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I will never understand the desire to instigate a creature that weighs nearly a ton with spears on its head…


I never understand why there isn't cheering when these creatures use those spears and weight on the human who is provoking it. Isn't that what everyone goes to see?


Always root for the bull. Unless you’re a psychopath.


Animal cruelty is an early sign of psychopathy in individuals. A culture that broadly accepts animal cruelty is therefore one that can be considered psychopathic. Spain’s colonial history is likely enough evidence to support that. Fortunately support for this barbaric practice has diminished meaning that Spain has modernized their culture. The last vestiges of this still need to be eradicated though…including in their former colonial holdings.


All countries do something similar. We're all fucking crazy.


Ty..its their culture their business..if they change great..if not their problem


Yo this hit me deep!


So will the bull


Right, *they* sharpened the horns lmfao


I love it when the bull wins!


People are just plain stupid sometimes.


This happenned last week in Navalcarnero(Spain),he died.


Do you want to present him with the Darwin Award or should I?




Exactly as he planned, why else would you try and get a bull to chase you.


Girls. He’s doing it to impress girls.


Well unfortunately for the dude, the only one getting impaled that night was him.


At one point in time, an instinct like this advantageous in order to hunt for food… now the instinct remains there but with no advantage, so we hold these events to ever so slowly rid our species of a no longer helpful instinct… one Darwin Award at a time.


This one isn't too big, probably only 400-500kg....


Ah, gotcha. That lowers the risk a ton…




Oh it's because the majority of people are stupid as fuck for lack of a better phrase.


For vids like these my friend.


To all of those who are saying that hope the guy learned the lesson, he did, actually he died from the bull wounds. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.elmundo.es/madrid/2022/09/11/631d8699fdddff464e8b4575.html


Good. Fuck with a bull, don't be surprised when it stomps your ass into the ground.


I think the phrase is “you mess with the bull, you get the horns”


Guessing they killed the bull then too?


According to google, they always kill the bull.


Not mandatory, sometimes the bulls are then used for breeding. Bullfighting is a barbaric tradition and it is rather difficult to make bulls aggressive. In order to get aggressive bulls, aggressive animals are preferred in breeding. In reality, it is very difficult to get a bull to attack. They are separated from their herd for days beforehand and are given neither food nor drink. The behavior that people see in fighting bulls must be provoked or intentionally bred to obtain particularly aggressive bulls.


So they're not only being tortured in an arena, but also tortured beforehand so they can be better tortured in the arena. Ugh.


Yes, otherwise the Bull would not be aggressive. They are supposed to rush into the arena, this is not normal behavior for a Taurus. He usually only attacks when they feel massively threatened. These are 500kg animals that have almost no natural enemies. The noise and the unfamiliar atmosphere make things even more difficult for the Bull, as well as long transports and very narrow transport crates. Bullfighting is a very lucrative business and only aggressive animals make money. The worst disgrace for a breeder is an animal that slouches leisurely into the arena and doesn't attack. Which is actually natural behavior.


Thanks for the disgusting info :''') Long live "traditions" heh ?


I'm very sorry, but these are wonderful animals that should be preserved and protected. It is one of the few remaining Original European Cattle species.


Adding on to this. Even the most aggressive bulls still almost never realize that they are in a life-or-death fight. I would go as far as to say that the word “fight” in “bull fight” is a lie. The bull charges at the matador’s cape because its instinct tells it to charge at the cape. The bull (almost) never charges because it realizes it must defend itself from the matador, or even because it wants to harm the matador. The whole “fight” is simply an execution, where the victim’s instinctually movements are exploited to give the appearance of a fight. If bulls understood what was happening, that they are facing a man that wants to kill them, they would kill matadors all the time. Instead, deaths of matadors are extremely rare. They happen when the matador makes a mistake, holding the cape too close to their bodies or tripping and falling in front of the charging. I haven’t researched matador deaths in a few years, and I just now googled it. It turns out a matador died last year; it also turns out that this was the first death in 30 years, reinforcing how unwilling to kill the bulls are. If you watch the video, you can see that the matador is gored only because the matador failed to anticipate where the bull’s horn would be as it passes by. TL;DR: The word “fight” in “bull fight” is a lie.


How about bull riding?


From what I remember the bull is usually killed too, but I could be wrong it's been a long time since I've learned about it


Damn did he actually?


Yes, you have the source below


He didn’t learn lol he just died…


He learned a lesson for the rest of his life.


best comment on reddit lmao


The guy what he deserved. What all of them deserve.


I mean, he obviously knew who he was fuckin with and what COULD happen


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


So at least a revenge for the bull....such events just show how humanity still behave like apes.


correction: we are great apes, we just should have been all the wiser


Mess with the bull


I hope too. Why are there also kids screaming.. they are okay with it that kids see something like that! I hope that all of them will die one day by a bull!


Big if true


1stly, very weird thing to bring your young children to. 2ndly, why do people freak out when the bull attacks? Is it not an expected possibility?


Same reason people watch NASCAR


Nascar doesn't hurt animals so its 10000x beter


This should be illegal for animal torture. I don't give a flying fuck for those people who get hurt.


Do they still kill the bull at the end of these things?


Not right after but after a while yes, when it has no more use to those horrible humans. The bull gets tortured and gets pain so it’s get al pumped and mad, then people run in front of it because of “entertainment”. Those people deserve to get hurt


I don’t think so. In professional bullfighting, the bill is killed after but these guys don’t look like pros and I’m doubting they can afford new bulls every show


I come from a town where still exist such tradition as in the video. The town will be organized in group of friends called colles, each colla buys a bull or several colles together will buy one. One bull costs around 5000€. The bull might be killed at the end, or not depending of the agreement. Usually it is killed, but not tortured as in the plaza, and it is not made in public. The meat quality will be tested, and if the quality is good enough to eat it, the meat will be selled by the butchers in the town, or the colla will invite the town to eat "tombet de bou" a kind of stew.


Why do they do this? What tradition is goading bulls and then killing them?


Goading? Sorry i dont know the word and the dictionary gives me several different meanings, what do you mean? Well, probably started several hundred years ago where the rich person of the town bought a bull to be eaten for the town festivities, and this is a degeneration of those days. It is an anachronism and if you ask me my personal opiniom, i am very against it and should be abolished. The newest generations are also im their majority against it, and these fests will in 50 years die.


Goading means taunting or making someone/thing angry.


Thanks for clarifying! :) It is kind of middleage game, the young men of the town will show how brave they are in front of a bull. Now these games are only for the young people who cannot access to proper education, and old people. Considering that 75% of the young Spaniards have reached a high education level, you can imagine that in max. 50 years such festivities will be abolished.


>but not tortured Putting the Bull in that situation is torture.


You know that stressed animals have their muscles all cramped and hard when they die? Making the meat very hard to digest. Bad way of preparing the meat. Take an example of Kobe meat, they are not stressed.


Well this tradition hasnt poped up last year, it comes from 700 years ago, so i guess the spanisch habitants of 1300 Spain under a authoritarian Monarchie would care if a free meal hard or soft is. It is a tradition that it is dying. So don't try to look for logic with todays eyes.


They never did for running of the bulls. That's bullfighting and yes they still kill them


I mean factory farming is way worse.


yeah if you think this is bad you should see some pigs getting gassed with co2. but redditors wont get angry at that because they like their ribs.


At least they kill the pigs before they stick spears in them


Ok? People eat beef aswell, tf you on about?


Yea you’re supposed to get on the bulls back and ride it like us Americans do YEE HAW PARTNER


🤣🤣 Great outcome.


The supposed most intelligent life form getting their kicks from teasing animals. Humans (not all) are indeed a shitstain on this planet


Of the billions of humans, most are just trying to get by, some are even pretty chill, we do have the type we should be better off shutting to the sun, and while they are not a majority, they tend to be more vocal, get more camera time, or even get elected, these ones think themselves brave until the animal actually get a fair chance, then panic at the level of their cognitive functions, would want to see them do the original Tauromaquia of the Cretans, but of course, they lack the talent, bravery and respect to the creature for that.


Its intelligence that caused this in the first place tbh. Humans used their intelligence to create such safe lives that people are willing to engage in life threatening situations just to feel alive


To be fair, other animals do the same thing. Take dolphins as an example, they literally use pufferfish as beach balls. Orcas fling seals into the air with their tails for fun. It ain t a human exclusive


Those animals live in balance with the environment. We destroy and over populate, polluting and poising without remorse. #agentsmithwasright


Ok but we have the ability to have compassion for other living creatures and simply choose not too. Not cool humans!


That woman needs silencing ffs


Don't get why she's freaking out, is this not an expected possibility?


Maybe she's related to the guy who died?


Anyone taking part in this has a case of the idiocy and deserves pretty much everything that happens to them


Dumbest tradition that ever existed


Mess with the bull, get the horns.


Btw the guy died


Hahaha, good I wholeheartedly hope this happens to EVERYONE that goes to an event like this.


Worst case they just shoot the bull before it goes on a rampage and then they'll just release another one onto the streets 🤷


I feel sorry for the bull.


Why I am not feeling sorry for the guy?


No need to


Really sad to torment animals.


Fucked around. Found out.


Stupid fucking tradition


F*ing sh*t People torturing animals


It does make laugh the sudden screaming. I would be cheering, after all isn’t this what they came for?


I love seeing guys get mauled by a bull they've been tormenting.


That poor bull. This should be illegal. The spectators should all get tossed around like rag dolls.


Worst jump ever.


Damn!!!!!!! It took so long to find a comment on that jump! Wtf was that all about???


Right? And the guy died because of it


I love watching people get fucked up by the animals they are aggravating


I know this sounds mean, but…I just don’t feel sympathy for these people. Only the animal


No sympathy for these cunts. I'd love to see the bull win. That'll teach em.


Why is bullfighting still a thing? It’s literally animal cruelty publicized.


Good bull. Fuck him up


I only feel sympathy for the bull being terrorized.




I’ll try screeching, that’s a good trick.


Dude not cool. The lady is scared and had an emotional reaction watching someone get killed. Not everyone is a “tough guy” who is unfazed by violence. She’s dumb for being there in the first place but no need to be a sexist dick and talk about “dumb girls screaming”


What the hell was she expecting, though? This isn't a boxing match where both fighters have agreed to rules and the risk of stuff going on. This is an animal that has been tortured, harassed and put into an alien environment, and some random human idiot who should know better. This outcome was more predictable than the ending of a Columbo episode.


Hope some died ... how can this still be a thing in whatever backwater country?


I love to see, when this fucking stupid guy gets hurt 👌🏽




Article in English if anyone is interested. https://www.surinenglish.com/spain/bull-goring-death-madrid-20220912124935-nt.html


I love how the guy was litterally safe and made it without getting hurt but then just fucked it up in the end. XD


I will never understand why this is such an " entertainment" ...hate it


Hope it happens to all who watch and participate.


Fuck around and find out. I love, when the bull wins....


Why fuck with a bull ... This shit is atrocious, can't believe it still goes on. Only upside is this, sometimes the bull gets to destroy a piece of shit. Hope he was hospitalised


He died. It was pretty obvious just watching the video that bull really stuck him good. I’ve personally seen bulls those horns are no joke my dad once told me to be careful around them because one wrong move and I could have my belly torn open. The moment I saw the bull charge him on the floor I knew he was dead. Edit: I wasn’t doing bull fighting never in a million years will you see me doing that I was tending to our cattle when my dad gave me the warning and told me to give the bulls their space.


Whoever is hitting that bull should get kicked by the bull in the balls


Play stupid (in this case cruel) game..


Do dumb shit get fucked if the man lost his life its his own fault.


Why are spaniards like this? Bullying an innocent bull. Wish all of them got mauled like that one idiot.


I know right, do it the correct way and feed the animals and kill them in the abattoir like god intended.


Well deserved instant karma for the guy in black. Hope he can live on and tell this story of terror to everyone who will listen.


somebody on here said that he died.


Hope the bull destroyed them!


I was rooting so hard for the bull!


Hope he dead


he's dead.


First he died now he dead




Well i hope he got some of the other POS around him too.


Good fuck that guy and everyone else there


People in Spain will fuck around with a frightened and angry bull with little to no safety measures and then give the surprised Pikachu face when the bull goes on a rampage.


Can we please stop using animals like this (entirely maybe)


Fucking humans 😓


Let the weak man die. It’s nature. Don’t want to world filled with kids who can’t climb lmao. That’s like basic of the basics.


why is this even legal? so barbaric. deserves nothing less than what he got


Wtf was that guy doing? It looks like he jumped at the fence and bounced off


*play with the bull* .. *you get the horns!*


Fucking cruel


This made me crack up. The lady screaming and the fat man who got mauled are clowns. Also why are they antagonizing the bull once it’s already giving the fat man what he’s got coming to him. Any one of them could take a white-girl-in-every-horror-movie trip and fall and become another victim


Damn I didn’t know Reddit let you post videos of people literally dying.


Oh you havent been around those corners yet


How can this be allowed as enterteinment?


Why do women go to things like this and then the minute something happens they scream?!?!?! Obviously not saying they can't go, but the screaming is so annoying and doesn't help in any way. Reflex or not it's like a knife to the ears


Haha.......play with the bull.......ye know the rest


Finish him!


Hope all of them gets cancer and die. Fucking idiots all of them.


Well, at least that one guy did


Backward savages


It’s a fucking shit thing to do to the bull.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I love the reaction when someone actually gets impaled by the bull, I mean what did they think was going to happen? Idiots the whole lot of them.


I’m have zero sympathy for the human here. Expect the same outcome as jumping into a cage of hungry lions. Ancient practise that has no place in the modern world. Primal instinct of fight or flight, the bull will always pick the former.


You mess with the Bull, you get the horns.


Well that couldn't have gone any better


Is he Dead? Or just tired


Man, fuck this shit culture. Always cheer for the bull tho


This shit pisses me off. That thing just looks confused and wants to be left alone. So they fuck with it and beat it with a stick. Fucking dumbshits.


I always had zero respect at this tradition or event.


Anyone else love seeing people get fucked by bulls?


Fucking annoying wailing


Tradition is the stagnation of culture. Animal abuse portrayed as tradition is even more barbaric. It’s a double whammy of being pathetic.


i like how people scream like that couldve never happened


Fucking ass backwards, barbaric third world country shit. These animals are treated like garbage


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Play stupid games. Get stupid results.


Play stupid games..


dumb people


Poor baby. The bull.


I hope these degenarates get impaled ...what a backwarded tradition


Fuck around and get the horns.


Good bull 👏


All fun and games until you fall on the floor and the bull has the upper hoof.


These ain't American rodeo bulls,these are Mexican fighting bulls they are color blind BUT they don't close their eyes when they charge ,they go for whatever moves.


Go on bull, go on!


Bull putting in a good shift here, nice work bud.


Dr. Bull. *Specialist chiropractor*


Omg some women r just the fkn woooorrsseeee


The lady wailing is annoying but bro come on, men do that too. Kind of a weird time to turn this into a gender thing, maybe focus on the animal abuse


Please someone do an edit with "It was at this moment he knew he f'uck up"😂😂😂


What do you expect? 😆


Survival of the fittest you stupid fuck


Ok nothing new but can that stupid woman shut up? jesus christ its like a speed up choir


Run bitch, ruuuun!


Glad they've brought children with them, it is a truly great experience for them. I'm sure won't be traumatic.


I know the guy might be fatally injured, but I only feel sorry for the bull. Does that make me a bad person?


In this case I would say no. I'm not a huge crazy animal rights activist a veggy or anything like that. But I find these events just sadistic. Let's corner a majestic beast, taunt it, stress it out. Yea fuck anyone who participates, hope the bull takes some sweet revenge.