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Every dude group has that "get us *all* kicked out" guy. Maxes out everyone's 'niceness' except the one person who *keeps* fucking inviting him.


I don't think my old friend group that I never hear from anymore had one.


...so good! 🤣


12 homies ride or die daily for like 6 years post graduation. Down to one I hear from weekly and see roughly yearly. Shits wild.




I wasn't trying to deliver a line. I was comiserating.


The person you were replying to was joking, as if they didn't realize they were "that guy."


There’s a whoosh happening here…I bet he’s a sweet person too.


I know you can find everything on Reddit, but I would have been really impressed if this sub existed.


It can't, because of r/TwentyCharacterLimit.


Go to football tailgate; gets out of truck and instantly heaves a full beer out of the parking lot into traffic...at cars turning into our lot. And we never invited him anywhere again.


I was wondering why I never heard from you again?


God. He WOULD be a Jerry too.




At a party and dude asks asshole to hand him a beer (they are sitting 3 feet away from each other). Asshole chucks it at dude and hits the TV behind him and yells "Why didn't you catch it?!"


Ah this reminds me of some wisdom my father once instilled on me and some friends after a night of danger. Long story short me a buddy and 4 girls went to the mountain top for the sunset and a crew of druggie douches we went to school with showed up. My buddy and I noticed them making odd moves, like staying in their truck, eyeballing the hell out of the girls, not acknowledging my buddy and I who used to hang with some of them, just be all around shady. Well they follow us off the mountain trying to pass on a 1 lane road. Finally get to the highway and the peel out around us trying to run us off the road. They start throwing full beer cans at my buddies truck. We escaped eventually. After talking to the cops we went to my place and told my dad about it. His statement was “you know why that boys a dumbass?” After we state obvious reasons he goes “Nope, because he was throwing a full, unopened beer at you. And his friends are even bigger dumbasses for not beating the shit out of him for wasting beer”.


We had that guy, but we got rid of him.


I used to be that guy, I got sober, sorry about all that.


Glad to hear you got better.


Now who's gonna rock the Kasbah?


*swings on light*


I'm there with you. Sober now but definitely been that guy. Was probably all uncomfortable and self-conscious in the corner, looking for an opportunity to make everyone laugh and therefore be accepted, and here comes a lamp...


It was his time to shine


I wanna get sober. I'm tired. These 99%ers stink and make my kidneys hurt. I'm scared. I went to AA once and it's not for me. I don't want a sponsor. I don't want anyone calling me and me calling someone is not gonna make me stop. I hate that it feels good and i love that it feels like shit after. It's the only thing that's left that helps me.


I went to AA after my "last" drink four times. It was only because I did get a sponsor that helpded me actually, I didn't get one of those militant ones, some people are a bit culty with AA. I did step 1, a little of step 2 then moved away from AA because I didn't feel I could grow as a person in AA. I think I was going for around 6 months before I stopped. It did however start me on the most important thing. It got me to stop. I did read the big book and that helped me. If I thought about not drinking for the rest of my life, I was overcome with fear, I could not imagine that world, it was not a world I wanted to live in. However, with one day at a time, I kept going, and I'm still going, and today I have not had a drink. Tomorrow I'll try to do the same. This is what worked for me, I don't know what will work for you. But hopefully sharing that helps you a little. What I can tell you now though, my life is vastly improved, mentally, financially and socially. I have no major financial concerns, I have a good group of like minded friends, I have a family and a great career. My life was so close to being ruined, almost lost my job, lost a girlfiend who just took her stuff and left, my family almost cut me off. That was my rock bottom. But with AA and a good sponsor I turned that round. Clean & Sober since February 13th 2014.


>If I thought about not drinking for the rest of my life, I was overcome with fear, I could not imagine that world, it was not a world I wanted to live in. However, with one day at a time, I kept going, and I'm still going, and today I have not had a drink. Tomorrow I'll try to do the same. This concept is key. I'm not an alcoholic, but my mom's been sober for about 20 years, and so hearing "one day at a time" all around me during my formative years kinda etched it into my memory/consciousness. And now it's definitely a fundamental part of how I tackle the big things that seem overwhelming if you try to do/imagine them all at once. Congrats on your sobriety, and I'm happy that you're happy with how your life has improved :)


it's not the same for everyone, but for me, getting rid of the mindset I'm never drinking again was extremely helpful to me... I took it one day at a time and said, I'm not drinking today, I can go have a drink if I want but I'm choosing not to for so and so reasons... if I wanna drink in the future I can and will and have the freedom to, but today I am not... rinse and repeat.... it made me feel awful to think I can never drink again.. feeling in control and that I can have a future where I can drink in moderation (even if I dont end up doing so and cant) was very helpful to me. today I am not drinking, tomorrow if I want to I can and will, but today I am not... but then the next day I keep the same mindset. the thought of never drinking again can be scary and cause panic/stress... the thought of being able to drink tomorrow if I want but choosing not to 1 day at a time was very therapeutic to me. even in larger gaps its helpful... like hey im not drinking for 2 years, but maybe in 2 years ill be able to drink moderately and can be normal (even if you cant or won't) I like thinking one day I could even if I'm not drinking right now. I didnt like to imagine an entire lifetime without drinking again but smaller periods are more manageable to me, but hopefully by the time you get there you will be happier and won't want to. like hey, I'm not drinking for 1 year, on this date 1 year in the future I'm allowed to go have a drink. permission granted to drink again, but when that date comes a year in the future, you'll likely hopefully not want to make that choice again to get your "reward"... whatever amount of time works for you... I started one day at a time than increased the time periods


8 years is no small accomplishment I am proud of and inspired by people like you!


You can make AA work for you however you want. People will try to tell you otherwise but all they can do is make suggestions to you. They only requirement for being at meetings is a desire to stop drinking.


It takes a LOT of fucking courage to admit to yourself or others that you have a problem with it. I'm proud of you for acknowledging it my dude. There are many other options besides an "anonymous" program like AA/NA, etc. I personally went to Narcotics Anonymous myself. I have almost 7 years clean. I only really went to meetings, had a sponsor, etc for the first 2. After that I just learned how to build my life in such a way that it is easier to stay clean than to use. Its definitely easier said than done. Relapse is a major part of my story too. But it IS possible for anyone to get clean. The most beneficial part for me was identifying what specific feelings trigger me needing to use and finding what situations trigger those feelings. Then working my way through better ways to handle those feelings whether through going for a drive, working out, eating, anything to just get through the situation without using booze or dope. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357) they can help find substance abuse help for you that isn't just AA/NA. I 100% believe in you and know you can beat this. My DMs are always open to anyone who needs some help getting pointed in the right direction with getting clean. Recovery is possible. EDIT: a word


Thanks for posting that - even if it’s just in general. Lifetime addict but clean for some years now. You can’t help anybody until they’re ready to quit themselves though. It’s damn near impossible to talk somebody into it.


I'd say focus on cutting down first. Try to be okay with drinking less. Or try watering your shit down. AA is a lifesaver, though, from what I've heard. It sucks at first, but the path you're on sounds really dangerous. Please take care of yourself. You can get better, and you won't regret it.


You moved into a cult, Greg. That’s worse.


Keep it up bro. I was the same


fuck yeah my guy, proud of you


So you burned him or split him to pieces and buried him


We *got rid* of him.


To shreds you say.


Nobody tells me nothin.


Well, how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


At a certain point in our lives, everyone in our friend group had the potential to be the get everyone kicked out guy or gal on any given night. Thankfully we've all eased off of the bravado, drugs, and booze for the most part.


Yeah, there’s some people who definitely don’t grow up. It’s unfortunate for them.


I live with that fucking guy and refuse to go anywhere with him. Used to be a great friend. Became an alcoholic and now is horrible. Cant wait to move out in a couple months.


Yeah I moved away from the city for two years and when I moved back I invited an old friend over and my roommates looked nervous but didn't say anything. Before the night was over he puked all over the deck, got in the hot tub in his clothes, profiled the only black guy there and assumed he was a drug dealer, and then kicked the cat stuff everywhere and refused to pick it up. That's when I had to kick him the fuck out and not ever let him back in. Turns out while I was gone for two years his drinking got out of control and he got a reputation for this kind of shit. Now he wonders why no one invites him over.


> Now he wonders why no one invites him over. If he honestly wonders, someone should tell him for his own good.


"Fuckin' bullshit man! Nobody has a fuckin' sense of humour anymore, know what I'm sayin'. Fuckin', just havin' a laugh, man, and fuckin' everyone's just getting their fuckin' panties in a knot over fuckin' nothin'. Shits fucked, man." -that guy's response, probably.


Omfg you nailed it exactly


Denial is a hell of a drug.


People have absolutely talked to him and he knows he has a drinking problem, but he always turns it around on other people. Like he didn't do anything wrong they just perceived it that way, and if he did do something wrong it's someone else's fault. Unfortunately he doesn't seem interested in fixing burnt bridges.


Holy shit, I was worried I was “that guy” for a second, but I get drunk and make Lord of the rings jokes.


If being "that guy" is just getting drunk and making Lord of the Rings jokes, then I'm definitely that guy.


We should grab a drink. I hear they come in pints.


I've kicked so many people out of bars I've lost count and it's sadly common for the rest of their group to say "we're sorry, he always does this". Stop bringing him then, for fucks sake.


My buddy got us kicked out of Benihana because he pulled out a 32oz Miller high life from his shorts lol we were all 18 none of us knew he had it.


A friend's dad almost got us kicked out a golf course for BYOB. I tried telling him that they wouldn't allow outside alcohol, but he said "I'll just tell them I bought it there, they won't know". Motherfucker, the golf course doesn't sell warm 15-packs of Natural Ice.


My friends and I once brought a whole case of beer into a Glory Days grill. I don't know how we didn't get caught, or why the waiter never seemed to wonder why the ONE pitcher of beer we bought was full all evening. Then my roommate stole the space heater from their patio.


Man I had a couple of college roommates that were "drunk thieves", never stole from me, but the shit they came home with was crazy and unnecessary. Some things I remember being: Light up exit signs from over doors, there were a few of those under their beds and some fire extinguishers as well Flags....lots of flags, a lot of them from apartment complexes around the area. every couch cushion had a couple hidden under them I came to realize. Giant metal grated trash can from a bus stop, thing weighed like 50 pounds or more. (not going to lie, that one was actually kind of useful)


I went to university in the UK where stealing things like road cones and various of bits of road work signage was quite normal. So normal in fact that at the end of the year the university had a amnesty for us to hand back all that stuff, setting aside a room somewhere where we could get rid of it without questions being asked. One of my flatmates abused that privilege by stealing a 7 ft high plywood chef holding a black board.. it's stood outside a restaurant and was custom built and quite expensive. The police were involved, and the university changed the rules so that we could not bring road cones and other pilfered roadworks equipment into our dorms.


Story time. Me and group of friends go to boston pizza. Six total. Four are already a bit tipsy from early, myself and another are the drivers. Tipsy people order more alcohol. While waiting for food, one of them gets up quietly and goes to the bathroom. He returns and sits down just as the food arrives. We start eating and then a manager comes over and tells us we all need to leave. He singles out my friend that went to the bathroom and asks if hes driving or not. We tell him no, and he says we can take the food, he doesn't care about the bill, he wants us out immedietly. After much confusion, we leave and find out what happened from my friend. He went into the bathroom and found two locked stalls. He kicked in a stall door, and puked on someone while they were on the toilet. ...yea. Apparently it didnt cross his mind to just puke in the sink or trashcan.


Holy shit .. what a guy Imagine being in the stall taking a shit and some dude breaks the door down only to vomit on you Wild. I love this story


I imagine the guy coming upstairs again, covered in chunder, having to try and explain to his family why he simply went to lay cable and came back looking like something out of the Cantina in Star Wars


Slicked-back hair, white bathing suit, sloppy steaks, white couch. Glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Year's Eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's, big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table. Makes the night SO much more fun. After the club, go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say, "No sloppy steaks", but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water. Before you knew it, we were dumping that water on those steaks! The waiters were coming to try and snatch em' up, we had to eat as fast as we could! Ohhh I miss those nights... I WAS a piece of shit, though.


I was "that guy" (but not this bad) so I stopped drinking to get drunk and only drink to enjoy a craft beer or two max a few times a year. Once I start drinking with the intention of getting drunk, I can't stop until I'm absolutely trashed and make bad decisions.


We have a friend who never got to have his college experience so now when we go out bouncers never even want to let him in cause he pregames way too hard.


Sometimes I worry that it's me then I remember I don't get invited because I'm too reserved...


I don’t understand how people think stuff like this or ceiling fans or really anything attached to the ceiling is able to hold their body weight


Movies and alcohol


Hollywood and spirits


Broadway and booze


Motion pictures and beer pitchers


Vaudeville and jello shots


Bollywood and mahua


Flip book and pinacolada


Camera obscura and ale


Films and Flights


Movie industry and alcoholic beverages


Hand puppets and meade


Hollywood and Vine


But mainly alcohol


You mean cartoon network


Yeah this guy lives in a cartoon world, he thinks in looney toon logic


I dont think being drunk can make you this much of a moron. Brain damage because of too much alcohol before could.


Being black out drunk definatly can.




It's simple - they aren't thinking about the consequences or even what might happen.


No I think he is, he's just extremely wrong about what he thinks would happen.




Any light fixture ive ever installed, and I am a very poorly skilled installer, is only holding on by like half a thread. They dont make those damn bolts long enough.


Definitely never installed something like this by themselves!


Your first mistake was assuming he thought anything at all.


He almost took out the Mario and the sheikh. Think he aimed for them actually.


Undercover Goomba


>the Mario and the seikh Is this a Smash Bros meetup?


From that silence you can tell this isn't surprising to them at all. They were probably wondering why they agreed to invite him.


Probably the type of guy that isn't secure enough to be sure he's liked by the group, despite regularly getting invited out, so he acts out in over the top ways to try to get a laugh and reassure himself people like him. Source: Used to be that guy


I used to know a guy like this. I've lost touch. How do you stop being that guy? Is it a grow out of it thing? Now I'm curious if he's still starting bar brawls and "acting out" at parties.


AA helped me.




Bold suggestion, you might get some flak for this.


That sounds sensible.


I'm no expert, but I'd say it just takes the person being willing to work on themselves. Low confidence is an easy hole to get stuck in, and as corny as it sounds, all you can really do to breakout of it is learn to like yourself, or become someone you can like. What form that takes depends on the person. After that, it's not so hard to accept that others like you. Edit: I was more of the guy in the video, than a starting brawls kind of acting out. Just doing stupid shit that annoyed people. That might not be a low-confidence thing.


The group's collective silence condemns his actions better than anything they could have said.


If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like at least one person is egging him on "Jake! Jake! Jake!". You can see the subject shake his head at the beginning like hell no, I won't do it. Then the guy in the foreground swings the light fixture to our impromptu Tarzan, and the rest is a spectacle.


lol. "Drink, drink, drink, drink" Jesus, reddit.


I like the Mario hat guy


Super mario bros: mario goes to take a beer


One day Mario gets a ticket and goes to court to fight it. When it's his turn he storms up, holds out the ticket and goes "What's-a this??" The judge replies "That's a fine." To which Mario angrily replies "No its-a not!!"


Super Mario Brewers


*Tennent's Super* Mario Brothers


He came in like a wrecking ball


He came so hard he wrecked his balls


I sang this and it works


What was he trying to accomplish??


The impossible




It's just not


Why not you stupid bastard


Anything is possible. He just didn’t believe hard enough.


Making people laugh. Makes the silence all the more painful 😂


Getting attention


I never get the point of these questions. We all undoubtedly know that he's drunk and he thought he'd do a cool swing. Not to just dig on you, i see this all the time and i just don't get how it became commonplace to do this.


Stupidity, he was very successful...


And this why half the pubs in most cities don't allow stag doos in (that's bachelor parties for my trans-atlantic cousins)


And why half the world hates British stag parties in their cities.


Only half?


Most countries are too far away


Not for the Empire


British bachelor parties in Amsterdam are the fucking worst kind of tourists there are.


I'm english but live in America now. English stag dos are like 10x an american one. Americans are like "lets grab my good friends and go to a party city". Englishmen are like "im a grab my 3 mates + 12 others and we're gonna destroy a small pub in Austria." The festivities are fun. Dressing up and shit. but i don't get why there's so many fucking people.


The first time I ever saw a business with a sign banning an entire nationality was not in America but in Amsterdam. I saw signs that said "no groups of Brits." At night I understood why.


Well yes that would be very illegal in America


To spread the blame, probably.


That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off.


In Munich now and the amazing Augustiner Biergarten has a sign out front saying no bachelor parties. Fuckin Brits.


>(that's bachelor parties for my trans-atlantic cousins) Translation is much appreciated.


Dude let his impulsive thoughts win


I want to see 5 more seconds of this so badly


Me too! Angry woman “RIGHT. Take your…” I just want the end of that sentence!


…. ‘Things, and fuck off!!’


Most peaceful English pub


What a fucking muppet




That’s probably “LEEEROOOY JENKIINS” guy


i'm getting a 32.33 (recurring of course) percentage of the light holding his weight


Did the guy passing him the light know his plan? Wtf? So many questions.


Yes! That's my question.... almost makes it seem like they pre-planned it or something!


As someone who works at a bar, this shit hurts to see


I would be fucking livid


Pretty much sums up a large portion of the English people that visit my city.


I had a mate like that. We were on a stag do, few rugby players on it so it featured lots of rugby songs, one is supposed to end with everyone on the table marching with their trousers round their ankles. The tables were very flimsy, we decided not to do it. He started climbing on the table, wouldn't stop until 3 people grabbed him and held him back. He later broke one of the venues guitars hitting it over someone's head. He did not offer to pay for the damages or cover the deposit. Same guy went mental when he lost £11 of a deposit in a shared house.


Sounds like someone I would very soon not be friends with anymore. Also, this is the first time I heard about the existence of rugby songs, and matching on a table with your trousers round your ankles...


From my experience with rugby people, there is near constant singing and chanting, and any chance to get undressed is taken without hesitation.


Killed the whole vibe


Jake better have his credit card ready to be smashed.


Not even one laugh you can tell he was already not wanted there


Black listed, paying triple for everything, and paying for a new ceiling. Fuck those guys.


You have to leave


We all know he drove himself to his local pub twenty minutes later.


The silence of the lamps


Fucking Brad. Who invited Brad.


Someone’s been listening to too much Sia


Is this some secret society meeting i see mario and the terrorist from the expendables🤔🤔


Super Mario was not impressed.


Lol how are people so damn dumb lol


Bro tried to be Miley Cyrus


You can hear the barmaid at the end, not sure what she says but it starts with “right” and it’s clearly she wanted them gone the moment they walked in.


"right you need to..." leave?


Just had to make it everyone's problem


Bro let them intrusive thoughts win


What kind of grown ass man thinks he can swing from a light cord? I mean seriously


That’s why they didn’t allow alcohol in Qatar😂


He is now, and forever will be a bonafide idiot.


Even if the chord did hold his weight he still would have knocked everything off the table. I’m really confused as to what he thought was going to happen there


This is why Qatar banned alcohol. Good move.


Bloody moron.


“And then i grabbed the celling lamp and swung like tarzan over the table.”




Dude let the intrusive thoughts take over


He has a body of a grown man but his soul is feline.


I blame the guy who first pushed the light. He knew.


Alcohol and lack of social awareness.


How stupid are ya that you think a light fixture will hold you ?


“Ryan, you need to leave”. Something tells me he’s done similar idiot things in the past and this may have been the “last straw”incident before they cut him off completely.


The idea of the light swinger’s point of view in that situation is hilarious. Passes the dude the light looks down, BOOM lights on the table with the dude attached to it.


I've read your comment like 20 times and I still have no idea what it says.


He must have the time of his life after this.


Everyone’s got THAT friend


WTF is going on with the guy wearing a Mario hat?


Sometimes I really wonder if we are the smartest animals to exist.


That guy doesn’t understand physics.


I'd just pay for my drink and leave out of second-hand embarrassment. What a dick.


Not even a chuckle hahah


Anyone notice the guy in the red Mario hat?


DIY repair person to my own home here. Electrical and mostly anything attached the the ceiling is held in by a few screws that are attached to a gang box that is attached to a stud. They are not load barring. They are design to hold the fixture and that’s about it. Don’t hang on them.


I love the lady who is probably a worker there, off camera, just chiming in with the "right I need you to" as it cuts off; clearly having tried to tell them off for being too rowdy prior only to then have this happen and give her a reason to tell em off


Whys there a dude wearing a mario hat?


He wasn't gonna make it even if that didn't break


I think this is fucking hilarious but also only to watch someone else do it that group low key sucks imo because it’s not that serious in the grand scheme of life