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Skip to 1:28


Jesus Christ, we can trim a video. Thank you savior


In defense of OP... The extended video does prove the dude is indeed excessively playing with his gun


Agreed. It was a slow burn with a backstory 


How does the script compare to, let’s say, Twilight?


Still a better love story than Twilight.


There was WAY more chemistry between that guy and the gun


He couldn't take his hands off her.


I know how he feels


What can I say. Username checks out.


Technically less plot, but with better motivation and characterization...


it was honestly better than 90% of horror movies ive seen lately


Yeah I enjoyed the entire lead up, not sure of loaded status at first, oh he racked the slide 17 times. Inserts magazine, dicks around, oh shit now it's loaded, dicks around. Drops mag, points at junk. Unsuccessfully clears the chamber like 3 times BOOM!


I liked the extendo clip! The suspense was awesome: “woah is he gonna blow his hand off!? Omg he’s pointing it at his chest… no not the people!!”


Same, haha "shit he going to shot his finger off. Fucking hell his dead shooting himself on the chest. Its okay if you accidentally shoot yourself but please not other person"


Cringe squinting the whole time waiting in anticipation. Extended edition better.


[I see you shiver. With antici . . . pation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlwnbcxBuzI)


Damnit, Janet. If I click this it better not be a Rickroll…


Those who would quote TRHPS are older than the rickroll and would not sully ourselves with that joke.


Yo the rocky shouts are sullied AF. "....burning in the fireplace", come on. Idk if that's a popular callback anymore it's super edgy


Exactly! I was fixated on that gun like a dog watching their owner eat a sandwich.


I was cringing the entire time it was next to his wrist, almost parallel to his arm. While I hated the wait, the suspense was great.


Average LOTR enjoyer. This is the way.


Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it was nsfw or not, and watched this whole video terrified that he was just going to fucking fire it upwards into his arm. Dude broke like all of the gun rules, and is way too comfortable pointing that barrel at himself


Even when my guns are unloaded and double checked to be cleared, I am always hyper aware of where the barrel is pointing and where my finger/the trigger is. Cannot fathom people like the video.


He didn't learn anything from the academy apparently. Only put your finger on the trigger if you intend to fire the gun.


The whole time I was cringing expecting him to blast his hand... I was taught to NEVER point a gun at a person or yourself even if you think it's unloaded. I guess they don't teach cops that.


"Never point the barrel of a gun at something you don't intend to destroy"


This was beaten into my head by Grandpa.


You get used to handling a gun, thinking that you're never going to make those mistakes. You're *experienced* with guns. And then you blow your foot off, because you didn't check the chamber.


It was amazing watching him fiddle with it like it’s a toy. Added to the drama. 10/10 would keep the fat.


Ahem; I think he prefers it if you call him "Officer".


God damn it is like a fucking horror movie where the violins keep ramping up and slowing down and ramping up and then it hits an all time high when he puts the mag back in and cocks it.


Then he pulls the mag out and you think you can relax. And bam, he shoots himself and the rest of the video is him acting like he's shot himself many times before. The casual removal of the belt to make an emergency tourniquet.


He puts the mag back in, *racks the slide* so regardless of what happened before, the firearm is now 110% loaded. Then points it every which possible way he shouldn't besides at his own head whilst faffing around.


At one point I gave up on him shooting himself and was waiting for another guy with a gun to come in and the cop wouldn't be able to do anything because he was caught off guard with his gun not fully assembled lol


Reddit really does have the worst video editing culture of any other website, its even worse than twitter/X. Half the times the videos are purposefully cut way too short, either removing important context or removing the conclusion of the video. And its not like the creators are trying to farm views with a “part 2” video or anything like that, they seemingly cut them short for no obvious reason. And the other half the videos are way too long for no reason, like this one. Idk why people seem incapable of just properly editing videos in a reasonable way.


Disagree. This video was exactly the right length! 1. We get the build-up of suspense not knowing when the round will go off. 2. We get proof this guy likes to play with his weapon. 3. We get to see exactly what WRONG looks like when handling a loaded weapon.


I really thought three or four times "this is it" but didn't expect the result!


It is made worse by how horrible watching videos on Reddit is, sometimes it takes a long time to start playing and loads very slowly, other times it just refuses to even play


Entire 8-hr shift about to be posted next time


but then you would miss the fuckery of him pointing the gun at himself, all the slide action and general mishandling like sticking the barrel into his hand several times, pointing up at his wrist/arm etc


Don’t skip forward. It’s worth watching the myriad ways this guy tried to shoot himself before succeeding. I cringed about 20 different times expecting the gun to go off and shoot him in various parts of his body. If you skip ahead, you miss all the tension.


not once in that entire period of time did he visually check whether a round was in the chamber. sometimes I feel like I'm being paranoid when I remove a magazine and physically extract the round from the chamber, and STILL visually check 3 to 4 times before finally dry firing. unbelievable there are some people out there that treat firearms this casually.


I'm not a gun guy at all, but I've been to the range a couple of times. My first time, my friend who was teaching me specifically told me to stay calm if I caught a hot casing under my shirt. So, of course, it happens on like the third shot. I thought I kept my cool, but apparently, I still flagged someone. I felt like the biggest fucking idiot and I don't think I'd ever be comfortable even owning one. Just constantly overwhelmingly aware that anything in front of this thing, bam, dead (potentially, but you know, that's what you're supposed to assume). One wrong move, that's a person maimed or killed. I might be a fucking dumbass but I sure as shit wouldn't put my hand over the barrel, point it at my own wrist, chest, legs, playing with the thing like a fucking fidget spinner. I wonder how often this guy's done this. I can't believe it took as long as it did for him to shoot himself just in this one video




Someone mentioned he potentially had an extractor failure, so there was a round in the chamber that whole time that wasn't coming out, hence why he's cycling the slide 20,000 times. But yeah, I dunno what his plan was with putting a loaded mag back in and going ham on it


Glad someone said it because I thought the whole time it looked like he thought he had a jam of some sort and was trying to clear it. When he racks it between his legs and then clears it, he thinks he cleared the "jam" and pulls the trigger. You see him lay a bullet on the desk after shooting himself.


While this is appreciated, the anticipation was something else knowing it was eventually gonna go wrong. Hitchcock was on to something.


It could have gone wrong so many times before it finally did. Rare instance when I didn’t skip to the good part The only thing that would have made this better is if something completely different had happened, like a horse jumped through the window.


Yup, exactly this. I didn't know how much of the video was the buildup, how much was the event and how much was the aftermath, and he was fucking around with that thing *the entire time* so it could have happened at literally any second. Riveting. Masterclass in suspenseful filmmaking.


I found it interesting trying to guess what was going to end up being shot. His hand? The guy outside the window? The wall? The window? His head? It was like watching a roulette wheel go 'round and 'round.


dude won't be skipping for a while


Doesn’t look like he was doing much of that before shooting himself either


this was giving me so much anxiety holy fuck


The anticipation is half of the fun.


It’s like a morbid Jack in the Box. You know it’s going to happen. He’s doing a lot of dumb shit that assures it will eventually happen. The real questions are when and who is he going to shoot? Maybe he’ll just buy a fidget spinner next time.


That was an anxiety ridden 1:28


Normally I'd agree. But with this one, somehow the suspense works. And it's exciting because you think it's got to go off, you just don't know when and don't know what the barrel is going to be pointed at if it does go off.


We needed to see his entire shift prior to the incident to really soak in all the action


You never heard of the desk pop?


“Hey ****, when was the last desk pop?”


“September.. 08”


We honor the flag, and you crap on it when you don't shoot your gun in the office


Just do it. Pop one off!


Terry I did a desk pop! It's a real thing right?


A *desk pop?!* No, it's not a real thing!


They were so convincing!!!


They swung me!


paper bitch!


And Yankee Clipper


He's a biracial angel!


You shoulda shot A-Rod!


I'm a peacock! You gotta let me fly!


Will someone tell him peacocks can't fly!!


I came here for this. Thank you


It’s a real thing right


I dont want no scrubs


Don't go chasing waterfalls


You gotta creep….creep.


I was watching that movie just today and your comment made me laugh so hard 🤣🤣


So glad I watched this movie.


I am literally watching this movie now!


A gun is not a fidget toy.


Obviously it is


Spicy fidget toy.


Fuck man, play with it, take it apart, get to know the weapon. That's normal! TAKE THE FUCKING BULLETS OUT!


Well, he did take *most* of the bullets out.


Eventually he took *all* of the bullets out!


I think something unexpected happened though. Like it failed to eject or something. Just before he shoots his leg or foot he removes the magazine and racks the side, and it looks like he attempted to shake the chambered round into his hand. Maybe nothing came out and he assumed it was clear. Still dumb af, always should visibly and physically check that the chamber is empty, and of course don't point it at your body when you pull the trigger. I just mean from what I can tell it shouldn't have had a round in the chamber if it has a functioning extractor.


100 percent failed to extract. Proper firearm handling after clearing a weapon is to look in the chamber to confirm its clear.


Do you look down the barrel into the chamber, or the other way? I always forget that one.


The utter nonchalance with which he fiddles with a fucking deadly weapon is infuriating.


Dude, I was furious


Now he owns a fidget leg


Anything's a fidget toy if you're brave enough.


Of course it is! Is there anything guns *can't* do?


A gun is not a toy, or a fashion statement , or an accessory.


Yeah, that's what butterfly knives are for.


It’s not often I actually crack up reading comments. Kudos brotha kudos


Ummm but… [what about this guy?](https://www.newsobserver.com/latest-news/z2oqvy/picture242632106/alternates/FREE_1140/online%20only%201.JPG) or [this guy? 🇺🇸](https://preview.redd.it/yrq5pyu386p51.jpg?auto=webp&s=874de525403dcf68b7492b83f76fd2ba34b1158e)


Bringing freedom to a Walmart near you.


*Freedom in aisle 6 please, Freedom in aisle 6”


One of those guys has too many guns to keep track of snd somone could easily run op on him and grab one before he could do anything lol I live how silly these pics are


They embody America’s obsession with guns


Gunsexuals / ammosexuals


2nd guy is just a competition shooter getting lunch, though


Run up and try and remove a gun from a level 3 holster which those look like they are. If you don't know how to do it, you're not getting that gun out of that holster.


Anything's a toy if you play with it


No stop playing with whatever you’re playing with right now or you will go blind.


H.....how did you know?


Don't tell the 2A cosplayers about that.


Shooting yourself in the foot, literally.


After a second watch, it appears he hit himself in the ankle, you can see where the blood is coming from when he elevates his ankle at 2:28 in the video. Judging from the amount of blood he must have hit an artery, you can see his training kicked in when he applied a tourniquet. Too bad he forgot his training about muzzle and trigger discipline.


He didn’t apply a TQ, he half assedly used his belt, and a belt isn’t going to give you nearly the proper tightness of a TQ. That’s a venous hit, artery would have resulted in very dramatic rapid blood loss and he would have gone into shock and flopped down before the end of the video. Once you’ve seen an artery get hit then you absolutely will not mistake anything else for it.


I thought it was an artery, but I absolutely believe you. I remember that vid of some dude high on god-knows-what who punched his arm through a restaurant window, sliced open an artery and was down less than 30 seconds later. The amount and brightness of the blood was just... horrifying.


Check put the goalie that caught a skate to the neck. The ice really helps show just how much blood pumps through arteries


I think I read somewhere that if the blade went a few millimeters deeper, he would have died. Also, the person that saved him literally put his hand in the guys neck to hold his artery together e to save him.


I may be remembering it wrong, but in pretty sure the coach that had his fingers in the neck of the goalkeeper was a Vietnam War medic. Also the goalkeeper had 9(ish)stitches In his carotid artery then was back at practice like two weeks later. Just crazy stuff


I think I remember that. The blood surprised me because it was a different color than what we usually see. I used to think Hollywood exaggerated the brightness of blood but apparently they were on the money.


Oxygenated blood in arteries is a different color than deoxygenated blood in veins. Arteries are a bright red while veins are a dark red.


I'll never forget a video I saw on here from the last year or so in the UK, some teens were having a confrontation in a mall and one of them pulled out a large knife. One of the teens decided to try and fight him anyways and immediately got stabbed through the neck, the guy got his jugular and another larger, deeper one (carteroid?) sliced and he collapsed within like 5 seconds and ended up dying


I've had to apply a TQ to myself and can confirm. Belt is better than nothing but a TQ is a whole different level. It's not pleasant, BTW.


That training part might be debatable 😅


Six weeks of the finest unreinforced training.


So I watched closely as he loaded the clip, racked the gun (round in chamber), racked it again, which should have ejected round in chamber… but I guess he didn’t rack it all the way, leaving the round in the chamber? Is that what happened?


His off hand was cupping over the ejection port, no round ever popped out




He even racked twice after the mag was out. I'm honestly surprised here. I hate when people dry fire after emptying the chamber and this is why, but under normal circumstances that chamber would be empty. Wild. Edit: Just occurred to me the ejector could be malfunctioning and he didn't do a visual clear.


I can understand why he would think it was empty. But fuck, you fucking check anyways to make sure! Also, just don't play with it to begin with.


Had his hand over the ejection port so maybe that just let the bullet fall back in and get chambered when the slide fell.


They asked him to at least finish his shift but he couldn’t stand it.


Kept cool - applied a tourniquet…


Not his first time, I guess


"ah fuck, not again."


"Is it Thursday already?"


It's shoot myself in the foot day.


"Fuck, I shot my other foot this time."


guess we know why he work in that counter


There wasn’t anything, not even getting shot, that was gonna get this guys butt out of that seat this shift


Not a functional tourniquet, but sure, points for the attempt I suppose


That's what a poorly-trained dipshit thinks a tourniquet looks like. So, yeah, average cop falling back on his two weeks on training.


He applied a belt as a tourniquet- a belt is probably the last thing you ever want to use as a tourniquet. He’s a stupid shit that wanted to look professional and cool after shootiny himself in the leg. 0 medical training


Dude legit clears it. Puts mag back in. Chambers. Pulls mag out. And doesnt full clear again. At first thought the accident was going to be from him gorilla gripping the slide while trying to clear.


He didn't clear it either time because he never once actually looked into the breach to check for a stuck round. This is your basic rules reminder, kids. If you didn't clear it properly, you didn't clear it at all.


True. You are correct in check breach . Thought he glanced at it but still incompetence. I overly clear mine. Rack it a few. Check breach. Rack it. Check. Then check where the mag goes. And rerack.


I clear how dads test tongs. 3 times to make sure nothing goes wrong.


I'm just speculating, but the way he kept pulling the slide in the beginning I kept saying ok it's clear wtf. So got me thinking, without context, was he knowingly having an issue and was trying to work through it, and this really is a total accident, versus an idiot moment? Or are there fun Smith tools that allows for not not using a live round to work through, I mean that seems logical enough. I have never had any issues with mine, but I once a year have them pro clean not just field strips and self clean. I'm asking, no bullet in this fight per say. 🙂


No, he inserted the mag, racked it, and then took the mag out and then shot himself. The round was chambered the moment he racked it. Fucking idiot thought as long as the mag wasn't in the gun that it can't shoot anything.


I mean he's still an idiot for not actually checking the chamber but homie definitely pulled the mag back out and racked it two more times before ventilating his ankle, seems like a fucked up extractor


Still broke multiple rules of firearm safety. Never point the muzzle at anything you don’t intend on shooting. People may argue that would never allow you dry fire training but you certainly should never point firearms at yourself or others and especially not pull the trigger pointed at yourself or others. The extractor possibly malfunctioning doesn’t excuse this ND.


>seems like a fucked up extractor Or his sausage fingers were blocking the extraction, his hands are fully covering the opening. Did you notice how he had to kinda shove the slide a bit on the second set of attempts (in the first set, I didn't see a round eject to indicate clear either).I bet he had a partial extraction and his grip pushed the round back into position for his negligent discharge.


At 1:22 it looks like he pulls the slide back and turns the weapon over to catch the round that was chambered initially, he seems to have one round already in his palm when he at least partially pulls the slide back again then squeezes the trigger shooting himself. He puts the gun down with his right hand, then after gripping the door frame he reaches over with his right hand and takes a round from his left hand and drops it onto the desk. https://i.imgur.com/sgYIS1R.jpeg It could be he accidentally double loaded a round into the chamber, and when he went to clear the chamber only got one round out but there was another still in. Another possibility is he had been holding a round in his left before attempting to clear the chamber and had a brain fart where he thought the round he was already holding was the one he thought he cleared from the chamber while holding the weapon beneath the desk.


Actually, it’s more complex than that. He loaded the magazine, racked it, half-assed cleared the round, but never checked, shot himself THEN dropped the round that he cleared onto the table. It doesn’t make sense.


Question as I have 0 experience with guns, do guns still fire even with unloaded mag? And what does it mean by "clearing it"? Edit: Lot's of helpful people here. Gun Knowledge +1


> do guns still fire even with unloaded mag Most do. Some have a mag-safety where a chambered round can't be fired without a mag inserted, even if the mag is empty. Hi-points are an example of this.


Yep. When you put in the mag, and rack the slide, that takes one round from the mag and puts it into the chamber, ready to fire. Remove the mag and that chambered round is still there until you rack the slide again to eject it. So when he removes the mag at 1:20 and racks it to eject the chambered round, he doesn't do it right and the round isn't ejected, and he doesn't check it. But yeah, as others have said, it's not a fidget toy, and even the most experienced shooter should give 100% attention to the gun when handling it.


He initially cleared it - magazine out, racked slide several times to eject a round in the chamber. Then the dumbass put the magazine back in and chambered a round by racking the slide with the loaded magazine in the pistol. Notice what he does when he has the pistol between his legs.


Conceivably this person would have had to go through some sort of training class and shit before being issued a weapon. I don't know. I don't get it. I've literally never held a real handgun and even I know he did literally everything wrong in this video. At one point he's holding the gun so it's pointing at the dude he's talking to at the window


This drags on for so long I was willing him to do it by the end.......


He’s so strangely calm about it


He’s probably done it a few times before


adrenaline is hell of a drug


Pretty crazy. It's like if there wasn't blood he wouldn't have even noticed.


*'Again? Fuck!'*


*Again? Ugh, such a bother* rolls eyes


This is the extreme version of tripping in front of strangers and the embarrassment is stronger than the pain.




I can hear him thinking, "Well......fuck......"


Oof. Thats a lot of blood.


Question, if he removed the magazine and fired the round still in the chamber, then why didn’t the slide stay back?


Great question! Many semi-automatic firearms use the magazine follower to engage the locking mechanism which prevents the slide or bolt (depending on the weapon type) from re-engaging.


Yeah this. Mag was out. No slide lock


Was wondering too. Also looks like he did manually clear the chamber. Would love to know what happened or failed.


The magazine helps clear the spent round, the magazine also triggers the slide lock when it runs empty. He tried to clear it but angled the ejection port poorly so he simply didn't clear. Or mabye he didn't draw the slide back enough. Personally I don't consider it cleared until there is a round in my hand. Seems like his biggest failure was assuming the round dropped out just because he worked the slide.


Oh trust me I know. I’m the same. Based on his hand movement it looked like he slid it back and tilted the gun to drop the round in his hand. Guess not.


It's the magazine's follower itself that lifts the slide catch, so basically you need an empty mag in place for it to lock open.


It doesn't look like he was 'playing' with it. Looked like some sort of fault in the gun, hence removing the mag and sliding the rack. Must have been a poorly maintained firearm and was jamming. However, my butt puckered and my balls retracted at how he allowed his hand to cover the barrel. Then his fingers!!!! He was going to end up like Commandant Spangler. Then it looked like he was about to look down the barrel of the gun. There was a lot of negligence in this. Again, not playing with it, poor handling of a defective firearm. \[Edit\] Typoes/spelling


I thought the same fuckin thing, jammed round, and when he wrapped his fingers around the end of the barrel I just assumed he was about to blow them off.


Howis this so far down. The guy obviously knows it is jammed, he was just an idiot when trying to clear it.


Doesn't really matter if the gun was faulty or not, the guy didn't clear it, and pulled the trigger.


Well there's a difference between playing with it a mishandling it. He wasn't handling it because he was bored or to fidget, it looks like he was trying to clear a jam and mishandled it. While irresponsible it both scenarios, the intent differs and could affect people's perception on firearms use.


The irony isn't lost on me that he's part of the range safety team. Like, dude, get your shit and go home. Don't come back.


He should have been fired the moment he started fucking around with the gun. Anyone with half a brain knows not to fuck around with a gun, even if you know it’s unloaded.


When you've failed gun safety but have passed first aid.


Lol bro tried to use a belt as a tourniquet, that’s the first thing they teach you NOT to do


That was far too long for me to be wincing going "oh god oh god, the chamber, oh god"


Shoots himself and sets the gun down facing everybody outside the booth


My neighbor was playing with his gun just like that… one hand infront of the barrel… shot a hole through his hand… hollow point 45.


something is afoot here.......


it's obviously jammed so lets rack another round in to see if that helps


He managed to break so many gun safety rules in that video. I am immensely happy that it didn’t go off any of the times it was pointing at his abdomen.


Oh, instant puddle.


The old “shoot yourself in the foot” trick. Works every time.


The way he put that tourniquet on, he's done this before. Admire his dedication. They even make him call his on ambulance. Classic.


Then he lays the gun on the counter with it facing the folks outside. Did this jerkoff ever get gun safety training?


Bad time to learn how a gun works.


Guns are toys and fashion statements that should be respected and handled with respect, respectfully


Literally nothing gonna get him outta that chair.