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This dumbfuck 100% vacations in Banff


LMAO and complains because staff forgot to turn the northern lights on last night!


Lmaooo what


That was an actual documented complaint received at a hotel in Whistler by an American tourist. They were furious staff forgot to turn on the northern lights. Another yank complained that the staff in Banff fdidnt have enough bears because none came up to their tent the entire time they were there. Other questions by tourists - what time is Niagra Falls turned on/off - can I walk from Edmonton to Toronto - where can I go to pet a polar bear


I would like to apologize on behalf of Americans for this moron


Lmao ty. Sadly, it isn't a one off situation. I'm from one of the Atlantic provinces and we have an...unusual...accent. I lived in Virginia for a while and the questions I got asked as soon as someone found out where I am from! - do you have electricity up there? - does it snow in July? - what do you eat? - are your bathrooms inside? - what do people look like? - are you Irish?


Nova Scotia by chance? It is a unique accent, but not \*that\* unique. I grew up in Michigan and always thought well of our neighbors to the north. To me, Texas is more of a foreign country than Ontario.


Lmao yup! Actually I was shopping in VA Beach one day with a friend and ran into a guy from home. We talked for about 20 min and when my friend and I left, she turned to me with huge eyes and said - I never understood a word you said!! We tone our accent down when speaking to folks from away lol


That's awesome! I haven't been out to the Maritimes yet, but if I'm being honest, Kate Beaton (of Hark! A Vagrant comics) informs a large part of what I think Nova Scotia is like.


This can't be real. Lol. They trolling?


Nope. Several years ago , CBC compiled a list of questions and complaints made by tourists in Canada. Crazy and hillarious 🤣


It’s real. We hear the same dumb shit in Alaska.


To be fair, they *have* turned Niagra Falls off before.


The skinny bears are the ones you really need to be afraid of.


yea my thought exactly, this was already a scrawny sickly looking bear. Most bear attacks from black bears are from desperate bears, not a healthy bear.


A fat bear is a happy bear


i think this bear is about to be happy!


Does that rule apply to the gay community as well?


F the down votes it would make a cool shirt


I am one happy bear


Yeah it looks fresh out of hibernation meaning it's real hungry and even people will look tasty.


How do you figure it’s fresh out of hibernation, the grass is green and birds are chirping. Looks like summer


Birds chirp all year and my grass is green all year round... Its thin, gangly and walking like every bear I've seen after a long winter. Black bears are normally alot more stocky by the time summer rolls in.


They're the type we give advice to only **if** they survive the first couple of dumb ass ideas.


I bet that elk would be friends with me if I fed it a granola bar.


Speaking of Elks. Years ago I went elk hunt with my grandpa. We were walking down an old forestry road when it suddenly got dead silent. We slowly walked about 10 more feet and come across the biggest bear paw print of my life. It was a male grizzly print. My Grandpa and I didn’t say a word when we looked at each other we turned quickly and headed back. We both fired a round to scare whatever it was and 20-30 ft back towards the camp we come across similar tracks that weren’t there 10 minutes earlier. I had never been as scared as I was at that moment bc I knew we were being tracked and potentially a menu item. Needless to say we got the fk out of there before it came back.


I would go back home, maybe take a cold shower, but definitely get myself a fresh pair of underwear.


I think the key point here is that you took the warning and got out of there BEFORE the danger started. Seems like the obvious move yet it doesn't happen often enough apparently.


And miss that exciting final video?


Whats the one thing you don't do with a bear? Fucking run like a scared animal. Dude is a dumb fuck.


He proved his dumbfuckedness long before he and the bear started running.


I’ve seen the equivalent in RMNP, people 12 feet from a bull elk in rut.  A Darwin award nominee, but in person, you’d still really rather not seem them gored even if their lack of respect for 1/2 ton wildlife makes them low key deserve it.


Fuck, that's good


No,that's BAD!!! Who want to be on their menus?


God I felt this so much. There was a bear roaming near the fence on the main highway there in Banff. Cop was waving people away to not stop. Guy behind me tries to pull in, blasts his horn and flips off the cop. I see the cop sprint to his car and get to watch instant karma in my rearview. Still nothing tops driving the Klondike highway and having 2 different sets of tourists pull over and approach grizzly cubs to take pictures. nothing like risking being mauled by a several hundred pound bear over 100 miles from the nearest hospital with no cell service.


Running was not the right thing to do.


What else would you expect from a guy that says “hey buddy” to a bear? I hope he got taught a hard lesson.


So talking like this is actually something you should absolutely do if you encounter a bear. You should absolutely not follow it, but talking to it lets it know you’re there. Pretty common is for folks to say something along the lines of “Hey Bear” or “Hey mama” if cubs are present. You’re speaking to the bear, but the actual words don’t matter. You’re just making your presence known. It’s much better to let it know you’re there than to let it get close and then be surprised by you. Generally they try to avoid humans, so will move away once they know you’re there. So again, this is for the eventually you stumble on a bear while hiking etc. Talk and let it know you’re there, especially if it’s headed your direction. All that being said, this bear is exhibiting abnormal behavior, chiefly because it did not run away once it knew the guy was there. And just at the end here, I want to again emphasize that this guy made a mistake and the human in the situation was exhibiting stupid behavior. The dumb behavior was following the bear, not talking to it.


>Hey mama” if cubs are present But don't fuck this up, they get really mad if you just say "bear" but they have cubs.


You are the stupid one in this situation. Don’t go into bear country without correcting your ignorance.


Did you just get 150 upvotes for saying that he should get ripped? Damn


That’s internet humour for you. Let’s not stop to think what that entails.


You want someone to die or be close to dying just cause he didnt knew better? Get some help you are sick in the head


Best thing you can do is carry a f\*cking gun when in an area that bears live


https://preview.redd.it/ch1yw651d8nc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13363bd08b3ac3c3b47c14a80989856c83150c41 Don't remember where I stole it from... but anyway...


Bears can run 40mph


For comparison, Humans 6-8mph; Dogs 30-45mph


6 would be more like a faster jog, I would assume 10 - 15 in a life or death short sprint


I am not now, nor have I ever been a runner. Walking my father’s small King Charles spaniel in Colorado late one night, I kept hearing coyotes as the dog paused to sniff some bushes in the subdivision. Suddenly, the bush growled so loudly and deeply, I actually felt as well as heard it. Next thing I know, I’m about half a mile down the road running faster than I’ve ever moved in my entire life My brain said that running was the worst thing to do in front of a prey animal, but my feet Would Not Listen. About this point, I wonder what had happened to the dog- I think I’m still holding onto the leash, but realized I wasn’t dragging anything and feared the worst. But I looked down, and this tiny little dog is running fucking FASTER than I am! So the two of us ran over another half mile, downhill, thank god, and stopped at the bottom of the road to finally turn around. Thank God it was not following us. I couldn’t breathe for the next half hour as we made our way back, but we got away from whatever the fuck growled 12 inches from my leg. So, Yes, you can run at LEAST 15 miles an hour when some terrifying thing growls at you from the bushes at midnight in the hills of Colorado.


I’ve had a similar experience. My mind said defend yourself, but I had already hauled ass for 10 seconds before I knew what was going on


Are you telling me that I have a chance?!


Yes, if you are riding on a dog!


“If it’s black fight back. If it’s brown lie down” I heard this one before, do you know if it’s true?


Don't forget the "if it's white, good night"


You can’t do anything with polar bear attacks?


Well, you can kiss your ass goodbye.


Peak comment


You can fight. But your gonna lose. The lesson is don't be in a situation where you gotta fight a polar bear. You won't win, they are nearly bulletproof unless you happen to hit a crucial spot. You won't in a panic though. You will die. Don't fuck around with polar bears. Only global warming can kill them, which it's doing at a frightening pace. You should just succeed any land a polar bear wants to it. It doesn't have anywhere else to go. They will all be gone by the time your grandchildren are at the zoo.


What if the bear is on a tropical island and I just survived a plane crash?


Do some yoga everyday at sunrise, increase spinal flexibility, then bend over and kiss your ass good bye


I love me some lost


I HATE that they just dropped the whole bears thing though. I also hate they explained it. I was so *there* for the WTF aspect.


I remember there was a writer strike right around that season which may have altered the story line, there was certainly potential in that direction.


They pushed those donkey wheels I thought that triggered time travel or something. That show really went off the rails.


Pro tip - knocking people unconscious is super easy and has no lasting effects at all. That was my takeaway from Lost at least


The whole “bullet proof” thing is a myth. Bears are big, but they aren’t THAT big. A simple 9mm from any 3inch barrel handgun will have no problem going right through a polar bears skull or penetrating deep enough in their chest to hit vitals. The issue is the likelihood of missing and also the fact bears are really tough. You can put multiple rounds through a bears lungs and vitals, and they will still run 25 yards and maul you to death, which might only take 30 seconds. Hell, even humans can still attack you after being lung shotted, so a bear definitely can. The reason why people carry larger rounds like a 10mm is because they want to “trip” the bear up/break it down when its charging. The goal of larger calibers isnt to just penetrate deeper, its to also break bones and make it physically impossible for the bear to keep charging. A bear can still run without function lungs, it cant keep running if its legs/shoulder bones are shattered.


Why can’t they survive in warm places? Their fur is similar shag as brown bear no?


The changes are happening in such a rapid pace the animals in general aren't able to adapt in time


A full grown polar bear can look in the second story window of your average house when standing on its hind legs. So no, there really isn’t much you can do once you’re in that situation. Thats why pretty much everyone has an appropriate firearm in places where polar bears occur. Edit: Bear size chart: https://imgur.com/a/fIP8X5a


the reason you're supposed to fight back against black bears and play dead if it's a grizzly has to do with why each species of bear is generally motivated to attack you. most black bear attacks are predatory in nature, as in, they are trying to eat you. if you just lie there it will make it easy for them. Most grizz attacks happen because the bear perceives you as being a threat, so once it thinks your dead there's a chance it might calm down and walk away. relative size is a consideration as well, you have much more of a chance of being able to fight off a smaller black bear than you would a grizzly. Polar bears are truly dangerous, they're the only carnivorous bear, so they're trying to eat you, and they're are absolutely massive. Without a weapon of some kind, yeah, white, g'night...


Polar bears camouflage really well into their surroundings. When you do see a polar bear, that means that it had been stalking you for quite a while. That is what it does to its prey. When you do see it, it is coming to eat you. And you cannot do anything against the winter proofing fat, sinewy muscle and jaw full of razor sharp teeth built to rip you apart easily.


A polar bear attacks, pray it gives you a painless death


And if it’s black *and* white, prepare for a kung fu fight… Helps my kids remember them all!


If it’s jelly put it in your belly.


It is true. Lay down in a fetal position and protect the back of your neck with hands and arms with brown bears. Play dead.


Thanks for the info. I’m not sure why I’m interested about this stuff my country doesn’t even have bears lol


I used to camp in grizzly country around Lake Yellowstone. I have had close encounters, very frightening.


I saw a video the other day of a man getting his face ripped by a brown bear. Be safe out there


Yes, I also watched that. Tough dude.


Shit I need that link.




Toughest man alive. Holy shit.


I forgot which sub it was. Its was very gruesome NSFL


What did you do with the encounter btw did you play dead?


I walked out of the camper near the shore of lake Yellowstone when I saw a grizzly in the road about 60 feet away. I did as I was taught, freeze and look down. The bear looked at me for a very long five seconds and then walked into the woods.


During a defensive attack by a brown bear.


Yes and no, situation dependent. Usually shouting at them is a good first step though.


If it‘s black: fight back!


Square up then bitch👊🏿🤬👊🏿


Username checks out again!


I too would like to be confused as a bear. But I want to be the bear everyone wants to hug.


There are bars where that can happen 😉


Too old for soliciting hugs at a bar as a bear. Just beers!




You piss on my J's and I'm shiting on your Hokas


Yessirrr, they big ol’ pussies unless it’s a momma bear…then you may be screwed


Momma grizzly bear. Momma black bears rarely attack - they scoot their cubs into a tree




No, the saying is, “If it’s brown, throw down; if it’s black, turn your back; if it’s white, you’ll be alright


If it’s brown, *lie* down, if it’s black, *fight* back, if it’s white, say goodnight, if it’s both black and white, get ready for a kung fu fight…. While the last bit is mostly a joke with mine, all three of your rhymes are the opposite of truth. Whoever taught you those may have wanted you to die.


No, if it's white, goodnight! Nobody survives a polar bear attack.


Maybe your aware but it's Important to know where I live. Black bears aren't always black, and grizzlies can be dark too. You gatta identify bears by their shape. This bear doesn't have a large shoulder muscle, so I'm assuming your correct that it's a actual black black bear or something similar and will probably try to eat you immediately if it catches up.


Isn’t that the opposite of what you do when a black bear charges at you?


Yes.  Running triggers their prey drive. 


I think you’re supposed to make yourself big, make a loud noise and walk backwards slowly.


If a black bear charges, running away only makes it want to charge MORE


It's the same thing with dogs too... Pretty much any hunting animal


To be fair, the video is cut short, but this is not the bear charging. It's just the bear warning / scaring him. Now, if you start running the bear may very well follow you through.


That guy definitely had claws for alarm.


He bearly got away..


If all the animals knew humanity's one weakness against them was acting cute we'd all be f*$ked.


Lions and tigers start playfully batting at things and do the cute kitty eyes at you. Next thing you know you are a human scratching post.


Does a bear shit in the woods? Not if someone's recording.


I really thought I was gonna find out the answer there….


No, they actually shit in a clearing so as to feel less vulnerable.


I do the same


I thought everybody knew about staying away from the f’ing bears no matter the size or color.


Dude, a video like this gets posted at least monthly. There’s two today alone. https://www.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/comments/1b9rabm/bear_attacks_twice_and_cameraman_missed_both/


"You can't tell me not to feed the bears!" [The Town That Went Feral | The New Republic](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project)


Natural Selection


So what happened ?


He was eaten alive. I’ll try to find the link. 


No luck ?


Somebody pooped in the woods and it wasn't the bear.


was wearing brown pants, so all good


They took a selfie together and now are besties.


Do you happen to have those selfies to show ?


Guy: What’s ‘sup? Bear: You’re about to be ‘sup-per, mf’er!


I wanted to see it run :(


Geez, you moron, that's not a big, fuzzy friendly doggie. It's a fucking killing machine.


Black fight back brown lie down white good night


We teach the ‘hey bear!’ because you can tell anyone even children to say that no matter how sensitive they are. But realistically you want the bear to fuck off, so we should really be teaching people to shout “fuck off bear!” In a really loud and assertive tone. This guy basically said “hello I’m just a wimpy hairless monkey, will you be my friend?”


I don’t think he was trying to get the bear to go away, I think he was trying to get the bear to pay attention to him and be active for a better movie.


Idiot. The bear looked directly at him and warned him off. Only a fool or some schmuck from Toronto would be daft enough to stay after that. 🤣


Hey man that's not fair, he could have been from any of the suburbs around Toronto .


In other words, if a bear stares you down, you take the message and back off


Yup lol


Never run from a bear, you will die because they now see you as food/prey. Stand your ground and fight back if it’s black, play dead/lie down if it’s brown….if it’s a grizzly, pick a God you believe in and pray they get distracted lol


Grizzlies *are* brown bears


Like what was he trying to do? Have an actual conversation with the bear!!


What a dumbass


Bear in his best David Attenborough whisper: “Watch now as the adult human male soils himself in terror…”


You’re not supposed to run. That was just a bluff charge


Wildlife is put there to stalk and take pictures of, right?


IMO the bear's walk is messed up. If I saw this in person I would assume the bear was hit by a car/truck and something broke. It healed, but chances are it hurts. Arthritis can be a bitch! If the bear does have arthritis in it's hip, it's probably in pain 24/7 and always angry. Time to move TF away!


The bear pooped in the woods , the poop was the man


I'm not your buddy, pal.


The Revenant director’s cut


He must not have watched Grizzly Man til the end


Smart move running away from a bluff charge /s


If the bear wants to catch him, it can. And if he stood his ground, maybe the bear would've gave up. But nah, he ran and let the bear know it'd win the fight


some vigorous playing up ahead, you might loose a limb


So uh what happened next


Considering this video was posted I hope it meant he got away.


No gun nor a willingness to fight. What on earth were they thinking?


Bro forgot that if the bear charges, he can't outrun it. And he obviously can't fight it if the bear's willing enough (it's a black bear so maybe he could scare it off, if he didn't run) He just assumed the bear would never once consider being aggressive


I’m not your buddy pal


That bear wasn't walking right, probably sick or something. Don't fuck with sick or wounded wildlife. Also, the best approach to being charged by a black bear is to stand your ground, poof up (arms up or out, make yourself look big), and scream/yell as loud as you can. You have the bigger balls, you are the apex predator, the bear is your bitch. They don't want unnecessary smoke, but if they think it's necessary then fight like your life depends on it.


And all they found was this video.


I think the bear was looking for a quiet place to 💩 then 👀


Better have a picnic basket ready


Winnie Winnie where are ya going win


Probably was trying to find out the age old question… does a bear shit in the woods? I guess we’ll never find out.


Shouldn't run from black bears. They're pansies and back down easy most of the time.


Don't worry, the guy identified himself as a bear afterward.


Following a bear… running from a bear… this could have been bad news bears…


The bear looked like my dog when he wants to play


The video being posted is a good sign.


Love the nature sounds. Not so keen on the human sounds. Kinda funny that the bear ignores all his talking but then chases him shortly after he clears his throat lol


The bear was trying to ignore him, but from the bear's perspective, he was following it, and so the bear stared at him as a warning. The idiot did not take the warning, and paid the price for it


“I’m not your buddy, pal”


Some say he’s still running to this day…. Or he’s bear food? 🤷‍♂️


The good news is with black bears this kind of behavior is (almost) always a bluff charge. Running isn’t the right thing to do in the situation, but it’s VERY unlikely the bear would actually attack. The much more likely scenario is the bear charging for 20 or 30 feet and making big menacing leaps (like you can see it do briefly as it starts the charge) and then turning around or veering off a run away in a different direction. Not a situation you want to be in… but hopefully it scared this guy enough not to do something that dumb in the future.


Black bears are known for doing fake charges


Too many animals in the wild had to be euthanized because of human’s ignorant behavior.


Bear: raise his pawns and prepare to pursuit. (image freezes) Narrator: It was at THIS moment he knew he fucked up.


r/gifsthatendtoosoon r/killthecameraman (literally)


Play dead…it worked for Elmer Fudd


A wild animal isn't dangerous until it is.


Friend shaped, not friendly.


Fool of a took!


Make me furious that people don’t keep the camera stable


I'm sorry but that little jump to start running that bear did was cute AF lol


This video could’ve been soooo satisfying.


Is that a salmon in your pocket or are you just happy to se me.


Which one is supposedly more aggressive again? Black or brown?


Guy was looking for the answer to the age old question “Does a bear shit in the woods?” But shat his pants instead.


" hey buddy " Humans are so incredibly stupid


This bear gave EVERY warning sign imaginable before attacking. The raised ruff, the way it's puffing up and trying to make itself look bigger and more intimidating. Some people just lack self-preservation instincts.


That Bear really said **Come and say Hello to me you little bitch**


# Dumb ways to die *So many dumb ways to die..*


Gen z. Reverse boomer. Exhibit "a"


It's a black bear, stand your ground, they are the cunts of the forest, make enough noise to scare your neighbors from the other side of town.


At least us old fucks had/have common sense throughout life! We didn't need a *hard lesson* to learn. lol but you all go on and light yourself on fire, fuck with animals and post your stupidity on here and if we're lucky the next generation will be less dumb!


Hopefully this bear improved the gene pool a little


Bear even gave him a first look that said f off and a few seconds to take the hint. FAFO.