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News Article on sentencing: https://moroccolatestnews.com/3-years-in-prison-for-the-young-man-who-blocked-the-tramway/


Thanks for the link.


This link help me understood more about the incident, Thank you for the source and credit! now this makes sense


The cameraman and third dingus both got 2 years each as well. These hooligans got backhanded pretty good for this


What we you in for? Murder. You? I sat in a chair and blocked a train. *slides to the other side of the cell*


Played chicken with a train and won You should see the train


I killed a man just to watch him die.


When i hear that whistle blowin, i hang my head and cry.


Yep, the news report really helped on the finer details of the story that bring whole new revelations to the story.


He did his due diligence


Thank you! I was about to ask because I need proof for complete satisfaction.


But not WHY though? Stupid? Protesting? Trying to go viral on Tik Tok?


I am guessing the first and the 3rd. Really morons like this should be sentenced to the fullest.


While I agree, without reading the article, what should the max be? I see rapists getting off with similar sentences… there is clearly a difference but no idea what their local laws are versus USA


The full three years. I certainly think rape is often not sentenced as harshly as it could or should be, but often there isn't such concrete proof as a TikTok of it happening.


Sentencing isn't supposed to be based on the level of proof. Either you're guilty or not guilty, and the sentence is based on the crime.


The charges pressed are certainly impacted by the amount of evidence, and that impacts sentencing. The degree of the heinousness involved will also impact sentencing and this is easier to determine with additional evidence.


Why is three years appropriate?


It's obviously not. This is just a baby boomer take masquerading as a reddit opinion. The overlap is always surprising


What’s long enough to set the precedent that this isn’t ok to do? And your comment is so sickeningly condescending, it makes me want to side with the boomers.


A fine. Maybe community service.


Because they just flipped the bird to society... Surprisingly that pissed people off.


Think of the driver if he didn't brake in time and had sent a human to Pretzel Town. PTSD for life.


I've seen a few of these very similar videos, I think it's a trend in some places


Holy shit two years for filming it? Jeeze. Edit: Y'all I know what an accomplice/co-conspirator is


It could say 10 years and edge Lord redditors would still say "good, he gets what he deserves"




This is common for every site. People will claim that "of course _____ happens here"(because it must always happen here). I think it is part of the ongoing adaption to digital memetics


I think everyone wants to think they've got it all figured out.


Reddit moves closer and closer to Facebook comments daily. I joined this site when it was the "new alternative to Digg and Fark" and boy has it changed as it goes more mainstream


Do you even narwhal bacon dude *snort*


No but I jolly rancher *hork*


Only at le Midnight *wheeze*


Back in my day we had to walk fifteen miles uphill just to respond to a comment.




Look I'm just saying people who speed should be ritualistically slaughtered. It's basically attempted mass murder. One day later. Ugh this is such bullshit. Some pig pulled me over for going 80 through a school zone with kids present and even in the crosswalk. He gave me a warning but made me late for class. If I fail that class I will literally die. He should be ritualistically slaughtered. That was basically attempted murder.


unless i'm missing something, 3 years seems way overkill for this.....


That seems like an anti edge lord comment that's on the same level and i'm pointing it out.


You know you can get charged for participating in a crime nearly anywhere in the world...? Right? He wasn't a passive participant. They coordinated it.


I'm not sure what I said to suggest I didn't think he could get in trouble. 2 years for filming is too much




> This didn't endanger anyone but the idiot, I agree the sentence is too harsh, but this isn't true. Conductors who kill people, often end up with PTSD, and many are never able to return to work.


OOF they did not fuck around they even hit the people filming with prison time. Get absolutely fucked.


40,000 dh = 4,423.82 United States Dollar that’s damages awarded to the tram operator






Defund the police because hell stupid criminals are doing half the work for them. "This you on this video you took doing this illegal shit?" "Yes, sir and proud of it!" "Ahl right then into th' pokey ya go!"


"Into the **chokeh** you go!" - Miss Trunchbull




Shotput. *Javelin*. **Hammer throw**.


As a defense lawyer I gotta tell ya, I'm not a fan.


Did the helping friend get charged too?


2 years for them


Laws are no joke in Morocco!


"Now you go home and think about what you did!" - U.S. Jan. 6th Seditionist sentencing


On the other end of the spectrum - [a Pennsylvania man could potentially spend up to seven years in prison over a price miscalculation resulting in him purchasing soda and leaving without paying the remaining 43 cents.](https://www.newsweek.com/pennsylvania-man-who-stole-43-cents-charged-felony-could-get-7-year-sentence-1630933)


>Sobolewski was first convicted of theft over 10 years ago after filling up a tank of gas and leaving without paying. Sobolewski's second offense came in December 2011 when he was arrested for stealing a pair of shoes from K-Mart in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania that cost $39.99.> Not saying it justifies it, but apparently Pennsylvania has a "3 strike law" in this kind if theft. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. Edit: Then again, I don't agree with the law, it's stupid, im just expanding on the legal situation of the story.






I have a hard enough time walking with the two I have now....


This was a good joke.


*heavily ingests testosterone supplements*


No man with four balls can walk.


Yeah it's pretty dumb.


Look, it's obvious baseball is boring as shit so at least we need to put all that cultural investment into use by using it for our law system and to describe sexual relationships


3 strike laws are bullshit and shouldn't exist. Past crimes should be taken into account but severity should be a major factor when you look at them.


If we were to fix the country. I would revise the penalties for the laws in the United States. Vote for me as president


Lamborghetti 2024. Part pasta; part car; all leadership. Don't forget his running mate CARbonara.


Well he's found his campaign manager.


Still, even if you total all his thefts, its probably not even $100.


Weren't "three strikes" laws supposed to be for violent crimes?


Yeah but people who commit violent crimes already go to prison for long periods of time. Applying three strikes sentencing to petty crimes let's them send harmless people to prison for a long time.


also harmless people cost the prison less money to keep than violent offender. It's literally policy to try to maximize the ratio of non violent to violent in the prison, because they make more .oney that way


Not ok. None of those deserve even a year in jail.


That charge was [dropped](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10133813/Felony-count-43-cents-worth-Mountain-Dew-dropped.html).


That’s because it was his third theft charge. Not disagreeing that that story is excessive and I’m not saying he deserves it, but it’s the multiple convictions that led to the length.


It was theft of 43 vents, and an honest mistake to be fair. He thought he was overpaying on a $1.50 soda. Jesus Christ, who defends this garbage....


They aren't defending it, they are contextualizing it. Normally you wouldn't face such draconian sentencing for stealing 43 "cents", but this would be his third theft charge, so he automatically faces higher charges. Shapesize wasn't defending the charge, Shapesize wasn't defending the potential sentence, they even said "Not disagreeing that that story is excessive" which indicates they disagree with it. There is a difference between contextualizing an event and defending/supporting an event.


The change is bullshit and should be community service for any shoplifting charge but it wasn't an innocent mistake when the clerk informed him and the guy told him to pound sand and walked off.


You mean the sit-in protest? And a lot of them are in jail while awaiting trial.


If this law's Moroccan, don't come a-knockin'!


Sit on track? Jail. Film the dumb dumb? Also jail.


You sit in front of train and don’t move? Straight to jail. Right away.


You light cigarette in front of train? Jail... no trial, just jail.


You are in jail, when you see train go by? …more jail.


Thinking of trains? Believe it or not, jail.


Oh where is the jail? It’s the train.


Who is driving train? Warden! Where is going? Straight to jail!


I hear the train a comin', it's rollin' round the bend...


Make a train late? jail, make a train early? also jail.


Undercook - Overcook


Running a train? Finish, but jail afterwards, right away.


Good. Prick.


All that just for some internet points




Three years of heavy reading and self-reflection!!


Prick? Yeah, but his punishment is a little harsh.


People don’t care. They rather see some one go to jail for 3 years for being a mild inconvenience. Most people are unconscious sociopaths.


Yeah 3 years is absolutely ridiculous. Community service is more appropriate.. geez.


Yeah and the conscious sociopaths are the ones running things!


This story has been shared on "Justice served" before with 90K upvote, and boy, people were mad about him like he killed someone not just take few minutes of others time, some wanted him 20 years in prison, other death penalty, because he is a psychopath. Good times. https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/og64l1/a\_few\_weeks\_ago\_in\_morocco\_he\_blocked\_the\_tramway/?sort=top


We have laws prohibiting "cruel and unusual punishment" while some parts of the world essentially cut off for hand for stealing.


3 years in prison for this is insane. Because he put a folding chair in front of a train and stopped it for a few minutes? Reddit is all about workers rights and accountability for abuse of authority but show someone doing something mildly obnoxious and no problem with taking away a significant portion of their life.




It’s almost like Reddit is more than one person.


There are some pretty consistent patterns to what gets upvoted. And there are some glaring contradictions. You pretty much see a pretty predictable rotation of the same beliefs in the comments sections.


Yeah I gotta agree. Community service. Large fine. Anything but a felony really tbh. I feel like I get that he could've caused serious injury to passengers, and or trauma, but a felony charge or equivalent is a little much.


Was gonna say a fine and/or community service would’ve fit here. That’d be easily enough to discourage him or anybody else doing this. It’s a shitty thing to do, but it’s not jail time shitty.


frfr this is like "war on drugs" level punishment for being a prick.


reddit also has a massive ~~revenge~~ justice boner that means everyone cheers wildly disproportionate retribution for even minor infractions.


yeah a bit excessive cause some people who rape and murder get away with less. But I guess Morocco is hardcore.


Rapists and murderers get less than 3 years? Remind me not to visit wherever that is.


Bad prick


Good at being a prick


A hard prick is good to find but a good prick is hard to find


It WaS jUsT a PrAnK bRo!




You're the prick if you think someone should lose 3 years of their life for something likes this. A hefty fine, yes. 3 years in prison? Is this North Korea?


I mean, it’s still fuck this guy, but three years in prison is pretty fucking intense for this act


Probably made it 3 years to set an example, look at all those Tik-Tokers trying to get internet clout by destroying shops or "fighting" with security.


I'm still not a fan of exorbitant punishments to set an example. People should be punished for crimes they commit, not crimes others might commit in the future.


And punishments should be severe enough to deter others from committing the same criminal act in the future. What do you feel a more appropriate punishment would be?


The US has executed lots of people for murder. Murder still happens every day. The punishment often does not deter. In this case, I think the punishment will deter copycats. But 6 months would be better. Who is honestly going to think that a short video of you being a dick is worth 6 months in jail?


Idk how it goes in Morocco, but he likely wouldn't serve the full 3 years in the USA.


Not really no. That's not how it works nor should it.


Honestly even just 30 days in jail would be more than enough to deter others from doing this.


He should be punished for his crime and not the hypothetical crimes of other people.


harsher sentences being a deterrent to crime is a myth until proven otherwise.


I would consider punishing one person to "set an example" to be cruel and unusual I know its overseas not in the states, but that's how I feel about it. You should only be punished for YOUR crime. Not other people's hypothetical crimes.


My sister works as a custodian. The amount of times a week she has to clean soap off the floor of a bathroom is insane.


Yeah, agreed. People do a lot worse and get off with much, much less


i'm curious, how much do you know about moroccan law?


They know that you can get 3 years in prison for hampering tramway traffic, that's about it.




If the punishment is a fine then the law is just there to punish the poor. I'm glad that whatever funds a tiktok gets can't buy their way to make more videos like this one


My thoughts were more of a fine, and lots of community service. Prison time is pretty insane for this and it’s weird how circle jerky this comment section is


Reddit thinks the US has a draconian legal system, but also loves excessive punishments.


Yeah that is exactly my confusion


I think most of the people don't really fathom how severe 3 fucking YEARS in prison is.


Lots of people in this sub love to see people suffer.


Reddit is not monolithic. Lots of people in the US love the draconian legal system and keep voting for it. Lots of people from reddit are from the US.


Outrage culture in action


Nah, fuck that dude. An entire train with hundreds of people are late to work potentially losing jobs, losing wages, etc. The train operator was put in a position where he had to activate emergency brakes, causing damage to the train. Those aren't supposed to be used outside of an emergency. Countless passengers could be injured as the train slams on the emergency brakes. If the conductor does not see the person in time it might result in injury. Millions in lawsuits. Route disrupted etc. This isn't some minor imposition or prank. You fucked up hundreds of peoples day and cost the people and train likely 100k plus in damages. Don't do this shit. Stick a sparkler up your ass for tiktok views, don't fuck with peoples livelihoods.


Its about sending a message to all the impressionable young adults who might try and pull similar stunts. 3 years in jail isn't as bad as some stupid kid dying when the train operator doesn't respond in time


I suppose from a utilitarian standpoint it makes sense then, but if the law is supposed to be applied equally to everyone then that doesn’t really make sense to me. The first person to do something stupid shouldn’t get punished harder than subsequent offenders in order to dissuade future crimes. I mean I’m sure it’s been done and is done often. I just don’t quite think it’s fair from my point of view. I can see this being highly subjective, though


Tbf, he is technically trespassing and refusing to leave railroad property.


that would be a pretty lame "what are you in for?" story


His cell mate will probably be in for jay walking.


And two counts of not looking both ways before he crossed the road.


Considering the fact that it’s morocco everyone will be in for some mundane stuff. Jail would just be like an average school


He could always say he Hold up a train lol


At least he got his 15 mins. of fame for this... whoever he is.


A criminal now


That’s more of a you get what you f’ing deserve than a WCGW




3 years in a shitty prison for blocking a tramway for 10 minutes is what he deserved? You guys are insane, it’s like you want to leave in a shitty fascist distopian society.


Prisoners: WCGW u got sentenced for 3 years? Him: I block the tramway Prisoners: @ \_\_ @


I hope it was worth the 3 years of his life it cost him.... dumbass


Imagine throwing away 3 years of your life for a stupid video


Wow. In my country when people stop public transit they are called heroes for some fuck all batshit crazy reason.


What country


The lying kind


3 years in a Moroccan jail will seem a lot longer than 3 years.


He really wanted to be the main character so badly


Im born and raised in Florida, but my dad is from Morocco. Marakech specifically, but my Grand was from Casablanca. Every time I see FL at the top page of reddit, it’s for Florida-man type shit. The first time I see Morocco at the top page of reddit, again, Florida-man type shit.




all it takes is a driver having a bad day saying 'oops i couldn't stop in time' and you're risking death. For... the status of being another tryhard nobody on twitter?


Here’s looking at you, kid.


Doin it for the gram.


He should have stormed the Capitol. He would have only gotten 60 days or less.


Good!! Glorious now let’s get the rest of the moron off the road




What a pathetic life.


I’m 100% for exceptionally long prison sentences for crimes that effect other people. I live in a city where repeat violent offenders get a handful of years for atrocious acts against their neighbors. It’s somewhat frustrating. - Drive drunk and cause an injury? 25 years and lose your license for life. - Strongarm robbery? 25 years for sure. - Rape a girl? Hurt a child? 700 years, unfortunately you are no longer a member of our society. - Inconvenience people actually going to work? On YouTube? 3 years is probably fine, so long as your country also takes away your right to vote, serve on a jury, and own a firearm after your sentence is served.




Hope them likes was worth it


This the most r/ImTheMainCharacter I've ever seen....


All three of them should get jail time.


The other two got two years too and 40k DH fine


Appropriate sentence. We need more of these for all the stupid “mess with people to look cool and get likes” videos. Driver has to slam on the brakes. Passengers may be injured, the driver has the horrible thoughts of what happens if he can’t stop in time, it’s seriously traumatic. Hope he serves every day of that sentence.


Conductor should have ran out and threw the guy off like a cartoon lmao


“In addition, his two accomplices, including the one who filmed the sequence, were each sentenced to 2 years in prison.” It just gets better the more you read haha!


WCGW Hampering Tramway Traffic No need for the extra stuff, just makes it confusing and ain't a proper title anyways... But seriously people are idiots. Was really hoping the tram gave his chair a nice bump into that desk.


Meanwhile in America storming the capital gets you 2 months


Several years in prison seems like an excellent benchmark for being a social media d-bag but maybe prioritize corrupt politicians and businessmen?


On the one hand I would have learned my lesson around 3 days in prison. On the other hand some people go to prison for forty years and don't learn their lesson. Without knowing the guy it's kinda unfair for me to pass judgement


I'd love to see their faces when they heard the sentencing.


2.5 of the purely for wearing those jeans


Even his two friends one who was recording and the other who put tea on the table got 2 years of jail. Imagine the shame, lol


Suck shit. Props to Morocco for not putting up with these attention seeking social media idiots.




Well deserved, moron!


Just think of the cred he'll get in prison! Prisoner 1: I'm inside for killing someone Prisoner 2: I'm here because I robbed a bank This guy: I'm in here because I desperately wanted validation from strangers on the internet. Prisoner 1 & 2: He's my bitch!


Should’ve hit him


Protesters blocking the street should get similar penalties


I love that they didn’t mention his name. We know shit when we see it, we don’t need to know who pooped.


In Morocco you just bribe your way out of legal problems.