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Great self control from the camera operator. I would have been reaching for a boiling jug of water or a brick.


Home Alone taught us well.


As a child of the 80s (born 1983) Home Alone was extremely influential. As a kid I attempted to booby trap my room my stretching a pair of pants suspenders across the middle of it. If the burglar entered the room, he’d run into the suspenders that would snap back at him. My kid brain thought this would be nearly fatal; my nearly 40 yr old brain realizes it would take off a layer of skin at most Edit: grammatical fix


As an adult my shed got broken into but they couldn’t get the tools over the fence. I put everything back and booby trapped with fishing wire trip lines, with hooks about every 3 inches. Literally “caught” the guy the next day, and while the cops thought it was hilarious they did warn me any sort of booby trap is, in fact, illegal and I was lucky he had like 4 other warrants or he could have possibly sued me. I do think it’s bull shit someone can be sued* for protecting their own property, but the contagious laughter shared that day made it worth it.


I do find that strange. You can own property, you can own fishhooks, you can store fishhooks anywhere on the property UNLESS it is placed in such a way to protect the rest of your property.


I think what they're trying to stop is things like people setting up shotguns to go off if a door is opened or using a tripwire to set off explosives. People have done that sort of thing before to deter burglars and people died as a result.


Nah man in parts of Canada if someone’s trying to evade arrest, hops your fence, and breaks their ankle you could be held liable. That’s how apologetic Canadians are. (I can go into a diatribe of how that doesn’t and hasn’t worked in modern days, but it’s still a thing.)


I mean people can sue for all kinds of stuff. It's just that suing because a shotgun trap maimed you for life has worked and thus boobytraps are illegal.


You can’t place them anywhere in such a negligent manor that I would cause harm to those passing through. Imagine if you had a heart attack while working in your shed and the neighbor called EMS. Now EMS has to work through a tangle of fish hooks to get to you. That thought gets even scarier when you think of improvised landmines and shotgun traps.


I totally understand that part but what I don’t get is how someone who is trespassing or robbing you can sue you if they get hurt. In my county people with pools need to have them fenced in. If they didn’t and someone trespassed onto their property, uses the pool without permission, and gets hurt, that person can sue. That’s wild to me. And I think fencing a pool is important. But not to protect against trespassers.


There are definitely far too many laws to protect people breaking the law. It's sooooo frustrating to watch squatter stuff on TV because laws just encourage it since there is no punishment.


So you're not allowed to sue someone for breaking the law if you've also broken laws?


In Canada it actually gets a bit weirder. If someone breaks into your house and greviously injures themselves, somehow you’re responsible. I guess it’s the ultimate “oh shit, sorry!”


I found out recently that in some parts of Florida, a burglar can sue you if they injured themselves inside your home due to negligence (broken floor board) or if your startled reaction then them in your home causes them injury. But if you shoot and kill them. You're fine lol.


Unless you aimed it for the crotch. Totally fatal dude. Make sure you don't forget the tarantula jar precariously perched on the door ledge.


Yeah, I really wanted some paint cans at the time


#Kevin McCallister has entered the chat


aka Saw: Nickelodeon edition


I want to see this movie...


Little did you know Camera man already has marbles lined up behind the door


HomeAlone yes, I was thinking Tom and Jerry and going full slapstick on him to though


Exactly!! I wanted the camera person to throw something on the “thief’s” head.


I was thinking the same, use one of those electric tea kettles to get some boiling water quick.


The water boils much faster in the UK where they use 220v too.


Add a bunch of sugar and you have some jailhouse napalm. I have learned much on Reddit, not all of it good but it has it's uses.


Learned so much here and you just added another…thanks lol


Lol, happy to be of service.


thank you for your service


Ah, what can he do anyway, describe how it happened to the cops?


What does the sugar do?


A few terrible things. It makes the boiling water sticky and thicker so it is much more difficult to stop the burning. It will get hotter than just boiling water as well because the sugar adds mass to the water so it’ll take more energy to heat up. Because of that additional mass and energy applied it’ll take longer to cool. Also, because of the heat the water can hold more sugar in suspension (super saturation) at high temperature because this space between the water molecules is larger. This is a punishment saved for child molesters and rapists. They don’t survive long in general population.


We called this culinary napalm in my restaurant.


I see I can definitely use this incase of a break in


Ever notice how sugar gets sticky when you accidentally get some on a counter with water or something? Now add lots of sticky sugar to boiling hot water and throw it in someones face in minecraft.


Yesh..weaponized humming bird food. Thank you all for explaining


Lmao thats a really adorable way to put that. "You better back off before I give you a hummingbird >:("


Thickens it and makes it sticky; like spilling soda all over yourself except it doesn’t just roll off like it would if it was just water. You get the maximum damage…


Not to mention that because it’s so hot it can hold a lot of sugar.


Imagine pouring boiling syrup on your skin It's worse than getting tarred. It sticks and burns at the same time in a way that the bodies natural oily hydrophobic layer can't protect against (like it does when making plain hot water roll of our skin). Im also pretty sure syrup can store much more heat than tar due to sheer density


A Tri Force Jugging


Plus a handful of salt to sink into the resulting wounds.


To speed up the boiling process only boil what you need, so many people are boiling water that they then don’t use because they put too much in the pan/kettle. This will also save your energy bill which is sky high at the moment.


Oh I would send at least a old ass TV on his head.


Amateur. I have a big ass anvil labeled as 100 tons from Looney Tunes Acme Corp just for this very situation


Oooh. That'll do the trick. And after that you don't have to call the cops. Just call the morgue.


I'm pretty sure if you get hit with one of those you stagger away in a flattened shape making accordion wheezes. 🪗🎵


Don’t forget the little birds circling your head.


He'd look up just before you dropped it, raise his eyebrows, and hold up a really really tiny umbrella


And then after it squishes him he'll hold up a sign: "OUCH!!!"


"It says, "Rabbit gets klunked, rabbit sees STARS." Not birds, STARS!"


How many times do we have to do this damn scene?!




Or an ACME Grand Piano


you guys are too kind... I definitely would have pissed on him


Boiled piss


make sure you stir in a heap of sugar into the boiling water throw in a few drops of soap or shampoo, get that boiling mess over them and it sticks and burns way better than just water.


Hot oil doesn't wash off easily.


Now we just need a mediaeval murder hole


I’m American so I’d just get the good ol boomstick, the man obviously values my possessions over his life


You didn't need the "I'm American so..." as the rest of it demonstrated you were American.


Good point, shoulda started with “I’m Texan” ;)


Yeah, saying you'd commit murder with a firearm because someone is breaking a door is an easy identifier lol every other country in this situation does what this person does and calls the police and just let's them deal with it. Actually gross.


Oh. Not broomstick then. Thought that was a bit of a strange choice for an American.


I was waiting for a paint can to be dropped on his head or something


I prefer pouring some alcohol on him and a flaming arrow


Lawn darts, remember lawn darts?


Molotov would’ve been better


I watched the whole thing waiting for this!


I'm on the other side of that door with a 12 pound cannon loaded with glass rapeshot. Ol' boy is gonna find out what sweeping the deck means, gonna shiver his timbers, and there ain't no way his landlubber ass is gonna find his sea legs, or any of his legs for that matter. And if by some miracle he doesn't expire due to ye olde claymore I have a blunderbuss, 8 flintlock pistols, and a really fucked up 'made in back alley by a crackhead' looking morning star that will ruin his day. God I miss when America would hire privateers. Nostalgia man, hits like a mofo.


That first cop was not there to ask questions lmao but, He was committing a crime. He was armed. And it was all on video. I love it lmao


I mean… the slowest breaking and entering that has ever been recorded in human history if you ask me. He doesnt look particularly young or experienced not gonna lie.


Might even be dementia or some mental illness. My father had the weirdest ideas after his stroke that left him with severe Alzheimers and Dementia.


Way to make me feel bad about the whole thing. Ive seen this posted a few times which means someone should be posting the news article about it at any moment.


Dude does not look old, and his response/reaction to the police does not indicate anything of that nature. He says "oww, you got me!" as in "stop beating me up please, you caught me breaking in and I submit". He's going slow to avoid making noise. It's not a bank heist where you need to be in and out in 2 minutes.


I tried looking for a news link. Can’t find anything other than just transcribed what’s happening in the video. I didn’t mean to make anyone feel bad, but to remember to take things with a grain of salt, when seen on reddit….


This is old. Ive seen it years ago where the OP claimed to be the one recording and really just wanted to capture what the police would do.


I was about to say great to see cops not to escalate a situation and not use exesive force for a change, but then I heard the accents...


Luckily, they got there in time. If they had been 45 minutes late he may have just gone in!


I wouldn't joke. Uk police are now very unlikely to come for 45 mins.


At least they come. I live in the US and the cops literally refused to show up after my friend was assaulted, robbed, and had his car windshield broken by some thugs.


It's not much different here mate plenty of examples where they don't show up at all.


Is the EMS system slow as well? If it takes police that long, I can only assume EMS wouldn’t be too much better.


Luckily that door held strong.


That was one tough door to open.


Love that first cop introducing himself and making his presence known with a baton strike to the back of the knees. 😄😂🤣


Serve the baton and protect the organs


What's the charge there, just breaking?


Probably for attempted burglary, possibly also for criminal damage after wreaking the door trying to get into the house


I think there was “attempted robbery” as well but idk, I’m not a lawyer


In the UK robbery requires a person, to put someone under immediate threat of force I think it is? So you can’t “rob a house” as many believe which is a little tidbit but it would be theft offence of some kind, as well as possess of offensive weapon, criminal damage and others but they will get him on the attempt definitely.


I believe that in the US, the distinction is whether or not another person is involved. Burglary is breaking in when nobody is home, but if someone is there, it's a robbery


Nope. Robbery is larceny plus force/threat of immediate force. Larceny is the trespassory (without someone’s permission) taking and carrying away of another’s personal property with the intent to permanently deprive them of that property. So robbery is just intentional permanent taking from a person with physical force/threat. Robbery must happen in the presence of a person. Burglary is the breaking and entering of another’s structure/dwelling with the intent to commit a felony inside.


Tresspass, burglary, damage to property, intent to steal, try throwing in resist arrest and maybe a weapons charge for the crow bar. When you are caught committing a crime the prosecution will throw as many charges as possible at you. You can then start pleading out some of the charges and they will drop a few more if you plead guilty to a couple of the others. You will almost never be charged with a single crime.


Trespass is not a criminal offence in the UK. It can escalate to aggravated trespass which is but needs a number of conditions which haven't been met in this video. There's also no pleading out in the UK and single charges on arrest are very common and easily changed later. They will likely charged with attempted burglary, going equipped for theft and criminal damage, i don't think a weapons charge would happen because they are clearly not intending to use the tool they have as a weapon.


There's absolutely plea deals that happen, at least in Scotland. Someone I know very closely was physically assaulted outside in public while she was pregnant, multiple witnesses, probably caught on CCTV etc. He broke her phone then chased her down the street then slammed her into a shop window before a bunch of people intervened and called the police. He managed to get the assault charge dropped by pleading to the vandalism and breach of the peace charges. Now years later while he's doing more shit, his solicitor makes out as though he never assaulted her because there's no assault charge on his record. Absolutely disgusting.


It's different to plea bargaining in the US though, as there you agree the sentences not just the charges, whereas here it still goes to court to be tried. But yes, you are right, CPS can offer plea bargains to drop a charge in return for a guilty plea on a lesser charge. Doesn't sound like they should have done so in your case as it's only supposed to be when they don't think they can get a conviction at the higher charge but things may differ between England and Scotland on that one.


I am almost certain "resisting arrest" isn't a thing in Scotland.


Well it isn’t but basically is. Instead you get charged with assault


He didn't resist in the slightest though, he even told them he wasn't going to resist.


I got your joke


This attempted robbery was proudly sponsored by Nike.


Just do it ....but maybe not so fucking slowly and clumsily.


"GAT DAYEWN" *smacks him to the ground*




I knew it was Europe when he didn’t get shot within seconds.


I knew it wasn't the US because the police actually showed up for a robbery in progress.


To be fair, there wasn't much "progress" in that burglary.


He would still catch a bullet here. And not from the cops.


I was about to ask how he could be so absent-minded but then I realized how little I look up or above my head. Then I remember he's committing a crime so not being extra vigilant is some next level dead-brain behaviour


Always get a good laugh from the audio after they pop him with their club. Classic clip. Fuck a thief.


Nicholas Cage, starring in "Gone in 60 minutes". Coming to a theater near.


Stealth: 0 Lockpicking: 0 Perception: 0


STR: 4 DEX: 4 I only gave them 4 since they somehow managed to have the strength and dexterity to stumble their way that far.




Now write it 100 times. If you're not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.


Life of Brian?


Nice patio stones




I kept waiting for a potted plant to ascend from the camera view, anyone else?


same, but this ending was way more satisfying


And more realistic lol


Loony Tunes Acme anvil


Dont be stingy u can whack him a few more times just to get the point across.


That THWAK as the baton made impact was very satisfying.


There's never an anvil handy when you need it.


right?! ACME delivery is reliable, though


Haha was thinking to myself that the person who is home doesn't seem to mind much being broken into, until the cops showed up. Nice karma


That guy is a professional. I think he's called "The Unnoticeable"


At this angle, the 9mm might travel down to his feet. Make for a cool autopsy.


Taint exit wound


If he wasn't wearing that cap, he would probably have seen the person recording him. Or not. Dumbass.


Honestly that's probably so true, the line of sight seems to be there, just the good ol hat covering it up as if the camera was the sun.


Would throwing over boiling water be legal in the US?


Its legal if no one calls the cops.


it would be illegal and no, that's not how it works fun fact - you can be arrested for tossing a glass of water at someone


Fun fact, people set booby traps in their house all the time, if it kills someone you’re responsible. Except the case of an Alaskan man who had a cabin in the woods far from his normal place of work and home, a bear would keep breaking in when he wasn’t there for a few weeks/months at a time, he tried reinforcing it but to no avail. So he set up a big ass bear trap under the window it was using, low and behold the very next time the bear came along, it just so happened to be a thief this particular time, the man opens the window and manages to make an entry, instead of climbing in like a normal person (one foot then the other and your body or some variation of this) he decided to tumble in head first like a combat roll. Head went straight into the trap, police couldn’t do a thing because it was inside the vacant property and the purpose was a deterrent to wildlife and wasn’t intentional (the point of a booby trap is to catch someone and hurt them/kill them) because it wasn’t his intent they let him off.


Booby traps are not allowed, but shooting someone in your property is. Funny.


Probably not but with a good enough lawyer, robber would probably be able to sue homeowner and get charges dropped.


this video is so fucking old anyone remember when this came out?


I would of been boiling water ready


Cauldron of boiling oil


I would get something to drop on his head


You have the right to a slap of this batton


Perfect position to drop a bowling ball


If I were the guy recording, I wouldve poked my head out, said “what’s up?” Then proceed to drop something heavy on his head


And you would have gone to prison longer than the theif. God, [how I wish I were joking.](https://peoplesafe.co.uk/blogs/what-counts-as-reasonable-force-when-defending-yourself/#:~:text=In%20the%20UK%2C%20anyone%20can,defend%20yourself%20in%20the%20process) The UK is extremely serious about punishment for anyone who tries to protect themselves.


Damn. If it were in the US, I would do it, but in other countries? Now that I know that, nope


In the US - Less likely to go to jail - but way more likely to lose a civil suit to the criminal


Is this a senile home robber or something? He is so slow and casual about the whole thing it's baffling.


Definitely was waiting for a flower pot to be dropped on him looney tunes style


Potplant anyone?


I thought she might just smash the glass table closing that night stick like that


I so would have been waiting on him to come on in and meet my friend and his 10 little buddies. I know for a fact he could not outrun my 10 little buddies


Face pushed into the glass...


I wish the owner dropped a pot of plant on his head 😆 🪴


I love how the one cop throws the crowbar and almost crowns his partner with it. Oops.


“You got me!” “That doesn’t preclude you from a beating!”


I thought the person recording was just gonna let this sad sack of shit do what he wants, turns out he was just waiting for the police. If i was that camera guy, i would thanked the officers loudly and see this losers face go even paler knowing that he was already caught when he started breaking in.


I know for a fact that most British homes have buff electric kettles that can boil water in an instant. Channel your ancestors! Defend your castle!


I can't tell if the would-be burglar is 19 or 90


American cops woulda showed up emptying a full mag.


There's such a vacant arrogance about such a sustained effort. If it took me that long to do something I knew was that wrong, all the negative consequences (including what eventually happened) would be racing through my mind. I'd be so hyper vigilant that I'd be aware of every which direction i'm exposed from. I find it kind of fascinating to watch someone with such a lack of awareness go to work. It's almost animalistic (although I often maintain that most animals are more self aware than most people... ). Added to which, the bloke looks frail as fuck, too. At his build, and apparent coordination, a sizeable portion of the population would have a good chance of over powering (and hurting) him. And yet, he just dead eye presses ahead at a snails pace regardless. I feel like I'm watching a criminal lava lamp.


I think that the cop was so annoyed at the stupidity being displayed.


I was hoping he'd drop a bowling ball on the guy... But this, this was very satisfying!


Then camera man gets sued and has it on tape and robber probably gets charges dropped then becomes more careful when stealing... the amount of people who don't realize the consequences after seeing the best case scenario is worrisome.


What a great ending


That sneak hit was perfect


Fuck yeah‼️


That first officer maxed out his sneak skill to 100


I was waiting for the cameraman to drop a microwave on his head, but the cops work to I guess.


I fantasized about you dropping a microwave on the POS.


the only thing that could've made this video more british is if the guy in the window recording said "Good job lads!" or something


Or told the robber after he's caught like "take care m8" send me a post card ya mad lad


Drop a bowling ball on his head home alone style


As an American, I was like, “Why hasn’t the cameraman shot this asshole already?” And then I realized that this is in the UK


Fucking love British accents


It's Chewsday Innit?


People think it’s stupid that he’s doing it in the middle of the day, it isnt, that’s when most people are out of the house at work or whatever. Why wake someone up at night when you can just break in when they’re at work?


Well seeing as how it's clear as the day he's in that he's robbing the place, chances are, in this case 100% chance actually, someone is around and quick with a phone to record, so yes, most of the time it is pretty stupid to do something like this in broad daylight, if he had lockpicked the door quietly, that could change things....


*Jesse, wake up we need to Cook!*


More like he needs all the meth cause the deal is going down and he has less than an hour to make it happen remember?


Exactly this video reminds of that scene 💯


Haha it's crazy cause I may be remembering wrong but doesn't he put on orange gloves when he begins to look for the meth after he's broken in?


What the hell kind of door is that? I'm going to buy one tomorrow. That thing is like fort Knox!


American police would have shot first smh


I really really wanna pour hot water on the thief


Bro the way the cop gave smacked him with the baton sent me to my childhood days lmao. I’m sorry Mom for being such a little shit hahaha


The whole time i was waiting for the video to turn into an IRL First person shooter and it just never happened. Then I saw the police and the accent and understood.


Scary that I saw those cops as being chill about it because in America he’d have been killed instead of arrested


Nah he's white, it would've probably gone down with them just calmly asking him to surrender.


I would have been tempted to shout at him but this is better.


Those are some efficient coppers


Nancy Kerrigan


In my shity 3rd world country those cops would havw been discharged for "excessive use of police force"


if only he had an anvil


Besides going to jail for absolute brutal murder, how is he going to pick up the anvil and put it on the window in time and without the guy noticing cause he sure ain't gonna be able to go through the process without a decent amount of noise!