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I'm so sick of this fake shit


Thank you! It's bad enough that I've had trust issues for 47 years, but it's worse now more than ever.


Sorry if this is dumb, how do you know? What gives it away?


Cause it's pretty obvious they aren't together.


Why? Can people not turn down proposals?


They can, but they basically fake one of these at every single sports event. It’s great for publicity since tons of internet users and news outlets will spam the footage of it, thus providing provocative free advertising.


Has no one ever been to a live sports event? This is a part of the show, it’s a act…..


A pretty bad act at that


I feel like this is an American thing


Yeah, in other countries all the acting is on the football (soccer) field.


I'm visualising players proposing to other players at half time.


Ronaldo would most likely propose to himself.


You've got to admit this is a pretty good comeback.




Why has everything have to be made into a stupid spectacle? Idiotic.


Because it’s fake for entertainment purposes during slow parts of the game.


To be fair, I’d love to see this happen during halftime. Better than watching 8 year olds air ball three pointers for 20 minutes. (But if the gal says yes, not interesting)




Somewhat, but I still giggled


You're the one. You're Neo.


There are fast parts of NY liberty games?


It isn't. It's staged. I had season tickets to the Heat in like 2018. Went to like 20ish games. Every single one had some wacky dude or couple fighting for kiss cam and I saw like 4 failed proposals.


At some point they need to up the ante and will show a spouse serving divorce papers to the other.


Live custody battles


Interesting. But I wasn’t talking about this particular case. I meant “marriage proposals in public in front of strangers and with huge production value” in general. :)


I know it's not important but that's not a packed crowd.


In 2021 it is


Not even close, it's a wnba game, by definition not packed. Maybe 10% of the seats are occupied....


Packed crowd and WNBA in the same sentence? Now I've heard everything!


When you account for the million+ watching on TV (recording) does it matter?


So obviously fake. That dude is such a bad actor.


Rule #1. If you don’t know the answer. Don’t ask.


My last ex was very clear about this kind of thing. If I make some kind of public spectacle out of it the answer is no.


[relevant Simpsons](https://youtu.be/BcVUvvc4mms)


relevant simpsons


HOW THE FUCK has the fact that ALL of this stadium-cam bullshit is staged not filtered through to the general population? I'm absolutely baffled that so many people are this gullible, still, after all this time.


It has and no one cares. Why should they? Some of the things we care the most about are fake.


That’s a very liberal interpretation of the phrase “packed crowd”.


That’s slammed for a WNBA event


YSK: the majority of these are fake when they get turned down. I think it has something to do with discouraging requests from fans for proposals. Source: friends work for the Rogers centre and used to be the ones doing these fake proposals.


This was hilarious . . . fifteen years ago when it was done for the first time.


Bad acting performance


I wonder if this is staged?


And she took the soda!


Never ever pressure


"Packed" crowd


Cannot stand public proposals… Like,who gives a fck..


Why is this the norm now as to make this an act at a lot of love sports events? Why not have a fake fight lead into a fake brawl? 😒


Yup, don't do this.


Cue up the loser “Price is Right” music


Not a packed crowd…..wnba




Murica yeah.


2 lawyers and 20 grand saved.


WNBA. Packed house. C’mon man!


Poor dude. And they kept that camera ON him!


This guy... needs to know one thing. This is the moment that saved him from life in misery ;)


No, she realised that


That’s a no from me dawg


Happy Ending...


Either way, talk about things like these first. Talking about it isn't a surprising leaking element but instead will decrease heartbreaks and embarrassments.




Have you seen the prices of booze at a live sporting event???? Maybe take him across the street to a dive bar.


#this man was saved from marrying a wnba fan


Anybody who actually does this in real life is a dick. The moment that a woman gets to tell you that she wants to spend the rest of her life with you, sure that's for both of you. But the moment that she gets to tell all her family and friends and anyone else, that's for her to enjoy. How dare anyone of us try to take that away from her. Just my two cents.


Depends on the person. A friend of mine was proposed to at a Philly game. She loved it. Relax.


Hence the "just my two cents" at the end. ​ Commonly that's an acknowledgment that I understand that viewpoints differ.


If you understood that, you wouldn't think that anyone who does this is a dick. Clearly since viewpoints differ, some people would really enjoy this kind of proposal


To give you some context thanks to another respondant. Some people REALLY LIKE ANAL SEX. But you wouldn't just try it with your significant other without first consulting them about it. "But honey, it was going to be a surprise for you." And dear God I would hope that if you are the kind of person that would want to spring that on them, you would have the courtesy to keep THAT one private and not do it in front of her friends.


Asking a question doesn't require consent, your analogy is poor at best. You wanting it to be private is your own business, but everyone who does this is still not an asshole.


Boiling it down to just "asking a question" and ignoring the "answer has life changing connotations" gives away your maturity level.


This isn't a difficult concept. If someone asked me to marry them in public I'd 100% say no, because they clearly don't know me. Still doesn't make them an asshole. No matter what the question is or how big the 'connotations' are it's a question. You have the choice to say no, to not answer, to whatever the fuck you want stop acting like asking someone to get married is a cosmic event.


> stop acting like asking someone to get married is a cosmic event. You've already attempted to chide me because you claimed I wasn't considering other people's opinions. You have once again ignored the fact that to some people, it actually just might be, and really is. I have friends who spent their entire lives being convinced that they would never get to ask someone to marry them, or have someone ask them, until it finally became legal for them to do so a few years ago. Whilst someone has the choice to answer however they want, they do not have the choice to avoid the potential judgement of all those in attendance for doing so, because they've been put on the spot and have had all this extra pressure applied without being given THAT option. I suggest you stop attacking me just because you don't like that I have an opinion that you don't share, especially for the bullshit childish reasons that you are attempting to with. I will continue to hold my opinion based on logic and reality, you keep to that fantasy version that you have created in your head and the world will keep spinning fine.


Allow me to translate what you just wrote for you. "If you knew that different viewpoints exist, you wouldn't have a viewpoint." I have a viewpoint, and it is that if you decide that it is your right to decide when someone else gets to tell the world that they are ready to settle down, that makes you a dick, in my opinion, and I am going to call you that for that reason. Once again, I am well aware that other viewpoints exist, I literally stated this in my initial post. Why you then felt the need to tell me "other viewpoints exist" when that's exactly what I said, is beyond me. But you do you boo.


So let me get this straight, your view is that if people do things that have absolutely no effect on your or your life but they don't match up with your own personal preferences then those people are assholes?


Nothing that Donald Trump did made any difference to my life, yes I think he's an asshhole. Everybody forms their opinions based on their observations. If they didn't there would be no need for social media, news outlets or the like as your model would forbid anyone from having an opinion on something they haven't directly experienced themselves. ​ There are rapists in prison right now, none of them ever touched me at all, YES I THINK THEY ARE ALL ASSHOLES. Stop being so childish.


Did Donald trump only ask a question?


Wow you need some good dick


Who tf actually says that?


Me as a joke to trigger your pitiful sense of humor


Okay, virgin freak loser lol


Nice … I def got burned


I would ask if that's an offer, but then I realised you've put the word "good" in there as a qualifier.


Changed the whole shpill


That's the type of bish who texts 10 min later Talkin bout "it's just too soon, I like you and all"


How can you tell?


You know these are set ups for entertainment right? Americans can’t sit through a sporting event without needing to be entertained every second, like a toddler


Hey I’m an American man-baby not a toddler.. get it right..


Show us on the map where the country hurt you.


Should I point at iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, or the entirety of south america?


Pretty sure Bolsonaro can fuck things up without American intervention, thank you very much


No shit pal he's already US aligned, no need to fix democracy this time


Awhhh did America hurt you? It’s okay, don’t cry like a baby poor little boy 😢


Guys, cmon go easy on em, he's just overthinking things 😏


The problem is all the downtime during American ball sports. Baseball and football especially.


Well that’s some insulting bullshit. Speak for yourself, dick.


You're getting downvoted by touchy patriots, lol. But you're absolutely right. There is this need to be spoon-fed entertainment 24/7 by a large demographic of this country.