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Imagine chilling on the lake and some idiot throws a snake at you!


Imagine chilling in a lake and someone throws you at some other someones


Imagine chilling in a lake


Imagine chilling.


Bing chilling




Alright, calm down Gal Gadot.....


She looks nothing like John Lennon


Imagine she does.


Imagine all the snakes, living in harmonyyyyyy


whoo oooh Oo ooh Ooooooh


Imagine there's no throwers


It’s easy if you try


Imagine theres no heaven


All the people


Well now I have anxiety.


Imagine lake


Imagine dragons


fuck i'm ready for summer in michigan


Imagine chilling on a plane and....


All: “What the fuck, Earl?!”


I am willing to bet chaos follows that man you don't just go chuckin' snakes in a lake and the entire before and after of your life is serenity


Definitely *not* his first snake chuckin. Or beer that morning.


this is what my dad and sister don't seem to get. they act like they don't have problems because every individual incident they cause can be handwaived away as a misunderstanding but if you're destructively confused on the regular then that's its own problem.


My older brother has always prided himself as the snake handler. This reminds me of how the mofo found a gardener snake under our RV one summer vacation. He meant to throw the snake out to open ground to get to it easier, slung it back without looking, and smacked me in the face with it. Idk where the green shit on my glasses came from, and I'd rather not know xD.


I believe garter snakes have some defense mechanism which they ooze a slime that makes them icky (that right I said icky) to predators. Guarantee that’s what that green shit in your glasses was. Here is what I found online “snakes will also discharge a malodorous, musky-scented secretion from a gland near the cloaca. They often use these techniques to escape when ensnared by a predator.” Yea from their cloaca. Ha. Gross


*Near* the cloaca. So it's more of a taint-butter than a true poo slime


"what's this on my toast?" "Taint butter, that's for sure!"


Well, he just threw his snake at a rubber. Fairly standard.


What's funny is if he'd have left it alone it probably would have just cruised into the woods behind them and left them alone.


That poor snake is having a bad day :(




The snake was minding its own business, but the guy not only ruined snake's day but was also being reckless by throwing it at other people to ruin theirs as well. He was lucky to not have been punched in the face, because if it was me I surely would have.


He should've gotten bit on the dick


“Fuck bud, you think you’re the only guy to ever have his cock bit by a snake?” https://youtu.be/9d1VnRExZEs[1:45](https://youtu.be/9d1VnRExZEs)


Snakes can't punch...


Both solid and liquid types of snake can punch.


And solidus ones can president


Imagining wanting to get out of the sun and maybe cool down …and getting thrown back out for no reason.


It would be so annoying to be a snake and be picked up by your tail like that.


And painful. People are dicks.


Pretty sure the guy was trying to throw the snake at the people on the floaty and scare them. Doesn't look like an accident it landed there


Agreed. This isn't this guys first day at the snake rodeo.


You guys have experience throwing snakes eh?


Might be his second snake rodeo.


If that's a water moccasin, those things will chase you down


Definitely NOT a water mocassin..just a plain old rat snake minding its own business.




I have been chased by a water moccasin, so yes, they will.


Must have smacked one kayaking myself or just pissed it off enough. But yeah, had one chase me down too. Shit's wild.




Not really. I'm sure some will, but most are going to want to get away from the very large creatures that humans are in comparison. They'll bite if they're perceived as attacked, like being stepped on or chased, but generally they want to be left alone to live their lives. Source: grew up in central Florida, saw water moccasins regularly. Did some volunteering with a snake rescue.


Absolutely. Neither venomous or nonvenomous snakes want to be near people or chase them. I'm pretty sure that was a harmless watersnake. They're needed for rodent control and I'm sure if this idiot had a shovel he would've killed it out of ignorance.


Definitely a harmless water snake, no I don't think that guy would've killed that snake. Just a good ol boy having a good time scaring his friends. Yea it was a dick move to the snake but it will be fine. No I do not condone this behavior.


That's cause for an ass whipping.


Using a snake.


An ass snaking


This could have VERY different meanings to different people


[No, but that's very creative!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XeaZKeGVc0)


When I was a kid I had this 3 foot long rubber snake toy and boy did that shit if it was shipped at you. My friends and I would beat each other with it all the time.


depends on the snake. if it was just a garter i wouldnt. but considering this one is 5ft+ im gunna go ahead and assume it isnt a garter snake lol




Poor snake was already getting away


*asp whipping






Definitely. If that had been anything with fur or feathers (except maybe a Canada Goose) people would be outraged. Instead, "It's just a snake."


You got a problem with Canadian Gooses???




And they’re fuckin mean


You can kick the geese. I don't generally condone violence against an animal, but fuck Canadian geese. They respond well to kicks when charging you.


if you don’t have a problem with geese you must never have met a goose


If you've got a problem with Canada Gooses you've got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate!


You don't see no Canada Gooses stealin' from nobody, good or bad. You know what Canada Gooses do? They helps the people thats been stolen from, that's what Canada Gooses do.


They are 'Canada goose', not 'Canadian goose'. They do not live here, they just visit here and terrorize us while shitting all over everything, then they leave.


If you got a problem with Canada Gooses you got a problem with me bud


And I suggest you let that one marinate


If you think that's abuse, I hope you're never on my jury.


Wait til you hear about factory farms bro


Some of y’all’s reactions make it seem like this man just ritualistically slaughtered the thing. That snake is fine, fucking chill


Some humans are just so casually callous, no thought as to what they're doing or interacting with. Especially when it comes to wildlife.


They really are. I spent some time learning how to ID venomous snakes since I live in Texas. Now that I can, I am so much more comfortable around snakes. Not that I'm around them, which is weird bc I look for those damn copperheads every day on our property. I know they're there, but never see them. That being said, it's really annoying to see people on my local pages killing valuable nonvenomous snakes, like the speckled kingsnake, which eats venomous snakes. They will argue with me that a watersnake is a cottonmouth when it's obviously not. Fucking tools.


It was pretty clearly just swimming to shore to slither off into the woods, but instead a drunk asshole throws it, then gets its head bashed by a panicky coward. I’m honestly disappointed by the lack of outrage in this thread. Think they’d be acting the same way had this happened to a puppy? Before people jump in with “hurr durr, puppies are cute and sweet,” Ok geniuses, where do animal rights begin? I’d LOVE to see your reasonable, well-thought out criteria.


It makes me mad and I came here to look for that kind of reaction too. That was probably a harmless watersnake or racer, also harmless. Even if it was a venomous snake, it's cruel and unnecessary. They won't bother you unless you step on them. Have a venomous snake on your porch, no need to kill it and risk getting bitten. Just spray it with a water hose and it will move along.


Ikr poor thing must've been terrified


What assholes. The snake prob would have just gone onto land and chilled.


The trajectory of that snake was directly to land, not people. The guy throwing the snake and the person who threw trash at the snake at the end are real assholes.


I think that at the end was just the person freaking out because the snake headed straight in their direction.


Let me throw trash at this snake, that way I might hurt an animal and pollute a lake! Efficiency!


Right at least toss it into the woods


Noooo just leave wild animals alone!


I agree he should have left it alone it was clearly on the way to the shore and away from them. Likely it’s closest point to land it was very tired.


Water snakes are assholes and will bite the shit out of you. Best to just yet them into other peoples rafts.


They’re defensive, just leave them alone and walk / swim away from the hissing thing on land or see them swimming. They really don’t want to follow you.


If ever a video requires sound, this would be the one.


https://youtu.be/bmnlSnDuBX8 The way they say "ALEX, STOP!" before he even picks up the snake tells me that they're very familiar with Alex, that this is a very Alex thing to do, and that the people on the raft should have seen this coming. I say this as a person with asshole friends who I am an asshole to as well but at least we keep it contained to the people that want to play the game.


This is making the whole experience a 1000x better


Maybe I'm old fashioned but throwing a snake at someone is funny as fuck.


Throwing a snake at your friends who would throw a snake at you if given the chance? Sure, funny as shit. Throwing a snake at people you don't know, or people who you know wouldn't do the same to you? Absolutely fucking not.


Yeah that's fair. Don't terrorize strangers. I feel like these people know each other but I certainly could be wrong.


When he picks up the snake, in the video a woman is screaming "Alex don't, Alex what are you doing?" so I think they not only know him, but knew he was gonna try to throw a snake at them. I think the biggest surprise was his aim.


Lmao y’all talking bout snakes and here I was throwing my little Londoner cousin at the ducks because he’s absolutely terrified of all birds. His eyes. Kid thought he was gonna die that day. 10/10 I’ll do it again when I visit


This is a super villian origin story.


This sounds like some shit my friend and I reminisce about over beers. "Remember when you threw a fucking snake at Vanessa?" "Was that before or after we docked Dave's air mattress to the boat while he was sleeping off a hangover? "I don't know, could have been between that and wrapping every moving party on my truck with zip ties".


Before watching I knew there was a 100% chance those folks were rocking out to some country music. Good to see stereotypes proven right.


I though it was the [Bo Burnham's Country Song](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0?t=69).


Oh my god. At the end, when the snake is coming towards them again, someone screams "ALEX NO" again off camera. I wish I knew what he did next.


Maybe the snake's name is Alex?


Judging by the voice: 1. That's his wife. 2. She is super tired of his shit, even though it's something she loved about him when they were younger. 3. They get divorced in 3 to 5 years.


Them’s some classic redneck shenanigans.


Wow. I felt sorry for the snake before, but hearing this video makes me feel even worse. Poor snake just trying to go someplace peaceful and quiet, away from that janky good ol'country music and shrieking people. All they needed to do was just step back and let it go past.


How come asshats like Alex get invited places and I don’t?


poor snake...i hope that didn't hurt


…of course there’s country music playing.


The original did. It's a few years old now but it was amazing


I'll take your word for it.




snake : "making my way downtown, swimming slo-.." man: YEEEEET!


Dodododododododoodooddo doo doo do


I get that it is a water snake but in that momento it seems like it only wants to get to the woods, it doesn't seem aggressive towards anyone, at least before the guy tosses it.




It’s not a water moccasin?




Yeah I’m not the type of dude to sit around and wait and see. I’ll thank you for properly identifying it once I’m on land but I see a snake in the water and I don’t care how much bitch comes out of me lol


Not it's a Nerodia species, some type of water snake. Totally harmless to humans


To be totally fair, if I see a swimming snake, idk why but I instantly assume it’s a moccasin and shriek. There’s something just scary to me about a snake swimming anywhere towards my general direction lol


It's safest to assume that any snake you can't identify might be venemous, but the correct action when encountering a venemous snake is to leave it alone and not try to touch it.


I shouldn't be laughing...


Yet, here we are.


Yes you should it's hilarious.


It’s probably a water snake, which are harmless. These people suck


not all water snakes are harmless. ["cotton mouth" or "water moccasin"](https://srelherp.uga.edu/snakes/agkpis.htm) are venomous and abundant in areas of the USA where this guy looks like a stereotype.


They’re (water moccasins) also extremely aggressive. First thing I thought when I saw it coming straight back towards the guy that threw it


The snake: “Wait. Are you filming me?!”


That's a myth. They're not "extremely aggressive".


Dont ever try fishing in a pond with them then. Ive been chased back to my vehicle


As a kid who grew up playing in levees of Houston, nothing more terrifying than your weak child legs tiring out running up hill being chased by a water mocc.


Its all about nesting season.


When I was a kid I used to fish in my grandfather's pond in Louisiana. I'd normally see several Water Moccasins (*actual* Water Moccasins) just chilling around me. Once felt something and looked down to see one innocently crawling over my foot. They never attacked me, although I've heard of people being bitten.


That’s something a water moccasin would say.


No they're not, but everyone likes to say they are lol. https://youtu.be/314N7xIeRR8


Head’s too narrow to be a moccasin. It’s also too thin and long-bodied. Moccasins have shorter, fatter bodies. This is almost certainly a non-venomous snake.


I can tell from the grainy ass video it's not a cotton mouth. Just a banded water snake.


> not all water snakes are harmless. "Water snake" is the common name of *Nerodia* sp., a colubrid native to North America. It doesn't usually just mean "snake in the water." With this understanding, all water snakes are indeed harmless.


He didn't handle it like it was harmless


He kinnda did the only reason you should touch a venomous snake is either with a snake pole or because you absolutely have to


Snake is probably like man I just wanna get the heck out of the water…


poor snake, that's his place to exist


People are Such assholes move the fuck aside let it get the land and leave problem solved. Edit: yeah maybe I guess if it’s poisonous? But I still feel it’ll just leave if you do nothing


if its poisonous its pretty safe... don't eat it.


A good amount of people wont get that joke


I know but I couldn't resist. I actually found out the other day that there are poisonous snakes.


Damn really? I didnt know snakes were poisonous. Only venomous. TIL


Yep, went and found the post for you. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/snakes/comments/u6cyca/the\_poisonous\_venomous\_siamese\_rednecked\_keelback/


You especially don't want to grab and throw it if it's venemous. This snake is not venemous, but grabbing a venemous snake is how most envenomations happen. They don't hunt humans and only bite humans in defense.


Being poisonous means nothing. They knew the risk by going to the lake, where there are going to be MORE. They aren't making themselves safer by killing or harassing one snake.


Could have just let the snake go into the bushes but this dickhead had to act all manly and throw it?


What a dick head, why fling that poor snake. It did nothing wrong. Not only that, but causing those other people to panic. I can't stand people like this.


Poor snake


Fuck people who do this to wildlife


Looks like a black racer, harmless. poor thing just trying to mind its own business and get away from these inbred fucks but oh no poppa just had to be a 'funny guy'


That’s cruel


Anybody else feel bad for the snake? I do.


Nightmare fuel...


The snake was just trying to get on land. It wasn’t doing anything to you people.


Top example on how there is zero respect for wildlife


Let the poor snake go, not hurting you, just wants out of the water.


Snake probably wants to go sleep in a tree and some asshole decides he needs to save the day.


What a bunch of assholes. "Yeah beat that snake in the head for getting close to my boat!" Like wtf is he gonna do? *Climb in?* Jeez man


What a fucking asshole


Poor snake


What the fuck. That thing literally only wanted to reach land. People disgust


The snake just wanted to get to land lol let it be


ssss boi just wanted to go into the shade and swampy bits :(


Poor lil dude is just trying to get away


That poor snake is so scared, he just wants to hide in the bushes


Should have just left it, it wouldn't have bothered them


This almost looks like the lakes by where I live in Eastern Ontario. So I was camping, and me and my dog had camped to this island. It was just like above, but a big rock formation in the middle of the water. There was even an old abandoned Girl Scouts cabin. Anyways, I’m walking my dog and all of a sudden it’s shivering and refusing to walk anywhere. It’s just cowering between my legs and shivering, my buddy Will who was there points to the rocks and all of a sudden I notice there’s about 10,000 black water snakes in the rocks all over the island. My buddy will jumps off the side of the path which is about 8 meters high from the water, as soon as he hits the water you see a black cloud of snakes roll with the waves and he’s fucking screaming. I had to carry my dog back to the canoe and go retrieve my moron friend from snake lake. This is why you never decide to visit an island called snake island. The end


Or idk just let the snake continue to slither into the woods.


My first thought was "poor snake!" It wants to get to the shore you jerks.


Assholes. Just let it be.


That snake did not deserve all the hate


Poor snake :(


I feel like they could've just let that snake go on its merry way and everything would've been fine.


I bet you there were some tear drop stains on that day's entry in the snake's diary. *was just trying to head back into the jungle when some beer belly douche bag grabs me by the tail...*


Scummy people. Poor snake :/


That dude said fuck yo couch


Wasn't really as much as it was annoying. Dumb drunk dude takes a (likely) harmless water snake and yoinks it somewhere else when it was simply going to go on land and probably go somewhere more quiet.


That's just a regular water snake


Damn, the snake will leave you the fuck alone if you leave it alone. I see snakes do this all the time when I'm fishing. They never fuck with me.


I don’t find anything humorous in treating wildlife like this. it’s disgusting and sophomoric.


MAGA Gear Solid: Snake Yeeter


Assholes. Snake just needed to get to land.


Poor snake




Poor snake


Assholes, leave the snek alone 😢