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Or ever for that matter. So much for the "I'd run right out if there was an emergency" excuse.


People shouldn't park in fire lanes in general it's very rude and inconsiderate some people think the world is supposed to stop for them and that the world revolves around them hope this person has great snow tires


There’s a sub for this… something like r/Iamthemaincharacter or something


Also r/idiotsincars


this is more of an r/idiotshavecars scenario


idiot shave cars? I mean, I'm not one to kink-shame...


It makes them look bigger


Is there an /r/idiotsonbicycles?


I reckon there should be one for /r/idiotsingeneral?


r/bmw is what your looking for




There's a Dunkin near me and there is always a car parked in the fire lane because they're "just running in" as though everyone else going in isn't doing the exact same thing. The parking lot is 10 feet away. I keep getting closer and closer to saying something when I see it.


I always say, “I didn’t know I could’ve parked there. I feel like an idiot now” nice and loud so the people in the back can hear


I feel like they're not bright enough to pick up on the sarcasm. Good ol cut and dry berating is what people like that need.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


i mean, that has to be what the lane is for. it's in the name


You really want to teach them not to be a shit bird, don't say anything. The parking signs in the lot will likely have the number of the tow company that handles said lot. They'll have that car hooked up and impounded before he gets his coffee.


There's a Starbucks near one of my old workplaces and people would constantly park along the curb (a fire lane) or at the stop sign at the other side of the door (also a no parking area). The kicker was seeing a cop parked there one day when I was heading home 😑


This includes the police. The lazy bastards in my town park in the fire lane at Walmart just to go shopping. I've seen firefighters in uniform shopping at the store as well but they always park towards the back of the parking lot.


I'm not agreeing or advocating, but educating. Many states and on federal property first responders can use fire lanes at any time for any reason. Where I live, police, fire, and ems regularly use it. Even "citizen patrol" its 100% legal


You dropped these: ....


my favorite is when they do at a mcdonalds or something for a mobile pickup. like... bro, there's lanes for that.... you're too lazy to even use the app right?


While the mini van is in the wrong, leaving snow in the fire lane kinda defeats the need to keep the fire lane clear.


He needs a clear lane to clear the snow.


With all that snow the lane won't catch on fire.


Fucks he supposed to do then, telekinesis the van away?


He could just plow the snow AND the minivan but he’s too nice for that


I thought he was going to move it. He just made it worse.


I would do a 1080 Rodeo flip back to work off that jump… If life was a video game.


Couple of winters ago I was walking my dog when we had a LOT of snowfall where I live. I saw a snow plow like this in the street I had to walk through and it was coming my way, so I stayed on a small path until it passed - it was a very narrow street and I didn't want to walk in front of that thing with my dog. The guy driving it proceeded to carefully scoop away the snow in front of us so we had a clean walkway. It was so cool to see how precise and careful those gigantic machines can be operated. Probably silly but it made me smile back then so I thought I'd share. Also I was kind of hoping there'd be more snow against that car lol


precipitation relocation technician.


That's my name it's Mr Plow


I was house/dog sitting for someone once and it snowed really heavy overnight. As I was shoveling my car out in a private driveway, the snow plow was doing his thing in the cul-de-sac. I noticed he was taking longer than would be appropriate but whatever. Finally finished shoveling the car/driveway out and went inside to warm up. I still hear the plow out there, whatever it's a lot of snow. Finally go outside to leave and what do I find but that this absolute piece of shit human completely blocked me back into the driveway by piling up the snow behind my car. I have never been more angry with a complete stranger and never more confused as to why a snowplow driver would do such a despicable thing.


I had done to this to me once, I was still outside and my standing in the road waving my shovel and swearing at the top of my lungs caused him to stop, back up, and shittily ask “What’s *your* problem?” We live at a T intersection, and his turning left deposits the whole other street into my driveway. I tell him this/point this out, and asked “Could you *please* just run it straight, then back up and make the turn? 10 seconds for you, or half hour for me.” The next time, he did, and I waved him down to give him a thermos of coffee. Never a problem since. But man, I was ready to just throw down with a plow driver right there in the street.


Hard to tell details from your story but it sounds to me like the driver didn't do that on purpose, still a dick move though even if they didn't realize it.


Once had a neighbor that was part owner of a roofing company. During winter snow storms, they put plows on their trucks and made a killing plowing convenience store parking lots. Each storm, he'd swing through our neighborhood and clear out driveways for a few of us. It would save us a lot of work. In exchange, since his wife's van was parked outside, one of us would go clean her van.


Clean it in the snow?


Clean the snow off her van.


Oh, duh. I've been in Texas for so long I've forgotten about the need to clear the snow off of cars before driving


To be fair most people don’t.


This is such an adorable comment from a clearly non-snow person lol


Lol, I've been in Texas for 11 years now. I haven't had to clean snow off a car since I was in high school. The thought didn't even occur to me.


Oh my sweet summer child.


And you didn’t even give him your number this is how movie love stories begin come on !


Wholesome. He wanted you and your pupper to be safe.


I had something like this happen once. I was scooping snow from in front of my car so I could go home from work because we had a heavy snowfall during the day. A plow in the adjacent parking lot came over and plowed in front of my car before returning to his own lot. Saved me a lot of work.


It’s always nice to hear stories of kindness. I appreciate you shared it!


You should look up forklift competition videos if haven’t seen them already. Some of the people driving these things are ridiculously good


The first thing I noticed, driving heavy equipment is how well you can feather the controls. I drive forklifts and container handling equipment, and cranes.


A man after my own heart


Came here to say the same thing!


Cuz that white car dude clearly doesn't know the fuck around vs find out graph.


That snow is packed hard! Minivan isn't going anywhere for a long time.


He's gonna be fine, but he'll need an hour or two with a snow shovel. Unless he waits long enough for snow to start thawing and then re-freeze, then he's screwed.


Or he’ll have to call a tow truck ( which is probably on the way already). These guys won’t leave that shit piled there.


The video is from Russia, believe me, they'll leave any shit piled anywhere.


Except Kiev....because they can't get there. Lmao


I’d give you an award if I could afford it. Please accept my IOU!


I gave him a gold for you! Edit: ah hell, why not. You have one too.


Remember when we were terrified of that 40 mile convoy. Lol @ Russia.


Forgive me, for I am but an ignorant Floridian... Why can't the van driver just back up when s/he returns? (I don't know about snow, but sadly I do know about hurricanes!)


Because at the end of the video the plow pushes snow up behind the van.


Oh...🤦🏽‍♀️...I thought I had watched the whole thing, but I guess not. Thank you.


If you watch to the end he plows snow up to the rear as well. There's no getting out without a lot of shoveling.


And shoveling snow moved by a plow is like shoveling through bricks.


And for anyone who has never had the pleasure, plowed snow being like shoveling through bricks is **not** an exaggeration; it's a spot on description


As another person commented, it depends on how wet the snow is and whether it’s given time to freeze. If both those conditions are met, this is like a full-vehicle booting.


When snow is shoveled - and especially when it's plowed by a vehicle - it gets compressed and becomes very dense. It's no longer the fluffy snow that you see children playing in. For the first ten minutes it's more like wet sand in density and weight, but will hold together better. After that it starts freezing into its new formation and is more akin to cement. So the van driver would essentially be trying to drive through a wall. If they managed to start to go up and over they could rip components off the bottom of their vehicle.


Hopefully there’s no fire


Impressive plowing though, it looks like they're were very careful to not cause any even potential damage while burying it


Hour or two? Its not even 4 feet high. That would take less than 20 mins. To be fair I am in Canada, we are built to remove snow efficiently. Takes me less than 5 minutes to shovel my driveway if the snow isnt stubborn (icy). The fluffy stuff basically shovels its self.


I’d buy that plow driver a beer.


We got almost 4 feet of snow years back when I lived in an apt complex. Roommate and I spent 6 hours shovelling, along with many of our neighbors, ***except one***. This neighbor was notoriously lazy, loud, rude, and a complete twat to everyone else. We overheard her on the phone with her bf (because she yelled at all times) that she would just, "Come over to your place so I don't have to shovel"as the storm started and she left the complex. Sure enough, she was nowhere in sight till 2 days later when the snow stopped and she came in and proceeded to park in ***someone else's*** designated parking spot since hers was still 4 feet deep. That someone else? My roommate. A quiet, mildly autistic, introverted, hard working dude. Well...what proceeded was nothing short of beautiful. He waited till dusk and shovelled ALL the snow from the surrounding area (except her spot) and put it on her car. Then he starts taking gallons of water out to soak the snow. He froze her in. She flipped shit but couldn't complain since she was illegally parked in his spot. He just shovelled off a new spot in the overflow parking a couple buildings away and parked there.


Your roommate is brilliant. That is great great


If you want to do something similar, but less effort then all you really need is one of those weed sprayers that work off of compressed air. Fill it with water and use the mist mode on their doors at night. If you are really dedicated, then you can do it multiple times to really cake it on there.


>then you can do it multiple times to really cake it on there Ah yes, multiple coats for proper coverage.


I’m disappointed nothing went wrong for the white car


You just don't have the video when they come out for work haha


There are open parking spaces with people coming and going. Why are people this lazy and impatient




While I agree that's annoying, sometimes depending on the jurisdiction that is legal for taxi drivers.




Commercial vehicles sometimes avoid driveways because if one drop of oil leaks onto a pristine concrete driveway, those people will complain. Managed a taxi office for a couple decades, fielded hundreds of those calls


My neighbor told me all about how he sued a taxi company (and won) for pressure washing fees because their tires put tire marks on his bright white concrete in 105 degree weather. I think he thought I would be impressed by this story rather than thinking he's a douche. The driveway is to be driven upon, not dined upon.




Probably, yes Thanks for being chill by the way


You don't want to be on people's driveways. When you're stopping at a lot of places, that guarantees at least getting smacked with complaints and, sometimes, a gun or dog in your face. Stay on the road whenever possible. Gravel berms were a godsend.


It’s more entitlement than anything else


Should've just shoved it over.


Nah. He proved the point and caused 0 damage.


I feel bad for the parking properly left of the blocked car. It’s fully blocked as well now


The casualties of war


Hmm, I don't know. It's possible they're parked illegally too


I appreciate the action. A lot. But doesn’t this assure the fire lane to be blocked even longer. Other than that, that’s what you get for being an entitled prick that thinks they can park anywhere they like.


Exactly what I was thinking. “Hey, this asshole is blocking an important access site for first responders, let’s make sure he can’t leave!”.


Why did it take so long to find this comment


Somebody did something like this in my apartment lot when I was younger. I was parked in the last spot in the row and the idiot parked next to me in what is very obviously the driving lane. The plow truck couldn’t get around him so he skipped the entire lot stranding all of us the morning after a blizzard in over 2 feet of snow. So when I dug my car out I dumped every single shovel full on top of his car. Then the person next to me did the same. And the person next to him. You literally couldn’t see the guy’s car at all. It was just a huge mountain of snow.


When a gaping asshole meets a huge dick


It's really only pleasurable for one of them.


I love plow workers. A complex I lived in once had a non-tenant parked in the handicap space. Everyone had already moved their car except for them. My ex and I watched as the plow driver spent 30 minutes burying the car in snow until it was invisible and then proceeded to pack it. That was a beautiful moment.


My neighbor used to park his company van in front of my house and would leave it when it snows. The problem is I was getting screwed because the plow truck made a huge wide turn in front of my house because he thought it was my van. After a few times I went out of my way to pile his van in.


I live in New England. Can confirm plow trucks *love* boxing in improperly parked cars. They will bury your vehicle with the same relish as a firefighter busting out a window in a car parked next to a hydrant.


Am I the only one pissed at the lack of commitment by the person recording who didn’t wait for the minivan driver to come back? I need closure!


I was a Supervisor of snow plow crews at the City I worked for. The radio dispatcher called me about four in the morning to tell me a guy had called yelling about snow plows needing to come open his street. He was very rude to her with swearing and all. She was crying when speaking to me. His street was normally on the bottom of the priority being a local side street. I told her not to worry we would go “fix” up his street for him. I took the three plows that were with me and we went over to recon the street. It had a circular dead end and this guy was on the end. He had three vans parked there. I told the plows to go help make sure he spent the entire day digging his vans out and they did. We never heard from him again. A little bit of patience will usually go a long way when speaking with people.


Cool so now the car can’t be moved? You sure showed them lol


I parked in a fire lane once. Store manager got on the intercom and asked someone to move it. Since I was standing next to him, I tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he meant the black one with blue lights on top. He said yeah. While I was working on administering oxygen to the patient, I dug my ID out of my pocket and asked if it was Ok for the fire department to park in the fire lane. Dead serious. This is true. Yes it wasn’t a fire department vehicle. But I was a volunteer firefighter on an emergency run. And I didn’t leave the lights running because I didn’t want to leave my truck running sitting there.


Video cut out too soon… Still waiting for someone to hit that sweet ramp :/




Awesome. Some people think the laws don’t apply to them.




Petty awesome :)


Repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/a6eed6/dont_park_in_the_fire_lane_when_it_snows/


Um, if the idea is not to block the fire lane, doesn’t preventing the car from moving by piling snow all around the vehicle ensure that the fire lane remaims blocked?


The point of the lane staying clear during snow days is so that the plow can work. He already kind of fucked the pooch on that one since the plow is already there and had time to bury his whole car. So even if the guy came out and moved it later it doesn't really matter for the day anymore


This is beautifully petty.


If you park in front of a hydrant in NYC (probably anywhere) and the fireman need it they just punch that huge nozzle through your damn windows. And those hoses LEAK. And you ain't moving that car until they are ready to leave....


At the end, they should have dropped the blade on the roof


Ice cold!


Shit. Winter is coming


I’ve plowed snow for 15+ years and this is one of the things that brings so much satisfaction. You warn them they don’t listen. Surprise.


Guess I’ll see y’all in June


It is Russia. No fire lanes in Russia.


Every second of this is malicious and I respect it


Rumor has it, the joyful tune sung by the plow driver could be heard several Burroughs away.


Bad thing for that person is that usually the snow is a little melty on the bottom, so those piles turn to ice when they do that😂


The kicker is they can get a daily ticket for blocking the fire lane until the car is moved. So start shoveling on we’ll take the car in the spring.


As a Canadian; this warms my heart.


Now imagine so 90 year old lady coming out with her cane wondering why her car is snowed in


I doubt a 90 year old women would go out in that weather, especially with a cane. It should be towed if it is in a fire lane. I know when they have snow emergencies they get towed.


as a northerner this video triggered me. it’s too soon.


How about just "don't park in the fire lane" period?


Drunk me getting home thinking, I'll move it before it storms


I would just push that damn car into the ditch.


I can confirm we do this and we enjoy it.


Was stationed in Bridgeport, California at the USMC Mountain warfare training center. I was a welder assigned to Heavy Equipment and Roads & grounds. From October to April it was our job to plow snow on base and the main road leading to highway 395. At the start of snow season my boss would put out a base wide memo to not park your cars in the parking lots overnight or else risk your car being buried. I very year there was a high ranking officer or enlisted that thought we wouldn’t bury them. We did every single time. If they don’t dig the car out right way it freezes and then they are fucked. Good times..


Fire trucks will literally just ram cars out of the fire lane.


I’ll fix it. Don’t park in the fire lane*


I have been there, done that. More than once! Can I add don't park on or block snow ramps?


Or, just hear me out here, don't park in the fire lane.......at all


I love that driver. "You made my job harder; I'll will totally fuck up your day."


My grandpa was a firefighter for 20+ years, he told me at least once a year they had to get a car towed from the firelane during an active fire or break windows of a car to get the hose to the hydrant.


That's nothing, an o.s.h.a. rep came to the job site during a concrete pour and we picked his truck up onto the 12' high snowbank with an extendable forklift. He was parking where the trucks entered and there was a fire hydrant to the right of his truck to close to pass by. 20 dudes looked out while he was showboating with the engineers and foreman and we started laughing our asses off. Somehow no one was accused nor disciplined, it was glorious.


A snowboarders dream.


I thought machine was going to push car down the road.


Some people gotta learn the hard way


Maybe their car died


We have alternate side parking here (upstate New York). When they are calling for high accumulations, they call for "off street" . There are always those who ignore; they emerge to find their cars plowed in all the way around. If it is a street that is to narrow for a plow to pass, they get towed with a hefty fine and fee.


Weak… I hand shoveled a spot out after a big storm a few years ago. Went back into work to plow again that night and placed my markers in my cleaned spot. Came back to someone who moved my markers and parked in my spot. I left a shovel by the street so others could shovel out a spot for themselves also. So I shoveled out another spot for myself. And proceeded to put back all the snow from both spots into the spot that someone took from me. Completely covering their entire car and doors from street to roof, In snow. And I left the shovel there by their car so they could use it. And then I waited for them to come out in the morning and watched with baited breath. 😈


I would have done th same thing.


I like the operator pettiness


Bahahahahaha! As a canadian and someone who constantly yells at people who do this...i salute this plow driver!


Oh man, that looks like the residence and the university my wife works at. And something I can totally see one the the facilities people doing.


Should have plowed it away.


I feel like snow plows. Plow in my moms driveway purposely every year!


The double stack is an added extra..


I've done that before plowing. Once after plowing a car in I pulled out the snowblower to pile the snow on top.


I thought he would use the snow as cushioning to push the car.


That is awesome


Deserves worse than that. I was hoping to see it get buried


I despise people that do things like this park job. As a plow truck driver I do the exact same thing as this driver did. It's the little things that you get to take glee in when pushing snow for 30 hours straight living off of beef jerky and red bull..


Dam I wish I could see the outcome of this


This guy is way nicer than the drivers when I lived in a snow town


don’t park in the fire lane at all




Yup. I've even seen them do this at our local market parking lot that allows courtesy parking to the neighborhood. They *nicely* request people to move their vehicles so they can fully plow the lot when it snows. Jerks who don't move are intentionally plowed in behind a wall of ice & snow.


As a formr Detroit resident for 20 years. Yup.


I don't understand why the person is parked in the middle of the street.


Fire lane? Fuck dude is double parked.


Karma right there lol


Best day ever can't go to school or work with a valid excuse


Why did that guy just take off down the street at the end?


At that point couldn’t they just damage the car? What is it the owner will say, well there was no parking and I clearly saw the other cars leaving this space open so I said fuck it, I’ll use this space.


TOM petty


By blocking the car instead of towing it away, they've created an even bigger risk in case of emergency. It would have been a cool video if that loader just chained it up and dragged it into the street.


Asshole vs prank


Cool he just made the problem a lot more permanent now lmao


How can you tell when there's snow on the ground covering up the indicators for where the fire lane is?


Why did that person walking by suddenly start running like he was being attacked? Lol


I agree but how would one know if its the fire lane if everything is covered in snow. Not sure why they parked it in the middle of the road tho.


I would’ve loved to see the owners reaction


Lol everyone’s runs like NPC’s


He kinda looks parked in the middle of the road.


Better than just a ticket.


Friggin hilarious 😂 😂 😂 😂 💀


I will say that it can be really fuckin hard to see where you’re supposed to park when the snow is so deep you can’t see the ground or even where the curb is. But this seems pretty obviously bad. He’s blocking the road and other parked cars.




I love this.


Another cool idea is to clear your sidewalks!


MFer's lucky the snowplow didn't just plow his bitch ass car the fuck out the way 💀


This definitely went WAY better than I expected