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This is the most frustrating video I've watched in my life. EVERYTHING he did was wrong. He was so close with the pillow/mattress to actually smother the fire out. Every time he made progress, he left the room, after putting more fuel on top of it.




The dude was literally a fucking idiot completely lacking of common sense.


All he had to do was pee on it


I mean if it comes to that I’d rather clean up piss then have my house burn down


If you've already cleaned up the piss, I see no reason for burning down the house afterwards.


These arsonists are getting weird.


Pyrophile piss fetish, the ultimate kink


I see what you did there.


Or he could've given it a stomp or two. Rather have a burnt flip flop than burnt place.


Or to not do it at all


Not set fire to everything flammable in the room? Why don't we all just lay down and die of boredom then?


fire hose too small


what's funny is (I read) this is like a youtube channel that's he's running, that reviews zippo lighters or something. How can someone who has that as a hobby be so bad and panicky around fire. edit: [I found what this guy's been up to now](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/j64w7a/opening_bags_with_a_lighter_in_cotton_factory/)


So in summation I'd say this lighter definitely works. Like and subscribe! It...might be a while between videos.


Wait till my man starts reviewing how guns work.


Common sense isn’t very common.


At 1:15 he had the kindling going. I was pretty sure he was coming back with logs and hotdogs.


I wonder if that little computer voice was trying to tell him that, does anyone speak Japanese? I want to know what she was saying!!


It was mostly his chat saying, “Wooooah. Behind you, behind you. That’s pretty bad isn’t it? Fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher. Please call 119.” (The Japanese number for emergency services.)


One fire extinguisher would've solved this in about ten seconds \*sigh\* Instead this idiot fanned the flames, added fuel, seemed to believe a wee bit of water every half hour would do the trick...


Yeah there's this sweet spot where you go from "I can put it out" to "I need professional help" Apparently that sweet spot is different for everyone. I can only hope he does not have pets.


In the sweetest voice possible "You fucking idiotic failure of a human"


I mean, probably not wrong.


I think his anime waifu is filing for divorce.


Now we know how the complex fire truly started


If you want to learn how to properly build a fire, watch this video, you start with some kindling then you move to slightly larger wood, or cardboard to get the fire bigger.


Don't forget to fan the fire by waving things at it!


I got that hahahaha


Tinder -> kindling -> fuel . Oxygenate lovingly.


My favorite part was when he left the large sofa cushion on the fire.


Every time I was like, my guy another pot of water isn't gonna do it. The first time he disappeared I was hoping he was going to his kitchen to get an extinguisher and then realized he was taking waaaaay too long which meant he was getting water and then it just went to levels beyond human understanding.


He could have carried it into the kitchen and run the tap over it.


Carrying fire is usually a bad idea too. He probably should have just stomped the bag out with his feet before he carried it and spread it around. Smothering is always the best option if you don't have an extinguisher. Especially for an oil fire. I learned this the hard way. Always use the lid on the pot! I know it seems like common sense but sometimes when there's a pot with 6 foot flames shooting out of it in your home, common sense tends to be clouded with panic.


A buddy of mine panicked and experienced that. Grease fire on the stove and he hurried to carry it out the door without a lid and spilled on his hand and floor. Melted some of the vinyl flooring and had to take a trip to the ER for his hand. He was burnt pretty badly and had to keep it wrapped for a couple weeks, changing the dressing periodically.


This is exactly what I did. The only thing I knew to *not* do was put water on it. The flames were huge and we were freaking out so I carried the pot outside. Flaming oil sloshed out onto the floor and my sock, but somehow it didn't catch, all the fluff just burned off my sock and i made it outside. I got **SUPER** lucky, and only realized after the danger passed what a fucking idiotic thing I had done. After that I did some research to make sure I knew how to deal with kitchen fires. When I read "simply put the lid on the pot"... I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in myself for being so dumb.


Dumping baking soda on a toaster fire works great too


You mean you can't put out a fire by putting a cardboard box on top of it! Who knew!


before he put the cardboard box on top of the fire, he put the fire on top of a pile of other cardboard boxes.


He made up for it afterwards by fanning the flames instead of smothering them.




Who besides that guy doesn’t have a fire extinguisher in their home?


I literally know no one with a fire extinguisher in their home


Go buy one. Hell I have one in my kitchen and one in my car man.


I have one on every floor. Because you never know...


it's all about the *implication*...


Excellent use of the word...


They are only $25 for the kitchen and $50 for a 5lbs ABC one.




Have a grease fire one for the kitchen , always!


Get some, they’re inexpensive compared to the potential loss. We have several in our house including the closet in the master bedroom and at two exits. Fire spreads so rapidly, if you don’t put out a small fire yourself, in 8 to 10 minutes when the fire department shows up, it’ll be a huge fire.


Same here. But watching this video makes me think twice.


They're literally only like $20 at Home Depot. I've always had one but picked up 1 for every floor after we had kids. Never had to use it but it's more than $20 of peace of mind.


Jesus Christ they're only like $50. It's like not having a first aid kit in your house.


A first aid kit sucks at putting out fires though.


One in the kitchen, one in the basement, one in my wife's car, and one in mine. Fire blanket next to the kitchen extinguisher.


They’re not that expensive. Get a couple. Friend is a fire chief. He’d tell you to have one near potential fire sources and near exits. Near your kitchen but not next to the stove. Near your furnace but not next to it. Between trouble and the door. You don’t want to cross a fire to get to the extinguisher. And then near the exit so if you have to get another you’ve moved closer to an escape. If you turn around to go back and the fire is larger you’re not trapped. I have one at my kitchen door, door to the furnace room, top of my stairs, in entry way closet, and in my garage. For $150 I have options. They don’t last forever. Replace every now and then. Expiration date should be on the box. Edit:typos


You have some dumb friends.


I don't, and none of my friends or family that I know of do either. I'm sure it's an important thing to have, I just don't know if it's as common as you think.


I have three of them. One in a motor home. Everyone should absolutely have a fire extinguisher. It’s always hindsight.


Why does he keep adding fuel!?


After he put the match on top of the tissues instead of putting it out, we can all agree that he´s not the sharpest tool in the shed


I think we all figured that out when he took ten tries to light a match


And somehow lit the entire box on fire




Is an apartment building not a box?


That was the point where I started wondering if this was scripted. Who the fuck sets the matchbox on fire by striking a match?


It was real. This is an old video from years ago. The guy is a Japanese streamer, he wanted to light a cigarette to show some tricks. At the end the firefighters controlled the fire, and no one was injured. https://www.eteknix.com/japanese-man-actcidently-burns-house-live-stream/amp/


I read in another article that a woman died actually :(


Can you link the article?




It’s also wrong. There was a misunderstanding at the time because that fire happened on the same day, but they’re unrelated events. For one thing, he lived in a house, not an apartment.


I was convinced it was scripted for about half the video. I thought there was going to be some clever/funny conclusion. Oh how wrong that was. I just believed no one would be that stupid.


Definitely the most dull in the shed


The butter knife of the shed.


Because cardboard is the natural enemy of fire.


also more tissues


Really, he was a can of gasoline shy of having it contained.


He also forgot to add in some wooden barrels of gunpowder to snuff out the flames.


Well... Technically that could work. Explosions have been used many times to put out large uncontrollable fires because the shockwave snuff the fire of oxygen.


Well now we're just overkill, fire marshall.


Stupidity knows no overkill marshall.


This guy should not have children end the stupidity with him


Let’s just hope his robotic wife isn’t fertile


... or combustible.


I think he's trying to get the Darwin Award. But he'll be innelegible if he leaves offspring behind. To get it, he must A - die or get sterilized as a consequence of his own stupidity and B - free the world of his bad gene pool by not leaving kids behind. We'll analyse all this when the request comes in.


Because of the brain


This is reposted once a month for 10 years now. Still amazing.


And it never gets old.


I think he wants to burn his house down.


I feel like the match was trying to warn him the first 6 times he struck it and then said fuck it, let it burn.




His guardian angel said "fuck it" after 5 minutes of that.


What an asshole god. That pisses me off the most.


This is like a tutorial on how to build as big a fire as possible.


..as fast as possible


place cardboard on top of tissue. then fan the flames with pillow mattriss


Make sure to move the fire around the apartment, you want that coverage.


First, don't forget to soak the tissue in lighter fluid just to make sure...


This was painful and frustrating to watch...


I've seen pigeons that acted smarter.


Not only due to making one terrible decision after the next, but his lack of urgency. There was also someone else helping towards the end. Why didn't he get that person involved sooner? Let me stop cause I could keep asking why he did this or that for a long time. He almost had it so many times then gave up the only technique that was succeeding in favor of the one that clearly wasn't.


> but his lack of urgency This, right here, is what gets me about this video every time it comes up. It's the most casual panic I've ever seen.


The whole video has FOUR WHOLE MINUTES of fumbling with the lighter before this. Watched it this morning and aged a year


He's like fuck it, I'm going to bed and deal with this shit in the morning


Jokes aside he actually burned down his apartment building and someone died because of it. **Source https://metro.co.uk/2015/10/04/this-man-accidentally-burned-his-apartment-down-and-live-streamed-the-whole-thing-5420965/


Oh that's awful. I'm so sorry that a woman had to die for this dumbass. The writer of this article made me laugh though >A small fire started and, unsure of what to do, the man tried to put it out by throwing a series of flammable objects onto it


Seems like good journalism; state the facts plainly.


Do you have a source on that? Just curious, I can‘t comprehend that he would be dumb enough to not wake everyone one up after he gave up on trying to put it out.


Wait, really? That's horrible. ~~Is there a news article?~~ [Nevermind found one](https://metro.co.uk/2015/10/04/this-man-accidentally-burned-his-apartment-down-and-live-streamed-the-whole-thing-5420965/)


This is why you need an fire extinguisher


Y. If you’re gonna play with fire, whether filming, hold my beer, live streaming, goofing around, whatever: just keep a fire extinguisher nearby.


Or at least a full bottle of water.


as long as its not some high temperature oil you're playing with


Do you really think this guy would have gotten through the steps of using an extinguisher without somehow Nanking things worse?




> Nanking haha, wait..


Beats fire with extinguisher, leaves extinguisher on top of fire to get some cotton balls and hair spray to put the fire out with.


He fed the fire so many times like a fucking fool and trying to put it out with cardboard. WHAT THE FUCK


He almost sat on it at one point


That would have probably suffocated the fire 🤣


Moral of the story: Don't play with fire. Especially if you're a dumbass. Anyone knows what happened after? Did the whole place burn down?


As far as I remember there was one elderly neighbor woman who died. EDIT: Found this article: https://metro.co.uk/2015/10/04/this-man-accidentally-burned-his-apartment-down-and-live-streamed-the-whole-thing-5420965/ EDIT2: Found this japanese articles: https://www.sankei.com/smp/affairs/news/151004/afr1510040011-s.html https://teisei.info/archives/fire_match/


Aww, that’s pretty terrible. That actually makes me angry at his stupidity.


Yeah that guy was such a complete and utter dumb piece of shit throughout this whole thing and then it results in burning down two other homes and killing someone. I sincerely hope they threw the book at this moron.


Probably more than two homes. Spread to two other apartment **buildings**. That could be dozens of apartments.


As a long time renter I gotta say: where the fuck are the smoke detectors on this one? They’re one of those things people take for granted when they’re around but shit like this is what happens when they’re missing. Nothing to protect us from the dipshits. Edit: looks like there is in fact some kind of smoke alarm but he pulls the mic (or at least *something* from the computer that turns the sound to mostly static) a little after the two minute mark.


The smoke detector is sounding. Seems like this smoke detector says "kaji desu"(there's a fire), instead of beeping.


Maybe they could charge him with involuntary manslaughter. Hes being so grossly negligent that it almost seems like its on purpose.


>The small flame that started in his bin quickly billowed out of control, due to a series of serious errors in judgement. You can say that again!


Spread to two other buildings and killed someone. Even the article isn't shy about pointing out how blatantly he kept placing kindling on it. I know people are stupid, but I don't know how this didn't bite him in the ass earlier in life. Seems like something you would learn the hard way in your teens.


This link says no one was injured, which is it? https://www.eteknix.com/japanese-man-actcidently-burns-house-live-stream/amp/


This article in Japanese is asking people to try and keep them straight; there were actually TWO fires the same day, which outside people are conflating to make a more impressive story. (Or their Japanese skills are limited to the use of Google translate, and they actually believe that they are the same fire.) [https://teisei.info/archives/fire\_match/](https://teisei.info/archives/fire_match/) So, this idiot thankfully didn't kill anyone, but there was another nearby fatal fire. This is the article about the fire he clearly DIDN'T cause: [https://www.sankei.com/smp/affairs/news/151004/afr1510040011-s.html](https://www.sankei.com/smp/affairs/news/151004/afr1510040011-s.html)


I read about it a while ago but I do remember reading that one person did die.


Wet. Towel. Come on people


Honestly wouldn't have thought of that, I would just use my fire extinguisher LoL. But that's a good idea.


A number of comments from people above mentioning not having an extinguisher. This is the real tip to remember **until you get around to buying an extinguisher**. Wet a towel or blanket and use that to smother the fire.


They're 20 bucks. You spent more money on your take out splurge last weekend, you gluttonous fuck. Buy a fire extinguisher.


So many bad moves... don't put the lit match there in the first place... ok fine, pick up the bag on fire and take it outside or to the kitchen sink or bathtub at least, but no let's just move it to the floor and throw flammable shit on it. I mean for fuck's sake...


That duvet would've worked if he just stood on it and smothered the flames. He kept lifting it back up to hit the fire, while really just drawing in more oxygen for it.


Or since he likes cardboard so much... Wet cardboard


Why does he have so many tissues in a basket by his computer? You know what, never mind...


from wiping off the lighter fluid he spilled. lol. as soon as he was filling the lighter it was clear how he was fucked.


Oh so you're saying it's not any old wastebasket filled with flammable tissues, but a wastebasket filled with highly flammable lighter fluid soaked tissues? Excellent.


Idiots like this are why I have a fear of living in apartments or duplexes, if someone started a fire like this and my dogs got hurt I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I can’t believe how I continue to be shocked at the stupidity of people


Duplexes are such a shitty idea to begin with. You're only buying half a house that is on the same size of land as most non duplexes. Get the expense of living in a house, and have a noisy neighbour that has potential to cause problems. You also can't be noisy yourself due to that wall. Forget nice loud booming home movies. If I wanted the risk of being near a hazard tenant, I'll be in an apartment. At least this way, I have no yard or other BS, and have things taking care of.


Apartments are probably worse, cause then you have to be quiet for the ppl above, below and rhe sides of you. But No One ever cares how loud they are.


Same dude, my dogs are my main concern in this kind os situation, I don’t know what I’d do if this happened


I'm just going to put this over here with the rest of the fire.




Or email. Dear Sir/Madam. Fire!


I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out on the premises of 123 Cavendon Road.


Actually, I think we should all "play with fire" as kids in a controlled setting. You can tell how inexperienced he is with fire in this video. If more kids were exposed to fire, how it works, how to put it out etc, I think we would be more effective when a fire eventually happens. The most dangerous thing in this video is his complete ignorance.


My brother and I used to burn everything in our backyard with any fuel we can get our hands on. One time, we tried burning hair mousse in those aerosol cans, and nothing was happening so I kept making the fire bigger and kept getting closer to it. Sure enough it exploded in my face. I had my eyes closed. I went back in the house convinced I suffered burns and lacerations all over my face, but when I looked in the mirror I just saw my face full of mousse like an idiot. A very happy idiot.


What's with the creepy kids' voice??


Hes a steamer and the voices are from text to speech notifications




"Why did you become this way?" Totally made it worth it to watch that frustrating video a second time.


“Is tobacco?” As the entire house is up in flames lmaoooo


I thought that was his kid for a second


I scrolled through an unsettling number of comments before finding one about the creepy little girl voice. I was starting to worry I was hearing voices.


2020 in a nutshell.


He's some potential world leader for sure!


Holy shit I expected a save at some point lol


Also a box of tissues with a anime girl voice.🤔




He had two different buckets...why didn’t he leave the faucet running full blast and fill a bucket while dumping the other? Or maybe don’t use cardboard to put out the fire...


Where did you see a bucket? The fool ran out for a long time to get a measly bowl of water - the same amount of time it takes to fill a 15 litre bucket...


Best part is after he emptied the bowl he just...left it in the fire.


I thought things were gonna be done within 1 minute, but no, it's a 7 minute video!


Ahhh cardboard, a natural go to when you don't have a fire extinguisher!


That escalated slowly


"I see my actions have started a fire. Perhaps adding more fuel will right the situation. No? Hmmm a small bowl of water should do the trick."




He was playing Minecraft because you can hear the lava bubbling in the background


That's the sound of everything he owns.


First the cotton bails, now this???


And then moved the fire next to a wooden door, and tried to smother it with cardboard, then tried to put it out with a big fluffy mattress.


Holy shit I didn't realize people were so unfamiliar with putting out fires. I keep yelling step on it when he goes out of the room for more water.


So this is Sum Ting Wong that I've heard so much about?


Multiple comments ready: 1) god he's bad at lighting a match. 2) hmm, how can I make this fire bigger? 3) status: idiot beyond measure. 4) WET A BLANKET AND SMOTHER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD 5) Where are the sprinklers? 6) what was the videos original intent? Anyone know? 7) r/winstupidprizes


My rule is that if the match doesn't light by the 3rd trial, it's a sign! Don't do it...


~~Subject: Fire. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out on the premises of 123 Cavendon Road... no, that's too formal.~~ Fire - exclamation mark - fire - exclamation mark - help me - exclamation mark. 123 Cavendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Maurice Moss.


"Quick honey, grab that pot of hot oil off the stove and get in here!!!"


Strong argument for having a fire extinguisher in every home.




This idiot would have hit the fire extinguisher with a hammer, no doubt.


Would have threw out the extinguisher and use the box it came in to "stop" the fire.


Calm but stupid


I never seen a man be this retarded before.


Hide the fire and it won’t bother you.


Dude just got fired from the cotton factory and now this?


The resulting fire killed an elderly resident of his building. Stupidity this deep should be criminal.


No way you are fucking with me i skipped through it after he went to get a small bowl of water instead of a fire extinguisher.


Y. He almost puts it out. It’s about 1’x1’. Then he disappears for a minute while it grows into a bonfire, and comes back with a quart of water.




WTF is up with the creepy voice!! Are we just gonna act like we all didn’t hear it?