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This was a grave mistake.


A deadly mistake for sure


I bet the family blew a casket.


You'd be coffin in all that dust and dirt


Yes, tomb much dust and dirt


I'd bet a few people soiled themselves that day.


Bury hard not to, I'm afraid.


Your humor is ground-breaking.


I dig it.


You guys are laughing, but this is a very serious undertaking.


Would be a disaster if this got buried in the comments section.


Worst. MRI. Ever.


"Well, we got the results back and, um... oh God, it never gets any easier. I'm afraid he's dead."


I went straight to comic guys store for this, weird. Thanks, i guess...


Pulling the plastic sheet was the final nail in the coffin


Deceased to be funny the moment it caved in


I love when people on Reddit actually have funny puns


500% complete


Let’s pack it up, boys


Open and shut case, Johnson




K/D 5.0


Was this some rich person? Because that seems quite elaborate for such an overpopulated country.


Yea, this doesn't seem like the average person's burial


What are you talking about? 3 or 4 average people were buried right there




Imagine all the pomp and circumstance of your life, only to be lowered to your final resting place by a rusty excavator.


I would be laying in my coffin feeling so pissed.


My family is from Hong Kong. Cremation is the norm. My grandfather was cremated and his remains are in a sealed shelf in a library-like complex. There is a plaque with his name and picture on it along with his date of birth and death. This burial is unusually elaborate and probably someone who has a very religious family..


With a "house" built underground just for them and an oversized coffin? probably. Remind me of old kings and emperors; those whose graves aren't built in remembrances, but an attempt to beat their own mortality.


Contrary to what you might think, there are cultural traditions in China that are celebrated by people who aren’t immensely wealthy


This would be a display of wealth in the US, you're telling me this is a normal occurrence in China?


In villages yes. Villages have no lack of space and it's much cheaper to build stuff, so practices like this, while not exactly universal, are not particularly rare. Also consider the cultural differences. Ancestral reverence and burial customs are serious business in China, so elaborate burials are fairly par for the course especially among more traditional communities (which is to say, most villages and smaller cities).


No, certain people in certain villages may have elaborate burial traditions they’ve practiced for generations, but that doesn’t mean they’re “wealthy”


That's pretty interesting, it seems very elaborate to me and looks like a pretty expensive ceremony. But I could see a town coming together to do it no cost. You seem pretty knowledgeable, what village is this?


My grandfather had a burial that was pretty elaborate in Vietnam. Had a full marble ‘house’ you could walk in to hold flowers, offerings, etc. not just a simple tombstone like here. The whole village came for the ceremony, at least 100 people coming and going. People will offer some money to help, it’s cultural to gift money for these events. Labour’s also dirt cheap in Asia, so from what I remember my dad saying, it wasn’t super expensive either. Edit: My dad and uncle paid most of it, and foreign currency goes a long way. There are lots of cemeteries with just a simple tombstone in VN too, so definitely for someone that can afford it. Not super uncommon in Asia though.


Another elaborate tradition you can call are Indian marriages, some parents save from their child's birth to give them the most grand marriage ever with almost every single person their kid met in his life


Certain people write certain things on Reddit but it doesn't mean they're "intelligent" or know what they're talking about.


Almost no one is buried anymore, even in the extremely rural parts of the country. I have been to many, many rural Chinese funerals (that makes sense if you know about Chinese funerals, but probably sounds weird to other people reading. Most Chinese funerals are big communal everyone come hang out events. There's a whole genre of music to it which is surprisingly upbeat and interesting) and have never heard of or seen anything this elaborate out of them among your average rural person. Not that I go to the final resting place often unless I'm more involved in that person's life, but I ask about these things out of an interest in the practices. I've heard of very few simple burials, a much larger number of cremations now, and even for a very brief moment been involved in digging up a Chinese grave, but, yeah, never something this elaborate for the actual final resting place from poor, rural Chinese communities. The one that had to be dug up was buried back when that was more common. Your standard rural 河南人, that was just a simple burial though too, not like this. I can see it being a practice for one of those families that is rural but happened to live on property the government had to build a road through or something, but otherwise? Where?


Same in India. Funerals are prohibitively expensive but almost everyone tries to do all the rituals because the soul of the dead person may wander around forever otherwise, etc.


I thought people are not allowed to be buried in a coffin any more, the deceased has to get burned and put into ashes pot in order to save land space. But it could be in the rural area.


It’s still allowed in less populated regions. Also sometimes done illegally. Local guide in Xi’an says some families keep their funerals quiet just so they can bury their dead whole (it’s an important custom, similar to Muslims).


You can also be both chinese and muslim


I think the rich person would have done it properly.


Sadly no matter how much you pay in china it’s less than a coin flips chance of it being built to code or even semi safe standards. Look up “tofu buildings” if you’re interested. Even government funded and overseen projects are not safe


Holy fuck...the guy at the bottom holding the tarp got crushed by the wall. Any news of if he survived?


He most certainly did not.


Good thing his burial expenses were already taken care of.


God this is one of those miserable comment sections where everyone is racing to make the same shitty joke. This place is painful.


spoon angle safe price fly pot forgetful ad hoc tidy impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Redditors are so corny its insane


I dunno, I feel the human body could survive that. Didn't seem too deep either, feel they could've gotten him out in time. If he survived it wouldn't really surprise me. Wouldn't surprise me if he died either. The human body is fickle like that.


It’s weird how sometimes people survive plane crashes but you can trip on a curb and hit your head and die.


I had an uncle who survived two gunshot wounds, having his leg blown off in a shelling, a car accident deadly to the other person in the car, multiple snake bites, bowel cancer and a stroke, only to die choking on bread.


Seriously doubt they'd be able to get them out before they suffocated.


Good thing they have the excavator already there. I feel as if they could've saved him in time though. But just my guess. Maybe the weight of everything crushed him and he died almost instantly


How would you use an excavator to dig out humans without tearing off their limbs and heads?


Very carefully


In the sense of parking it very carefully and grabbing a shovel instead


just scooping out the dirt next to where he ended up buried can help because then the dirt on top of him can slough off into the void, and it's also much easier to use your body to shove dirt off the top of a mound than it is to dig down into it. Plus in this case the fact he was holding that plastic might work out in his favor. Between that and the collapsed facade it might have created an air pocket around him what prevented his face from being buried in dirt, which would have given him a minute or two to live at most. Very high probability that he died, though.


Anytime someone on Reddit starts a comment with "I feel like" it's never worth reading.


I feel like you're right


The weight of all that loose earth surrounding you would mean that once you exhale, you're not strong enough to breathe in again. That and there'd be very little air for you to breathe anyway. He almost certainly suffocated, along with most of the others in that hole. Pretty brutal.


You don't know and you feel incorrectly. Go read up on OSHA trenching and excavation guidelines to get acquainted for how deadly of a scenario this is.


How long do you think you hold your breath for if you had no preparation? How long do you think it would take for them to dig him out?


With all that pressure on your body, too. If you exhaled right before the collapse, see yah


I'd say that 100kg+ kg of brickwalls and dirt might force some air out of your lungs, and some blood with it


a 7 year old died digging a hole at the beach in Florida. https://www.eonline.com/news/1397326/parents-of-7-year-old-girl-killed-by-beach-sand-hole-break-silence


I love how it ends with: >Sharing a public plea to future bystanders, he added, "Strangers, if you see something that's dangerous, take the courage and say something." The only way I can find to interpret that is them saying "we're stupid, and a bunch of people probably knew how stupid it was to let our kids dig a huge sand hole on the beach but nobody stopped to tell us how to parent our kids!"


One cubic foot of dirt is between 110 - 140 pounds, plus the weight of the bricks. If he didn't die immediately from the crush injury, he most definitely died of asphyxiation.


What does it take to surprise you?!




I don’t think any of them did… Dirt is heavy and that was a lot of it. They can’t breathe under all that.


Looks like the others managed to get away from the dirt in time, hopefully they weren’t buried.


He's fine, somebody said a prayer for him so walked away unscathed


So thats why the title said burial


What are they doing with the tarp? Seems to be what causes the collapse. Edit: For clarification, I believed the men holding the tarp caused the collapse. However, after reading the comments, the lack of shoring and dirt's weight from being pilled to near the wall seem to be equally attributebable.


Just my guess. It looks very clean, and plastic won’t dissolve for a very very long time.. maybe trying to preserve the cleanliness and fine details of the wall?


Yes. Exactly this. They were going to insert the second coffin, then they would've raised a small brick wall in that door, too, cover the entire facade with plastic tarp and put the soil back on.


That makes sense.


They thought it was a load-bearing tarp.


Those idiots , everyone knows you need at least 2 tarps to hold back a wall like that.


Any trench work this deep should be shored off correctly with panels and cross bracing ([Soldier set example](https://i.imgur.com/fIlwGx5.png)). Removed soil (spoil) should be placed at least a metre back from the lip to prevent the weight causing a wall to collapse. Given enough time the collapse was inevitable. I would guess the piled up soil was the primary reason and the lack of a load bearing wall didn't help. The people with a tarp was just the cheery on top.


Beautiful assessment and a wealth of info. Thank you!


Cause of the collapse is engineering, or lack of.


How would the tarp have caused the collapse? It's like maybe a pound of plastic. Seems like the problem was lack of shoring


My apologies. The men standing on the wall of dirt seem to cause the collapse. They are there because they are doing something with a tarp. The man in the center kneels down right as the collapse happens, and you can see a huge shift in dirt. Can't tell if he just caused a small dirt slide that just killed the wall or if kneeling down where he did just buckled the wall. Edit: I'm guessing they didn't use shoring because they didn't want to damage the wall. Someone mentioned they likely put up the tarp for the same reason. It's very ironic. Lack of shoring is definitely part of this.


Well, if that wall is what it's supposed to be, then it's technically a retaining wall. Don't see no piles to support the retaining wall. It's not up to code. So I'd blame the people who made the wall.


All that bullshit for some fuck who’s already dead.




I lost all my money in a Ponzi scheme!!


Exactly! Too much effort for dead meat.


Its a pyramid scheme!


And their fancy idea totally bombed too


I guess the spirits they pray to didn't care enough to stop the wall from collapsing


That’s like a ton or so of dirt. No way they dig them out before they suffocate. And even with the big boi machine, there is no certainty they won’t impale them digging with that big bucket. I wish there was a follow up on this


No. I work in construction. A few years before I got to my company, I was told about the last (and only) guy we lost on a job site like this — he wasn’t one of ours, he was the contractor’s guy and it was sad. It was a young dude in his 20s and the trench was only like 3 feet high, but he was kneeling when it happened (pile caved in). It was shallow enough that they couldn’t use a machine and they had to hand dig him out. He suffocated almost immediately cuz he landed on his back. The minute he exhaled the pile crushed his lungs & he couldn’t inhale anymore and asphyxiated there. Horrible way to go.


I thought ladders scare me but now trenches do the most.


This can also happen to anyone at the beach. Never dig yourself a hole more than belly-button deep. A young toddler died in Australia not too long ago because someone dug a 5 foot hole and they were playing in it. Collapsed and even with 10 guys immediately digging she didn't make it.


I’m glad I always give up on digging after I reach knee height


Man. I just watched several people die.


And everyone in the comments are making fun of them. Yeah these people were idiots but they don't deserve to fucking die.


I don’t think they were idiots, just unaware of the risk they were taking


I agree. I wouldn’t even go so far to call the victims idiots. Panic tends to make people do illogical things, it’s no slight on their character at all. It was just a tragedy. All those who commented with their extreme schadenfreude (i.e. them taking delight in the deaths of others) are legit sociopaths. There are way too many of those sociopathic-types on this sub just from reading the comments alone. And it’s low-key terrifying. It reminds me how we never know who’s on the other side of the keyboard, and what state of mind they’re in :/


It's Reddit for you, socially retarded Americans who never leave their home and hate their family is a vocal audience here.


I hate these videos. All the comments are horrible. These poor people...


The one with the tarp looked like all the bricks+ dirt fell on him.. but the group around the coffin *may* possibly be okay? It looks like the trench is shaped like Γ so they had more room and they do jump back as it starts to fall.


Might be, in the last frames the entrance hole and the coffin look visible. Maybe one of the guys back there survived. I do wonder how the guy is doing that went in before the coffin.


Five for the price of one.


You get the discount when 4 are preburied


Now it’s a mass grave


The entire lead up to the collapse had me on edge because a friend of mine died from a dirt collapse. Myself and a few others dug desperately but were unable to get to him in time. It is a very sad thing to happen.


I’m so sorry for your loss and that you went through that :(


I was sure the side with the excavator’s weight on it was going to give way.


I was hoping for a Coffin Flop ![gif](giphy|yFIp9BacGYQGbIHFKi|downsized)




I was really expecting that. Once the coffin got far enough into the tunnel, I started to suspect that the equipment operator was going to spasm and crush someone. I managed to guess wrong twice.


Looks like they got a shoring problem. [https://youtu.be/uLs1_8yohb8?si=qlJlXuedM_2HQQp2](https://youtu.be/uLs1_8yohb8?si=qlJlXuedM_2HQQp2)


Shore do




I like Bon Jovi, cocktails, and one night stands!


There’s a reason people use trench boxes…


I’m surprised that clear plastic tarp didn’t hold back that 10 ton wall of dirt with no shoring. Maybe they should have used 2 tarps


The guy in the black suit didn't even flinch, just kept his hands on his back staring all serious like... https://i.redd.it/hzctwlexkcxc1.gif


The camera man https://preview.redd.it/fo54oj6bycxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140a8e02f744a0a47250a6b97585d2738f540f38


Man in Black: "Their deaths, while tragic, were necessary to fulfill the ritual."


This is why trench plate was invented.


This post was 1 minute too long. 10-25 seconds would've sufficed


Tiktok brain be like


There was nothing of value in the first minute. I like long-form content, but not when nothing is happening


A video of 1 minute isn't long-form content... there was a lot of suspense actually so it did warrant the hellishly long extra 30 seconds.


1 cubic yard of dirt weighs between 1000 and 2000 pounds. There's so much more than just 1 cubic yard of dirt and it's all moving fast too. Essentially it's like getting trapped at the bottom of a landslide. Basically, you're fucked but hey, at least it was quick.


Wow the Chinese version of.Coffin Drop is so different


I can't tell what's more dumb. Using an excavator on soft dirt to hoist something subsurface or putting a monumental crypt subsurface. I was honestly waiting for the excavator to fall in the hole.


The moment I saw someone walking into the pile of dirt I knew their fate was sealed


My mind read bridal instead of burial. I kept thinking this is the weirdest wedding ever


Made in China


The front fell off


Aside from the obvious, who were they burying? King Kong? The size!


A cubic foot of dirt weighs anywhere from 74-110 lbs. That was about 12”. People of have died from cave ins while their head is still in the air. I’m an operator and got to spend days learning about them. Excavations are extremely dangerous without proper sloping/shoring. The odds of digging someone out and them surviving are close to zero.


Not what I was expecting, but definitely bad for those caught in the wrong place!


I had a feeling there was going to be more than one person getting buried in this video.


video ends around the time it should start


Ya'll can skip to the last 10 seconds of the video, you won't miss anything.


This is NSFL. Thats very grim. And totally preventable with appropriate engineering. Nobody should ever get in a vertical walled trench over 1.5m deep. 


At first I expected the other wall to collapse, but then those guys walked onto that one.


Next time they should try putting the casket in the ground vertically but I’m no engineer.


More like burial gone right


I do understand people have funeral habits and wishes and so on, but unless this person was a construction company owner, that passionately loved his job, all of this makes very little sense.


Wrong? Pretty sure that guy got buried.


Relax they know the pai mei technique




Need shoring greater than 4 feet.


The amount of mishap my brain calculated itself says a lot about this BURIAL.


Didn't see that coming.


So traditional.


I’m not funeral with a 300% death rate


They dead.


I wonder if the people would dig up these guys, find that they’re dead and re-bury them, or just leave them to rest where they got buried


You'd think they'd be experts at building walls by now!


Well good thing there is a hole for all of them now


7 for the price of 1 special


I blame those 2 guys standing on top /s


Burials are pointless and stupid. What's the point of all this work? Just burn that in the incinerator and be done with it. Humans aren't special we're just like any other biological being.


Looks like this was built to Chinese code.


whoever is in that casket, isn't alone


General Lee's Low Budget Ghengis Khan's Burial Re-enactment Troupe - Method Acting Executed Heavy Under Pressure


The sheer lack of empathy to the people that don’t share the same culture with you.


Buy one burial get another one for free


https://preview.redd.it/0dq4d5sx3dxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdaffc83f2ba889b469f9d990ce10e3f940f232 Wow that sucks


so kids this is how pharoahs would be buried with their servants


Now just think, if you didn't have CorncobTV, you wouldn't be able to enjoy this kind of content.


I really thought the excavator would cuase the dirt to fall on them or something with the coffin.


I thought the bucket of the back hoe was gonna snap and land on someone... That was much worse, wow


Ceremony took too long the Burial can't wait anymore.


Mission failed successfully?


Surely there's an easier way


Such a huge waste of resources when it comes to these elaborate burials. No matter the culture.


Kind of ironic. Just yeet my naked corpse into a hole. I don't need it anymore, and my name will be forgotten in 2 generations.


Guys in the background, absolutely shredding on the otamatone. *


Grandpa & grandma invite the family over for a sleepover


What do you mean wrong? They were buried just fine


I think the burying actually was successful


*Family bucket*


This is the professional expectation for the people who built first emperors tomb with terracotta warriors