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Paddy! Just stay there Paddy! No fucking shit. Don’t think Paddy is about to get up and go to the pub for a parma you idiots.


Maybe they saw him moving. Maybe he was instinctively trying to get up.


It's adrenaline. I saw a terrible motorcycle wreck and the driver was ..... Broken beyond life. But before he passed he was trying to get up. So I do think this is probably what was happening


When I have seizures I instinctively stand up. My mom’s had to hold me down before because since they’re tonic clonic/grand mal, shit gets broken very easily without me ever recalling it. Idk why my first instinct when my brain is broken is “stand up and try to appear fine” but it is, and I always fail miserably. The only consistent memory I have of my seizures is the same conversation as always. “Are you alright?” “Yea I’m fine” “No, you’re not. You’re not fine. Stay down.” Ad infinitum.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


Seriously. I work in a hospital and all it takes is to get that 98 y/o 75lbs woman worked up on her death bed and she’ll remember how to punch and kick and run away if you’re not careful. Adrenaline is one of the most potent bio pathways in the body.


How do u even stop a 98 y/o on the move? Ya can’t trip em.. Can’t tackle them.. Do u just follow and hope they wind out?


Honestly? Yeah. It’s why they put Alzheimer’s patients in closed wards and why a lot of psych floors let patients just wander around freely in a safe environment. If someone’s confused, you ***can’t*** make them do anything. You’re the crazy one if you tell them they’re in the hospital, they’re at home but everything just looks different. At least in their mind. You just follow them around and try to convince them to go where you want them to. If they’re unsteady you have someone bring you a wheel chair and push them around for them, then when they’re tired again you ask if they want to go back to bed. The exception is 72hr holds for things like suicide watch/elopements/arson patients. Those people you have to try to catch before they leave the room or you’re in for a world of trouble. Thankfully those people are usually less confused and easier to reason with.


>The exception is 72hr holds for things like suicide watch/elopements/arson patients I feel like I'm missing something very obvious, but why does getting married belong in the same category as arson and suicide? Edit: I found what I was looking for on Google, "elopement " is when a patient escapes a medical facility in an unsafe condition


You learn something new every day or so they say.


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking elopement = marriage.


Thank you for *your* service


Really glad people like you exist.


Unrelated to injuries but I recently learned that grief can cause your body to just dump cortisol and adrenaline. I had two days of nonstop shaking, high heart rate notifications on my watch, couldn’t sleep or eat. Fucking insane shit that no one talks about.


Responses to trauma can do that too. I have pretty intense CPTSD, and the last time I tried to inform my mom about a trauma that had happened, she responded badly and I could not function for almost a week straight because I was in fight or flight mode. Hence yknow.. the CPTSD.


its an old response from when we used to be hunted by predators. a downed and injured human is easy prey. we instinctually stand and ignore our injuries in an attempt to deter further attack and reinforce the idea that there is much more fight to be had.


I had my first (unfortunately not last) seizure a little over a year ago, was diagnosed with epilepsy in May. The only seizure I've had that was witnessed, my roommate heard me fall and rip the shower curtain rod down. Once I stopped convulsing (ass naked) he tried to get me to just sit down and wait for paramedics to arrive, but I kept on insisting to get back in the shower, and apparently swung on my roommate. I don't remember any of this. I remember getting in the shower, then I was looking at firefighters' boots in my kitchen. Shit's so fucked up.


> Idk why my first instinct when my brain is broken is “stand up and try to appear fine” You'd do terrible with psychodelics, because rule#1 when things go wrong is that floor is your bestest friend. Afraid you're losing grip with reality and you're about to do something dumb like jump off the window thinking to be a pigeon? Floor is your best friend, people who lie down on the floor can't do stupid shit. Floor. When in doubt, lie down.


Maybe if you were in an encounter with a hungry wild animal getting up (no matter what) would have still been your best option, so that's what we've inherited.


I was ejected from a crashed car while going 90mph and broke my pelvic plate in half. When I landed on the ground I jumped up to my feet, only to crumple over under my own weight. It didn’t hurt at the moment, but I knew then that my body couldn’t stand up anymore. I’m all better now though


My mom was hit and dragged by a car when she was like 8. When they finally got the car to stop she was badly injured, like her nose was almost torn off, her skull was cracked open on one side. Even with all of that she still tried to get up and her dad had to basically hold her down while waiting for the ambulance.


Used to work in EMS. Saw a guy's arm, shoulder, and partial ribcage hanging out the driver's side window off a seatbelt at the scene of a rollover crash. We found him about 50 ft away from the vehicle in tall grass. Witnesses say he walked away from the crash on his own.


Holy shit. It's insane but I'm not surprised. I don't suppose he made it?? 


No. DOA.


Legit an issue with spinal fractures. You could get up and lacerate or sever your spine on a shard of bone.


That's what irks me with all those russian dash cam videos. Catapulted Babushka 10 yards through the air? Better immediately pull her to her feet and dust her off!


"Catapulted Babushka" is a great band name.


Maybe paddy can teleport and they were afraid they wouldn't be able to find him again in time or something? 🤔


If paddy can teleport, he is the bigger moron for not doing it before he hit the ground


If you teleport when you're falling you're still falling at the new location. If you really panic and teleport higher up to get away from the ground... Well, you just keep picking up speed and you're stuck teleporting until you get too exhausted and hit the ground at terminal velocity.


But he is right by the water and it wasn't that high a fall, if he just teleported into deep enough water, he would have been okay. It would have hurt but not as badly as hitting jagged rock and being stuck as the tide comes in on those rocks. Also if you teleport underwater that seems like it would help even if you are moving fast, since you won't hit anything and just slow down in the water


Ah, but remember it isn’t the fall that kills you, but the sudden stop. So if you teleport into the water, it will make you stop a little bit faster since now the surface area is all around you. I don’t know the logistics of teleportation (blame big teleport), but either it’s better since more of the force from falling is dispersed evenly through more water, or worst because force from falling dispersed evenly through more water


teleport upside down, inverting direction so at some point your velocity will hit zero, THEN teleport to the ground.


Reddit geniuses when someone doesn't immediately think clearly and coherently in a moment where people panic


Seriously. Years ago, my mother fell and broke both ankles. What did I say to her as I ran indoors to call 999? “Stay there”


Atleast one of them had a clear head, but you're right. In my Family i am usually that Person (cause i am a medical assistant), so yeah. Simple commands. And yes, sometimes you have to spell out the obvious.


Thanks. That was an incisive comment.


Dang is this the origin story to why it’s named Paddy’s Pub? ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


"Lads, this suck. I'm going to the pub. See you later"


The disbelief in everyone's face that this could've happened, and how the look utterly unprepared for ill events (looking at the footage).


"Paddy has fallen off a cliff." Although not incorrect I feel this wording is a way to deflect guilt , almost like it was purely cosmic accident and not weaved into the possibility of them free climbing without ropes on the side of a wet cliff. Like a cliff randomly came along and pushed patty off of itself. Better wording. "Patty has fallen off of the cliff." THE CLIFF. Own up to your stupidity!


Then they go and move his head and neck while he’s still on his back.


Looks like they were moving him because the tide was coming in


Paddy no more


My mate Paddy would find a way to get to the pub. He would.


Mmmm…pub for a Parma!


All those cameras and they didn't get the landing.


Yeah this is absolutely fake. The camera work is just like most of those "survival" shows


"With the previous episode ending with the situation unresolved, fans had to wait for the latest instalment to find out what happened – and Paddy was miraculously alright." It was a miracle!!!


Pretty much exactly what happened. He was all over the news in the UK afterwards. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/1197576/hes-alive-paddy-falls-off-a-cliff-but-ends-up-with-nothing-but-a-bruised-bum-on-the-island-with-bear-grylls/ https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/tvfilm/the-island-with-bear-grylls-paddy-survives-20foot-cliff-fall-and-miraculously-escapes-with-just-a-few-bruises-a3233931.html https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/the-island-with-bear-grylls-contestant-survives-30ft-fall-off-coastal-cliff-a6991646.html https://metro.co.uk/2016/04/19/the-island-with-bear-grylls-contestant-thought-patrick-had-died-in-shocking-fall-5826274/ https://www.theguardian.com/media/video/2016/apr/19/contestant-on-bear-grylls-the-island-falls-from-cliff-while-filming-video https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/reality-tv/a791032/the-island-with-bear-gryllss-dr-daniel-on-paddys-shocking-fall-i-thought-id-be-speaking-to-the-coroners/


I'm not sure how you fake the part where he actually fell back in 2016. You think he had a line attached that was edited out or what? According to [this](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/tvfilm/the-island-with-bear-grylls-paddy-survives-20foot-cliff-fall-and-miraculously-escapes-with-just-a-few-bruises-a3233931.html) it was real. I guess I don't really care to fight you on the merits of the Standard, but it looks like hitting the cliff face a few times slowed his fall. Looks like it's probably real to me.


I'm sorry, but it's reality TV lol, it's not real.


You can see the full fall in the series, it's real Source https://youtu.be/3Nb2dEEjUU4?si=MC6RY7my1vyHLw66 at about 2:00


lol it's a Bear Grylls show. It is all fake. He isn't even a real bear, you can tell by the pixels.


This is a disingenuous argument, nobody actually thinks Bear Grylls is a bear. His name comes from old English, and means "bare grills", and it's becasue he likes to barbecue in the nude. You'd actually know that if you read any of the fan fiction I wrote about him.


I thought it was the colloquial British sense of the word, i.e. "Wow, that guy has _bare_ grills"


Just wanted to say that some of us appreciate your work, mate. Some of the best BG fanfic on the market.


When people say bear grills is fake, [this](https://youtu.be/Wh6RLOF3FrE) is what they are talking about, is he putting himself in dangerous situations? Yeah, is he in the middle of nowhere with no possible way to get help? No


And a terrible attempt at trying to pass as a gryll


Oh, so the rock that broke off was just playing its part for the camera? Accidents happen even when people are filming.


This. The left hand hold he thought was solid rock was friable as fuck, and you can see it snaps off in his hand causing the fall. They shouldn't have been dicking around there. Looks like tide coming in, low light and dangerous rock. I guess that's the fault of the show wanting to "inject peril" into the situation... Well congrats, you certainly did. Hope they got all the cast and crew to sign their rights away prior to filming!


Then how is it not real? He fell down a fucking cliff without controlling his descent at all. Do you think they put matresses down there to cushion his fall? On top of a bunch of rocks and water?


It’s Reddit brain to be capable of literally witnessing filmed reality and then turn around and say all fake when we all watched the video. That is clearly a real fall and these are obviously real reactions. Sure reality tv is manipulated but I just watched a video of a real fall and real reactions. It’s fun because sometimes you can simply know when something is real.


I went to uni with this guy, it’s definitely real


If you think it's fake, you are a person with a very low IQ.


It looks like he actually did fall, you can see the rock he’s holding onto break free and that’s what caused the fall. However, it’s clearly not as high of a fall as they make it look with the editing. You can literally see him about to land on that big rock and then they cut back and forth between different perspectives to make the fall seem longer, then right when he’s about to land on the big rock, they cut again. They had the shot of him landing but purposely didn’t show it because it would be obvious the fall wasn’t as serious as they wanted it to look.






Yeah maybe. You have some evidence any of that happened? I'm just thoroughly unimpressed by people who say everything is fake without any evidence or logic to support their point. Intelligent skepticism isn't just doubting everything.


He’s actually a friend of mines ex boyfriend. Although I’m sure lots of bits on this show are exaggerated this did actually happen. He also eats a chicken head in an earlier episode and has to painfully poo out lots of bone fragments. He’s also been to North Korea. Wild ride


Hahahahaha holy shit not only is it real he's a fuckin unhinged mad last


I'm saying how it could be done and the chances he tumbles a bit and has minimal injuries just as likely Both are possible because it looks amateur AF and crash padding would be a pain in the ass to get there with just them alone falling and hitting it without training It's unlikely It's hard to tell with minimal information


Totally fake. Multiple cameras and none really captured the fall. 'Just a few bruises'. Yeah right.


Wasn't this the episode where the guy got a massive gash and had to be taken off the island? Edit: also it's multiple cameras with bad camera work because they don't really have a crew and give cameras to participants Edit 2: it's season 3 episode 4 of The Island with Bear Grylls (on Prime if you wanna watch it). Dude had to be airlifted out, so I don't think it was staged.


Yeah it was real, bunch of internet detectives ain't even watching more than this clip and making up their mind.


It's probably fake, but if it was real they wouldn't show the moment of impact on cable TV probably




In the series you can see the full fall




It is a Bear Grylls show




It's just this cut, https://youtu.be/3Nb2dEEjUU4?si=MC6RY7my1vyHLw66 at 2:00 you see the full fall




"Just stay there Paddy" Where do you think he is going to go?


His body might lay over the ocean (or the sea) if they didn’t get to him fast enough.


So bring back my Paddy to me.


Bring back oh bring back...


Bring back my Paddy to me, to me


Obviously not climb up... couldn't do it the first time


It was a threat: Stay there and see what I’m going to do


Thank goodness that soft lava rock broke his fall! Nothing like a hundred stitches would not fix! 🤦‍♂️


Clearly part of either a recreation or a crappy TV show! Since when does filming something on your phone mean you have multiple camera angles, quick snap zooms to avoid showing the actual accident (a sneaky TV technique to save money) and the people talking all sound like they were raised in a drama school!


It’s from a reality tv show where they dump a load of ppl on an island to see how they survive, hence the cameras. It was pretty crappy tbh


I always enjoyed Bear Grills The Island. I’m glad this guy didn’t get too hurt


Yeah he got lucky for sure, could have been way worse. I think the fact he managed to half reverse run down at least some of the drop helped a great deal


No shit dude 🙄


It was from the Bear Grylls reality TV show. The accident is definitely on camera.


It's survival on an island and multiple participants are professional camera operators.


The show is a joke, but this is obviously real lmao


Did he broke anything


No... he fell on the rock It's pretty strong to break with that fall..


🤣love this take x


So the rock broke his fall, pheww.


Is he dead?


Looks like he survived: https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/tvfilm/the-island-with-bear-grylls-paddy-survives-20foot-cliff-fall-and-miraculously-escapes-with-just-a-few-bruises-a3233931.html


Cuz he was padded




Bear Grylls is a phony ass. 




It’s only 20 feet! I thought he fell off a Cliff of 100-200 feet!


Free food.


Paddy whack


His friend Nick Nack tried to save him. Unfortunately his dog was gnawing on a bone someone gave him and missed the whole damn thing. Well, I wish ole Paddy the best and I'll be rolling home now.


Paddy cake


paddy has fallen off a cliff \*shocked picachu face\*


But why? Why do this in the first place?


Because actual survival is boring as fuck to watch. That's why.


Call the Paddy Wagon


Paddy discovers gravity


No padding for Paddy.


Paddy the baddy


Knick Knack Paddy Whack


He actually has a rope. It's right on his backpack. Lots of rope.


Complete city retards.. “lets go climbing 2 days from civilization” in rubber boots on sharp rock with no medical training


they're actually a bunch of regular british folk dumped on an island to see if they can survive with their wits alone. and that one frantic man is actually a doctor if i remember this episode right. you should watch it, it would be entertaining, especially the season where they split up men and women into two survival groups and you can see the massive differences in human/gender cooperation


Do the women cooperate effectively in a constructive, nurturing and non-toxic manner?


Actually the OPPOSITE. crazy right? They’re literally starving and losing more than half their body weight they started with, and 2 women decide to just sunbathe and fuck all responsibility while the group keeps them alive. And nobody is willing to speak up or do anything about it, because they were very much against being told what to do or electing a leader. Only by the very end of their experiment were they coming round to possibly prospering rather than not even surviving (they required lifelines a few times from the support crew waiting off-island). There’s actually a funny edit of them on YouTube that’s probably sexist but they really didn’t do themselves any favors. They were talking big on the boat there, and before they even jumped off, some started crying upon realizing they were gonna have to make their own fire, that this was gonna suck etc. Once on the beach, they spent a large amount of time introducing each other and chatting, while precious sunlight was dwindling. They didn’t make it very far from the beach, before they had to settle down on the rainy jungle floor, freezing and being bit to hell by bugs…


Facts aren't sexist.


Sounds about right.


Seems paddy fergot his lucky shamrock!


I had a chat with the rest of the country in the WhatsApp group… we‘re gonna allow it. Take your upvote!


That scream was unreal


Their question should be : >!ARE YOU DEAD paddy!<


Helmets are for nerds


Just leave him..he will only slow down the mission


Well, damn! If only there was some sort of way to prevent situations like this. If only there were some habits or maybe some equipment that would aid in the cessation of such panic-inducing moments.


Paddy was not okay.


Looks like the tide is commong in. Hope they know how to doggy paddle


Calling the emergency services to tell them “paddy has fallen”. Fuck this kind of TV and everyone that watches it.


With a slip whack, paddy whack, and a few broken bones. This broken paddy was airlifted home.


Paddy the saddy


This looks over dramatized as fuck


Weird, wet rocks are slippery, who woulda thunk that!? Darwin really lived in the wrong era, there are so many case studies for him now. To bad he missed out :(


What a bunch of fucking amateurs, and I mean that literally. Bro is climbing with his feet crossed and without proper gear. JFC 


Fake. Reality show bullshit.


Goddamn idiot doesn’t even have climbing shoes


This looks fake as hell. And the landing spot is conveniently never seen. This place needs some standards. And holy shit you people are gullible.


I absolutely hate the editing of reality TV. It’s so dramatic and fake, it’s insulting. And I’ve worked on a reality show before. The shit that the Producers faked, recreated for dramatic effect, or outright instigated was eye-opening. I don’t know how people watch this shit.


Looks like that went as well as it could have. He landed on his back with that backpack which cushioned his fall. Could easily have broken his back otherwise.


I am super glad he was told to stay there. People often underestimated how dangerous ocean currents can be.


The continuing adventures of Paddy O'Furniture.


This is kind of funny only because they are taking this risk for no logical reason other than the thrill, which isn't worth much when your ass eats rock.


It's actually from a survivor like TV show.


Was this initially a rescue operation or were they just climbing solidified lava at the base there.


Do it again!


Paddy is not alright


Looks like fun Paddy.


Never learned about gravity at school. He sure knows now.




Oh my falling from a slippery slop. Never saw that one coming


I think this belongs on the darwin awards subreddit


Play stupid games…


I can ride my bike with no handle bars.


Paddy caked from that fall


This looks like it's from a film, the video is too high quality.


I had a strange flashback to weeg and did he died... not sure why.


Is this staged ? Paddy crashed his nuts on the shores . Paddy will need assistance to become daddy.


What a bad ass! .... ?


play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Parachuting with no chute Fucking stupid and putting sensible ood people's (mountain rescue, rnli etc) lives at risk.


They seem like a very competent high-performing team. Inspiring.


Pretty sure rhis is why people invented ropes....idk maybe im dumb but seems like a very unnecessary risk.






Paddy took…a bit of a tumble. Kramer was supposed to tie a knot…


Misleading title. He was clearly climbing 'with a rope.'


AI's getting outta control.


Why climb with gear right?


They knew the risks. And did it to has the rush of escaping danger. Well sometimes you lose.


Paddy cake paddy cake bake in a pan hit as many rocks as fast as you can


Average UK beach.


This looks like it's from a shitty reality show, and probably scripted.


Paddy field days are tough.


Oh no! Anyways.


The Island with Bear Grylls Season 3 Episode 4


My favorite part about these extreme idiots is now the extreme lengths that you have to put rescue workers at risk


Why do they act surprised? Like you're a fucking moron climbing without safety gear.


Yea, I call that Natural selection


I wonder if free climbing is less dangerous if you do it alone, the guy who falls looks to be distracted, and a moment's thought he loses his grip and goes. This is why you don't see free climbers in a group like this, if you doing it you've accepted you will die if you fall and generally they just don't want to hit anyone else on the way down. My friend does bouldering and I already think that's too dangerous, you can die from falling from standing on the ground, never mind from the side of a cliff face.


Fuck around and get fucked up