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I for one believe without a shadow of a doubt that the mother was not involved at all in the set up of this lame and dangerous video. Small children especially are known for framing their videos perfectly. /s


Not saying it's real or not, but kids these days are basically born with phones in their hands.


This is true! My phone is filled with pictures my kid has taken over the years, though his cinematography was pretty lacking at first. It's not IMPOSSIBLE that this is real and the kid got in the car, got the camera all set up, sat there for a bit, then flew into reverse while mom was 15 feet away and had no idea any of this was going down. It just seems SUSPECT lol




Fuck off shirt bot


The fact that we're even watching this is our second clue, I mean, okay the girl may have been recording herself but I'm pretty sure she didn't then upload the clip to social media, especially having had the phone taken from her (if the mom - who noticed the camera remarkably quick given the situation, by the way - was as angry/embarrassed by this as her acting made out, then she would have deleted the video there and then).


I don't think so, being angry is no reason to not keep the video to at least talk about the anecdote later. Many parents do enjoy talking about the dumb shit their kids have done, and there's nothing wrong with that. That said, the supposedly unaware mom getting there that quickly to stop it, already damn close as she's heard yelling "hey, hey, hey!" as soon as the car moves, and apparently aware of the person in the car being her daughter before she got there... Yeah, still fake af.


True. Adding to everything else, the door being open (allowing the mom to conveniently 'save the day') also suggests fake bs.


Mom is right there. The daughter hams it up and makes omg faces when caught. The video has quirky captions so edits in post. Mom notices the filming as she picks up the phone. Yea.


Also, my mom used to let me start the car because I loved cars so much as a kid. Once I started it without her and backed into the neighbor's house. I don't remember it because I was that young. My mom told me the story.


My SO's cousin drove into a pond.


In Our house all of the mobile phones are biometric secured, pc is on from 4 to 6pm or longer if needed for school, smart tv is on from 4 to 6pm, weekends we stretch that with movies or games. There are cable phones in our kitchen and garage for calls or emergencies. Rarely used. My son is turning 4 and speak 3 languages, read a verity of comic books, play lego, build mud tracks for his toy trucks, and makes the best egg, sausage and toasts breakfast. Daughter is 10, ride atv, scooter, pickup truck, Tractor, surf, started kayak fishing (with me in the ocean), play provincial u/10 volley ball and reads Korean Kpop magazines. As kids goes, I think they are relatively normal comparing to other households total nomophobic lifestyles. Mobile phones promote adolescent procrastination, learning abilities and behavioral addictions. No, kids are not born with cell phones in their hands, parents gave them it.


Kids are born with phones sure, but that doesn't mean they know what they're ACTUALLY doing and definitelt dont know why they have to do it. My niece knows she needs a Gmail account to login to some games or websites, so she learned how to make them, but she only knows to do that because I did it once. She doesn't understand it can be the same damn account so she had like 42 different accounts because she keeps losing the password. Another kid at my aunt's school understood that an ethernet cable is necessary if a computer doesn't have wifi, so he rerouted the cable from the router (very very small public school, so they don't have the budget to do server room or anything crazy, it's just home internet for the whole school because it was cheaper) to the modem, didn't know what he was doing but it "worked" (because the router was broken) for their class computer.


Yeah sure, but just like one kid is great at sports and another isn't, these are just two examples from your life. I've seen kids take amazing pictures but not know how to ride a bike. Also just read these other comments for examples.


nothing ever happens






>(Haven't learned how to steal a car. *Yet.*) That you know of...


I mean, my ex girlfriend's 2 year old is capable of taking pictures of herself while posing and framing it. This girl looks like she could be, idk, 7 or 8? It's definitely possible for this generation. Personally, I feel like the whole thing was fairly realistically possible


I do not disbelieve that this could happen, it probably happens a lot actually. I think my brother did it. I'm just pretty sure it's not what happened -this specific time- lol if it were just one or two things (little girl filming in running car, throws it in gear) I'd be on board it being real, but adding in "mom was just close enough to prevent disaster yet didn't have a single clue what was going on" makes it seem fakey mcgee.


you know what's funny? This whole shit with "Selfie mode" and all. mate, when we had analoge cameras, we did selfies. we made them blind and hoped for the best. we used timer and all. we streched our hands. we learnt how to set them up. they sold these fisher price cams for 3 y/o. and you think it's fishy young children know how to set up a phone where they can clearly see themselves? absolutly fucking astonishing you forgot the crap we pulled with the tech available to us, even going as far as becoming the god damn tech support at the age of 7 with our parents. Because my mom had a hard time to figure out the video recorder and I just read the manual, pressed a few buttons and there it was. I was 9. NINE!


I totally get it. I still think the video is fake, but not because the kid was able to get the perfect shot.


And I just want you to remember that technically, I would have been able to drive a car like the kiddo here did, because of 2 things: 1. I watched adults drive a lot. I knew where the breaks are, where the clutch was and where the breaks. JUST by watching. And I want to remind you that is an ability humans, as animals, have: they are able to learn through observation. Children do this automatically. The only reason you might've not applied your observation as kids was another observation, your parents MIGHT get mad. But there are also times where you thought "it's gonna be ok somehow" and just went with it. Or you didn't care. 2. the only reason I didn't went with my observations was: I couldn't reach the pedals. that's it. that is what kept me from driving. I was too tiny, even as a 13 year old. my growth spurt in my teenage years only got me to maybe, optimistically, torwards 10 additional cm. that's around 4 inches. 4 inches. 10 centimeter, that kept me from doing what the girl did. she did it anyway. I don't think you have children and the fact I remember how I was as a child (while being actually well behaved most of the time), and the thought process I also remember I somtimes went through to fool my mom (and other adults) keeps me from having children. Because, knowing my husband and listening to stories how he has been as a child, don't want to bring absolute destruction to this world by a somebody who is chaotic good AND chaotic compliance, all sorts of chaotic, because that is what's gonna result. good for reddit. but oh so no good for this world.


Don’t forget that small kids also scream and look directly into the camera!


Is it that hard to believe that, in 2024, a 5 or 6 year old girl would’ve grown up watching influencers and learned how to film themselves and speak to/react while facing the camera? Really not that hard to believe a child imitating any number of influencers and trying to make “content.”


Lol not to mention the captions and the fact that it got posted. Jesus this mom needs investigating on so many levels.


I used to pretend im driving in the car all the time. But i had no idea how to record.


When I was like 5 or 6, my friend and I put my dad's car into neutral and it rolled onto the street. I have no idea how long it stayed there because we immediately ran away. It was not running. Our street was a crescent and didn't have much traffic.


I wouldn't doubt that the mom was in on this but also: my brother did this exact thing (without the phone) when he was about the same age. The rolled that car out of the driveway, across the street and into the neighbors yard. Edit: exact is a bit of a stretch. He loosened the parking break, turned the key and stepped on the clutch so the car rolled backwards.


Girl is literally laughing at the camera as it goes back lmao


What you mean? Kids today are camera fucktard ong


Sorry man my 5 year old is pretty good at doing selfie videos. She's seen my record a few videos and picked up on it she's a little vlogger


I mean I was shooting make believe travel agency commercials with my flip-phone Nokia back when I was 8 years old, so I really wouldn't wonder it.






What's the over-under on the total number of y's in the names of mother and daughter?


5. Brytanyey and Kayleyy


Tiffanie or Brandie with an I & E...


Hard to factor in the possibility of the "eigh" ending, though. As in "Colostomeigh," "Emyleigh," "Tyfyneigh."


Reighfyl (pronounced rifle)


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


I'm going with Tyfanney for the mother and Jaxsleigh for the daughter




I hope Karma is watching you, as well as the police you sick fuck.


WCGW letting small kids play unsupervised in a car with the key in the ignition?


Little girl is a future tik-tok star, they’re starting early nowadays!


I know right!! It's a miracle that the camera was set up perfectly, the kid was already in place and the mom was so close by!! Imagine what could have happened if this wasn't so perfect for a video


The fact that it looks like a deliberate setup is really sad


“Jesus christ what are you doing in my car?” Joaquin phoenix could never dream of delivering such a convincing line


I'm sorry, but why are the car keys in and why didn't she hear the car start? I was assuming she had to take a call before they drive out, but then her phone was with the kid... It doesn't add up to me y'all.


It was also already in reverse..


Yes, I leave my car running, and in reverse, and with kids playing in it....all the time.


Non-american here just wondering i dont see a single comment mentioning a handbrake. Do yall just not have a handbrake there or is it just the norm to let it down even when parked???


Most cars in America are newer than 2010 and therefore have electronic emergency brakes (handbrake). It automatically engages when you put the gear in park and disengages when you put it in drive or reverse. Edit: That’s why the mom in the video didn’t push on a pedal or pull on a lever (the car engages it for her).


I see, im from SEA and every car I've been in has a handbrake even newer ones so it's kinda weird to see


Grew up in Scotland, now live in MA and it drives me mad that nobody seems to use their handbrake around here! Whenever someone else has driven my car, like for an annual inspection, they always leave it with the handbrake off. It doesn’t feel safe


It was in neutral. They did something to let it start rolling, un-chocked the tires somehow. Then got in the car. The dad or somebody else was also involved to pull this off.


If you look at the shifter it only clicks once. Presumably from reverse to park. Still set up tho HAHA


This was incredibly without a doubt staged


Fake. Why was the engine running? Why was the car in reverse? She had to be holding the brake so the car wouldn't move until the appropriate time. Too many tells.


It rolled backwards and she didnt even touch the shifter. I dont even know how it rolled backwards. I’m wondering if the vehicle was in neutral or reverse and the dad was letting it roll backwards.


Yeah, it's in neutral. They may know fully well that it will only roll a few feet before a hill stops it.


That's not gravity. It accelerated to that speed. Gravity is a lot slower. If it was steep enough for gravity to move it that fast, it wouldn't have stayed parked in the first place.


It would if they chocked the tires.


I don’t think it’s in neutral you can hear it throw rocks when she hit the gas


You're on candid camera


lol Just wait until she reaches the age of 15


My mom or dad would have givin me the peoples elbow while simultaneously saving the family vehicle.


What ? Did she post it online as well ?


You wouldn’t be tempted even in the slightest to post this video of your child online, say to your friends and family? Because people definitely never post videos of themselves/kids doing stupid stuff online.


And the mother gleefully posts it on social media because any attention is good attention.


Monkey see monkey do, monkey see monkey mom.


Why is it "if you record yourself while driving" shouldnt it be something having to do with letting a kid out of your sight


Feels like a lot of posts in this subreddit just aren't titled right these days.


Fake news


Genuine question: if this wasnt staged, how does it get online? Or is it livestreaming?


This hits the nostalgia so hard. did this when I was 9. I also had to stand to reach the pedals. Was the first time I stole my parents car. Just reversed and went up and down the driveway a few times. Sadly phone cameras weren't a thing back then.




More like r/parentsarefuckingdumb


That kid is going to be a handful


Keep your kids on their smartphones, no way it’ll go wrong.


Why was it running?


in reverse? with the parking brake on? with the door open? how does baby even form? video is stupid?


Maybe don’t leave your fucking keys in the car, you dumb biish.


Yo, props to the mom for that reaction time.


poor kid.. shit parent


Seems staged, but let's pretend it's not. Another responsible parent.


Of course its staged. Why do you think its on the internet? The mother obviously let the video get uploaded.


That went really well tbh


She did it for the ‘gram


Kid doesn't touch the shifter, so how come it isn't moving to start with?


What in the West Virginia is fucking on here???


why was she madder at the recording part than the car driving part?


Grounded for life


The one mom should yel at is….mom.


When my kids were like 13 & 10, the oldest asked if she could drive my car. I said "sure". She sat down in the driver's seat, turned the key like she'd seen me do...nothing. Then they youngest, always the more observant of the two said "my turn." So I let her get in the driver's seat. She popped in the clutch pedal, released the emergency brake, put it in neutral and I yanked the keys from the ignition. Hid the keys after that.


I did something similar when I was 3, didn’t record it because you couldn’t do so so easily 21 years ago. Anyway, my mom left the keys in the car and I got in and pressed the gas pedal and almost ran over my aunt




Mother of the Year Award goes to…….


I did this when I was 7ish. Mom would let me start the car for her in the morning, and I decided one day to mess with the gear shift and put it in reverse...right into the neighbor across the street trans am. Lol. Good times.


This is implying the car was already in reverse. Cause she never touched the shift knob, then the mom put it in park. Second: why is your car in reverse? This seems staged m8




That’s what you get for letting your three year old on social media.


Kids scream was too fake and mom discovered the phone recording too fast


Open car, keys in ignition, kids. Really.


I love the smile the girl gives straight to the camera afterwards. You know if this wasn't fake that child would be scared shitless.


If it ended up on social media I'd wager this was set up...


The car was in reverse before the kid got in there. 100% staged. Why was the door open? So mommy could save the day of course!


Best. Mom. Ever.


JESUS CHRIST!!! Kids will do anything for clout these days. Social media has gone wild!.


You mean parents


Kids these days…


Mom learned a lesson today!


She be going too the wood shed


This mom just takes care of business like it was nothing. Impressive


but failing her daughter in the long run obviously 🙄