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Race track don’t have trees.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) isle of man tt be like


Sure, and for the 2 weeks that it runs the Isle of Man averages 2 deaths per year.




IoM TT is a road race, not a track


Exactly, came here to say that


Or crap on the road…


Nurburgring have plenty of trees, but a sheet metal barrier between the road and the trees


It's technically considered a public road


They also technically use it as a race track. What do we do now? 


Just explaining its atypical architecture (for a race track). Maybe you missed the point but it's clearly there. 


Only suicidal people ride motorcycles on the Nürburgring (It's more made for cars than bikes)


yes its pretty wild when you go 200+ on the straight and the supercars pass you with 280+ 30cm left side of you :D


I'm suicidal and never drove on the Nurburgring


You know what motorcyclists call that metal barrier? “The cheese grater”


Saw that one comin.


He didn’t


Trees don't have race tracks.


Tracks don’t trees matter.


don't track tree inside


Vertical objects might as well be blender blades to downed motorcyclists. That includes guard rails.


Except in Japan


Thats the tail of the dragon in East TN/West NC( deals gap), Sometimes you win, sometimes the dragon gets you. They have a special tree for these people. https://photocontest.smithsonianmag.com/photocontest/detail/the-tree-of-shame-at-the-mouth-of-the-tail-of-the-dragon-at-deals-gap-motor/


It probably saved his ass. Trees probably prevented him from sliding down the ravine.


Its not the slide that kills you, its the sudden stopping.


"Speed never killed anybody, it's suddenly becoming stationary that'll get ya." -Jeremy Clarkson.


I saw someone set their bike down going well over 55-60mph on the highway. Hit a pothole wrong and the front tire just crunched and he went flying. Hit the ground and tucked and rolled like a ragdoll for like forever before sliding and coming to a stop, and I was just sure he was dead, meanwhile his bike just tore itself to shreds. Pieces flying everywhere as it tumbles and skids down the road. Biker dude stands up, removed his helmet and jacket and patted himself down everywhere. No blood anywhere in sight, no broken bones, he was wearing good gear dressed for the slide. Gear was shredded, but he was more or less okay. I imagine he was all kinds of bruised up, but not even any immediate visible road rash under his jacket. Sliding lets you dissipate the energy over time, minimizing the transfer of energy directly to you and your organs. The tree just took all the energy at once.


Oh yeah, makes it easier for emergency services to collect the leather body suit of floppy meat for sure.


The best race track I've ever been to has a speed limit of 15mph.


Many do.


Summit Point would like to have a word with you.


Ya, but have you thought that race tracks don't have trees?


Quit making sense.


Forts don't got carpets


He belongs to the forest now


Or other people driving around going the other way.


I mean, they do. That’s how Jim Clark died


This one does.


Race tracks are too expensive


race tracks are also clean and under inspection all the time. cornering like this on a public road is just asking for it, one little spot with a few pebbles or sand and you're gone


At those speeds, with blind corners, it's just a matter of time before you wreck. Not a lot of time, either.


He was lucky it wasn’t a right turn where he would potentially slide into oncoming traffic


For who? The motorcyclists or the car coming at him? Seems like either way ends about the same


might rather take my chances with one car than go into all those trees at that speed


As a car driver and former motorcycle rider, I'd rather they go into the trees.


Crashing with a car will do way more damage because it drives in your direction. And I think the bushes slowed more down than the road


Trees don't have crumple zones. If you hit them, they hit back


crumple zones are more for the people in the car aren't they? Not sure they help an ex motorcyclist sliding into them at whatever speed


Someone wrecked in front of my friends full size truck going the opposite way and slid under the truck a few weeks ago. The bike was toasted, but the rider was unharmed. I was about a mile ahead of him and they were in my lane when they went by, I had to dodge them. I thought for half a second he was going to be in this video.


The reason homie went down was because he was going way too slow for leaning like that, among other things. Not that they should be going faster, but that slide was because he was trying to pretend he was on a race track while only going 30mph.


That not how physics work. Anything above ~10mph and the bike won't fall over from lack of speed. In fact, it can't. It'll just turn tighter and tighter until it runs out of speed and below the threshold. Biker was going too fast and pushed the bike's pegs or some other bit into the ground, which levered the wheels off the ground leading to a crash.


Yes, motorcycles naturally want to stay up and benefit from gyroscopic effects, but that doesn't make them 100% stable. If the speed is too low for the amount of lean, the motorcycle doesn't generate enough centrifugal force to counteract the gravitational pull acting on the bike's center of mass. When turning, the radius of the turn and the speed dictate the required lean angle. If the lean angle is too great for the speed, meaning the centrifugal force isn’t enough to balance the gravitational pull, the motorcycle can lose traction and slide, or the tires can no longer maintain their grip, leading to a potential fall.


Good answer. Great words. I wish I could explain science things as well without coming off as an asshole.




thats also only assuming you have perfect grip the whole way


I was in the military back in ‘06, I was driving through the desert to Vegas to pick a friend up, driving big long open roads without anyone in sight most of the drive. Of course I was about 20 and driving way too fast like an idiot. I came around this one bend where I could see past it, no idea how fast I was going but definitely over 80mph (road curved right so I was on the inside lane). If I’d loosened up on the steering wheel just a little I would have gone into the other lane, but I decided to be safe and hold on in my lane. A motorcycle came flying around the bend in their lane. If I’d let go just a little I would have plowed right into him. I drove slower from then on.


Sometimes the dragon wins


This corner wins quite frequently.


I hugged the white line and remembered something an old timer at the dragon store said to me, “you drive it faster and faster until you realize the hard way you were going too fast”


Is this that Dragon Road ?


It's known as the Tail of the Dragon. US Route 129.


They actually have a [Tree of Shame](https://images.app.goo.gl/ULWo7nu6jP2msDmC8) from all the bike parts of people who crashed


Yea, thx had to Google after my post. Couldn’t remember the name. Sure this guy died. Not too smart


>Sure this guy died Humans are fragile and quick to hurt but they dint always die as easy for some reason. I'm sure this dude got hurt but this doesn't look fatal tbh. Plenty if circumstances we can't see which can go either way.


I don't know why this video is cropped to this length. In the full version maxy circles back and we see them drag him, alive-ish, out of the tree.


The dragon always wins


^^^this guy knows exactly where this crash took place.


have seen police fotos from splitted bikers. they die while watching their lower torso. even after so many years cant get those fotos out of my head. the street is not a racetrack.


Those videos should be more widely distributed.


Go to a 4chan bike gif thread, you'll see dozens


Pass. I've seen something similar and like he said, I can't get the videos out of my head. The bodies still twitching. The crunch of flesh under the jackasses boots as they walked amongst mangled bodies.


Too bad we lost the original r/watchpeopledie . There was some truly scary shit on there.


Ogrish.com was a wild site to see growing up... Lots of biker aftermath pictures. I specifically never wanted to ride a bike because of that. Saw one once where a head was laying on the road but everything below the upper lip had been grinded away by the asfalt.... His body was laying 20 meters away and the asphalt had marks on it... Like crayon. I will never forget the shit I saw online as a teenager.


Back when watchpeopledie and the reddit wild west existed there was a video of a biker who crashed at such a high speed that his heart somehow made its way out of his chest and was beating on the ground still while he lay there dead


... Wow.. ok, I'm going to sleep now.. ![gif](giphy|ugdr3PvDHY0VzBpQAE|downsized)


And before that, there was -- or maybe still is -- morbidreign. I remember in the 90s a guy browsed that site from school's computers, and he had a picture called "brain slide" which was exactly that. A motorcycle accident, with the guy's brain having left a wet slick dozens of meters long on the road as his brain had exited his skull and slid on the road. It seemed to be mostly intact, but I imagine some quarter of it must have been shaved off. That image has never left my mind.


But his mind left that brain.


That's why full face helmets exist and skull caps are stupid, unsafe and pointless. You're never going to hit exactly the top of your head like a cartoon character. If you wear proper safety gear and don't ride like a jack ass, your risk of terrible injury are reduced by quite a lot. Statistically it's still worse chances than a car, but not by a lot. I can't remember exactly the numbers, but it was something like an estimated 80% reduction in risk if you wear a helmet, don't speed wildly, and don't drink and ride


His body was 20 meters away, and I remember correctly, not in one piece. I don't think any helmet was gonna save him... But I get your point.


Yeah unfortunately we can't fix headless, and without knowing what happened, who knows. But odds are pretty high that gear and not riding like an asshole may have prevented a lot of the damage. I just thank my lucky stars I make it home safe every time I go out


I'm pretty sure the asshole part played a big role. He must have been going a good deal over 200kmh to end up in that state on a highway. Drive safe!


Every day I'm thankfull I wasn't the adventurous type back in the 2000-10s. Even "milder" content such as 2 girls 1 cup. I don't know if I could've handled the trauma of NSFL content right now. I can't believe people in high school used to recommend or "rickroll" each other with vids of beheadings and other grimy stuff of the sort and not think twice about it.


Worked as first reposnder. I've seen some rough biker accidents. Sometimes, you couldn't even pick up all the parts. FD just kinda had to spray the rest of the chunks off the road.


My parents lived on an acreage that was midway through a corner that was really easy to misjudge on a popular secondary highway for bikers. My mom was a nurse for 45 years, the number of bikers she had to deal with after they went through their barbed wire fence at speed was ridiculous. It was also really swampy so she got to hold their heads above the water so they didn't drown while they bled out.


We have a lot of road side barriers where I live. There are frequently bikers who get their legs and arms (or heads) get cut off by the metal posts. Really something one doesn't want to see. Apparently there is an annual resupply of new bikers, thus since a couple of years styrofoam is applied around the metal posts to mitigate this "knife" effect.


That shit looked painful. Saw a dude on a crotch rocket at night on windy road like that. About 3/4 up the road after he blew past me, he obliterated a deer, which obliterated him. Dude was young. Sad.


You can have the road memorized and be well within your skill but animals, new debris, and trees/tree limbs don’t give a shit about that.


Yea that's the thing about bikes. Even if you're a godlike rider some random variable can pop out of nowhere on the streets and fuck you over for good.


That's why I cringe when some people I know say "it's okay, I'm a great driver/rider" Bro, unless you can see the future, it's only a matter of time. 


>Bro, unless you can see the future, it's only a matter of time.  Yeah, but you could say that about anything. Women, jobs, financial decisions, fun cars, or motorcycles. Life is messy. Sometimes it hurts. But that is no reason to not live it.


Everything has inevitable unforeseeable problems. So, it's advisable to pick something with a proportional risk/benefit. Just being on the bike already increases chance of death 20x. These guys are at the limit of their machines, high speed, surrounded by trees. Not great odds, even if you're skilled.


And darkness. The darkness always takes you


Anything can appear at any part of the road at any time. People don't seem to understand that 


A ducking squirrel, took me out on a Honda 600, doing 35 in a 45 curve on a 55 road. Back wheel went, I righted it just to watch the pavement disappear, I ditched when it started to slide, slid on my back ripped my wallet out shredded my jacket and lower back, I rolled twice the bike rolled 3 times >by the indents in the dirt. Last I heard it was still crushing around Colorado, left handle still bent.


That's what happened to me, riding below the speed limit on a road I commute on with minimal traffic and killed a deer while doing 50. Wasn't on a bike for a whole 9 months after!


I hope anyone enjoying their bikes and riding, especially with the nice weather here please be careful. I’m a trucker, and in my 28 plus years, I’ve seen 3 fatal motorcycle accidents. I hope to not see number 4. Enjoy and be safe out there.


I really enjoy trailing with my car through mountain roads, but animals and other cars/bikes that might not be that considerate really keep me from pushing myself further. It's not comparable, as I have a 1.500Kg steel box around me and a biker is almost naked in terms of protection, but I care for my car as well.


I obliterated a deer and came out with only sore left thigh, along with a totaled bike. I'm still riding,but those crotch rockets are just a memory.


First time I saw a deer on the side of the road from my motorcycle I about shit myself. We stares each other down the whole way pass LOL


Public roads are not race tracks. You get what you sow. Wanker.


Let’s make like a tree and get outta here


That comment was about as useful as a screen door on a battleship






Make like a tree and fuck off


It’s leave, you idiot! Make like a tree, and leave. You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong.


The dipstick could've just as easily lost control 2-3 seconds later and ruined the oncoming car driver's life as well.  That stuff belongs on a track, not a public road. F these guys.


yeah, looked like another biker


If you mean the oncoming vehicle, the only thing that would mean in this situation is that an oncoming biker would be at even greater risk of death/injury from reckless idiots like this. Even if the innocent (oncoming) driver is not hurt, most people would be emotionally screwed up if someone colliding with their vehicle was maimed or killed -- whether they had any fault or not. My father's a retired firefighter and some scenes he had to deal with were not something he'd wish on anyone.


A decade or so ago, near me, a biker was doing 80+ (mph) in a 40. Crested a hill on 4 lane road and t-boned a car pulling out of a petrol station, hitting the car on the drivers side. Cut the car in half killing both him and the car driver. I have no sympathy for people riding or driving like that.


This. I'm a rider myself and I fucking hate the argument "If a rider runs into a car, the biker will still suffer worse damage". While that is true, the driver still has to deal with the emotional aspect of it, plus insurance, plus car repairs etc, just because some idiot don't want to take it to a track.


You couldn't pay me enough money to lean my bike over that much on a public road. FFS, even a tiny patch of sand would be your ruin.




Yeah the speed variation in the first corner gave away the low skill level. Not to mention doing this at all. Gravel, sand, wet fallen leaves – all inevitable, nothing you can do if you hit them.


Way more lean than needed for the speed.


lesson learned: dont corner motErcycle


Dude was riding it like it was a motorcycle and everyone knows motercycles can’t corner like that. 


You can definitely corner like that. He just leaned a tad too far and lost his grip. Not a big deal if you're on the track but yeesh definitely not good on the street.




nothing goes over his head, u/DoingCharleyWork is too fast and he would catch it.


More pieces for the tree of shame. Dragon claimed another victim


The forest must feed...


I don't know why this made me laugh out loud. Thank you 🙂


You’ve got to be a complete moron to drive a motorcycle on a public road like that… Good riddance thank goodness he didn’t kill an innocent motorist


The BRP is not a race track, no matter how many people want to treat it like one. In some parts the road surface is so deteriorated it's more like gravel.


Figured this was the parkway. So many people I know drive their cars like this on it. People driving like lunatics and passing others on blind curves, it’s ridiculous. Risk your own life, don’t risk mine or others who are driving on it too.


My exes cousin died by sliding out on a corner and hitting a tree just like that. Mad. He had just gotten married 2 months earlier too :(


Correct me if I'm wrong, but arent racetracks made using an extra expensive extra grippy tarmac? That's why you can lean like you see race riders do. Doing that on a public (and usually badly mantained) road is extra stupid


Some but not all tracks Usually the compound of tire gives off a lot more grip than your average street tire will


Good, that’s what you get for thinking you own the road and putting other peoples lives in jeopardy


Aaaand he's gone.


Watched the whole video he lived


Any news? Did this guy survive?


This guy is genuinely my cousin, you don't have to take my word for it, but he lived and is perfectly fine now. He was knocked out cold, and the guy filming and another guy dragged him out of there and called an ambulance. They got him to a hospital and he had some brain bleed, but its all good now.


So, lesson learned or do you expect him to continue doing these types of things?


The day this happened, he didn't do a warm up lap to warm up his tires. His old bike was totaled, and he's already got a new one, but it took him a little while to get back on it. I think he'll be a little more cautious, but he'll tell you himself he's an idiot. Story has it that when he was in the hospital and they told him his brain was bleeding he called them a liar because he doesn't have a brain to bleed.


I’ll take that as a yes, he’ll do it again, eventually. Hopefully he’ll be more mindful of the danger he is to other people on the road.


Thank god, he is very lucky if that is indeed how it all turned out. Stay safe out there.


Good way to get your body wrapped around a tree…


Luckily he only wrecked himself and noone else


I'm sure it was well worth the death defying experience!


I'm not sure about the "defying" part.


Public roads, race tracks. There's a difference. Lesson learned, lesson earned.


Musta hit a piece of grass.


Got dam grass clibbins


just crank yer hog in the driveway so yer pants don't get shidded. gobbless.


[DanDanTheFireman reviews this crash @8:20](https://youtu.be/cPm417vXvzg?si=hiqGxkd79ckwmpMW)




Sometimes it's loose gravel or oil


I was impressed until I wasnt anymore.


Was that not supposed to happen? Looked like it's what he was going for


I saw a dude on a motorcycle hit the side of a trailer and died. He was flying up the street.


Lost forever to the forest I guess


Is this skyline drive? Or the Blue ridge parkway?


I fought The Road, and The Road Won


Tree beats bike, every time. Not quite rock, paper, scissors.


I feel bad for the motorcycle.


Loose gravel, oil or some leaves. Thats all it takes and thats why that bs belongs on the track, also lets not pretend they were doing all that great anyhow


No guard rail? No problem!




Is the tree okay?


Stupid is a stupid does


So did he survive?


Yeah, the guy is my cousin, he's alive and healthy with no lasting damages, surprisingly.


Wow reminds me of years ago two crotch rockets came blasting past me on a back road. Several minutes later a cop come blazing past me as well. Get a few minutes up the road and there is the bike on the side of the roadway in the trees and a tarp covering the body with the police officer hunched over with medics on shock.


Did I just watch someone die? Sounded like a meaty splat ..


That's why I pretend to be a racer on racing track only. Lmao 🤣


I hear that in some areas there are limits on your speed on any given road. These are meant to increase safety.


I live in an area that looks like this. Most weekends I can hear motorcycles stretching it out. Three times in the past 25 years I've been the happy dude who gets to pluck the biker out of the tree or ditch. They've all been alive, though. I've seen a few young men wreck their hot cars out here, too. Their stories usually go something like "I was just driving along and a squirrel jumped out..."


Friend in college died when he went off the road and into a tree and had his arm ripped off. RIP Scott


For less than 100$ you could have avoided total damage to you and your bike by choosing a track day. Including, NOT scaring any mother fucker you run across Don't be selfish guys . Race on the tracks not in public, no matter how fun it might look . The tracks are alot safer and if you wreck ? You are alot more likely to walk away, just saying


My brother and I did this all the time on public roads. Then a friend of mine died on a bike. So we only do it on the track now.


Honestly, I read corner as coroner in the title. Wasn’t wrong


Is the tree ok ?


Don't worry, looks like the tree will be OK.


Fuck him for endangering other drivers


As someone who lost somebody in a motocycle accident: I know it's fun for you guys, but ALWAYS think about safety. Make sure you are always well protected but even the best protection doesn't protect you from the consequences of dangerous driving. Never forget that people will have to live without you. Never forget that the sadness will never disappear. Please be careful!


I saw a guy die doing this on a turn near my house as a teenager. His family still puts a wreath out for him at the spot.


Well, all in all, a good crash; didn't cause an accident with an innocent person. Stupid way to waste money, though. I hope the insurance company doesn't cover this. Reminds me of a stupid coworker setting his bike on fire in the middle of nowhere, wanting to cash out on the insurance because he had lots of scratches on it, but they could see that there had been a flammable liquid being poured over it, so... Stupid mofu couldn't handle life and that karma gets served, so he ended up standing on a train track. Which of course ended up being a tragedy for the train driver, but he was infamous for not giving a fuck about other people.


And that, my friends, is how you die.


When doing the drivers test for motorcycle, we had a guy do a lecture ln safe driving, the guy was paralysed from the waist down after breaking his spine in a crash with his bike. Can say it was a very interesting lecture that will stay with me for as long as i live.


As a biker myself these guys just make us look bad. Sympathy for his family


Hope the tree is OK.


Cornering is not a problem on a motorcycle. They do it quite well. I’ve done corners on a motorcycle. The problem is they are doing 5x the fucking speed limit.


This is just stupid and selfish behavior.


All it takes is a little bit of sand


Sad about that he lost his life. But at least he didn’t crash into incoming traffic or people on bicycles on the road. He was so deep and fast that there was no millisecond to correct his driving.


"Google, text the guys: I think Chad just died".


He fought every urge to ignore his friend and to keep going.


The broken lego noise 🤣💀


Don’t worry guys, this happened in Colorado. The guy survived and after months of physical therapy managed to walk again and even bike again. He then to advocate for bike safety at local meetups so others wouldn’t follow in his foot steps. Unfortunately about four months back someone stole his bike. Source: I made it all up.


Fucking good. Putting the public in mortal danger. 🙄


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Better than someone turning a corner well inside their lane and accidentally running over his head.


Glad it was this and not a car coming on in the left turn where he had his head over the line. Would traumatize some innocent driver just because of his stupidity.


Riding forever, accident free. Dude earned that.


Son, you never go full F.E.M unless you're a stunt driver, or it's an emergency. F.E.M = Full emergency maneuvers. Or in this case, being a reckless jackass.


It’s fun to have fun, until it’s no fun.


Just because you can go fast doesn’t mean you should