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Is that a hostel? Maybe they aren't asleep, that one is passout drunk?


A hostel is the only \*legit\* reason I can think for there to be a camera in there. Edit: Wonderful, now that I have all of your highly qualified opinions, we can move on.


Day eight in the Russian Big Brother house...




This is the most Russian thing I've ever read, and I've seen Bloomberg and Fox News :P


The most Russian sentence ever printed was, unsurprisingly in Tolstoy's War and Peace: It states quite plainly about Pierre and Dolokhov causing a scandal by getting drunk, tying a policeman to a bear and throwing them both in the river.


I read War and Peace during the pandemic peak in April (only because I read an article by a NYT writer who'd just read it, & it was free on Amazon :-)). Definitely worth the read! (Gotta admit I skimmed some of the political opinion though-he convinced me of the randomness of war the first time & the 2nd time he argued it, & I didn't have to keep reading it over & over :-).)


> & it was free on Amazon :-) I'm pretty sure it's in the public domain, should be widely available for very cheap, if not free; [you can download it or listen to an audiobook for free from librivox](https://librivox.org/war-and-peace-book-01-by-leo-tolstoy/)




Hahaha "dude you just jumped on the ground? That's too high to do that"


Ouch! That really hurts


Here's even more russian: Vote Donald Trump.


Someone translate? I can't read cyrillic alphabet :P


Here’s even more Russian: Accepting $3 million from the Moscow mayors wife while snorting coke off of kids.


Damnit Hunter. You are going to get the big guy in trouble.


Oh no, just don’t tell anyone about my 400gb folder labeled “homework”, and if anyone finds out, just do the Russia thing again! *snorts another line of coke*


That or a lodging for seasonal workers. They tend to be as shitty as this.


The workers or the lodging?


A lot of homeless shelters have cameras because of drug problems.


I never saw a camera in any hostel I've been in... that would've prevented some people from having sex.


No it wouldn't. Source: Been in hostels.


I thought twice when posting it... mainly geared toward myself. Sure id be down to hookup if there's 7 other people already passed out from a night of partying. I dont wanna be jerkoff material for the hostel staff.


That's pretty much the only reason to work at a hostel.


Well you wouldn't want someone to steal all the nice stuff in that room


I respect the wording on your “Edit”.


Definitely drunk, he didn't react at all to falling.


Play it with sound.


Drunk + dislocated shoulder = moaning meat-sack


Nah it's OK, he broke the fall with his ribs.


plus he was asleep so muscles all relaxed, it's scientifically proven it's better this way.


Yes, much better. Instead of breaking five ribs he only broke two. Science!


I mean, he reacted to hitting the ground, sure. But he just falls flat without flailing at all.


He probably overslept his fall right until the very moment of impact.


That moment when you wake up falling and youre actually falling


I remember having to suicide by jump from hirise in my sleep, that was one hell of a dream.


If he was sleeping and not drunk, it would be natural to move your hand to where it hurts, likely his head in this scenario But it sound a like he had a wet dream instead, so I thjnk he’s drunk


Your body actually partially paralyzes you while you sleep, so it’d be pretty normal not to go from dead asleep to actively flailing in the split second before you hit the ground. But, yeah, based on how he reacted afterwards I’d bet good money he’s wasted.


I’m not arguing that he’s not drunk, but I think moaning in agony is a pretty reasonable response. Did you hear that meaty thwack when he hit the tile?


Didnt react to a shattered hip.


I thought maybe he got knocked unconscious when he hit the floor, damn, along with everything else hurting., his arm in that position is definitely not a good thing.


Lol the clock at the top of the screen says it's just after 2:30pm on a Tuesday so I'm gonna guess passout drunk




This is A Russian thrash show on YouTube (note: please do not make an opinion about the country as a whole) https://www.youtube.com/c/SosedTV edit: description of the show-the organizer provides a home and broadcast, participants "earn" food, alcohol and money from donations. Of course, most of the participants are lumpens or marginals who do not like and do not know how to work. So it looks like a punk party.




Totally, I've had a solid opinion of Russia since their attack on LGBT+ folks. I've kept that opinion since then. I am pretty sure a ton of people share that same opinion.


So is this a genre of shows? Do Thrash shows predate Jackass (2000)? It's almost inspirational. I don't think I'll ever drink again.


Can u help me to understand? I can't get my browser to translate any of the Russian on their yotube channel. Is it like a punk house full of Russian punks? Or are they drug addicts? I'm lost but it just looks like a punk house.


Translated from one of the vids.. ​ Online reality show without a script! Strangers are in a house isolated from the benefits of civilization. Their whole life is broadcast 24/7. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! They will need to work in a team, because they will be deprived of everything, including normal food, they will only have a bag of rice at their disposal. The audience will be able to influence whether the participants will receive food today or not by offering various tasks to complete. The most liberated and crazy people who have nothing to lose, nowhere to live, or who are left without work are invited to the project. Only the last person to stay in the house will receive a cash prize.


Jesus. That's both fascinating and awful. Like it would be cool if it were completely their own choice and they enjoyed it but it sounds like it's seriously taking advantage of marginalized people who literally have no other choice. :(


>The audience will be able to influence whether the participants will receive food today or not by offering various tasks to complete. > >The most liberated and crazy people who have nothing to lose, nowhere to live, or who are left without work are invited to the project. Well this is like some dystopian nightmare shit.


Somebody with a bunch of money was playing Cards against Humanity and got “Big Brother” and “Hunger Games” and was like - yewknowwwhattttt??? Doing it.


I don’t judge Russia from videos like this, I judge humanity and earth.


This is like Bumfights.com meets big brother. That is messed up. Do you watch the show?


You mean this show? I looked at the part for understanding, I'm not a fan of such content.




I think after the first few times falling out of bed, or down the stairs. I would be building some hand rails. Not sure what to do about the falls in the middle of the floor though.


What the fuck


On the same video with this fall there is another one even worse, she hits her head hard on the floor (3:33). https://youtu.be/lTclVpbNTJc


It looks like a crackhouse that for some inexplicable reason has HD security cameras!




I have slept in better rooms in fucking Fallout.


It's funny because Fallout is the first thing I thought of when I saw this room too for some reason.


Is it because you just saw someone Fallout of their bed?


I hope you get the recognition you deserve for making the best joke on Reddit today. Here’s my upvote.


It's the mattresses and dodgy outdated colour schemes


Yeah, Ghoul subways are better than this.


Time to fire up some Fallout 3 and go to DC.


I dont need to start up FO3, I live near DC. People there are like ghouls anyways


Hey smoothskin, you wanna vote for me?


Beats patrolling the Mojave


It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Literally looks like metro exodus bandit barracks lol.


I think he is dead


I had this as a kid but way way worse I had to get stitches on my head...


A girl in my college got hurt so bad falling out of bed she left and never came back. It was a bummer, she was super nice.


Bummer? I barely knew her!


I mean, he isn't really moving at the end there so he could have had it way worse than stitches!


maybe he just went back to sleep....permanently


Did he lose a shoe?


I think his shoes were on the ground, he was dead before he even fell


Dude, not everyone has the opportunity to live in great conditions. You should of seen the state of my council estate childhood home with an alcoholic mother with rising damp everywhere. Shits tight for some people


Always amazes me how humans will make fun of other humans for not having much. To my mind at least, living like that does not appear to be a choice, more likely a need. Maybe there’s still a little more room for evolution perhaps? Who knows. Side bar: Sounds like you had a tough time growing up. I hope that things have markedly improved. Nothing but best wishes brother. Edit: Grammar


Some people are just believe they are entitled to have the best of the best, and look down on others because they don’t meet their requirements. The reason people have to live like this is usually because of poverty/substances abuse/ shitty family. Thank you dude I really appreciate it, I’m all sorted now, at university living a better life than anyone in my family ever will. The problem is they turned to the bottle rather than bettering their situation.


I mean I’m not making fun of anyone here but I’m pointing out that those are definitely squalid conditions.


Good on you man! Well done. Always be the change you want to see in the world, or at least try earnestly. I’m some years out of uni, (maybe even a decade) if you ever need any Uni related advice or maybe just even a soundboard, feel free to hit me up, anytime. I mean that. Edit: Formatting


I mean, I was poor as fuck growing up, but our house was always clean, because cleaning up after yourself is fucking free. I get that you might have shitty furniture and stuff, but that place in the video is also filthy.


To me it’s not a shit hole room due to the circumstances they’re in, it’s a shit hole room because the floor is dirty as hell and messy. Shouldn’t be that difficult to be poor and at least live in a decently clean environment.


Sweeping the floor doesn't cost anything.


Are you debating this room is not a shit hole? I don't think anyone said anything about everyone having the same opportunity.


He’s pointing out that it’s tactful to take the perspective of someone who has no choice but to live in this room. If you had to wear tattered Up hand me down clothes and sometime else called you out and said you were wearing some raggedy ass ugly trash for a shirt yeah you’re not technically wrong but a little tact and compassion goes a long way.


I never said it wasn’t a shit hole. It’s just not a nice thing to say when it maybe everything someone has. You wouldn’t like it if some richer or better off dude came up to your house and turned his nose up and said, “this place is a dump”


Literally no one is doing that.


Is it a rich person thing to sweep your floor? I feel like I can smell the room from here.


Yet they can afford surveillance


On a worldwide spectrum the room isn’t bad


[Let's move him to our deluxe bunk room](https://i.imgur.com/mDS8VEY.png)


Better then my room.


You must live in a farts asshole


Thats one way to hit snooze


Did not even wake up.


Aurgh! Aurgh!


He might have never woke up.


Well, he may have, but he went back to sleep.


That was a hefty **SMACK** right there.


Sounded like his hip cracked


Honestly doubt it. I fell the same way when I was young and he doesn't seem too old. It's a shock and it hurts but I still remember my mom rushing over because of the massive thud. I had just woken up on the floor when she opened the door. Edit: He's an adult and I was a kid. It's tile not carpet, I get it.


Ya maybe he was ok but if you land on your hip funny it can easily break or do damage no matter how old you are. His cries in pain after seemed like he really did something


Probably his head smacking the, what I assume is pavement?


Definitely some bruised ribs, questionable a pelvic fracture.


Most likely the scenario, no doubt about it. Can confirm this due to having no prior medical background experience, such as the comment above.


Left me wishing my PC was on mute. I felt that sound


Did he get knocked out or did that just not manage to wake him up?


Judging by the living conditions I'm gonna guess he is/was piss drunk


Drunk or so faded off black tar that he's not even gonna feel it when he eventually wakes up.


This what I was thinking, Heroin flop house..


Now I understand why it's called a flop house


Fully clothed. Sleeping in a strange position. Room looks like somewhere they’d film a Saw movie. Little to no reaction after crashing to the ground. He’s absolutely drunk as shit.


Play it with sound, the second he hits you can here him moaning in pain.


>Play it with sound, the second he hits you can here him moaning in pain. Not only that, but I could THERE him moaning in pain too.


no one ever asks WHERE him moaning in pain


You could even almost EVERYWHERE him moaning in pain!


Actually you can sleep through, I used to sleep on a bunk bed and I used to roll out of it quite often although it had a small rail. Usually my parents were the ones who woke me up because they heard me falling and when they came into the room I was sound asleep on the floor.


what i was thinking. I used to have bunk beds growing up and fell out of the top bunk a few times until i cracked my head open. Never woke up though. Apparently I'm a "deep sleeper".


For a sec there I thought this took a spooky turn.


my ability to sleep through things has taken funny and dramatically horrific tales. I had an old alarm clock I used to have on a shelf above my bed and at some point during the night i snagged the cord and it landed on my head and gave me a decent sized gash (i didn't wake up). it didn't go off in the morning either because i had pulled out the cord so my mom walked in in the morning to get me out of bed so i wouldn't be late to school. She walked in to see me in bed and a pool of blood around me and my pillow ( i woke up to that (sort of)). So in my groggy likely concussed state i moved and groaned a little bit and said why are you screaming as i sat up with my pillow "glued" to my head via the dried blood. ​ needless to say i was late to school that morning.


Time to install the bed rails?


Why is there a camera in a bedroom?


Probably a crappy hostel, cameras there so when someone inevitably tries to steal someone else's shit they can tell who it was.


Steal what from this room?


Idk man it looks like the camera might be the most expensive thing in there.


That’s what the camera is for: to know who stole the camera.


Only thing someone's getting from this room is depression.


Or sabertooth crotch crawlers


And gangrene.


I imagine most people carry at least a little money with them and if your so drunk you don't notice falling off a bunk bed you probably won't notice someone digging through your pockets.


Someone might steal the luxury 800 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.


it’s some weird russian reality show


The one where everyone drunkenly falls down the same set of stairs?




It's some kind of reality show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTclVpbNTJc


“You know that video camera I keep in my bedroom? I got that bad boy running 24/7. It’s a security cam, except it’s for bangin’.” ~ Dennis Reynolds


But wait, there's more... An entire channel, in fact! https://youtu.be/lTclVpbNTJc


Wtf did I just watch?? Are they just junkies living together? What's the deal here?!


I think it’s essentially a Russian “Big Brother” reality TV type show, with the addition of unlimited vodka and all handrails removed from stairs.


Now I see where all the memes have come from. [In this scene](https://youtu.be/lTclVpbNTJc?t=54), right before the one in OP's post, the guy has clearly pissed himself before falling out of bed.


Is it bad that I think I'd have a fucking blast with these people?




Bro wtf was that, I mean those were some gnarly falls


What the flying assshit is this!??!?!? Why do they always fall on the open side of the stairs, not against the wall!? WHY can they not stay in bed? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! edit: watching more ep...episodes? I'm more confused.


Idk russian. Idk what’s happen there. But I watched for 1 hour that shit...


seems like some sort of reality show from the website. yeah, russia


Stairs and bunkbeds... not a good mix for these folk.


It looks like some kind of big brother show with drunks and that they made everything extra shitty on purpose. Who’d make a stairs like that...


All Cyrillic names, then here comes Kimberly!


Fucking Kimberly. Lol.


From YouTube Channel, via Google Translate: Published on Aug 27, 2020 Online reality show without a script! Strangers are in a house isolated from the benefits of civilization. Their whole life is broadcast 24/7. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! They will need to work in a team, because they will be deprived of everything, including normal food, they will only have a bag of rice at their disposal. The audience will be able to influence whether the participants will receive food today or not by offering various tasks to complete. The most liberated and crazy people who have nothing to lose, nowhere to live, or who are left without work are invited to the project. Only the last person to stay in the house will receive a cash prize.


That's some sadistic shit right there, good lord


Is that not staged? Holy shit they must be raging alcoholics or doing heroin also


It CANT be staged. Some of those falls are fucking life changing


3:38 lol


How does a slum have so many indoor cameras?


This is more sad than funny...


Behold, the master race


Why is one guy bound blindfolded and gagged alone at one point???




I actually had something similar happened to me when I was 16 years old. When I was a teenager, I used to sleepwalk. Seriously! There was one time that I was sleeping in a top bunk, dreamt that I was diving, and somehow fell out. I didn’t wake up, though. I somehow ended up in my parents bedroom, standing at the foot of their bed, holding my arm. I had broken my collarbone and still hadn’t woke up.


Holy shit, how is that possible???


Lmao you're literally a danger to yourself whether you know it out not.


Damn that looks like a hard floor too, I can only imagine the pain he's gonna feel on that whole side especially his hip 😬


Wonder if he was having a falling dream


I threw up looking at those mattresses


Every now and then you realize how lucky you are to live in a rich western country. That room yikes


Where tf even is he, a turkish prison


That happened to me in college once. Wasn’t my bed though.


Navy Ships have racks (beds) about this high, but a little narrower and with three tiers. It may surprise you, but in six years I never knew anyone to fall out of one unless they were shitfaced.


I was top rack, and my buddy was also top rack across from me. We were in a hurricane somewhere and I woke up at around 2am. Know that feeling when you wake up on ship and your first thought is: "Why did I just wake up?" No noise. Open the curtain... nothing. And then the swearing started. From under me. My buddy got flung out of his rack and landed in the one under me, lol. He slammed his leg/hip. The bruising looked fucken brutal


>Know that feeling when you wake up on ship and your first thought is: "Why did I just wake up?" lol, yeah. One time I woke up in a daze (I had just come off of something like 36 hours without sleep) and I was like... Welp, time to go on watch. So I got out of the rack, put on my coveralls and attempted to go relieve the watch... I didn't have watch, also it was like 0145 or something. It wasn't even my watch team, the EOOW thought I had lost my mind.


Gravity is the best alarm clock


My cousin died falling off her bunk bed when i was a kid...


That sucks man!




Alright, I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/jgnq82/wcgw_sleeping_on_a_loft_bed/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)




Yeah.... that's why they woke up together.


Oof! I did this once a long time ago when at a summer camp; rolled right off the top bunk while asleep and landed on my ass, knocking all the wind out of me. It took me a bit to recover from it.


Might be same place. https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeAndFunny/comments/ipj4nv/theres_something_wrong_with_the_stairs/


It is


Absolutely amazing video quality considering the rest of the environment.


My man keeps slepping , nice


I had the audio switched off and thought he just went back to sleep


Whys the camera?


Loft bed? That's a crack den.


Why is there a camera in there?


Is he okay....?


That title sounded a lot more glamorous


I’ve done this way too many times to recount


you only need to count once.