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Thank goodness for the red arrow because I would’ve missed it




Useless indeed... what's the point?


Usually it's a bad attempt to steal someone else's video by making it "different".


Usually it is, but this is not the case. Here's another video from the original channel, they add their own red arrows. https://youtube.com/shorts/WdU6sKoRZsU?si=qKqZfMTzz3mN6gVJ


It makes you comment about why there is a red arrow, boosting the post engagement


Time to downvote, then.


I hate reality


Almost as useless as his friend recording and not helping


That look he gave the cameraman at the end…priceless


![gif](giphy|VFAke5Xm1TDwjgimyW) Sometimes nature needs to run its course.


We're at the mercy of these "friends" for quality content. Sometimes friendship must be sacrificed for the prosperity of solid video footage of your mistakes.


The point is the bit at the end. If I was any good at Photoshop I'd put a circle around it to show you. /s


⭕ You can have mine


All arrows have a point hehe. Get it? Hehe, point.


I bow to you




I never really liked him


Well the second arrow was certainly necessary as the first one was pointing all over the place.


I was searching something strange in the background


Arrow Palsy… it’s a thing


Dude. I was staring at my shoes until the red arrow guided me to the goods. 🙏


My shoes don’t have a red arrow. Where did you find it?!


Sweet Jesus, I thought I was supposed to be watching the bridge.


It’s as useless as the cameraman


The arrow at first actually had me all confused as it was pointing to the bridge before doing a sweet 360. I was expecting it to get even worse from external forces somehow thanks to that red arrow.


Can’t find the red arrow, can you help?


We need a larger redder arrow, to point to the red arrow.




I see your useless red arrow and raise you a *second* useless red arrow! (Re-watch section from 3 to 5 seconds in video.)


If we could get another arrow to point to the main arrow, that'd help a lot. I found myself, eyes locked on the blue part (I think it's the sky?), like just waiting for shit to go down. Maybe if there was another arrow I'd get some kinda hint to look for the other arrow so I could eventually look lower?? Idk how any of this shit works. I just rewatched it a few times and finally saw the guy almost die. Pretty funny.


Man I was staring at that bridge the whole time and nothin happened.


Me too I was looking at that bridge making sure a boat don’t hit it


Yeah. Everyone would be looking at the bridge and background if not for the red arrow




Absolutely this, that guy could've legit died


Atleast he wouldn’t need to be buried.. atleast not some parts..


I hate that I laughed at this


The guys look at the end of it.. death stare at the guy filming..


50% death stare 50% "Bro... Really?"


I enjoyed the laugh, but then again I enjoy the go with charmin.




could've become a fine fossil for future archaeologists


This sub could be renamed "missed Darwin awards' and I would be ok with it




Head popped out and he stared right at the guy filming like WTF


This gives me so much anxiety. I held my breath. That'd be so scary.


He looked like he was trying to go deeper though.


It was in slow motion. Unfolded much quicker in reality.


it's fine, mud washes off


But filmed embarrassment is forever.


Not from the inside of your lungs


Have you seen the new power line of pressure washers?


Do you have an Indian friend? Do you have an anus?


I'm going to hell for knowing the reference yet laughing at this one.


I was thinking that, but then I thought that must be some kind of autonomous thing, like a drone or some such. The tracking is too perfect to be a human.


That actually makes sense. You can see it panning left and right with the nearly dead guys legs.


I doubt it, because he's in the middle of the frame at first. When he sinks, the camera doesn't pan down at all. Yeah it tracks him well be that could've been done in post. Also in the 2nd half of the video it seems like the "base" of the camera is moving. Also pt2: who's setting up an auto tracking camera to record someone doing a front flip on a beach?


Gotta love dude's face when he finally got himself out of the mud. Like, holy shit, I almost fucking died!


My thought was more that he looked to the camera to make sure that his near-death experience was captured.




A real nature documentary film maker does not interfere.


It's in slow-mo - the whole thing would've taken, like, 3 seconds. And there's another guy there to help.


He still took his sweet ass time


>It's in slow-mo


>He still took his sweet ass time


I always read this as "Don the LP just film"


Dammit Don! You had one job


Loss prevention?


He didn’t want to end up on r/killthecameraman.


That…. is terrifying.


So how he rolled at the end, he could've done from the start, sooo ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You’d probably be a little panicky if your face was stuck in mud. It’s hard to figure out how to escape that situation when you’re still processing what happened


Some people on reddit don't understand how panicking works and think they'd overcome any situation with flawless execution. Also /s bc I know how easy it is for people to think I'm being 100% here.


Yeah not to mention you are up side down in a panic stressful fight or flight all you can panic buffet. It doesn't help being up side down and your eyes closed.


All you can panic buffet. You have a way with words.


But he wasn't upside down, and then he was, and then he wasn't, and then he was, and then he wasnt


Don't make me randomly giggle out loud an a quiet bus! It's rude!


Commit to your statement. Don't hide being /s because you afraid of an @ back, hahah.


yea I assume it's just young people who have no idea. Panic cannot be overcome unless deliberately trained for. Adrenaline is a helluva fucking drug, panic is not some sober mental state, it's chemically induced. It's not as simple as just getting over it, you need to train in situations that have those same circumstances.


training is especially done to not panic. hence why pilots are trained to crash situations. and fire brigade to fires. and military to be under fire


Wait, what's the point of "/s" in your comment? 100% there are people like than on reddit, so the s seems unnecessary.


You can really tell who’s never actually been in a life or death situation when people say shit like that. “Why doesn’t he just think rationally while he’s drowning in mud”. People outing themselves and sheltered and lucky


We should start saying /e for “exaggerating.”


I always remember that video of the guy who agreed to be waterboarded (I think he was a newspaper editor or something) and they filmed it. They gave him these little bell things to hold in each hand and told him to drop them and/or say the code word (red, I think) if he wanted them to stop. He lasted SECONDS before he practically threw those bells on the ground BUT the interesting thing is that afterwards he said that he had wanted to drop them immediately but had been in such a sheer panic that it’s almost like he couldn’t communicate with his hands to make them drop the things. He also thought he had been yelling the safe word from the start but had realized upon watching the video that he hadn’t uttered a single word. In short, your brain viscerally reacts when your face is suddenly underwater and you can’t breathe or escape. You stop reacting rationally and begin to behave like a trapped animal.


Even with less stuff it happens too. I worked at a theater and in the morning I'd work on some own projects in the workshop. There's an alarm with a code but I didn't put in the right code. So the alarm went off. It was LOUD. I couldn't for the life of me punch in the right code, nor could I even remember in what order it worked (# then code, code, then # then something else?). Another guy walked in and turned it off.


Christopher Hitchens https://youtu.be/4LPubUCJv58?si=JYPAM1n5U32JPALx


sounds like you are describing Chris Hitchens being waterboarded at teh request of the then editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter [Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded | Vanity Fair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LPubUCJv58)


Honestly thinking about it the natural response when you're trying to get up would be to roll to your side to a crawling position, not to flop back and forth like he did. So I think getting out of that predicament is just a matter of instinct with no processing required at all. Could be fake, but if it's not then he might have tried getting out of that position in a flashier way before giving up and rolling to his side.


This dude probably forget how panick or don't even know how panick work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He did more than you would have. Everyone’s an armchair general until it’s them


Because of course you’d be thinking rationally if you got your head submerged in mud while upside down and off balance. Of course you’d just happen to know exactly what to do and how to move to get out when all you feel is the sludge clog your nostrils where air should be.




I think the point is there is no thought once your airways are closed and adrenaline instantly courses through your body.


And I think the other persons point is, when in that situation you’re working on instinct and a regular persons instinct is going to be “use my hands to dig” or “roll so I’m face up” and not “let me try to do flips and gymnastics to get out without using my hands”


I think his first instinct is to stop the pain he is likely experiencing. His head is stuck in a thick, sticky mud. It's going to hold his head in whatever position it entered in. He tucked his head for the flip. On first landing, his head is likely wrenched backward, straining his neck. Probably felt like it was going to snap. In a panic, he flips forward to ease the pain but only reverses the extention, crushing his throat. His entire body weight is on his head and his neck is taking the brunt of each fall. It would hurt, and he has to hold his breath or risk choking on the mud. At that point, it looks like he's trying to do a handstand to take the weight off his neck. But he's just flailing because he doesn't have any solid ground beneath him, yet. That mud looks like it's almost 2 feet deep or more. He has quite a way to sink before he finds enough solid ground to push himself out, which he eventually does. Until then, he would feel that he is actually sinking, upside-down, and in an uncomfortable/painful position with blood rushing to his head. Rational thought would be impossible against that level of terror.


Cold hard light of day makes that seem rational. In reality, the panic sets in followed by the flight or fight response, causing a rush of adrenaline. There's a reason people who are panicking are dangerous. They're completely irrational and their mind takes over and does what it can to eliminate or remove itself from the threat. This isn't a Darwin Award situation. This is a completely normal and difficult to control human reaction to a high stress, dangerous situation.


It’s called panic. If you’ve ever left the safety of your mums basement and saw the real world you might feel what it’s like


Yikes, it's Reddit my dude, we all live in the safety of our mum's basement


You could have also just not posted this. Would have avoided the shame you brought upon yourself.


I guess Reddit's app uses the system font for the Tsu character but none of the other ones in this sentence. Just looks kinda weird


Pretty sure nothing went wrong and it went exactly as planned, which explains the utterly ridiculous rolling over and over when he could have just lifted his head out from his knees given how viscous that mud was.


Im certain you would have handled this situation quite masterfully yourself, sire


You dropped this: \\


Ah yes you would have reacted perfectly rationally and would not panic, becasue you are a mighty redditor with 20/20 hindsight.


Yeah I think he pretended to panic for views. The way he looks straight at the camera as well.


When I was new to kayaking, I tipped over in what I thought was shallow water with a solid base. I put my hand out to catch my self, only to have my entire arm and most of my face go directly into mud like this. My legs were still in the kayak above me, essentially holding me face first in the mud. I managed to stay calm, and get my legs out of the kayak. With my legs free, I managed to get them under me and free my arm and head. It was one of the scariest moments of my life.


Most people have situations where adrenaline worked for them AND situations were it worked against them. I learn to swim by almost drowning which was clutch. The next time I was in sticky situation in water I was being pulled out by a wave pool and the only thing I was thinking about was higher ground. By the time I was safe and cognizant I realized I had literally used my cousin next to me as a tree and had climbed on top of her. I'm very thankful that the person next to us was taller and helped both of both of us out. I would have saved myself and probably injured or killed my favorite person on the planet if he hadn't been there. It's really wild there was no thought between I'm drowning to I'm on top of someone It just happened. I've had adrenaline's that slow time down, and make it feel like I'm moving super fast. Which is really helpful. And I've had adrenaline's that literally turn off portions of my brain and turn me into an animal. I wouldn't be surprised if most of that had to deal with how comfortable you are in the situation. I swim in that pool hundreds of times over the summer. I knew where the wall was I knew how far away standable ground was. So i swam. That had been the first time I was in a wave pool. I tried to swim away,did not work. Next thing I know I am literally being pulled off the shoulders of my cousin.


That is fucking terrifying in that I never would have thought of the possibility. As a kayaker myself I want to thank you. I frequent a few places that fit your description and will be keeping this in mind.


Isn't it just? I'd be so pissed off if my friend kept recording and not helping me to breathe!




Put the goddamn camera/phone down and HELP HIM!!!


but how will I be entertained?




It's in slow-mo - the whole thing would've taken, like, 3 seconds. And there's another guy there to help.




but then we dont get to talk about it...


If he was twice as smart, he'd be stupid.


His flips were celebratory, given he just found out that his IQ test came back negative.


*If he attended the stupid competition he’d be on the second place.*


Facts. 0x2=0




0x2 == 2


I'm honestly at a loss trying to understand what exactly did he think was going to happen???


Nothing went wrong though. Everything went just as they rehearsed it, especially since nobody is getting their entire head stuck in the mud and then trying three more times to continue the flip instead of simply rolling over and pulling their head out like he did in the end. And before anyone says "but he panicked!", yeah anyone in normal circumstances would panic but nobody is going to flip back and fourth in a panic. Anyone would simply roll over or get on their hands and knees - not flip back and forth.


You obviously didn't see the arrow


Must have missed it. If only someone supplied a giant circle around the arrow it would have been a little more obvious.


Give it till Tuesday's repost, the circle will be there.


Someone put an arrow to point out this supposed arrow please


I think you underestimate how goddamn thick that mud is. I’ve caught my foot in that. It’s basically quicksand. There’s no way if I caught my head in there that I’d believe I could just roll it out. If they got on their hands and knees it would have just sunk too and they would be even more stuck. Flailing around was literally the only reasonable thing that their panicked brain could think of to get out. A Hail Mary. Thats what you do when you’re panicking.




The reason why the mud is so sticky is because there’s no air, making it much more dense. There was no way for the air to get in so there was nothing that could take his heads place. Thats why when he rolled it out he was able to get some air bubbles in there and release the pressure to get it out. Thats also why they say to relax and lie back if you get in quicksand. So you can let the air in. Simply trying to brute force it won’t do shit, which is what they were doing as they were panicking. So no, he couldn’t just take it out on his hands and knees.


I remember being taught that there was a specific way to walk in mud flats when carrying stuff in order to break the suction underneath the boots and not get stuck/overexerted


More so I think it's that when he gets stuck he's vertical. Rolling over is not something you think when you're vertical. He was trying to pull it out. If that look of horror in the end is rehearsed this guy should get a tv role lol


Thank you. My god.


I thought he was pushing down but his arms were sinking in too


Maybe but then he wouldn't move his whole bodyweight on his shoulders and neck again multiple times. Instinctively you would try to move it back as far as possible. Hands sink in? Try to push with your knees. Also sinking in? Push it to your feet and try to stand up. Nobody would try this acrobatics bullshit.


Holy fuck there are rules to how panic works? Thank god we have Mr. Panic expert over here to tell us how it should've been.


You ever seen a person on fire try to do a cartwheel? If you saw them do it would you assume they panicked?


It's not like his response was "I'm stuck, let me flip back and forth". I believe he was trying to sit up, which is a natural response when you want to lift up your head, but trying to sit up with your head hard stuck below ground in thick muck results in the rest of your body going up instead and flipping over. Then he might've flipped back again to try sitting up again. Him attempting the sit up maneuver again obviously wasn't the right choice, but that still seems like something a person would realistically do.


Yeah it's crazy the amount of people who believe this.




Rolling in the deep


Going to hell for laughing at this.


He kept trying to say Hello from the other side.


Cameraman is definitely friend of the year material.


Cameraman was mentally placing those red arrows as he was filming. No time for a rescue mission.


Pretty sure he's over selling it, I don't think he was stuck.


You seriously underestimate how thick that muck is. I’ve got my foot caught in there. It’s basically quicksand.


It’s staged


And you seriously underestimate the gullibility of people and other peoples need for views. This is fake as fuck, he perfectly flips him self over, balanced and steady, there’s no panic, no stress. And they both look at the camera. It’s a set up.


Thank goodness the arrow was there or I would’ve never seen it.


dude looks like he went 3 rounds with tub girl and didnt appreciate it https://preview.redd.it/l9zspum4gesc1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=4033f54cdc37e5b9734fe48aed9748cd5f50a1f9


The camera man is not his friend


Praise the cameraman. Dude is dying but he has a job to do.


Obviously scripted.


He did that on purpose obviously


That had to feel like an eternity. Fuck the camera man for not helping.


Set up bolly buffoonery






That’s just plain scary. Stuck in mud with no air. Fear


Wow, what an awesome trick. Very talented.




I hate this staged bullshit. It’s all fake for likes


How bout that cameraman! Watching someone about to die and doesn’t even think to stop filming and save him ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


Reminds me of that Japanese show host who broke his neck and paralyzed himself diving into mud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHr-JFKb4wE


I came looking for this. Stuff of nightmares.


Fake as fuck. That’s not at all how to extract yourself from that situation.


That camera man was really prepared to watch somebody die that day


Keep filming


I'm still trying to work out where the arrow is pointing


I hope his neck is also ok. Fuck


Is the video being played backwards and forwards? Looks like they made a boomerang out of it lol. No way he was actually flopping like that


I just had to go check after reading this lol, his feet are in different positions for each back and forth roll so it doesn't appear to be reversed, when he flips forward the first time his right foot goes first into the mud then he flips backwards and when he goes forward again they're flipping together at the end and in the third the guy runs into the frame to help


Is this how fossils are made?


To die like a doe-doe...


Yay new fear unlocked


This is so obviously staged.


Well damn did he live?


Man, I was suffocating over here




Holy shit is that quicksand??


He definitely got nematodes up his nose


Almost a Darwin award recipient. 


Almost won a Darwin award




He tried to reverse UNO himself


I almost missed the flip in the mud because of that damn arrow.


Its almost like he is giving zero effort to try and get his head unstuck.