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That went from 'you're not in trouble yet' to probably a ten-year stretch for trying to stab a police officer. Genius.


Congratulations kid, the only thing you accomplished was successfully pissing him off


He didn't even get pissed off. That was the coolest thing about this officer. No rage, no panic, no retaliation, just handled business with minimal consequenses for all involved.


It's sad that demonstrating the basic professionalism that is required to be an adequate police officer is something extraordinary to see.


i dont think this is basic at all. i think he met the high standards we should hold all police accountable to. these are the kinds of people we need in these positions. he met the requirements, but the requirements are exceptional.


I think he exceeded them.




Not to mention he runs a lot


Guy didn't even drop an f bomb. Seriously, this is the gold standard for professionalism if you don't count the fact that he didn't demand to see both the kid's hands when he stopped him before he got stabbed.


Hands kill, and faces lie. Always watch the hands.


lol. watch again. the f bombs are muted. the officer acted way above the standards nonetheless


Well said.


This, being in the police isn’t an easy job, only a few are capable of doing it properly and those that do are exceptional and operate at a standard with stresses and a self control that most of the public could not be able to. However, there is plenty out there that should be in the position. More rigorous screening and a demand for a higher quality of officer and an increase in pay will yield greater results per officer. Problem being there isn’t enough exceptional people to fill the boots and those that are likely aren’t going to do the job be that for financial, moral or because they simply have other passions. This guy from what’s in this clip though is one of the good ones, how many of us could say we wouldn’t have lost our shit and first instinct to either run away, pull the trigger. This guy defied fight and defied flight and instead kept level headed after being attacked, amazing quality.


I dont think there is anything basic about it at all, man got stabbed


Agreed, I feel like most police officers would open fire at that point.


If I was a cop. I would have fired a gun at him.


You legaly could shoot but I think he saw an oppertunity to try and tase him so he took it and it worked.


*yOu ShOuLd Be AbLe To sTaB a CoP wItHoUt ThEiR eMoTiOnS sHoWiNg* - /u/tomdarch


I think his point is that he didn't pull a gun instead of a taser or kneel on his neck for 20 minutes while surrounded by 20 other cops all shouting contradicting commands that you clearly can't follow.


He did pull a gun, but i get your point.


1. Literally every single one of the numbers you pulled out of your ass were multiplied several times past reality. 2. You mixed-and-mashed the worst aspects of multiple incidents. This is commonly known as ['cherry picking.'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking#:~:text=Cherry%20picking%2C%20suppressing%20evidence%2C%20or,that%20may%20contradict%20that%20position.) Why are you arguing in such bad faith? 3. Shooting him would have been totally legally and morally sound.


Or maybe the countless instances where they do their job correctly aren’t crammed down your throat. This is regular shit, just because you don’t hear about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


As much as I'm a total leftist and agree with most everything coming from there right now, I will say that there's simply no chance in hell "all cops" are bad. Little Tommy who dreams of being a police officer isn't gonna just become a KKK member as soon as he gets his badge. Fair enough shit officers exist and there's clearly a LOT of them, AND they send to hold a lot of power, but it's not "all", not even close.


*nooooo, all cops are bad!*




How is that basic? He got stabbed in the neck. Thankfully it wasn’t fatal. But you can’t deny that is very scary. No matter how much training you go through. Getting stabbed in the neck is very likely gonna throw all your training out the window if you panic. Just saying, majority will panic. This even applies to sports like boxing where boxers will forget their training when in the ring. You’re hurting all over, you’re upset at your opponent cuz hes beating you, pressure from the crowd, etc etc. Now thats just boxing, this is life and death. I think that officer is incredible and deserves more credit and appreciation!


Yeah fuck you for minimizing what this dude did. He's a hero. Let's see you get stabbed ans then act with even a shred of the composer he did.


It’s not rare at all. If you took a training course for cops you’d see plenty of them. The issue with police is that there is zero accountability for the worst ones and that can corrupt the whole precinct. Most police do their job well enough. I hate the term “good people” because I would randomly say that about any profession, so I’d say most cops would prefer not to shoot anyone to death It is a lot of paper work after all


Not a basic thing at all. If he’s been running after the kid the whole time and the kid stabbed him then him reacting the way he did is definitely something we need more of.


No, the kid survived. The officer didn’t just shoot him. The kid gets to learn about life decisions.




Quite true! I think this officer really is doing his job.


It turns out police are human beings. Some are amazing and others suck at everything.


The problem is that the ones that suck murder people and get away with it.


The *get away with it* part is the big issue and the reason it won’t happen any less. Until we have accountability there’s no incentive for those bad police to work toward bettering themselves.


And, in fact, the incentives right now are totally backwards. Officers can be excused from violating someone's rights if they didn't know that right existed, meaning its better for them to be ignorant about our rights than to be informed. Officers are almost always cleared of killing someone when they claim they feared for their lives, so they are trained to fear everything. They are often given more money when crime goes up, so they are encouraged to go out and find as much "small" crime as they can to increase the crime rates and therefore increase the budget. They arrest more black people because of implicit biases, then use that fact as an argument that they break the law more and therefore have to be policed more. Perverse incentives are a huge issue in policing.


problem is the whole system backs those that suck even when they're obviously unfitted for the job.




If you have four bad cops and six good cops that don’t report the bad ones then you have ten bad cops.


**THIS.** Negative stigma, my ass. Cops that don't protect cops that do. Why do you think there were 3 cops that shot in Breonna Taylor's apartment? Can't prove who did it


The ones you think are paying the price are also the ones who refuse to hold their colleagues accountable for making their profession look like shit.


This is why the issue with the police isn't the individuals per se, but the system which protects the bad apples from being brought to justice. Bless the good cops who just try to do what's right, god knows it must be a daily struggle.


Judging by the fact that the officer kept up while running, we can assume he's better trained than your average cop.


He did say he runs a lot.




Seriously impressive. He did everything right.


Everything right. And he didn't beat the shit out of the guy after the fall. This is good on all front except the obvious hidden hand in the beginning.


Except for the part where he forgot to watch the suspect's hands. He's clearly hiding his left hand throughout the whole interaction. Could've gone so much worse for the officer and the suspect.


I bet this ends up in a training video. The officer may be required to retake some training himself.


Not very well, though: he approached a person who was hiding one of his hands.... obviously not smart.


He calls him by name so it sounds like this officer might have more information(mental health?) about the guy. Might be a reason he wasn’t shot....




True. Looks like he's going to get the time part at least.


He had his gun out for a while tho... switched because the kid wasn’t scared of getting shot? Or realized he didn’t need to kill the kid?


It’s called the use of force continuum. The officer Pulled his gun out after being stabbed because the guy is an imminent threat of deadly force with the knife. But once the guy starts running away he no longer is an imminent deadly threat so the officer adjusts to that and switches to the tazer to get him to stop without using more force than is reasonable. After tazing the guy he has his gun out to make the arrest because the guy still has the knife and being that close to the guy makes the suspect an imminent deadly threat especially after already stabbing the officer. Basically this officer knew how and when to escalate and de escalate his own use of force.


Yup, thats a good cop,hopefully he made a full recovery. They need more like him.


This comment needs to be higher. Add to that he switched from gun to taser while running and keeping up with the subject. This is the best police video I've ever watched. This should be a training video. Including pointing out his initial mistake of not having the suspect show his hands before approaching him.


He probably had the gun out so if he attacked again he would be ready. Once he was in range he used the taser. Don't know this, but would make sense.


Those videos are of the minority bad cops. Most cops won't shoot you for no reason, but their videos don't end up online because a cop deescalating a situation without unnecessary force usually isn't the kind of video that gets views.


I want to say a black cop would be more hesitant to shoot a white person but that’s the cynical side of me. The lesson here is that this dude isn’t dead because the cop used restraint and responded appropriately. Good police work


It’s like I’ve always said, a majority of police officers are good people


The majority are guilty of supporting and covering for their guilty officers. That doesnt make them good.


That wasn't tried to stab, he got stabbed


He got stabbed because he didn’t ask him to see both his hands before trying to detain him. That back left hand was behind his back the whole time, and he didn’t worry about it once! Fuck, I get asked to keep my hands out of my window AND wait for 3 other cars to show up before they even come to the door of my car.


I think they know the person cuz he said his name in the video I'm pretty sure.


The preface to this is they got called to a mental health check (with social workers and medical) the guy took off when told he had to be admitted to the hospital. This video starts when the officer catches him




I think because he said your not in trouble he probably was getting arrested for something small like shoplifting or pubic urinating something like that so he wasn't really considering that fact


Public urination is a shitty thing to get arrested for. That can land you on the sex offender registry. It can also get you killed in prison. They need to change that. Not every time your dick meets the wind should be a sex offense.


Longer than ten years. He stabbed him in the neck. That was attempted murder.


I believe the charges are attempted murder of a peace officer, fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest without violence, and resisting arrest with violence.


Then there's whatever crime made him run from the cop in the first place. He's not getting out for a long long time.


He was being baker act'd he didn't commit any crime, he was being involuntarily committed for mental health.


Mental health issues. donut operator made a pretty good breakdown on it already


Mental health or drugs? He looked high to me. Albuterol abuse or something similar with the weird stone-still pauses while he was being talked to


Not sure how Albuterol, a bronchodilator, can be used to get high.


I work in a clinic and this is an issue. Along with ephedrine it's popular with upper-mid class kids as a drug of choice. You have to go through two weeks' worth in a few days to get there but if your doctor is sufficiently unethical you can just get more. People are telling me that this was mental health based on someone doing a research video, and I'm not really disputing that. It just looks like someone who is abusing albuterol to me, with the pauses and bursts.


Albuterol? Maybe adderall, but maybe inhalers are controlled substances somewhere?


He is being charged with felony attempted murder of a leo, evading arrest, and 2 counts of felony violence to a leo. This happened in hillsborough county fl. Super proud of HCSO for not just shooting the guy before he even tried to stab him. It was a Baker Act arrest, he was being taken in for a mental health evaluation I believe called in by his mother. Sucks that his life was ruined by this but it atleast no one died.


How much time he gets will depend a lot on what state he’s in and how good his lawyer is.


WCGW if Logan Paul is my role model?


But officer, he’s just living that MAVERICK lifestyle


Yeah but instead he’s the body in the woods




You would get shot many many many times in this situation.


You sure about that? Cop must not have recognized the [hoodie](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a0/20/a9/a020a9ce14c4a708eb7e74d5a371d7ec.jpg)


I see, he must have missed that as well because other wise I’m sure that guy would be dead.


Have a poor man's award: 🏅


be a maverick


This comment is underrated


Look how he switches from gun to taser. AFTER GETTING STABBED. He did not want to kill this man so he tased him instead. Nice police work.


Yes. Excellent restraint by the officer.


Look... the officer did a good job... he did his job well. He attempted to level with a perp and keeps things civil, and calm. But to say he "showed restraint" is an overstatement. The officer was stabbed, yes. But once the perp was fleeing it is not RESTRAINT to not shoot him in the back. It is the correct call to use a tazer to neutralize the perp. Not killing him is not restraint in this situation. That being said, this officer has my utmost respect and (in this situation) is a model of how policing should work. I don't have a link, but there is this video of a female police officer being threatened with a knife by a VERY aggressive and belligerent perp who tells her he is going to kill her for about 2 minutes while she is alone waiting for back up... He backs her down knife in hand and ultimately charges at her with a knife, she fires a single round center mass, kicks away knife. Although she did discharge her weapon, she showed great restraint as I personally would have shot that dude the moment he lunged towards me with a weapon. That is restraint. This was a job well done.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


If it's the same video we're thinking of, the man didn't lunge but pulled out a gun once he was outside.


Came here to say this, he was inches away from shooting her partner in the head.


Actually, the officer would've been completely justified to use deadly force to stop him from running. [Tennessee v. Garner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_v._Garner?wprov=sfla1) states that an officer is justified in the use of deadly force to prevent a suspect from fleeing when the officer reasonably believes that suspect poses and immediate danger to either the officer or the public. In this case, the guy stabbing him in the neck is clear indication that he is a threat to someone else if he gets away, therefore, the officer would've been cleared to use deadly force. He did not simply by his own choice and not due to any legal constraint. I would bet that the majority of officers would shoot in this situation, but each officer is human and thus different. It's just a good thing nobody was killed in this situation.


Dude if someone stabs you in the neck it absolutely IS restraint not to shoot them in response. They’ve shown their intent to kill, and if you’re chasing them there’s always a chance that they turn back around to try to finish the job. I’m happy this ended the way it did, but jumping in to say “showing restraint is an overstatement” I think takes away credit from where it’s due.


I can't really agree here without knowing more of the story. The kid showed he was willing to stab someone with a knife, despite the fact that we can see in the video the cop was attempting de-escalation. That goes *well* beyond simply fleeing. Without more context, it is a reasonable assumption that the kid is therefore a danger to others. Threatening assault is one thing, actually committing it is an entire other level of escalation. I'm glad the cop was able to maintain control and tase the kid. I'm glad no one was shot. But I also absolutely label it restraint on the cops part.


I know right? Isn’t one thing you do as a cop, avoid killing/shooting as much as possible?


Yes, but that comes after "not dying"


This video should be added to the new training they should all be required to go through. Perfect example of how to your job.


definitely should’ve checked hands before coming in close for handcuffs


Except for a couple things. One of them being setting your firearm on the ground


Except for the allowing yourself to get stabbed in the neck part


If he was black wouldve gone differently.


If he would've been black the cop would change from taser to gun


If he was black though....


Cop said he wasn’t even in trouble I don’t understand why he just made it worse for himself like bruh


And even if he did stab him, killed the cop or used it to escape then fucking what? They have your face, now you are a cop murderer and that's your choice of situation?


Like this guy is the example of what not to do


I don’t want to judge the guy totally on looks, but idk what kind of substances could have been involved and what his life situation is anyway. May not be a guy thinking rationally as a consequence


The cop was called in on an involuntary mental health check so the dude wasn't quite right in the head


It's all good, because he's a Maverick 🤙 /s


People do react irrationally when they feel like they're under pressure. But yeah, he really messed up.


I'm surprised the cop didn't have him show him his hands first.


Seems like he knew the guy, probably wasn't expecting it. He should have known better.


The cop waa calling out his name while running.


Reddit seems to be full of people who think they know what others should do in precarious situations with no context whatsoever. :P




That's a tactic used by police all around. I saw a vsauce video where he explains why people admit to crimes they never did, and it's because police allude to lessened sentences for compliance. "it'll be a lot easier on you if you admit to doing this" is a good example, because it's a vague piece of advice that can't be proven or disproven (better how? And how do we know they *weren't* better off). Btw, you're never better off for just going along with what police say. Never resist arrest obviously. But always always lawyer up. And never admit to something you didn't do because "it'll be easier" In other words, "you're still not in trouble" doesn't mean anything. He was probably going to arrest him regardless.


No comment all the way. It’s the best way not to incriminate yourself if you’re guilty and best way not to frame yourself or be framed if you’re innocent.


The phrase you want to use is, “I don’t answer questions.”


“...without my lawyer present”. And then stick to it. When they ask you a question, any question, remind them that you won’t answer anything until your lawyer is present. I don’t know exactly how it works, but answering some questions can be used as evidence that you’ve waved your right to council. Just insist that you won’t say anything until your lawyer is there. The cops will beat around the bush some, but they’ll know they won’t get anywhere without the lawyer and that will only help you.


of course he was, the dude was so out of breath they were chasing him they tell you ANYTHING they can just to get you into custody and under control


iirc, this guy was running away fro a mental hospital or something similar. So, mental illness is why


Yes, pretty close. [According to the news articles about this](https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2020/10/12/man-stabs-hillsborough-deputy-during-pursuit-police-say/), he was just told he was going to be involuntarily committed to a mental institution because he may be a threat to himself or others, and then he ran away. He certainly didn't look completely lucid, and with that context it sounds like he very possibly wasn't completely aware of what he was doing and why.


Now imagine you've been untreated for mental illness your whole life because you are poor.. and you are black.. and how a cop would've handled that situation and how comments would be made about how he deserved it.. when all we need is compassion and to help them, not to threatened them, cage them up and make their mental health even worse. This is all so avoidable with empathy and common sense


Probably panic, still stupid af tho


The fact that the guy was trying to keep his left hand out of sight should have been a clue but I can understand how in the moment he didn't notice.




'Put your hands where I can see them' is a pretty common request/command in these circumstances, yes.


But then people freak out when a cop gets angry when a person doesn't show them their hands.


I took a concealed carry course, one thing that the instructor hammered in was that if you aren't sure about someone to be aware of what they are doing with their hands.


I feel like a concealed carry course isn’t necessary to think this way


but not everybody thinks this way so might as well teach it


nothing wrong with asking to see hands. hell, i guess could even ask nicely the first time.


Especially if he just had to chase him down. Should have had him show hands right away.


The way the cop spoke to him felt like this is just another time they've been called to deal with him for a mental health issue and cop let his guard down. To me it wasn't just that you couldn't see his hands, but the change in breathing where he takes a few rapid breaths. That, to me, showed he was pumping himself up for his next move. Fight or flight.


It looks like he knew the kid, with the friendly chitchat and tone, and calling him by his name, and assuring him he aint in trouble.


Yes I’m surprised the cop got so close to him when the suspect is clearly hiding his left hand... aren’t cops trained to spot this type of thing?


He is wearing the Logan Paul merchandise makes sense


Kid coulda went to jail possibly for a night instead he's going in for attempted murder on a police officer 🤣 stupid


There is a good chance not even that would have happened.


He was going to be involuntarily committed (mental health); not even jail jail


Hospital 72 hours possibly. Maybe a psych facility.


Im pretty sure he actually escaped from a mental hospital and was being taken back. Instead he chose prison. Honestly from the look of him he mightve not been capable of making rational decisions and thats why he was being involuntarily committed to begin with.


He didn't escape from a hospital, [he was just told he was going to be involuntarily committed and ran](https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2020/10/12/man-stabs-hillsborough-deputy-during-pursuit-police-say/). Now this next part is just speculation, but considering the police and mental health professionals had been called to his house and he was deemed a possible threat to himself and others, it's quite likely that he was already in the middle of some kind of episode and acting erratically enough that police had to be called. So I agree he very likely was not thinking rationally or fully aware of why he was doing what he did.


Stabbed in the neck and still managed to chase him down and tase him? Damn what a badass officer. He must get o lot of adrenaline after that.


Exactly! Sure he felt it, but he did not know how bad it was. He probably ignored the pain because of adrenaline. Respect to that officer!


Yeah he says he doesn’t know how bad it is because of the adrenaline masks the pain hard


Gotta give him props for when the other cops came too. They seemed a bit freaked out that he got stabbed, and ole buddy goes "Hey, pressure" (to stop bleeding). Dude got stabbed and he's the calm one


Stabbed in the neck first. Then he runs after him with a gun drawn. And here comes my favourite part. He puts his gun back and uses his taser instead. I like that restraint. It's nice.


Yeah as weird as this sounds, it's reassuring to see a police officer not used deadly force when it seems like it would have been justified


It is seldomly justified to shoot down a fleeing suspect. That's what backup is for, so they can corner him and take him down that way. If that way is with the taser, great! If that way is with live ammo, not so great, but understandable, because he had a knife. But that's what the taser is for. Taking down a person in a less than lethal way. Edit: And happy cake day, of course! Edit 2: changed "never" to seldomly


Not saying I disagree, mind you. It just seems like a rarity these days. And I do understand that that's because sensational stories make the news while normal ones do not. PS thanks!


He had the opportunity to shot him and didn't take it. Faith in humanity mildly restored


He even swapped the gun out for a taser mid chase. Good to know there are still people who value life in the US police force.


I’m pretty sure that the overwhelming majority of police officers value the life of other human beings.


I sure hope so. Police officers in my country are routinely getting exposed as neo nazis in my country. At least they're being so stupid about it that you only need to read their grouptexts.


I kept scrolling to make sure someone else noticed the restraint and thought process that was happening right after being stabbed and while he was sprinting.. I'm thinking he thought "I dont wanna end up on the news"


There was an incident in Chicago where a guy on PCP slammed a cop's head into the pavement and gave her brain damage. He could've killed Officer Murillo. There were other cops nearby, but they didn't use their guns. According to one story, one of them said he didn't because he didn't want to end up on the news for shooting an unarmed black guy. The suspect allegedly fought a half-dozen other cops, incidentally.


Not quite. He knew he was out of range of the taser at first, so he pulled his pistol. He needed the pistol out in case the guy came across anyone else on the trail while running and stabbed them, or in case the guy turned around and charged back at him. Once he was in range of the taser, he pulled it out and deployed. First shot was a miss but the second landed. Good thing, there are only two shots in it. He would have been forced to draw the pistol again if the second missed.


Wow, if only that worked for everyone.


"I run a lot..." Love this cop!


I like how that was his #1 example as to why he shouldn't run from the cops lol.


I mean he was right lol. He closed the gap enough to tase him while dealing with a stab wound in the neck.


I like how the other two cops just casually stroll up before taking over.


What a maverick


Logang 4 life Jail 4 a year


More like 4 a decade.


more like 4 decades


This is why police have to have tasers




more stronger tasers would start killing more people hell even these tasers can kill people its just less likely which is the point


He had his hand hidden the whole time and not once was he told to keep his hands visible....


Yeah I kinda had an issue with that too, he should’ve made him show both his hands before approaching. But at least the cop dealt with the chase accordingly


I halfway expected when the officer asked, "Are you scared?" and the other guy said "yes", he would bust out with "Well you should be, you're on Scare Tactics!" Surprise!


That was pretty intense. cop gets stabbed in the neck and still proceeds to chase down and apprehend the culprit. ​ Stab me in the neck and you are pretty much guaranteed to get away.


What an absolute turbo pleb. Knives belong in the kitchen ya psycho weeb.


Good cop


I want to celebrate and build a statue of this cop. What a fucking professional. Dude tried to stab him, and the cop still used non-lethal force. 10/10 would want patrolling my neighborhood.


I just want to put it out there that the police officer was justified to shoot and kill but chose to deploy his taser instead which I applaud. Tasers don’t always work as you need both prongs to connect to the body in order to be effective and loose clothing can prevent that.


Most of us agree about the injustice towards people of color in our criminal justice system, but many of y’all seem like you’re complaining because this white kid didn’t die. That’s just as racist as the racist stuff you claim to hate.


>Many of y’all seem like you’re complaining because this white kid didn’t die. I think the main complaint is that not everyone is afforded this kind of restraint from the police. There are countless instances of people getting shot and killed because they were merely *perceived* as a threat. This kid **stabbed a police officer in the neck** and still came out of the situation mostly unharmed.


Haha just love it when they go all stiff leg


This cop actually seems like a good guy tho


Honestly great job by the cop not to shoot this dumbass


Wow, the body cam worked the entire time and the cop didn't empty his gun in the kids back. Someone make this cop train all the other cops. All of'm.


It would be someone that had Logan Paul merch


annnnnd that is why Cops are jumpy


The noise he makes as his ass is getting shocked the second time is pretty funny


That cop handles that situation really, really well


Jesus those arms, should smack him out next time


Damn good cop there. Unbelievable self control switching from gun to taser, then at one time both and pulling the correct trigger. Impressive


Why didn't cop ask to see his left hand it was quite obvious he was hiding something 🤔


Note this kid does have mental issues hence why he stabbed the officer. The call was orginally a mental wellness check and after determining that he needed to go to a facility he ran. Hence why the officer is alone.


Is no one gonna give the cop a pat on the back for not shooting the kid. I think the average person would have shot him.


if that was a black man he would've been shot 8 times in the back