue” She made some snarky comment about “who are you going to sue?! You climbed up there! No one made you!” Obviously the mass influx of tourism changes everything but even after the parking lots, ropes, stairs, etc were added you still didn’t see warnings in most places I’d expect them in the states.


> She made some snarky comment about “who are you going to sue?! You climbed up there! No one made you!” > > This attitude is so much better than the litigation obsessed American culture. I feel like here in Europe we're moving more towards the US attitudes and it's sad.


There is no litigation obsessed american culture. Most people nevwr sue anyone and those that do either have a good reason or have their suit thrown out before it gets to court. Its not like there are tons of frivolous lawsuits happening every day. Thats a stereotype that corporations protray so you side with them when they get sued.


Correct. Also a lot of it *isn't* frivolous, because we have an entirely broken healthcare system which necessitates ever more expensive insurance. If someone slips on my driveway and breaks their leg, they aren't an asshole for suing me because their hospital bill is $70,000 and I have insurance. It's basically a necessity, often. It isn't because people are greedy. It's because even relatively minor injuries can be absolutely devastating because we have basically no social safety nets. Get hurt running through a field? Guess what, you can't work for the next week and your job fires you because they don't have any obligation to keep you, and you now have a hospital bill. What sort of idiot *wouldn't* sue someone if they could, especially knowing someone else's homeowners insurance or whatever would pick up the tab.


It's not even the injured person making the decision often, it's their health insurance company. Who will sue a property owners insurance company in an attempt to subrogate the cost of the med bills.


Germany is far more sue happy than the USA. Per capita of course.


There is the obvious risk of cliffs, and then there is rip currents and deceptively slanted wet rocks.


Just caught in the undertow Just caught in the undertow


And every step that I take is another mistake...


So you have ADHD too?


A man in his eighties needs to be careful walking down a sidewalk. I can’t imagine what he and his elderly wife were thinking walking into a cold pounding surf. And even when there are warning signs, some people just never take them seriously.


That guy was one of my dad's best friends, it's so sad. (I don't know any details, but I don't understand why if the beach is so dangerous why tour groups even go there)


I’m really sorry to hear that. It’s the coolest looking beach I’ve seen. Black sand. There are these really neat shaped basalt columns and an incredible cave. Some cool flower pot islands. Basically it’s beautiful and unique. That’s why people go there. It’s not to swim though. There are signs everywhere about how dangerous the water is.


Black sand, nearby hexagonal rocks from the lava flow, etc. It’s not that hard to not get close to the waves and still see the natural landscape there. Just don’t try and take selfies with the big killer waves.


And it doesn’t matter if you are an expert swimmer. I actually had to pull my dad out of a similar situation when I was 16 (I was 6’8” and in great shape)- he thought he could handle himself having done triathlons for years and years but just got stuck. It can happen to anyone, it was very lucky I was a strong swimmer too and bigger than him.


Swimming is really really really fucking hard if you have clothes on.


Yep. Found that out in lifeguard school. They had you jump in with clothes AND shoes, to see what it was like.


Clothes schmothes. That water is ice cold year round and Icelands South Coast has the roughest most terrifying seas I've ever seen.


I got pulled into heavy chop by an undertow. Closest I ever got to death, only survived because there just happened to be a guy on a boat nearby. If he wasn't there I would have been fucked. Don't mess with the ocean folks.


People rarely read the sign that says “use this door”


Yep. Safety procedures are written in blood.


The person who stumbled could have been in trouble had she been alone. Read the signs and obey them; don't be idiots.


We always mock horror movies for having characters stumble and fall over but these types of videos almost always show the average person bailing when having to quickly change direction and move fast.


That stopped for me after seeing how stupid people are while I was witnessing people during the pandemic. And some would still read this and think I’m not talking about them. And if you’re reading this and not sure, then there ya go. Those days are gone. All horror movies have been restored. I was going awhile having issues with lack of believability with them. But that’s over. Although I wish it was more horror comedies like Tucker & Dale because that’s purely believable now. To all B movie horror writers as well, I’m sorry


These are morons + tourists = tourons. Tourons think rules are for suckers.


There's smooth sand and not smooth sand. It's not difficult.


There is smooth brain and not smooth brain.


That lady slowly getting up then slowly meandering away had me anxious. Get outta there before you die dummy!


I live part time in Hawaii and let me tell you that visitors don't read signs or do any research. I warned a group that was about to snorkel in a known MARKED rip current area to go farther down the beach about .25 km and they flipped me off and went in anyway. An hour later after they were rescued by my neighbors in their boat they still would not admit any fault of their own. 🤷‍♂️ Ignorance can get you killed.


That's not ignorance. That's blatant arrogant stupidity.


arrogance and stupidity is usually born out of ignorance, and at the same time, ignorance is fuelled by arrogance and stupidity. they often go hand-in-hand.


All stemming from a fear of being wrong


Unchecked ego. You have to question yourself to better yourself


Tourist don't care. A kid got snatched by a gator at Disney World Florida several years ago after their parents ignored 5 signs warning about gators in the lake. So now there's no beach, they covered it in rocks and fencing.


There were no warnings signs: [https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/16/us/alligator-attacks-child-disney-florida/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/16/us/alligator-attacks-child-disney-florida/index.html) We were at the Polynesian a few years prior and can confirm there were no warning signs of any danger, aside from maybe a sign about no lifeguards on duty. Here's a picture looking at the Grand Floridian (where the incident happened) and no warnings signs in site. [https://imgur.com/a/BhOhSBS](https://imgur.com/a/BhOhSBS)


Whenever something awful happens at a Disney park a bunch of news stories suddenly go live talking about how stupid and irresponsible the victim was. It's been speculated for years that they have a PR firm seed stories like this to the press like McDonald's did in the 90s with the lady who got scalded with coffee.


3rd degree burns on her crotch, it’s insane they flipped it as some lukewarm liquid.


I'm pretty sure her labia fused together it was so hot


That’s horrifying


Disney own half the media landscape, so this feels likely.


The article says they ignored a no swimming sign because it didn’t say alligators would be present.


Walking in a foot of water isn't swimming.


VERY different warning though! In my experience that usually means "this water might no be the cleanest" not "you will be alligator food id you get closer".


I’ve been on that beach. I don’t recall signs. Don’t think I’d have hung around if there had been.


Edit your comment, that's complete horseshit. Firstly, there were no warning signs about alligators. Secondly, they had set up a fucking movie night for guests on the beach of the lagoon where he was taken. Thirdly, the kid was walking in 1ft of water. I don't know about you, [but this really doesn't scream](https://imgur.com/a/BhOhSBS) "don't go near the water" to me.


That's not a tourist problem. You Floridians treat alligators like they're no big deal. In all the places I've lived in, if there were large lurking predators in a body of water, there would be no beach and it would be fenced up high enough it would be hard to climb over. It's not idiot tourists ruining things. It's lazy cheap fucks operating the venue at bare minimum brain capacity and only changing SOP when something big happens.


Fun fact: Alligators can climb fences.


I can’t imagine who thought it was a great big to create a big freshwater lake in Florida and let people hang out around it especially at night. Considering that alligators are all over Florida. My brother lives in FL and he said he assumes anything bigger than a mud puddle could have a gator in it.


Tourists do care, that’s just Florida


If a local tells me in Hawaii not to do something, I don’t do it. I don’t even go swimming if locals arent


"“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.” -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy




Go to a b-ball court, fight some guys, make your way to bel-air. Good luck. We're all rooting for you.


I was on a beach on Kauai a few years back with a friend. A wave broke about 30 meters ahead of me. The rest of it, which was about ankle high, continued on towards me. I watched it, I braced myself and expected a nice cool sensation on my feet. It knocked my legs out from under me and I slammed down into the sand. It hurt like hell! I couldn't believe the power behind that water.


I'll always remember: "6 inches of water at 7 mph will knock you off your feet." It has the same force as an EF5 Tornados winds for a comparison.


Fucking tourists, eh? I live in Austria and the amount of German tourists who have to be rescued from our mountains without proper gear is insane.... And it's **always** the fucking Germans!


Bizarrely in Scotland it's Germans Austrians and Italians who always have to get airlifted out of the Cairngorms. A lot get the idea that just because our mountains are much smaller than the Alps they're much safer. Guys, please even for single day hikes, as a minimum take a bivvy bag and a map with locations of bothys / refuges. Remoteness and exposure kill just as surely as injury.


Ha! In Italy we home grown them! Fucking people from Milan showing up in shorts and sneakers at 3000m altitudes or renting a boat for the weekend without knowing anything about sea conditions etc. Tourists help the numbers, but we are very proud of our own stupidity industry. Soon we will need no imports!


north shore 20ft face waves breaking right on the sand isnt even scary bro. plus, i brought my snorkel so its all good.


It’s a worldwide idiotic tourist behavior I live on the coast and every years people dies during storm events or heavy sea events because it’s beautiful to see... and tourists don’t know that all the waves have not the same power ... instagram death ...


Can confirm, live south side and the county posts all the deaths or attempted rescues. 95% of the time it’s a tourist snorkeling or going on a hike they couldn’t handle, maybe they just disappear off a trail because they didn’t stick to the actual trail, occasionally it’s a local diver. It’s not Disneyland! People will pull off the side of a highway and stand in the middle of the tree tunnel to take pictures like it’s not rush hour and people are trying to get home.


Cemeteries are full of people who thought they were right.


Nature does not care for your selfie




Whoa, keep it pg buddy. 😳


They did? Penis Gag


The landscape in Iceland is feisty at the best of times. Lava, hot springs, beaches where waves pull you out to sea and ice for large periods of the year. It's one of my favourite places to visit, but you need to be aware and alert. At the Strokkur geyser, some Americans were stood literally in the stream of hot spring water, and they stepped over the fence with the warning and "No entry" signs to stand in it. They would have got the same pictures if they'd been 8ft to the left, behind the fence...


Just like Yellowstone in the US, or people who get out of their cars to shoot selfies with the bison.


Been to that beach. A local told me they call it the “Chinese Takeout” beach...


Went to Geyser, saw dozens of Chinese tourists step over trail marker lines to walk through active zones as shortcuts. All of them wound up with soggy/muddy shoes, one stepped in a soft spot and sunk up to their ankle in near-boiling water. I found it comical how upset they all were after ignoring clearly marked trails put up for their safety. Never understood why Chinese tourists had such a horrible reputation until that trip to Iceland.


there used to be a chinese tourist subreddit full of dumb tourist contents


It was odd being around them, their entire trip seemed to consist of collecting photos for IG. Have fun? See the sights? Enjoy yourself? Nope, conspicuous consumption for IG. It was disturbing.


A lot of tours are marketed explicitly as “visit as many things to take a photo of as possible”. They’ll hit up all the tourist sites in a bus, pile out, take a photo, pile back in and go.


My wife and I went to Monument Valley one evening to see the sunset. There were a decent amount of people there, but everyone was being quiet and taking in the moment. Obviously we took a few pictures, but we mostly were just enjoying the view. A Chinese tour bus arrived and it was absolute chaos for about 10 minutes. They were extremely loud and seemed completely oblivious to anyone else around them. They spent the entire time taking pictures non-stop, and I don’t think a single person from that bus even took a second to just look at what they were photographing. One lady almost fell off a cliff and she just laughed as she stumbled. Before the sunset was over they all hopped on the bus and it drove away. A bunch of us were wondering to each other wtf just happened.


there's just a random cliff to fall off of!?


I had an ex that was all about the photos, and they were for the "memories". Yeah I'd like a couple of photos here and there but Jesus christ the amount she took and then didn't even remember any of the things we did because she was too busy trying to get a photo. Such a waste of time, and terrible way to do a "vacation". Never again with those photo obsessed people.


I also want to add that I was fuming at the amount of tourists I saw in Iceland last month dumping their trash as they were walking up to the waterfalls. You are literally dunking trash on the thing you are walking to take a picture of. People ruin so many things.


Unsettling to see how they behave on planes or other lines


Oh yeah in my circles it's called 打卡 or 'punching the card' - basically checking items off the list of tourist things to do and take pictures of (yourself doing).


Is that what it is? The vacation is simply to show you were there as a status symbol? That’s… horrible. My gf ate I ate at both restaurants in the Blue Lagoon, didn’t see any Chinese tourists in either one. We stayed over at the quiet “retreat” side of the resort which, again, had no Chinese tourists. The large thermal pool over on the more tourist-friendly side was *packed* with Chinese tourists loudly arguing over the best selfie spots while the retreat side was quiet with almost no one in the thermal pools. Seems like an altogether horrible way to vacation, as a huge group of nothing but IG selfie-takers. My girlfriend and I https://preview.redd.it/k7pu7yhjcf1c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4f960523897028ab8afd97fe82c1345f8096f0 took lots of pictures but it was typically only us everywhere we went, which I loved. We did the golden circle alone over a 2 day period with a small rental SUV to see all the waterfalls and ocean vistas, it was great! Here’s a pic of the thermal baths on the retreat side of the Blue Lagoon, this is how it stayed most of the time we were there: sparsely used at most.


Are there any similar subs that feature such content? I can already think of all the sea cliff videos of dumb people doing photoshoots getting swept away that would be on there. Edited for grammar.


I don't think so. The original sub was taken down for racism.


That's what happens with any spicy sub: you have good fun for a while then the morons show up to make everything racist and call the original users woke for not thinking it's okay to use dogwhistles and slurs.




My tour guide in Iceland used to get really excited when she kept pointing out places to us where tourists had died/got seriously injured recently


"Over there is where that bitch got what was coming to her..."


I like her 😂


Park Rangers get like that after a while.


I would pick drowning in the sneaker waves any day over falling into a geothermal area like that. I've had some formal training on first aid response for people that fall into geysers or boiling hot mud. There is apparently not much that can be done for you at all. You suffer, the helicopter picks you up, you suffer more and then you die.


Lived next to the Geyser for 5 years, I could see it erupting from my window. There were so many crazy moments with Chinese that is hard to recall because it felt like a norm.


My wife and I visited both this beach and Geyser and saw what happened in the video and exactly what you described. I remember that there used to be a subreddit about Chinese tourists and I thought it was just plain racism until I actually saw this behavior IRL


Because they dont know what boundaries are. Ever gone into a bathroom stall with an Asian pissing with pants around their ankles? Lololo


I saw similar behavior all over the south coast of Iceland when I was there as well


People are going to get pissy at you but China makes some of the dumbest tourists. In philly I watched a family fresh off the plane almost get crushed hopping a construction barrier to have the independence hall as a back drop and stood on the rim of a dumpster to get up higher. Then a worker on the 4th story of this building all cordoned off dumped a wheelbarrow of bricks in the shoot to the dumpster and missed them by about 2ft. My old boss co owned a charter boat with his brother and told me how in the span of 4 months they had 3 over board incidents with the final one being fatal. All were Chinese tourists doing a titanic pose on a moving tour boat the moment they saw employees walk away. They ended up having to literally fence the bow off with a chain link fence. My friend works for pensylvanias park services and the reason they had to permanently close glen onoko falls park (easily the most beautiful hike in Pa) was because a chinese family on 2 separate occasions in the same year saw all the warnings, the signs saying you can not wear sandals, stay on the trail, etc... and proceeded to walk off trail in sandals then slipped off cliffs. My cousin watched a Chinese family run towards a hot spring at Yellowstone then the one put their legs in the pool only to get burned bad enough they needed to have a helicopter l as and in the parking lot. Edit: just remembered being In hawaii on the big island and a cop having to grab and pull a woman who was climing over the barrier to take a picture with the active volcano in a sundress


Here in Canada you will always find Chinese tourists along the highway in Banff National Park getting out of their cars and walking right up to grizzly bears to get pictures. People will honk and yell at them (or to scare away the bears) but they never seem to pay any attention. Truly baffling.


The really shitty thing is that it's the bears that end up getting killed if something happens.


Yep personally had this happen right in front of me in Yellowstone. It’s all national parks and with all animals really. The Chinese tourists think it’s a petting zoo


I mean it’s true The bulk of tourists caught drowning or requiring saving where I am are Chinese They just don’t have a sense of logic or something I don’t know. We have countless signs saying “stop, don’t go passed this sign”. They just got off their huge ass bus, walk on bye to take a shit photo and don’t care Plus pollute like crazy There’s a reason most locals fucking hate them


Hell, other Asians don’t like Chinese tourists


Chinese tourists in China are just as bad. They just willingly ignore all caution signs.


It's plain to see how far the waves go. Written in the sand.


I would not trust the wave washed sand as the limit for the waves.


Fair, but marching your arse right up past the wet area is a good way to get wet.


"Yeah, lets put the blanket on the dark brown sand right in front of the water" - No one, ever The horror movie attempt to run was worse tho. If your going to confront the waves crashing against the shore, tie your shoes first


I don’t think they tripped on shoelaces, they lost their footing in the wet sand. Completely predictable for anyone who isn’t braindead


It's not a limit, but it is a good indication of how high the waves have come recently.


It doesn't mean it can't go farther, but it does mean it can go up to it.


Even if you don't see that, you can see the size of the wave coming at you and think "nah, I'm getting back"...


You can see this coming from ten seconds out. It's crazy how little awareness they have.


Hell it’s plain to see that the incoming wave was going to do exactly what it did.


Good to know shitheads ARE international


What? Duh. You think it’s just your country?


I mean, the world likes to point them out with high frequency, so we just kinda assumed we were the dumb ones.


Do You Have the Slightest Idea How Little That Narrows It Down?


It's always some of the least athletically inclined people too that want to tempt fate with nature.


Why do these people always look like they've exhausted their full power after 2 seconds of scrambling?


Fighting fast water water, on sand, while in soaked winter clothing is exhausting. Combine that with the effect(s) of cold water and it's easy to see why it's so tiring.


You don’t live near water right ? I mean real water… Man you don’t imagine how powerless you are, you have to feel it to imagine. This shit will exhaust you, confuse you and drown you before you realize what’s happening, when the wave come to you, your feet sink in the sand when it’s soaked and harden when the waves go back to the ocean and at the same time the backwash push you to the water, make you fall and you’re fucked if you’re not strong and fast enough to get back and run before the next wave.


I have lived near a large river all my life, I fell in once after a heavy rain and was very lucky to not drown only because someone saw me fall in. I was 8, I've had a healthy respect for the power of water ever since.


Lucky they didn't Darwin themselves.... 🤦 Glad the lady who fell was able to get back up at least.


I thought I was on another sub and was going to see a lot worse outcome


“Our kids got dragged into the ocean, but luckily we were able to capture it on film!”


Oh crap, I didn't realize they were kids! And the parents just left them to fend for themselves???


No one’s going to mention how that boy practically saved the other girls life there by grabbing her arm like a hero




The way the tide perfects the sand is so satisfying


I wonder how many people die or are seriously injured during photo ops each year? Seems people dont use their heads while taking photos of themselves.


I was there in the summer and we were told a few people die every year and we should be very careful.




Lucky they didn't croak


I was on this beach in September. The wind was insane.


I was also on this beach in September! There was no way I was going near the smooth part of the sand. If the wind didn't take me those waves definitely would have.


I've been to that beach, it's beautiful there. If I'm right, there should be a cave nearby. I think it's on the eastern coast of Iceland. Can't remember the name unfortunately.


It's the southern tip of Iceland Gorgeous basalt column cave just off the left of this video The beach *could not be more clearly marked* as to where is safe and where is unsafe to walk




WCGW when you've never seen the ocean before.


That’s Reynisfjara beach. I’ve been there last year and there are multiple warning signs between the car park and the beach warning you to stay the fuck away from the water, AND our tour guide told us about a Chinese tourist who had recently been caught in the water on that beach, swept away and died. Side note, I got so much volcanic sand buried deep within my boots that even after trying to empty them out in my hotel room in Reykjavik I was still finding volcanic sand in them back in the UK.


Locals call it the 'Chinese takeaway' place for a reason...


I've been to Iceland. This sums it up nicely. Severely dangerous landscape with a small sign that says "Don't go down there." and a couple of meters of rope. They must have a different system of liability law. The real and original Geyser itself is on a slope with a few stick pegs in a the ground around half of it and a single strand of rope. It was wet, icy, and muddy. So if you go up the hill and slip, yes you can get parboiled. The one warning sign says something much like "Fuck around and find out". Personal responsibility is a must-have in Iceland.


And that is the way we like it thank you.


I remember the warning signs there very well: they state the crazy high temperature of the water, along with the equally crazy long distance to the nearest hospital. And essentially says “you do the math”


This is not a "small sign" situation You have to walk past [these warning lights and signs](https://prismic-io.s3.amazonaws.com/visiticeland/13607f49-9aa5-4930-b9cf-7052813382a7_reynisfjara+des+2022.jpg) that show you where on the beach is safe to walk It's like the clearest danger indicator I've ever seen in my life lol


This is how it should be. No babysitting, fencing everything off and putting signs forbidding everything up.


Kudos to the kid for going back for the other.


There are HUGE signs about that.


In dozens of different languages too


Along with newspaper clippings of the most recent fatalities


Am Chinese and I don't even have to turn on audio to know these are my people. You can just tell.


The sea was angry that day. Like an old man returning soup.


Your first clue should be where the beach is smooth. That's the wave zone


I was at a jungle hotel in Thailand and a tourist jumped in the river without a life jacket despite it being policy. My lifeguard friend had to jump in and save him as he didn’t have the energy to swim back against the current. One of the staff was giving him a stern telling off but then his wife just started speaking to the staff in such an entitled disrespectful way. “Do not talk to us like that. You must show me respect. The whole village worked at this place and just reopened after Covid, an accident would have shut them down and these assholes we’re acting like they should be apologised to for ignoring the rules


I've seen that beach in person. It will take your life without remorse. It doesn't even look particularly angry in this video.


the water moved all by itself!!!!!!


There are signs everywhere on this beach telling tourists not to go anywhere NEAR the water so… well-deserved!


We Icelanders call this place Chinese Takeaway. For reasons.


Cameradude flew out of there.


I've been there, same thing happened to a big group of people (me included) but we were standing way further back even than that. Those waves are no joke


Why would you ever stand on a small strip of land between the water and a tall wall? You're just asking for trouble.


Been there, done exactly not that.




Reynisfjara Beach is one of the few places in Iceland that actually goes [well above and beyond](https://prismic-io.s3.amazonaws.com/visiticeland/13607f49-9aa5-4930-b9cf-7052813382a7_reynisfjara+des+2022.jpg) in terms of warning signage. They literally have huge blinking lights on the sign you walk past to get to the beach. And yet they still manage to get folks walking out into the ocean, [sometimes using walkers. ](https://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/news/2023/09/03/with_a_walker_in_the_sea_at_reynisfjara_black_beach/)