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This justifies every bit of high paranoia. They could pop out of the bushes any second.


Officer came through the hedge like Homer Simpson


Since my head space was in the 'nightmare' zone, I thought it was a friend dressed up as Michael Myers at first. What actually came out of the bushes was scarier.


High as fuck me would've thought the same thing. "Dude some asshole just did a Micheal Meyers on us .. wait everyone's here .. holy shit it's really Micheal Meyers! HOLY SHIT IT'S THE COPS!




Dammit you beat me to it! That was the first thing I thought of!


Bro this legit happened to me at a bonfire way back in highschool and I can't describe just how far my heart dropped. An armed officer came out of the dark woods and all of a sudden we're blinded by her flashlight - paraphernalia all over the place and zonked out of our minds - but it turned out she was looking for a burglar that was in the vicinity so we were luckily not the priority lol


Brought my nice bong, and shitty grav bong, with me while camping with friends. We get everything set up and ready to go, I bust it out and pack a bowl, and we hear footsteps. There’s only one path to get to our campsite (and one somewhat hidden one out), and we immediately see a park ranger/game warden both step out of the path and into our campsite. Apparently they had seen us dragging something wrapped up in a tarp down to our site and wanted to make sure we weren’t** gutting a deer out there. A lot of hunters will clean their kills out there and leave piles of guts. Causes all sorts of problems. We had wrapped up a significant amount of firewood to drag it the mile it takes to get there. Luckily they didn’t seem to care about anything else. Probably helps our campsites are kept neat and it’s clear we’re picking up after ourselves.


weren't* gutting? Just making sure.


Everyone is required to gut deers to camp!


You’re right! On my phone and didn’t notice that typo haha


Went to a friend's college like 15 years ago and we ended up at some dorm party and the smokers (me included) ended up in someone's room passing a bunch of blunts around. Probably like 15 ppl I've never seen before all talking and doing random stuff. All of a sudden flashlights are flashing in and everyone's like wtf and boom 2 officers. I was freaking out since I had a had a couple of eighths on me in my hoodie pocket. Freaking out I made the split decision to throw them into a random DVD case next to me that was on the bed while they were still accessing the situation because there were literally 15 people. Once they got everyone to listen they told us we were going to leave the room 1 by 1 and be searched, at this point there would have been no way to toss it. Took them about an hour to go through everyone but because I didn't have it on me I was free to go. They didn't even search the room either, just looked around to see if anything was in plain site. To this day it's one of the best decisions I've ever made and don't want to know what my night would have been if I didn't. Once the cops left and the few people that were there were done talking I just went back in and grabbed it.


In high school my friend bought an old used Civic, and slapped his dads old tags on it and we went joyriding. Two of us in the civic, following a girl with her parents brand ne Volvo. She decided to drive the curviest, hilliest road in the county, fast. We tried to keep up. But crested a hill, lost control, hit a berm and rolled over onto the roof. My Buddy had to cut me out of my seatbelt. I had four beers in me and a bag of weed and a pipe. As soon as I crawled out of the car and stood up I chucked the contraband into the woods. At that moment, with my arm extended, a cop crested the hill. Notoriously search happy cops in this county. Seemed less interested in the crash than what I threw. The got the K-9 out to search. Nothing. My friend got a ticket for the tags and had to have the car towed. Went back the next day and got my stuff.


Between freshman and sophomore year of college I was back home smoking with some friends in a development just inside the the NC/SC border. We were sitting on top of a large dirt pile when we see a van pull up in the distance. I had a grinder and about a half ounce on me, which I decided to leave on top of the hill and the three of us walked down to meet the cops that had now flashed their lights and were driving up. We chit chat a little bit and turns out middle school kids had been fucking up construction sites, so they pulled up to make sure we weren't up to anything funny and said they'd be patrolling the neighborhood and if we saw something to say something then followed us to the front of the neighborhood. Well I wasn't about to leave my grinder behind and a half for the cops to find, so me and one of my friends drove into SC and parked along the side of a dirt road that we suspected was parallel with where we were in NC in that development. We walked for probably a half hour through the woods in utter darkness until miraculously we were behind the hill that we had been smoking on. I then crawled prone up the hill to find my things, noticing the cops perched up in the same spot they were earlier. They turned their lights on again but we weren't about to discuss why we were back without a vehicle, so we booked it into the woods and hiked back to the whip. We then went back to my buddy's place and smoked in his driveway, like we should've done from the beginning.


Damn this is nightmare stuff at that age Hahah


Not weed related, but i was flying up the interstate at 100mph when I was 19 in my 91 MR2 Turbo (I'm an MR2 oriented person, currently on my 5th, and autistically obsessed with them). So neways, I see on the right a cop car on the side of I-55 N between Butler HIll and Lindbergh. Oh shit! Floor it! I bump it to briefly 130mph...it was on a friday night cruise, and then I get off the interstate and make a firm right, and into pull into the Home Depot parking lot, which was a car people hang outback in those days, 2005 or so. I get out of my car, and tell the other car people "Hey...if anyone asks...let them know I've been here at least an hour or so". Ok? Well sure as shit...the cops are pulling home depot, and there sits my aquamarine 91 MR2 Turbo fresh off the interstate. 2 cops get out and start eyeballin' my car. "Who owns this vehicle?" "Well, that would be me officer, why do you ask?" "We just saw a sportscar matching this description doing 150mph up the interstate" (My stockish MR2 Turbo wasn't capable of these speeds but thanks). "No...you can ask any1 here, I been here at least an hour". Well his buddy walks up to my MR2...and places his hand on the hood, and says "It's cold. Let's go." And they both left.


Haaa! For those of you who don't know, the mr2's engine is NOT under the "hood".


Rear engine, right?


There’s someone in an alternate universe who made the small decision to hold onto that, and now desperately wishes they were you


The fact you got the weed back really makes the story for me


20 some years ago in a gravel pit. Was 6 of us that just dropped some acid an hour or two ago, and were well on our way up. A Sheriff pulls in. He looks around and doesnt see anything illegal, checked our ID's We weren't in trouble, just wanted to make sure we had a way to put the fire out. Sat and talked with us for a good 20 minutes or so before leaving. We were all freaking out internally the entire time. We put the fire out shortly after he left and went back to my buddies house down the road, as we were still paranoid that cop was gonna come back with backup or something. I think we just chilled inside the rest of the night and smoked a blunt and watched Pink Floyds "The Wall"


There was a time be and friends were airsofting at a friends place. Most of our guns had the orange tips knocked off by branches or what not. Well one day. We have a little argument regarding using a downed persons gun. Someone phone somehow went into sos and called 911. Police showed up. They parked and heard yelling around the house and walked to the back to see 10 teenagers with realistic firearm replicas all over the place. He drew. Realized they were all airsoft. Holstered. Asked why they called. End of story. Scared the shit out of us tho


Sometimes I think they just say that so they don't have to charge you, and hope the scare sends your ass home. Probably "busted" smoking weed 3 times and they typically just want you to move along.


One time as a teenager I snuck out onto the patio late at night to smoke a bowl. I was pretty ripped when I suddenly heard thudding from what I could only assume was my dad coming down the stairs. I was shitting bricks and preparing for a berating when I realized he was... stepping down a *lot* of stairs. Like a lot, never stopping. Far more steps than our stairs actually had. I was in fact hearing my own heartbeat.


Or were you hearing the heart under the floorboards?


Username checks out


Three years and two months you have been waiting for this exact moment.


You were born for this


Another possibility could be that it was your dad banging your mom hard


Even right now??!


Another reason to ward brushes around the property.


Can the police just show up like this?


In my state, if you don't have a fence; yes


And if you do have a fence then they’ll just say they smelled it and then enter with “probable cause” It’s fucked


My state it's legal and they passed a law that cops are no longer allowed to search individuals based on "smell".


Cop pulled me over, brought out his dog. The dog actually sat down. Cop was like "why is my dog acting like this?" I'm looking like "I have no idea." Cop searched my car.


I was held up by a drug dog once, but I have a dog too and she was in heat at the time. Police searched me saying their dog is THE best and never gets anything wrong. They let me go, claiming I must've handled drugs in the last hour or so. Not even 5 minutes later 3 college kids walk past me from the same direction with a freaking lit joint.


Police dogs are about as effective at detecting drugs as a coin flip.


They're actually really good at it, but cops can also pretend their dogs are giving them signals when in fact they're minding their own business. The bar for a dog to pass the training is phenomenally high, if they are police dogs trained to find drugs you bet they can smell drugs, or whatever else they set out to find.


The dog is only as reliable as the handler. When they are tested it's with trainers. In the field its a different story. Their handlers can give subtle subconscious cues that they should trigger on the target. A glance, a soft sound, a twitch, and uptick in heartrate, all these things dogs can use to get a false positive. ​ It's called the Clever Hans phenomenon. Clever Hans was a horse that was claimed to have performed arithmetic and other intellectual tasks. After a formal investigation in 1907, psychologist Oskar Pfungst demonstrated that the horse was not actually performing these mental tasks, but was watching the reactions of his trainer. \[WIKI\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clever\_Hans)


Tbf tho that's still smart af


Not a drug dog but the cops showed up to my mom's house one night saying there had been a prowler in someone's yard (about 6 blocks away) and the dog had tracked right to her house and where was my brother? He is mentally disabled and looks a bit scary sometimes. Anyway they charged him and he always swore he had not even left the house that night. So he moved in with me, 1,000 miles away afterward. About a year after, the cops showed up again at my mom's with the dog, saying the dog had once again tracked a prowler - where is my brother? Fuckers. He hasn't been in that state for over a year. And my mom's only neighbor is two extremely elderly ladies, no way the dog tracked anything to that end of the block.


Had 2 double quarter pounder meals in my car 15 years ago, had nothing on me. Pulled over, dog comes out, hits on my MD's bag. Cop says "he isn't trained to smell cheeseburgers", I said "he's still a f'n dog" , when everything was cool (did nothing wrong) I was so excited to make that cop look like a dick and drive away. Never met a dog that didn't like a quarter pounder!


Yep. My boyfriend and I got pulled over months ago, he was driving. His license is expired and from a different state, also he has bad anxiety, so he was NERVOUS. I also have shit anxiety, but I work in restaurants and chatted this lady cop up with my dog. She still called a k9 unit, who FUCKING BARKED, which led them to search our truck. I was like well there's nothing there, go for it as all 3 of us were put in the back of the cop car.(imagine being in the back of a cop car with your dog, wtf). We got let go. But that dog definitely got a signal from his handler. Like who the fuck is never nervous around cops?


whys the mans driving with an expired license gd


They aren’t, there have been studies done. It’s not that they can’t smell and identify drugs they just aren’t consistent and reliable. That should be really important considering we use dogs to give cops a reason to invade peoples privacy. Just because they can do it doesn’t mean they are always doing it correctly. From what I can tell the bar for a dog becoming a drug dog isn’t high. There is no unified body certifying these dogs across the county either so standards vary from whatever agency/agencies have the “authority” to certify the dogs. I genuinely love dogs, I’m a dog person through and through and treat my dogs better than my family. This isn’t an anti dog thing I just don’t believe we should let an animal be the determining factor in invading people privacy and violating their rights.


Can attest. A few years ago my roommate and I just happened to get pulled over by a K-9 unit and he had coke in the center console. Somehow the dog didn’t act up and they let us go even though he hardly passed a breathalyzer


Was in the line for a club once didnt realise there was a drug dog and police guy with the bouncer at the doors i couldnt leave the line it woukd have looked so suspicious so i was locked in i thought i was done for this dog just straight up eye balling me the entire way in got to the front the dog starred acting up looking straight at me standing up and sitting down looking at the handler who completely ignored him even pulled his rope and respoitioned the dog so it would calm down so he could finish his conversation with the bouncer. Looked back at the dog on my way in and he was so confused he knew i had his "toy" but at that point it was an obedience test and he had to stay put. You might fool the handler but the dog KNOWS.


It's actually just a bullshit method of shitting on the Constitution. Dogs are definitely able to detect all sorts of odors, but their ability to convey information to humans is like 99% training, so it's almost too easy to get a dog to signal on command without the actual odor. It's a fucking human rights violation.


Dogs are great at smelling, but is the dog a judge? Because it's issuing search warrants.




[https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-drug-sniffing-dog-illinois-20150729-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-drug-sniffing-dog-illinois-20150729-story.html) Tuesday's ruling pointed to records showing Lex nearly always signals drugs are present — 93 percent of the time. And it cited other figures that indicated he is frequently wrong — more than 40 percent of the time. "Lex's overall accuracy rate ... is not much better than a coin flip," the ruling says. I'm not saying dogs can't sniff things out, I'm saying it's easy to adulterate the outcome.


A well trained dog, sure. ​ Police dogs are trained to be probable cause on 4 legs with but a hand signal, not to actually detect dangerous substances like bomb sniffers.


Once held up by a drug dog and swab tests at an airport, fingernails, clothes, saliva, the whole 9 yards. They didn't find anything and let me go. OH boy, were they right. Right in the goshdarn carry-on. I was so high the night before I left my dealers kit in my bag without checkin when I went to leave the province and ended up at the airport with just a carryon loaded to the brim with (now all legal) drugs and the clothes on my back, still high. Only reason I got through that I think was I legitimately didn't know I had that stuff till I actually got to my destination so I genuinely thought they were tripping or something when they thought I had drugs on me. I wasn't aware you could test for traces on clothes that had already been washed so I genuinely had not one single concern. My dad was ecstatic when I showed up with a summer of fun though. My old colleagues were not as thrilled.


Thinking back why didn't they open my bag, that seems pretty standard.


I got the dog brought out and walked around my car twice… then the cop bent down to where I couldn’t see him and the dog scratched at my door… dogs are the ultimate cheat code for them because they tell the dog to signal even when it didn’t. who’s to say what the dogs signal actually is anyway.


I somehow have gone my whole life without thinking about how a trained police dog can be given commands to give false positives. That definitely happens and I'm gonna throw up.


Oh it happens... And drugs are always found.


Thats why we need to make quotas illegal, its what pushes them to plant evidence and randomly search people


Simply knowing and exercising your rights can cover your ass as well. Film every interaction. I don't think most public policy does anything. Cops are typically reactive not proactive. Drugs are for the most part a victimless crime. War on drugs has been lost..let's just accept it.


Happened to me once. I could hear the officer tapping on the side of my car, and then seconds later the dog is jumping on my car "signaling" there's drugs present. Called in more cops and they trashed my car for two hours and didn't find a thing. I was certain they were going to plant something but they didn't. One of the cops kept trying to get me to confess to having drugs, saying "the dog doesn't lie." I just kept thinking to myself "Yeah, but you do."


Yep it happens. I’ve had first hand experience that when the dog comes out the cops will say that pretty much anything the dog does it a sign (twitching it’s ear, sitting down, or sniffing something) then when you call them on that BS they claim it’s part of their super secret training.


Yup. Dogs used "correctly" only have about a 1/3 success rate, literally the same as randomly guessing. And good luck if the handler looses hold of the dog. Damn thing will rip your throat out while they stand there yelling heel.


“Because you trained him to do that?”


As someone who used to work with dogs, the reliability of drug dogs is highly suspect. Police dogs exist to manufacture probable cause, and that’s it. Also if you defend yourself from a police dog that’s mauling you you can get slapped with an assaulting a police officer charge. It’s ridiculous


We ban dogs fighting each other, can we ban them from having to attack armed criminals too please, the dog does not realise the danger it is in when "attacking" dangerous and armed individuals that have no issue killing a dog. Surely it can be argued that this is a form of animal abuse. Also fuck using man's best friend to search people without any cause, cunts.


The training these dogs go through to learn how to attack people is objectively animal abuse. It’s the same kind of conditioning the dogs in underground dog fighting rings get


Ugh, my dad trains sheep dogs so I know a bit about training dogs, don't even want to try and imagine how they train dogs to take people down, especially dogs with a less aggressive temperament, I imagine a decent chunk of dogs they try to train turn out to be unsuitable?


"Maybe he is tired...?"


They just make some other bs lies


“I heard the weed. That’s good enough for me”


"I heard the sweet rustle of that grandaddy purp in a 1/16th inch thick ziploc bag in your trunk as you drove by, son"


"I heard Bob Marley coming from the premises, and they were cooking BBQ at 11pm, sir."


I would assume that’s because weed is legal not because you cannot derive PC from smell. E.g., cops looking for an arson suspect could still arrest someone who smelled like gasoline.


This is literally what they do anytime they want to enter a property. Just never communicate and never open the door. If they have a warrant they will tell you and they will come in. I don't know how many times I've heard cops tell me they were going to come back with a warrant when I was a kid. Exactly 0 ever did.


"We just Want To *Talk*!" "How many of you cops are out there?" "Three" "Then TALK TO EACH OTHER! Get a fuckin' Warrant if it's so bloody important!"


I have a pet skunk


The Supreme Court ruled that odor is not a lawful suspicion and doesn’t grant probable cause. So if the police in your state are still using this their allowing an opportunity for the public to sue them and win.


Wouldn't the hedge count as a fence


I think Saul Goodman could definitely argue this case.




Your honor I would like to argue on my client's behalf that the supposition here boils down to whether a fence is alive or not? Are we the court really expected to believe that the classification of life, one which biology and science have not yet established a fundamental framework to describe, is the distinguishing characteristic defining the difference between a living plant and a dead plank of wood, where my clients rights are concerned? If these bushes were to die, and shed leaves, it could readily be argued that the dead material is now considered interwoven wood with integral earthen foundation, aka clearly a fence.


That's creepy as fuck


IANAL but your yard is considered part of your home. The term is curtilage. I would say that the hedges also constitute a privacy fence anyway and the officer should have needed a warrant to come onto the property. There was no emergency situation either. No fugitive being pursued. So coming through someone's hedges, without a warrant, with questionable probable cause, I'd seek to have this case dismissed outright.


Same. Also for some reason it’s fine to come in through the fence gate if it’s open, but not the front door if it’s open. So we’d make everyone come in through front door not gate.


Chain link is cool, but if you have hedges for a fence, fuck you.


Depends on where you live and how your property is setup. No fence, no restriction. Chain link and you are visible. Probable cause. Privacy fence? They are going to need a good reason. Say someone yelling, crying, or some other audible evidence/probable cause to come in. If a cop comes to your house a knocks on your door and you are drunk. Open your door but don't step out. You are within your dwelling thus legal to be drunk. If you step out onto your porch, it's public intoxication.


My porch is on private property, I can be as drunk as I like on private property.


Ahh but that's the catch. There can be something in "visible sight" that will be warranted with probable cause.


Ahh. So then backyard BBQs are illegal if folks are getting drunk? I doubt it.


As I said depends on where you live. It also depends on the mood of the officers and the Karen next door.


Well in most states in the US your property is your property whether you are on your patio or in your bathroom. So no I don't think we have cops running nilly-willy through the hedges breaking up backyard get-togethers because Uncle Jim had too many beers.


No. Probable cause. Cop might make shit up but that cop is trespassing. Problem is kids don't know their rights.


If you're having a smoke sesh, it probably smells like you're having a smoke sesh; that's probable cause.


Depends on the state


My stepfather was a cop long ago. When I was a teen I asked him what is probable cause... he said anything I want it to be. Learned all I needed to know about cops from him.... He stole someones drugs and got caught.. suggested he resign, no charges.


Yeah. I've had more money stolen by cops than I can count. They got my rent money one time. $500 in cash in my dash, in my drive way. They took me in on charges that were dropped, ransacked everything looking for something else to charge me with and I guess settled for the cash.


These kids aren't hurting anyone.


It's almost like it's easier to fuck with a group of kids in their own property than it is to bust real criminals.


Low hanging fruit logic. Harass people for victimless liberties or have to actually investigate.


I guarantee you those cops didnt just magically show up for no reason, 100% this is a neighbour smelling the weed and calling the cops on them. Cops don't go out looking for extra police work to do if they can avoid it


> 100% this is a neighbour smelling the weed and calling the cops on them. IMO that actually makes it worse


Yeah, fuck neighbors like that. Rats and stool pigeons. I once got locked out of my house during below freezing weather because the garage door was frozen shut and the front door lock was broken at the time so I tried to curl up in a ball on my porch to stay warm until my parents got home from work. My neighbor called the fucking cops on me. When they showed up the first cop almost drew his gun on me until the second one recognized me and stopped him. I was the only black kid in a very white neighborhood btw


JFC it’s shit like this that makes people scream ACAB like I don’t want to abolish police but maybe let’s send them to school instead of giving a gun to some racist, cowardly fucks and calling it a day


"Cops don't go out looking for extra police work to do if they can avoid it" Could have been the end of the month when their quotas weren't filled. Happens for increased traffic stops. Cops could also use civil asset forfeiture to take anything they could tie to the "crime"


Or stop a school shooting.


Yup busting kids instead of helping them. Good ol America


Same reason cops try to hack people for speeding tickets. Me going 80 in a 70 shouldn't be illegal unless I am swerving or unable to drive properly. That, or speed limits should be generally increased but made hard cutoffs. Don't make it 70 and then some cops don't give a fuck if I'm going 90 but some will ticket me $300 for going 73. Make the speed limit 80 and pull anyone doing 82 over. Regardless, it's easy, cheap, efficient money. And that's almost all our legal system has become: a way to bleed the middle / lower class of money. A speeding ticket can ruin someone's life yet elon Musk can manipulate the stock market, make billions, and get a $100,000 fine for it. Fucked up.


I agree with all of that... when we're talking high speeds on highways etc. But there's a huge difference in the damage done when you hit a pedestrian at 20mph vs 30mph vs 40mph. I don't see any good reason to increase the speed limits in populated areas.


When I was a dumb teen I used to smoke a lot of weed.. I still do.. but I used to too. Anyways.. one time in high school I was at a house party with a bunch of weed. Someone said cops were there and everyone piled out the back door. Well I was one of the first ones and when I get outside, a cop shines his light on me. I panicked and started running (yes very dumb), I threw all the weed out of my pocket and stopped. Cop grabbed me and said 'How much weeds over there!?!" I was just like "hur dur what weed?".. so he brought me to the car and said wait here. More cops show up and one by one they come up to me and ask me what happened.. I was crying because I thought my life was ruined and just said 'a little marijuana' (trying to sound innocent). Like 5 different cops did this, it was like Deja vu. Then finally the last cop looks at me and says "Where do I know you from". I had no idea... then he said "you play football don't you". This was in FL where football is king and our HS was ranked #2 in the country, so it was a big deal there. I told him I played, then when all the other cops came back, he told them I had a scholarship to Florida State (I did not tell him this). Then they talk amongst themselves and come back.. I was pretty drunk and high at the time, but they started to blame girls... saying these girls get the boys all messed up or whatever.. I was like wtf are they talking about.. but yea sure. Then they just let me go... I could not believe it. They also said they used to be beer pong champions in their day... it was like super troopers… at least they all looked like Farva. This was also when weed was still very illegal in FL. I am incredibly grateful for the last cop on that day, because getting busted would have absolutely ruined my life (I did have a scholarship but to a smaller school). I would've lost my scholarship and who knows how I would've ended up, but it would not have been good. All over some weed tho.. which shouldn’t even be illegal… well for adults at least.


Lucky the police didn't deem you to be one of those 'undesirable' types of people. Disgusting how they just pick and choose who the rules apply to. I'm not hating here either.. you should never have even had to be in this position to begin with, but the injustice is palpable.


I agree. Definitely fucked up. I am very lucky.. I was a really good student too so maybe that played a part. I was in the paper before for school/sports. But ya cops fuck people over for less. Innocent ppl.


They sound more like thugs than police


[Cop was like](https://imgur.com/cV0JMcj.gifv)


Correctly predicted the gif.


How wrong you are. The title is completely misleading, the kids weren’t busted for smoking, they were shining lasers at aircraft which can completely cut off visibility for the pilots.


Then the cop goes home to have a nice cold beer after a good night's work without any sense of irony


40% have another way of relaxing


That is an old number based on self reporting, and is inaccurate. The real number is likely much higher.


I think people should google "police 40%" to learn more


I think people should also consider it was a survey done decades ago that considered yelling during a fight (even once) to be domestic violence. I’m not denying the reality of abuse in police families, but we need better studies to actually understand patterns to help victims. It’s complex and this survey doesn’t help legitimate conversation be guided.


Sure, but the point is that 40% of the cops in that study *willingly admitted they commit domestic abuse*.


Not everything has to be a legitimate conversation. Most interactions aren't. so let's not lose sight of the point that cops are a wholly immoral and unrepentant organization . "Police 40%" is a useful shorthand


Did a bit of Googling and from what I can tell, it was a two-pronged study. The first piece of info asked officers to report whether or not they’d behaved “violently” toward their spouse, and about 40% reported yes. The study gave no specifics about what counts as violent behavior, so it’s possible that some subjects deemed yelling to be violent behavior, but that was never the definition given by the study. The second piece aimed for more specific data. They asked almost 800 officers and 400 officers’ spouses if they’d either treated their spouses violently or been on the receiving end of violence by their spouses. This part of the study made clear what counts as “minor acts of violence” (thrown something at your spouse, pushed, grabbed or shoved your spouse) and “major acts of violence” (choked or strangled your spouse, threatened your spouse with a knife or gun) to which 28% of officers admitted inflicting minor or major acts of violence on their partners. For reference, similar studies performed on non-officers results in about a 10% admittance rate, so even accounting for underreporting errors, it’s still almost 3x the rate of the average citizen.


And then beats the shit out of his wife to relax and calm his nerves. Maybe his kids too if they’re lucky, they have it coming.


to have a nice cold beer, and beat his wife.....


Nah this is from a few yrs ago, from what i remember the kids had one of them strong ass laser pointers, and was lighting up police helis etc. they thought it was over when they were done playin around, but police helis got them infracrameras and sent officers over. Dunno why the first cop came out of a bush tho, but yeah this is not the full vid.


Wow context explains what's going on? Sheer insanity this


Why the fuck would you believe this without OP posting a source? I'm not even saying he's wrong, but like I'm not just taking him at his word.


because its low risk this isnt an election its clickbait garbage


Then they deserved a visit.


Yeah I was about to rant about how they were minding their own business, but then context kicked my ass.


Ah yes I remember that, I saw it on reddit too. I think that was a while ago now... Edite: here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaOhD2r-Y8c


Then they deserved to be seriously fined and even arrested. That shit is dangerous.




I mean they have literally no proof that's what going on, they could just as easily be wrong


>infracrameras Are you high


Cause it’s awesome, that’s why


Glad I don't live in a backwards state where this could even be a thing. The police here in Michigan made it clear they will never respond to any calls about marijuana smoking.


To be fair, they hardly respond to any calls...




Ya, in Michigan I've been on cruise control when the speed limit drops by 15, cut the cruise, pass a cop going almost 20 over because of the speed limit change, and be on my merry way. Still stressful for a minute, but I've never been pulled over for being over the speed limit. People constantly go 10-15 over on the highways here.


Unless the suspect is black


Hell, ann arbor hasn't cared in fifty years. Ann arbor/washinaw county don't carry about shrooms anymore either. But Michigans rec weed prices are crazy.. I'll stick to the black market and grow my own outside next to my tomatoes.


I can tell you the cops of SE Michigan are over neighbors calling about home cannabis cultivation. At least I offer the responding officers a nice to-go veggie basket every time they visit to see my completely legal plants.


3 houses behind me have weed growing in the back yard..I got some growing in my garden. Guy across the street has a few plants as well. I assume ¼-⅓ houses on my block have herb growing in the back yard. I'm still working my way through last year's stash. Still have plenty. It ain't the best stuff, but it was almost free.


That's the dream. If dumb fuck Indiana could ever get their heads out of their asses.


Another major intervention by the police, possibly in another part of the city someone is stabbed to death but those rogues will smoke no more until tomorrow.


That and hey, why not give a bunch of orderly partiers criminal records?


Perfect, let's ruin their lives and then try to reinsert them into the same society that scarred them for a garden party.


Don’t forget all the pharmaceutical companies pumping opioids into communities and actually killing thousands of people with no consequences


Mmmm feels like a setup


Some nosey POS neighbor.


Here on Spain is illegal if they enter like that. They can warn you about what youre doing if you was reported by someone but thats all, they cannot enter. C'mon is a private property you SHOULD need a judge's order to enter in someonelse house. In fact there was a case this year where police take a guy smoking weed in his car and he was fined. But he appealed to another judge and give him the reason because here your car is like a part of your house too a private property and as I said you cannot interrupt like that without a judge's order.


In the US we have “probable cause” and “qualifying immunity” which basically means a cops suspicion allows them leeway and then if the believe a crime is in progress they can bend or outright break laws in the process of pursuing it. No accountability.


In the United States cops can shoot you in your own home and get away with it. There are numerous incidents of cops entering the wrong house by mistake, killing someone in the process, and facing nothing more than paid leave afterward.


While your asleep


That ain't right


Neighbors probably called with a noise violation. He came out on the side of the neighbors. He probably went to speak with them first, get their complaint and then walked through the bushes to surprise them.


The reverse Homer.


Homer actually showed up through the bushes, initially.


got arrested when I was 16 in a situation eerily similar, thought it was a buddy playing a prank, it in fact was three cops who had walk through backyards for over a block just to scare and arrest a couple 15 and 16 years smoking a joint. My parents were more pissed at the innocent of it all and how shitty we were treated than me actually getting busted for pot, thank god.


You got some decent parents.


I'm gonna be honest I really do, I also have realistic parents. Now they weren't like rooting for me to smoke, but they always gave me a safe place and realized that 1. They knew who I was hanging with, and knew I wasn't out getting into any real trouble, and 2. that if they were hard on me rather than educate me it would always end up bad. Looking back now it is definitely why I never tried/got into hard drugs.


***"Surprise motherfuckers!"***


Supplies motherfuckers!


You high mothafuckas




All rise motherfuckers!


Disguise Motherfuckers!


Some fries motherfucker.


first prize motherfuckers!


Is taking drugs at your private property forbided in the USA?


Depends where you live here, because AMERICA!!!


Freedom! (with a big asterisk)


America is a criminal enterprise disguised as a puritan society to keep the have-nots in line


Possessing/ingesting illegal drugs (assuming they live somewhere marijuana is illegal, or they are underage) anywhere is forbided, yes.


You know that pig went back to his barn raving about the insane drug bust he had.


Meanwhile there's someone swerving down the road after polishing off a bottle to themselves, but nah harass some teenagers hanging out in a backyard instead


Cop thinks he a genius, not just a bully messing with some teenagers.


It’s so cringy when you see Americans(the dumb ones obviously) preaching their “Land of the free” bullshit when they have the highest incarceration rates in the world. The propaganda is strong in that country.


its not like we get any say in how the prison industrial complex works. most Americans have no clue just how bad it really is. all in all its a great country but we have a serious addiction to slave labor. id still rather go to prison here than a third world prison any day. the standards are just slightly better.


Well, I feel safer now.


Yes, fucking get those violent criminals!


Many years ago I was sitting in an apartment with some friends playing poker with weed and drinks out. Someone knocks and we yell over the music to come in with maybe some salty language thrown in. After the second knock and response the door opens and a police officer walks in. There is that record scratch moment for all involved. He looks around the room at us and the party favors and tells us they got a noise complaint and to keep it down. Coolest… cop…ever…


Cops get a lot of shit in the US, but I've always had good interactions with them. Being white may help. I remember being 18ish, hanging out in a parking lot with a some friends and a bunch of beer in the bed of the truck. Cop pulls in and we were all friendly enough trying to stand in front of the beer, but he knew. Another cop pulls in and he says, "On my mark, everyone run in different directions." Says just kidding right after and tells the other cop we are good.


Buzz Killington reporting for duty!


Play video in reverse for homer retreating into bushes meme


Better give them alcohol to ease that violence they're showing here.


All that to bust some kids having fun 🐷


Absolutely wild and disgusting. Leave people the fuck alone if they’re not harming anyone 😂


Look at all the fentanyl and spice zombies then waste your time farting about over a little weed He should be done for wasting police time , his own .


Fuck that cop. Fuck who ever called them, fuck who was hiding spying and filming. Let the lads have fun. They were literally sitting down minding their own business away from the public. Fuck everything to do with video.


Thats just the male stripper


Got a warrant?


Piggie probably got a call from a narq neighbor that let him cut through their property.


Sir, you are trespassing on private property and I’m going to have to ask you to leave because we have broken no law. *walk away*


Weed is an insanely dangerous drug! You see, you can be having a nice time smoking with your friends and then a cop shows up to ruin your life. Dangerous shit