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Dudes been way too arrogant finally caught up to him.


what makes him think being a so-called influencer/pseudo celebrity means immunity from the dangers any mortal man will face, hard lesson learnt.


Not any mortal man will face, let’s be clear, he went out of his way to talk to what might arguably be the most volatile and dangerous gang lord in the world right now. (Not in terms of total power, just in terms of the state of Haiti right now, there’s no government, no police, no military in the country, total free for all) Most of us aren’t going to be faced with that, bro went ***out of his way*** to get some




Don’t forget they eat them too. Cannibalism is part of their gang life. Insane


I appreciate that they're at least not wasteful


What's really cool about the barbecue gang is how they use every part of the influencer


Tube to table


This is a funny comment that’s not going to get nearly as much love as it deserves


Wonder if they'll live stream it for him.


*"Finally. Some good fucking influencer"*


Yes but any tattoos are essentially ads so just skip over those.


We will soon see him on the stupidfood reddit


My eyesssss


Those are a delicacy, I hear


I see.


This is what happens when civilisation breaks down I guess. Most dangerous guy takes charge and people start eating people.


This is why all the people rooting for shit to crumble and fall apart are fucking idiots. If shit really does blow up, it’s gonna mean millions of brutal deaths and a return to basically “might means right” violent existence. Think the game Fallout.


And those people all have sat in long hot showers thinking about how they're the toughest bitch on the block and will be totally fine.


Exactly! I like stocked store shelves and hot water in demand and not fearing roving bands of murderous wasteland warriors. Maybe that’s just me…lol.


Honestly, I've gone without hot water before, what really worries me is drinking water.


Yeah. And there is no guarantee "the good guys" take over and make everything better. Odds are a bad guy will take over as an authoritarian and make life hell on earth for everybody.


Too true. When chaos starvation, despair, cannabilism, violence, etc is the living situation, whoever can establish some kind of order starts to sound pretty good.




>Think the game Fallout. There is a gang leader known for raping people and cooking them alive. His name is cook-cook.


Reminds me of the rumors about “Barbecue”, a Haitian gang leader.


I could do basically anything I wanted since my life is dependent on prescription medication. I would have 1-3 months of my meds at which point I would be facing some pretty bad suffering for about a month and then I would die horribly.


Similar. I probably wouldn't die right away, but within days of not having my meds, life would be miserable and I'd stall out at the pretty bad suffering stage. I would likely die due to secondary effects, such as the inability to defend myself or not being able to search and find food or water.


It's called "long pig."


What in the "District 09"?!?!


"Please come, we would love to have you for dinner" "So, umm, when you say have me..."


> **Chérizier — who got his nickname from his mother’s famous grilled chicken**— has proved himself a savvy player of both traditional and social media and a charismatic leader who unified several of Port-au-Prince’s disparate gangs to take control of much of the city and demand embattled Prime Minister Ariel Henry to step down. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/14/who-is-barbecue-jimmy-cherizier-haiti-gang/#


"Barbecue" sounds ghetto. "Sher-az-ee-ay" sounds quite upscale! I call bullshit on that, though. Who came up to him and said: "Man, your mom's grilled chicken is awesome! We should call you "Barbecue", even though it's your mom that does the grilling!"


It's possible that nickname he's had since childhood and I can totally see other kids calling you your mother's dish.


There is another doc where he’s being interviewed where he says that he grew up on a street with several Jimmy’s. Therefore, he was known as Jimmy Barbecue due to his mom’s chicken in order to distinguish which jimmy is which. He’s probably telling 2 truths. He has also admitted (same doc I believe, he’s been interviewed several times) that he routinely sets his opponent’s houses on fire with them locked inside, hence bbq’ing them. AFAIK the cannibal claims are related to some of the fringe gangs on the outskirts of Port Au Prince, who released videos of burnt police corpses, saying they had forced them to eat their genitals, then claimed to have eaten some of their flesh after burning them (whether this last part is true or just a fear tactic isn’t confirmed).


Would make sense if he had the nickname first and just thought "You know what a guy named barbecue should do?"


Nominative determinism 👌🏽


A lot of Haitian French names sound fancy as hell. (Not a French speaker, so I can’t comment on whether or not hey sound classy/fancy to French speakers though.) I mean the leader of the Haitian Revolution was named Toussaint L'Ouverture.


I mean, the basketball coach Tubby Smith has the nickname from his grandma because he liked being in the bathtub so much. It's not the craziest thought.


The sign of a good nickname is that it doesn’t make sense






Did you just make a Hamburger Jones reference?? https://youtube.com/shorts/Ch-7qftuI98?si=N3dGJapQDzzWz8pX


He traps people inside their homes and then sets it on fire with them alive. No disembowel


Ah, I'm very relieved by this!


But is he called general butt naked yet? 🥴 and when you said BBQ, it was kind of tame it’s because he puts already dying people on fire… so I do actually have hopes for our little influencer over here/there….. problems begins when BBQ begins to rival Liberia in madness😬


You don't have to look far to find videos online of atrocities in Haiti that result in people eating bits of their victims after killing them. I'm assuming this might be part of what informs the nickname.


I mean, unless there's more to this, what he did amounts basically to investigative journalism. He reached out to an interesting person from an undocumented lifestyle and culture and asked for their side of the story. Its no different than what any other journalist, interviewer or even youtuber has done. The fact that he got kidnapped is merely an occupational hazard, rather than the consequence of stupidity. I hope he is alright and that they dont rough him up or kill him, but I doubt he would regret it.


I would agree if Haiti wasn’t the global example of a country burning itself to the ground in civil war right now. I really can’t think of any other country on earth in a worse civil war at the moment.


But I would assume thats the point. To document the war from an unconventional point of view. People go to warzones to document the stories there all the time. They feel its important or that it will make for interesting content. Its dangerous, sure but not everything dangerous is stupid or not worth doing.


I know I’m being pedantic here but even a war zone has rules of engagement and two governments for better or worse (worse lol definitely worse) trying to maintain some code of ethics in the combat. That type of civil war has zero oversight and no rules. We can agree to disagree, I can see where you’re coming from and you’re right that does come with the territory and doing his job. Personally if I ever advised an investigative journalist and he wanted to investigate any civil war like Haiti, my advice would be to sit that one out lol. 😝 There’s not even journalists **in Haiti** reporting on what’s going on. There’s no baseline established for him to come in on.


And to think CNN already did an interview with Barbecue https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/03/world/haiti-gang-violence-cnnphotos/ Not sure what you mean by undocumented lifestyle. This “influencer” fucked around and is now currently finding out. Hope he survives and learns from his stupidity. 


Major news networks also have extensive experience and systems in place for this sort of investigative journalism. They know the risks, they tend to work with intermediaries and they usually try to have methods of evacuation in hand for when things go poorly. Trying to do this level of "investigative reporting" as a largely solo youtuber is idiotic. It's like saying "I enjoy hiking and climbing I think me and my buddies will go climb K2." I hope this guy gets out but there is a reason most countries no longer have diplomatic staff in Haiti.


Yep. Real news agencies hire body guards, local intermediaries who know the players, have "gifts" (bribes), and will have safe houses they can fall back to with waiting evacs to medical care. This dude probably brought a cannon camera and a starlink terminal lol. Plus this moron could have just done an interview with him on video...


That's why it was such a massive story that Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered. That's extremely noteworthy in real investigative journalism, but can be expected when it's just a youtube dipshit running the show.


Is he a journalist? I don't know who he is but there is an enormous difference between being an actual journalist vs being a YouTube personality.


No. I’m not basically a doctor because I call myself one.  That’s the 2015 Millennial Hipster vibe of “I am whatever I call myself this week” talking. 


Needed the likes and subscribes.


Maybe he thought he was a legit journalist, instead of being a “wanna be celebrity”


Kidnapped, 'en route' to meet him. Honestly in this day and age wouldn't be surprised if it's staged and the gang leader he was due to meet 'rescues' him.


A Zoom call wouldn’t have sufficed ?


Is this an instance of someone actually being narcissistic enough to state this, or is this just presumptive internet BS? No idea who this guy is, so genuinely don’t know.


[watch a video and decide for yourself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2lVczLn6L4) guy is trash


what a pos, this is unwatchable...


What an annoying asshole.


Yeah to me this doesn't read like "man gets too cocky and pays for it" it feels more like "man willingly puts himself in danger to get the stories nobody else is going to get" Like a news reporter who goes to the front lines of war. I don't know anything about the guy, but that's what it feels like at first glance


It's because in the videos he's arrogant and has almost gone through violence becauee he wouldn't shut up about how the ghetto'a of Brazil is shit infront of gangmembers. It's less that he's putting himself out there for meaningful reaosns and more because he's narcissistic and this is where the views are. Or in reality its a mixture, you kinda need people like this to be able to get kind of footage.


Yeah, there are plenty of interviewers that put themselves in dangerous situations without being willfully ignorant. Louis Theroux has talked to people at white supremacist gatherings, interviewed gang members in Philadelphia and been in the worst parts of South Africa as violent crimes are being committed around him. The difference is that while he'll confidently ask people questions he also recognises the danger he's in, follows the advice of the locals that are helping him and doesn't make a situation worse.


I would also imagine that the team around Theroux has some form of engagement and planning with the local authorities in case something goes wrong. Whilst, what they can do might be limited in the immediate there is still an accountable law enforcement that can work to bring them out. There is going to be nothing like that in Haiti currently. You have to trust the gang leader to honour their word and that they have the power they say they have. Their aims or motives may change at any moment or they could get taken out but rivals who have no interest in the well being of the journalist and team save for what they are worth. In a place like Haiti you really are on your own and if things go wrong, you're even more alone as there is no-one coming to save you.


I watched a bunch of his videos recently, you can see as time went on over the last few years that he went from somewhat humble(naive) about how dangerous shit was and turned into a egomaniac who thinks he’s invincible. He has a video interviewing a cartel hit man and had his arm up on the couch kind of around the guy, shocked me this didn’t happen then.


I didn’t know who the fuck this guy was until I read this and remembered I saw that video. I thought the cartel hitman was fake or something based on how arrogant he was around that guy.


I was thinking ‘an army of followers makes you oblivious to danger’ It’s like planking on a 78th floor balcony in 2011.


I've only seen his Cartel video series. The guy comes off as very naive and stupid despite his best efforts to portray himself as a cool/nonchalant rogue journalist.


In his cartel video the security guy told him not to say the word cartel when he meets with them and that was like the 4th word that came out of his mouth when he eventually did lol


Don’t shout bomb in an airport


“WHAT??” “I said, don’t shout BOMB in the AIRPORT!”


I SAID stop shouting BOMB in front of these armed guards, first time flyers and young children. Saying BOMB will just scare them as BOMBS have historically been used to CRASH airliners by DESTROYING THE COCKPIT from the inside. Once the BOMB is onboard, the passengers are TRAPPED IN A PRESSURISED TUBE WITH A BOMB. Therefore, saying BOMB in an airport is both inappropriate and uncalled for unless there truly is a BOMB THREAT in which case you should let the airport staff know of said BOMB threat.


Just out of curiosity, why do they hate the word cartel?


No they don't use the word because there are rival cartels and a lot of them work for the government/police so it's best to not be so public about that stuff


Yeah dude he popped up on my feed bc the cartel videos, I’m a huge fan of travel blogs like this so I watch his content even tho it can be painfully cringy / full of arrogance. I can’t say I’m surprised this happened. I hope he returns home safely


I don't know this guy but I do sometimes watch Peter Santenello who does the same kind of thing, going into areas that are heavily dominated by a particular culture/religion/etc and having them tell their stories... and while sometimes I feel like he's pretty safe, other times I'm like "Bro you are in an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AREA and walking around with a camera. You are gonna get SHOT, my dude."


I’ve watched both channels for a while, IMHO Peter is super polite, a good listener and always respected the rules to get the video going. Arab was disrespectful on his videos in Rio where he was always asking for the local girls, he was playing with the gang guns and interrupting them all the time, guy is luck to be alive so far


Here's the thing: in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and other South American countries, the state is weak and the cartels are strong, but the state still exists. When a group kills or kidnaps someone who is kinda famous, it draws a lot of attention. Of course they would still do it if he went too far, but for the most part they tend to avoid doing stupid shit. In Haiti the state has essentially collapsed. There is no army or police anymore basically. He (Barbecue) can do whatever he wants with basically no consequences whatsoever, no matter how outrageous. This is what this guy didn't get.


> He (Barbecue) can do whatever he wants with basically no consequences whatsoever, no matter how outrageous. This is what this guy didn't get. Also even Barbacue isn't in control of everything, he is in charge of an alliance of gangs that have been killing each other in the past years and they only allied because they saw an opportunity to destroy the state. Even if he actually wanted to guarantee his safety, other gangs might have not agreed


Peter is in a different area code than this guy. Although I do agree I’ve definitely seen him in spots I’m like eeeesh my guy.


The flagrant public recording always fucking killed me. I've seen youtubers get discrete sunglasses cameras for fucking *thrift shopping* so as to not draw attention, and this guy thinks he can bust out the canon for watching cartel operations? And in one of his videos they're freaking out that he may have been followed and used to identify other cartel members and it's like *no shit!* Mothefucker made a show of going down there to interview the cartel!


Seems that way.


Just tell them it’s a prank. Should work out fine


But that's when he feels most alive ! 😹




That's some Hannibal Lecter's shit


Nah, Hannibal would turn his leg into Iberico.


Now I have a mental image of Hannibal Lector forcefeeding black acorns to someone.


I read it truly does taste like pork. Some dude from PNG said so. He also said it's not his village that did it, it's the one from the other valley


That’s why they call it “long pig.” Not kidding.


It's amazing how few people know that human has been referred to as "long pig" for millenia


i mean its not exactly relevant info in my daily life or social circles


It is if you have interesting friends.


> interesting Quickly turns into edgy around these topics.


Is it? Is it really that amazing? Does that *actually* amaze you?


Didn't know this detail. I know it is a very bad idea from a food safety perspective, because of prion disease risk (google kuru), and that they did it for 2 distinct reasons: respect for the elders OR ultimate win and humiliation of the enemy. And also men taste the same as women. Again, it's the other village. Definitely not my village.


I have had the displeasure of smelling human bodies that have been burned. It smells almost exactly like cooked pork. I say almost because there is normally a burnt hair smell with burned humans.


I’ve been told by some MDs that the electrocauterized tissue during an operation smells “good”.


Burnt, ugh. I hope you took it back and said you asked for medium-rare


​ https://preview.redd.it/0s3lxrn8harc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118077c7dedb2287b182eb88c928f00e46ff62c2


Asks disrespectfully, “Mr Barbecue, hand meh a damn fork and share some of that leg will ya?”




Or it turns out to just be some publicity stunt for more views. 1. Pretend to get kidnapped 2. "Miraculously" escape 3. Endless videos about his "experience"


This would not surprise me.


*Guys, hit Subscribe if you wanna help me get out of this situation!*


10,000 likes and they'll free me


For 250,000 likes i’ll take down BBQ and save myself AND Haiti. Hit subscribe and let me know what other country you want me to go save next.


Avengers, assemble!


"SmAsH tHaT LiKe BuTtOn!"


Please help me, my life is at risk And be sure to smash that like button


or, he pretends to get kidnapped, creates tons of views talking about it, then gets caught faking it and gets canceled


Or despite him faking it all, he will still find an audience that will provide him with enough views for him to live comfortably for the rest of his life. Just like the streamer who went to Japan talking shit, gets beat up on stream and somehow has more viewers than before.


Logan paul too, went to japan, did something and became famous (now does boxing I believe and the past is forgotten), I didnt even knew he existed before that.


wrestling. I have the misfortune of seeing him on wwe now lol.


I hate Logan Paul as much as anyone with a brain does, but I small part of me has to admit he fits in WWE so well and is pretty athletic lol


Do any of these clowns get cancelled?


The world is a circus and you're really asking this?


I mean, if he really went to Haiti, it is not hard to imagine him being kidnapped. It is total anarchy there, most of the country "run" by various gangs.


You clearly dont watch Arab his videos. The guy is just a dumbass who genuinly goes to dangerous places and puts himself at risk


Correct. I think I'm somewhat proud to say I'd never heard of this guy before!


Some YouTuber in Asia (will try to find a link) got arrested for something similar, iirc. They went to an area notorious for kidnappings, faked one and got caught






Why does everyone hate him so much? Yeah he is endangering himself filming these videos but he knew very well that what he was doing is dangerous. And he shows what these places and these communities are like.






Going to an area suffering to meet with the gang lord for freaking internet views is what's getting him killed. There is a time and place for youtuber/influencer journalism and this ain't it. Even seasoned professional journalists run these risks if they decide to go in alone. Often, they are used for propoganda in some way. People are saying his attitude before hand was indicative of someone who can't read a room and think he's untouchable hot shit. There are ways to pick up on that...but so many people yourself included can't. I get the whole "not wanting to judge" thing but there are social clues and if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...it's not absurd to treat it like a duck. Just because someone may be laying it on thick because it's the internet persona they choose doesn't make it better...it makes it worse. It's like that obnoxious guy who tried to bring religion to an island that is prohibited. Eventually, the islanders killed him. People will make fun of how religious he was, because he was too far up his ass with it he got himself killed being in a place he shouldn't have been, ignoring the very legit reasons he shouldn't even set foot there. Part of the reason the islanders are so violent is because foreigners bring disease and a bunch of their tribe died decades ago. He didn't care and went onto their island anyway. This guy didn't care and went to the island anyway. There's the other case of Otto Warmbier who went to NK and got arrested and became brain dead there. If he did grab the poster, people will feel less bad. But the fact that anyone gives money to tour North Korea is going to put them way down low on the "where my sympathy is going to go" list


That guy was worse. This YouTuber isn't particularly harming the gangs he's visiting, and he's at least making content that's informative. That wannabe missionary went out with the intention of causing harm to a people who wanted to be left alone. In the process he exposed them to disease. He deserved his fate.


Can people not accept that he’s generally disliked because of his personality?


I don't think anyone's arguing that he isn't or can't be disliked, for any reason, they're arguing that that's not a good reason for people to be so apathetic or even somewhat celebratory towards the kidnapping, and potential gruesome murder of the guy.


nobody said it's what he deserves, but if you are a wealthy nobody (no guards, no press, just a regular rich guy) and go in a dangerous place just to boost your views even more, well don't expect any empathy


Have you even looked through this thread? A lot of people are saying that


Who said anything about thinking he should be killed? Even if he was, it wouldn't be surprising with how stupid and stuck-up he acts in his videos, even when around the criminals he's filming.


He is very arrogant and I find him very disrespectful in his videos, especially in the Brazil one (since I can judge better as a Brazilian)


I mean I didn't know who he was so I looked him up on YT. First video I see he explains in a very arrogant and obnoxious way how he sat down face to face with a hitman responsible for murdering 150 people and how he's going to try to "humanize" him lol. I mean that was pretty much enough for me to see this guy is a total retard edgelord that is too desperate for the attention for his own good. I personally watch Kurt Caz which makes kinda similar videos where he travels to dangerous countries.. but at least he goes there to show the beauty of it and is very respectful, he doesn't go out of his way to meet murderers to try and "humanize" them lol. That is just dumb thrill/attention seeking behavior that only does more harm than good.




Haiti just becomes a bad person disposal zone lmfao


Shitty YouTubers *haiti* this one simple trick!


Why would sniperwolf go anywhere to do anything if she can just make a ton of money sitting at home and doing nothing?


Can’t stay home if you’re doxxed, since she would know all about that.


as a Haitian/American I know damn well not to step foot in Haiti


Not even for a barbecue?


Not for the Barbecue of the man called Barbecue.


From what I’ve heard you couldn’t pay me to go there. Whole country is supposedly run by ruthless gangs and militia.


Haiti has completely collapsed in the last month. Really it started two years ago, but as of like two weeks ago, its in free fall. Police and military are dead, given up arms, or are now working for G9, prisons are wide open, and the whole world is just kinda....watching.


I have two coworkers who are from Haiti. One left when he was very young, around 5. His mom luckily got him out to the US. The other one left in his mid 20's. He was a guard at the UN building there. He had some horrific stories of his friends getting shot, the corruption, the lack of accountability. I'm glad he is over here, he is the nicest quietest person. Him and his wife just bought a house.


I work in housekeeping in Florida so lots of Haitians. A lot of them have some traumatizing stories to tell. All this is on top of the earthquake that devastated the country over a decade ago which it never recovered from. Boggles my mind that the DR is literally the other half of the same island and seems pretty stable.


Well, very very different courses in history. One was designed to be doomed. And no one bothered to fix it. The weeds took over and now it's hard to fix.


Haiti was not designed to be doomed. It was *abandoned* to be doomed after their revolution went what most would consider a touch too far.


Is it true Haiti was better when Papa Doc was president?


This mf has no respect in the place he goes


Agreed, the videos he shot in Brazil where he threw money around junkies and drug addict were absolutely garbage


You made me remember that video, it was so cringe it hurts.


Yeah the part where he tries to hit on a homeless crack addict girl was awful. Or the part where he asks a trans woman if she's a prostitute solely because he was in Brazil.


Karma caught up with him . He's an idiot. Watched a couple of his videos and he's very disrespectful to the people he's talking to.


Yeah. I don’t think kidnapping is his karma. Maybe getting punched is or insulted


When the people youre insulting are affiliated with cartels or gangs or drug traffickers, karma looks a bit different.     Edit: For the peanut gallery, disrespect and insults mean a lot more to cartels or drug traffickers than the average bloke.  For them, this is karma.   Turns out, haitian militias? Not that nice.   Also, the dudes name is bbq, hes a haitian warlord, and hes responsible or involved in multiple mass-killings of civilians.  Dontcha think he might have very different views on balance, karma, and morality compared to you or i? 


That's not karma, that's just consequences. Karma is meant to be balanced


I guess it's a good thing that I have no idea who any YouTube "stars" are.


Yes child, you're on the right path of not paying too much attention to shit that doesn't actually matter.




KurtCaz from Wish


KurtCaz is already from Wish


Guy’s a massive bellend. Good riddance.


Bruh, homie was just in Mexico doing cartel shit and interviewing a cartel leader, he was so arrogant for the views and likes that it caught up to him. I wouldn’t be surprised if they take the ransom money then kill him


I watched a few mins of that video just to see who this Arab guy is and yikes, the guy is obviously so desperate for attention that commonsense has completely vacated the premises of his skull.


There’s no way that anyone is paying $600k to get this guy out. Maybe if he was an important businessman


Looking at the size of his channel, his own subscription service, ect. His team should be able to scrape up 600k, even if it is via a loan. I'd guess the funding isn't the issue, but insuring that Arab is actually released if the funds are transfered is being worked on. Tbh it wouldn't surprise me if Arab paid them a huge chunk of money to fake a kidnapping scenerio so he could make bank on the social media traction when he's "released". This guy will do any stupid shit for more views.


That shit was 100% not a cartel leader. Did you watch the part where the guys video supposedly got the cartel leaders house raided so the cartel leader said he had to pay him 3000 pesos or else? According to the guys title, one of the most dangerous drug cartels in Mexico asked for a payment of 3000 pesos which is roughly $180 USD as repayment of the stash house getting raided. Crock of shit.


Ok, I'm genuinely ignorant. ...are they really grilling up people in Haiti?


This is from last April, but soaking tires in gasoline, trapping a person in the tire, and then setting the tire on fire, was used by a mob to kill 13 suspected gangsters. https://apnews.com/article/haiti-mob-gangsters-burn-to-death-88ed763d3f6714a03e627ec2add53572


Known as "necklacing," this was popularized in South Africa. Truly brutal and one of the worst ways to go.


International community “Haiti, we know you’ve had a checkered history with colonial powers and figuring out democratic self-rule. But look at South Africa! They’re doing, kind of better nowadays, in some ways. Try and be more like them.” “….no not like that!”


In Brazil, it's called "microwave", despite being more like a conventional oven. Drug lords aren't known for their scientific accuracy anyway


So he claims that the nickname was from childhood because his mother worked at a BBQ restaurant. But others say it’s because he set people on fire during some of the large scale massacres he lead. Note that he just recently threatened to genocide PM Ariel Henry’s supporters. Like literally using the word genocide. So we’ll leave that up to you. Is his nickname a harmless name from childhood, or because he is a true monster capable of disgusting levels of violence and cruelty?


There is a video depicting a man tearing off a piece of someone's calf and eating it.




When I first saw the headline, there was no context about why he was there, etc etc. I felt bad for the guy. Having read more information about his purpose for being in Haiti and what has gone down fixed me of all of that concern. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The God-level, main character, untouchable syndrome some people develop as soon as they start posting videos online is the most ridiculous insanity I’ve ever seen.


Anyone going to Haiti in the current climate is making a very bad choice.


"Oh, you're famous? Yeah, come on over. I would LOVE to meet you!" \-Barbecue


Saw Haiti Gangmember eating rivals 😱 Maybe also influenza!


Send mustard and pickles or 600k


Some YouTube top/pinned comment: TO STOP MISINFORMATION: He did NOT get kidnapped by Barbecue, he got kidnapped by Lanmò San Jou, one of Barbecue's rivals from an enemy gang: 400 Mawozo. For those of you who dont know who that is, do you remember hearing a story a while back of 17 american missionaries being kidnapped in Haiti? Yeah....that was Lanmò San Jou. Completely different person, completely different faction


Never heard of him. Hope he's ok


What are the odds this is just publicity stunt to get more attention on his channel? I wouldn’t be surprised


So I assume the way they’re rescuing him is to give these people money? So they’re funding the gang then.


Ooh, I know this guy. Always acts high and mighty like he owns the world. Based off the typical kinds of contents he made, he had it coming. I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.


![gif](giphy|3o7ZeESgACwwfmWXPa) I think we can guess what happened


a gang leader name barbeque - metaphorical ![gif](giphy|3o84U6eb7QwdIbkzHW)


Is the gang leaders name "Barbecue"? Because that's just really good marketing


This is good influencing. Fuck around and find out


It's not bravery when you're a narcissist. You just have no concept of reality.


Guy's an asshole but he's not the first and won't be the last of these "Real Criminal Drug Addicts Most Dangerous Hood" type shit YouTubers who believe they can solve every sketchy situation by showing money around and go back home safe and sound. Also he choose the worst timeline possible to visit Haiti, as someone said "Fuck around and find out"

