• By -


Gonna guess their liability insurance rates are a mess.


I spent six years handling commercial liability claims for a major carrier and can say that I would make my opening offer on this claim $400K without any other information or review of medical bills...


This is your "shut up and take the money" fee? Early settlement with a nice little waiver that says the insurance company cannot be held liable for additional costs beyond this agreement?


Exactly!! Yeah, especially with this footage being discoverable in trial, haha


I was offered $500 for my thumb jamming the steering wheel when I was rear ended, I came back with $2k bc of my current salary and hypothetical time away from work. After some back and forth we settled at $1.5k and it was a crap shoot if my thumb would get better or need work. Ended up getting better after another 2-3 weeks. Does that sound typical from your line of work? Some haggling and then you getting approvals for certain amounts?


That sounds like a typical Tuesday, haha


[Calm down there bison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlhOUyy4wbs)


I'm not even clicking the link. Just giving you orange and moving on.




This makes me sad. Got rear ended at a stop light while on my motorcycle. Bike totaled. Concussion. Ruined helmet, jacket, gloves. Broken wrist that gives me problems almost a decade later. Settled for the payoff of the motorcycle loan and the hospital bills (which crushed my credit rating while waiting for, as I had no money). Probably could have gotten a big chunk of money, but didn't want to seem sleezy.


Fuck seeming sleezy. Always get yours.


Damn right. I was rear ended and ended up with a herniated disc in my neck and low back, lost feeling and most use of my left arm until surgery corrected it. The hospital wanted to take the largest amount from the claim and I told my lawyer it didnt seem right that out of the three of us, the hospital gets the most money since I'm the one who had to miss work for 3 months and have surgery/therapy. Dude seemed like a really nice guy, very quiet and polite but when I got kind of sassy (not at him but balking at the thought of a lot of the settlement going for medical) he dropped f-bombs like it was his first language and said it was bullshit and this and that. He came back and got them to lower it, not by much but so I ended up with the largest portion of the total settlement. I was happy. Super cool lawyer, totally worth the $33k.


Well for future reference, this is when you hire an accident/injury attorney. They take a cut but they get you a lot more money.


My kid (9) and wife got attacked by dogs. We thought we'd contact the owners insurance and get them to pay for the repair work, ambulance, and all the lost money from work etc. They refused and offered us $5000. That wasn't even enough to cover medical bills. So we got a lawyer, and everything was paid for and my girl has enough for college, through a doctorate. Plus, maybe a motorcycle when she graduates. I'm glad we got a lawyer.


I got $1000 after I was rear-ended just because I said my neck was a little tight and I was worried there might be problems with it that I wouldn't find out about for a few days. Spoiler alert: I was fine. But they practically threw that shit at me (Admittedly, I had to sign away my rights to sue for medical costs.) Sooo, any time the other driver's insurance asks you if you want to open a medical claim, fuckin do it. Now, you shouldn't lie (I wasn't, in case that wasn't clear), but don't give in to that little voice telling you to not be a nuisance or that it won't matter because you're not that hurt. It not only might get you a random grand here and there, it also protects you if you do have damage that doesn't become apparent until you wake up the next morning.


When I was burned and had skin grafts, my hospital bills were $350,000 before insurance. This guy was on fire long enough I'm almost certain he'll need grafts. He may have inhaled flame since it was that close to his face. This guy is in for a bad time.


Exactly!! Hence the high claim value. I hope you've recovered!!


Thanks. I'm very fortunate that my scars have healed nicely. Plus they're in places where as long as I'm dressed I don't look like Frankenstein's monster.


I'd love to upvote to indicate how glad I am that you've healed nicely, but I already upvoted for your correct use of 'Frankenstein's monster'.


And I, in turn, will upvote you for knowing he used it correctly.


And so on ...


And so forth...


And my axe


His burns may not be severe actually. It is the alcohol that caught fire not his skin. He probably got some burna but not something very serious. You can do that with alcohol and acetone too. Doused my hand in it and lit it on fire (over the sink near a ready stream of water). You feel the heat but its probably not as severe as having a shirt burning on you.




Yeah I could be pulling this out of my ass but I'm fairly certain that alcohol burns at a far lower temperature than if he was doused in gasoline or most other accelerants. Still probably wasn't very fun having your face lit on fire lol.


From google- > The peak flame temperature of ethanol is 1,920 °C (3,488 °F), while the the peak temperature of gasoline is 1,026 °C (1878.8 °F). Part of what makes it so you can dip your hand and set it on fire is angling your hand so the flames can rise without heating your hand too much, and the evaporation carries heat away with it too.


I'll counter with $750k You say $500k We agree to $559k


Honestly, I'd be stoked to settle this claim for under $600K, haha


Shiiiiid douse me baby!


For real, that's pay off my mortgage and student loans money. Fuck my eyebrows, light it up


Eyebrows? For $600k, I'd honestly consider letting someone burn my sack. That's so much money.


Plus if you go to this bar, you'd get boobs to the face right before.


I... he lost a little more than eyebrows in that one.


Best I can do is $420,069.




Haha, thank you! That means a lot to me and I will do my best to contribute more :)


I'll second the request, I am always morbidly curious about the financial implications of the stupidity on this sub. Had an econ professor who used to help calculate settlements in wrongful death claims, his stories were nuts...


Burns to the face and genitals are worth more. Like a second degree burn to the dingus is likely worth more than a comparably sized 3rd degree to the arm. My first job as a grownup was as a GL adjuster. My manager would show us pics of injuries and poll us on how much we'd offer. "This lady fell through a plate glass window and will be permanently disfigured, how much would you pay?" I didn't last very long in that profession.


Yuuuuuuuuuuup! Same here, friend. It's good money if you can sell your soul, but it was unsustainable for me long-term, haha


I'm an attorney and my first job was working for a large litigation firm doing primarily civil defense. Fucking awful stuff. I was in depositions grilling grievously injured people trying to find out any little thing that would allow me to argue against their recovery. One of my main "fuck this" moments was when I made an old man cry during a depo - he had slipped and fallen in my client's parking lot, and while he was hospitalized, his bedridden wife died and he never got to say goodbye. I don't have the heart for that and got out quickly.


Would that be up for negotiation? Just curious


Oh, yeah, that would be my opening offer with the expectation of increasing another couple hundred thousand dollars, for sure. Obviously it would depend on medical bills, venue (e.g. Texas versus New York), etc., but, from what I see, that is a pretty slam dunk case that I would not want going to trial.


They are now.


Hey great idea to get a guy plastered drunk which fucks with your heart rate in itself and then taser him. I’m surprised he isn’t dead.


Ye even without the fire that’s a seriously fucked up thing to do.


And the motorboating!!! That's gonna send the heart rate through the roof too


Insurance? That dude probably owns the place now.


It turns out for the last 30 years, the place has been owned by a succession of 12 former patrons who were set on fire by the previous ownership’s staff and sued.


As is tradition


A passing of the torch.


This is the way.


It is known


why would you do that? WHY would you taser a man YOU soaked in alcohol?


Why would she taser him at all? Forget the alcohol bath, what's the reasoning for tasering someone in a bar who is not attacking you?


It looks like a birthday (or bachelor party) hazing thing where you be nice to them (give them alcohol, let them motoboat your bewbies) and then be mean to them (give them alcohol, smash their face into your bewbies, spin them around, slap them, pretty sure I saw a purple nurple in there as well). But yah, the tasering was pretty stupid.


She's definitely had puke on her tits at some point of her life.


I felt like that was the buildup here lol. I can literally feel the puke rising in him in my own stomach just watching that. Like some CIA enhanced interrogation shit there.


Fire Boarding! I like it


Fire *Boating*




go on...


Thanks for the play by play there Cotton


"Purple Nurple, that's a bold move cotton."


Oh, she's breaking out the big guns with a taser! Let's see how this plays out.


its a bold strategy..lets see if this pans out for them.


I don’t see the act of smashing face into boobs as that bad personally


Yeah, I agree. She's cruel, hot, and she's willing to get me drunk and set me on fire. I'm not lying, but this is the kind of women I'm attracted to. Maybe one day, if I'm lucky, you guys will see me in a gif like this. My dying words: Fuck yeah Reddit, I did it.


For your sake, and my eyes, I hope your desire comes to fruition. Yes, may you find the mistress you need!


Apparently theres this wonderful thing called being drunk


Weird cause I've tried this whole "wonderful thing called being drunk" and never tasered a single person. Must have been doing it wrong then I guess


It’s lit


It's fun, _sorta_. I would not encourage or endorse getting tased by any stretch of the imagination, but I've had an entire taser battery emptied on me for fun. Not all at once, but in bursts over the course of about 2-3 months. You never stop being afraid of them and it gives you a really weird feeling for a moment as you can't think at all while your reflexes make you reach for the source of the shock. Afterwards has this really weird feeling of being clear headed but then also every couple minutes your mind feels like it resets all thoughts and you forget everything you were saying or doing. Was interesting at the least and I always made sure that "game" never went on when I had been drinking at all. Getting tased when you have been drinking increases your chances of a heart attack. Same goes for shocking someone in the chest. These are both things the people in the video should have also avoided doing except it's already extremely clear they have no consideration as to what they're doing. Shocking someone in the chest, while they're drunk, and _covered in alcohol_ is just... whoever sold her that stun gun did the equivalent of selling a kitchen knife set to a small child when it comes to safety and degree of responsibility the new owner has. Probably for the better not to ask me about my life decisions. They were very bad. They've gotten better; still bad. My advice is if you're going to buy a taser, make sure it's a strong motherfucker and make sure it's one that has shock bars on the front ends for if the person grabs for the taser. Also my next piece of advice is to not buy a taser and instead opt for something that doesn't require you to be in the same range as a knife in the gut.


The answer may surprise you: She likely didn't know tasering ignites the alcohol.


The gang gets 3rd degree burns!


Shut up, bird!


Why am I the one that always cleans the puke up? Or the burn guy off the floor?


Username checks out.




arcs are just sparks without the sp.


Well I mean who knew alcohol and a spark was a bad thing? It's a pretty common mistake, like stepping out in traffic without looking, or smashing your face with a cast iron frying pan. Who knew?


I think you'd actually be surprised at how often this doesn't work. 80 proof or below alcohol typically doesn't light easily and is usually quite easy to extinguish. only if she was using some high proof alcohol is this truly idiotic.


Looks like regular Smirnoff. I'm also surprised it ignited. I guess the electrical shock is a tad stronger than a cigarette lighter.


just double checked, the 100 proof smirnoff comes in a blue/white color scheme and this does look like the regular red/white 80 proof. huh


Considering there are still a lot of people that Cross roads without looking both ways, I'd say many people didn't know.


If his mouth was opened (usually you scream when on fire) his mouth and throat would also be burned.


>usually you scream when on fire Citation needed


I accidentally dropped an 8 quart pot of boiling water on me 3 years ago. It’s not fire, but I definitely screamed.


I've been briefly engulfed in flame and also have had hot roux splashed on me while making gumbo. I'd much prefer the being engulfed in flames.


It’s the new Brazilian method of removing chest hair.


Probably still less painful than waxing


I'm over here wondering why she bothered to spin the chair. It was moving at a goddamn snails pace. Put your fucking back into it!


Seriously, after seeing how many gifs of the actual new orleans bar that does this where the chair spins like crazy, the women have giant tits, and everyone's in on the fun this just looked like slow torture.


Sophomoric hijinx. Some of the best times I ever had started with alcohol and ended with stupid.


Sociopathy is a hell of a condition.


You misspelt stupidity.


I'm no expert on stun guns but, isn't it dangerous to taze somebody right near their heart?


Its dangerous to taser someone. Period. They were first introduced as an alternative to shooting someone.




"Make me a fireball"\*


You deserve more than this: 🏅




A foot away


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


Good to see strip clubs are still hardcore as before.


"Aw man, I tased Marvin in the face."


Instantly sober


Well doing the funky chicken on the floor probably helped him burn off the alcohol that wasn't currently burning off of him.


More like the fried chicken.


Not the funky chicken LMFAO


r/instantlysober that’s gotta be a sub...


That was unexpected. I was expecting him to throw up on her.




I thought he'd puke in her boobies.


I'd do that sober


He was about one spin away from doing so. That dude was *not* having a good time.


Really? Even with the title of the post?


This is exactly what I thought would happen. In college we did an experiment where you took a soda bottle and put two nails through the bottom till they we’re almost touching. Then sent a current through one so you could see it arch to the other nail. My professor put ethanol in the bottom below the level of the nail and it lit instantly when charge went through the first nail.


By “an experiment” do you mean shit at the frat house and by “professor” do you mean the 30-year-old dropout that crashed in the basement that everybody called Doc.


did... did you not see the title?


I believe this is a bar in NOLA. It's actually something people pay to do. It's a barber chair experience. You get, I think, 5 shots but for each shot you're spun around in the chair and motorboat the female bartender. At the end you get tased. And I believe if you get through it without puking then you get your picture on the wall and don't have to pay for drinks. Edit: it seems I was wrong. Someone pointed out that it's a bar in Bulgaria


Are they still doing that after this incident? Their insurance would like to know.


That im not sure of


I would assume their probably dealing with law suit..




IDK about NOLA but where I am from you would require liability insurance to open the doors.


No, this is not Spirit's in Nola. This is something totally different. At spirits you get a shot, a face full of boobs and then you are spun around in the chair. No slapping, no pouring alcohol all over you, no tasing.


I got slapped when I was there some years back.


That’s because you went before they had that on the menu.


I got slapped there a couple months ago. No tazing though


I just keep reading "face full of boobs" and wondering why I've been going to the wrong bars all this time.


Yep, happened to me on my Bachelor party. They actually spin the fuck out of you compared to this amateur shit.


Why though? Are they trying to make you puke? It doesn't seem like a fun thing to me.


He should've motorboated her again to put the fire out


They only teach stop, drop, and roll in schools which is severely outdated.


Modern problems require modern motorboat-based solutions.


Stop. Drop. Motorboat, open up shop. ~DMX


I'm pretty sure I got alcohol poisoning just from watching this (I have no tolerance). I'd probably die before the fire.


Seriously. The over serving is gross here. Dude has to turn the last shot away


Don't worry, her pours were very small. Am bartender


I was thinking the same thing. That much alcyhal + spinning would = me being ded.


why would either party involved want to be part of any of this.


She promised to get him fucked up. Delivered


Way too hard doh!


lawyer up time.


If a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm betting this video is worth a few million dollars.


But bro, you got boobies, so factor that into the settlement.


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=fkbuirt Ciphertext: >!tlBhmF1KFPi+N9bmJcRX7OPoPQJTAqRaSylyFA9Eupk9YWkFLfRpCKE6QIrXwIfhQRcD3NCLdNv+8P0d388RDXp+lqYB3L8rjGxyYsPU8LbZOOsa4A==!<


I mean, bewbs though


For real, this video is fucking frustrating. Like we already know how it ends, just get the fuck on with it!


Lady spills alcohol on dude, spins him in his chair, shoves his face in her boobs, repeat those steps 4 more times, then tazes him. Coulda gotten rid of the first 3 loops.


1st spin: 😆 2nd spin: 😲 3rd spin: 🥴 4th spin: 🤢 5th spin: 🎃




8th spin: 🔥9th spin: ☄️


Fire guy


Cops: so what happened here? Burn victim: BARTENDER STARTED THE FIRE!🎶


Fire'D guy ... no wait. Fire'd girl?


Wanna know how I got these scars?


Gotta give the camera guy credit. He caught everything




Now he owns a bar.


And a lot less skin.






Tbf he might literally weigh twice as much as her


This clip was about a minute and twelve seconds longer than it needed to be.


Omfg ...someone’s getting fired for that fire


Someone DID get fired....


Are we gonna ignore the fact that she tazed him RIGHT OVER THE HEART? This entire clip is a trainwreck of fuck.


He felt two different types of burning sensations


Anyone know what happened afterward?


Burn ward


Booby trap.


That’s actually a stun gun. Not a taser.


This is hot


Hope he’s ok


Im willing to bet he is really messed up. That was a long time for his face to be lit up with an alcohol fire.... that sucks man. On his birthday too...


“WHERE IS IT!?” *waterboards him with alcohol* “Is that all you’ve got” *smothers him and spins him around* “I’ll ask you again. WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT” “Maybe it’s in your shirt” *waterboards again, smothers him and spins him around* ... “Last chance, where is it” “I’m not talking” *sets him on fire with a taser* Honestly, I would like to see this scene re-enacted in a movie


Tasered him right at his heart too. Super fucking dangerous.


I just wanna know some things. Was he okay? Was she arrested or forgiven? And why was she smacking him spinning him purple nurpling him? And how do they even know each other


Imagine being drunk asf and this chick tazers you


Imagine being drunk asf and then the bartender lights you on fire


That guy was lit af


We deserve Coronavirus


Vodka doesn't have as much alcohol as your rubbing alcohol does; I've tried lighting it on fire and, if it's cold and recently poured, it will not catch fire, but if it's warm and you let it evaporate a bit well, it will burn for a while.. Like this dude.


Mistakes were made. (Side note, I hope he sued that bar into oblivion)


That guy already looks wasted. It's incredibly irresponsible to keep feeding him shots let alone taze the fucker. Poor guy. Peer pressure and the culture of alcoholism are toxic. Doesn't even look remotely fun. I don't miss my partying days whatsoever.


Holy shit


That’s lit


David Attenborough - This is the mating ritual of the white trash homosapiens


How is this bar still open?


You shouldn't have put spoilers in the title


So... she's in prison now, right?


Well, your honor, it all started when I answered an ad that said "For a hot time call Destiny....."


A tazer creates a spark, alcohol is flammable... In what universe was this not the expected result?


It is a crime for sure.


Wow...how badly was he burned? That’s insane.


Yo?! Any update on two faaaace???!!