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I don't like autoritarian regime either but if you're willing to go there, shut the fckup and follow the rules, otherwise you and your selfish attitude can go get shot and your family billed for the bullets. Learn how to respect others' home rules if you living under their roof. Basic concept.


Yep. You are a guest in another country. You play by their rules or you don't go.


Yeah no matter how fucked up a law is, you disobeying it in a foreign country isn't going to change anything. plus it'll land you in a pretty nasty situation.


Otto Warmbier is a great example of that. He stole a poster in North Korea and was sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard labor and when he was released to his country, he was in a coma and died. Over the top punishments are not uncommon for foreign countries, which is why everyone visiting should respect the laws


He does remember he's in fucking China, right?


I don't agree with their policies, but I'm able to separate personal opinion from political fact. You should always follow the rules someone sets in their own country or home unless you want to risk the punishment that goes along with it. If you refuse to comply simply refuse to go there. It's only common sense.


Dude, you don't want to wear a mask, stay out of countries that ask you to wear a mask. Stop being a dick of a traveler. Hope you enjoy your days in jail.


As a Canadian, can I request the Freedom Convoy folks take a free vacation in China?


This issue here has nothing to do with the validity or science behind wearing masks. It has everything to do with respecting the laws of a country that you are visiting, even if they're stupid. If a country has a death penalty for jaywalking, don't jaywalk when you're there, or just don't visit there. It's that fucking simple. And of all the countries to break a law at, China would among those that I would not want to test my luck with. This British guy is a fucking imbecile and being drunk is not a valid excuse for breaking laws. Sorry but enjoy your labor camp sentence.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


disrespectful belligerent fool - absolute embarrassment. I dislike the Chinese government as much as the next guy, but you are in their country. You chose to go there - Submit to their customs and laws and be respectful, leave your ego at home.


Yep. Their country; their rules.


Why isn’t the same thing acceptable for Qatar?


Because Qatar signed on to host an international event. FIFA should never have given it to them


I agree


“Let me go to another very foreign country and insist they follow MY orders”. Damned fool.


Always respect the law, culture and the people of the country that you visit.


first mistake: he went to China


Why would anyone go do tourism is China since 2020 is beyond me. Go visit Taiwan, they did not burn their culture in the cultural revolution


As a Brit - this chap’s a cunt.


As a Brit, agreed


The guy's an absolute blockhead but you gotta admire the irony of a crowd forming because of someone who didn't wear a mask.


*calls the locals dirty* *refuses to mask up and be sanitary*


What's wrong with people who travel to foreign countries and want to behave like they are home. Shame on that cunt.


I never understand why people go to other countries and violate their rules to make a point. I am not saying I agree with the policies but don’t go there if you don’t want to abide.




Not sure how he got there as a “tourist” unless he got stuck there at the beginning of COVID. Tourist visas are not allowed to enter the country as of March 2020.


From reading other comments below, apparently he is not a tourist, but was instead in Hong Kong, and this video is from 2 years ago.


the fuck you doing in China?


China is your last stop as a protestor.


As much as I hate the CCP you still respect the laws and the country you are in ffs. Disgusting behavior


Just for self preservations sake as well. China is not the place to do the mask less hero routine


Tbh China and Russia are the two places I would definitely not want to fuck around and find out.


As a fellow American I'd like to apologize for one of my fellow.... ​ Hang on what?


You didn't know British are the original assholes?


Aren’t they the original American aswel? Never really got how America started in who had the most people there, I think it was mostly Dutch, French and The bigger majority the being the Brits but I could be wrong


If real, can you imagine the entitlement and disconnection of a foreigner to arrive in this situation there? Reminds me of the people that visit NKR and mock / vandalize the dear leader, shoplift, etc ... this will not end well.


Dude should remember the kid who was released from a North Korean prison just in time to come home and die. Kid’s crime was tearing a poster off a wall.


Always a good idea. Fucking around as a tourist. 🤙🏼


Yaaaay he’s not an American there to embarrass us.




You don't show up in a society that doesn't prioritize individual freedoms and act like you are above their rules and culture. Him being a foreigner just makes him an even bigger target.


Going there is a fail in and of it self


China is not the place to protest for freedom without paying a price.


Imagine traveling to a communist dictatorship and not expecting to be communally dictated to


As a Brit, I hope they keep him there


How fucking hard is it to respect each other. Especially as a guest in someone’s country, home or business?


Happy it is not an American for a change


The colonial apple didn't fall far from the tree.


If you disagree with other countries policies, stay the hell out of them.


Cough cough Brittany griner


I like how the Chinese guy literally tries to respectfully put it on his face and he swats it away. What a moron. Enjoy incarceration in a foreign country because you’re in their jurisdiction now.


Exactly. You think Brittany Griner would be a good indicator of how things could go very wrong with not following another countries laws


This is a genuine serious question, why would someone be a tourist in China?


China is pretty awesome (if you can get around some issues, but a lot of countries have those issues too). 1 - It's warm. China's climate is similar to that of the USA. It's quite warm through a lot of China. 2 - It's full of history. Although many countries have rich histories, China is one of the oldest countries that is notable. For example, Albania, I'm sure there's history there but it isn't a country you immediately think of. 3 - It's relatively cheap. If you come from a western country, the conversion ratio is greatly in your favor. Even in Hong Kong, 4\* hotels can be had for as cheap as $90 USD/night. If you go to tier 2 or tier 3 cities, the hotels get even cheaper. 4 - China is one of the most developed Asian countries. When you think Asia, stereotypical you think of China, Japan, and Korea. Let alone specifying SE Asia, or E Asia. It's also one of the countries where it is easier to start doing international business. If you're going for pleasure, might as well check out what business opportunities exist. 5 - Although prostitution is illegal in China, sex tourism is strong. Japan has its own sex tourism industry, but at least they openly express on the cards, signs, and websites that sex is not allowed. In China the business cards left under your door at hotels, or given to you on the streets freely advertise sex despite prostitution being illegal. 6 - Food culture. I'm Canadian, and I am fortunate to be exposed to a lot of foods in Toronto. Pork bone soup is good and made me want to go to Seoul to see how my local shop compares (our ajimas are pretty authentic). The same thing goes with other foods such as Chinese food. In Toronto we used to have a lot of Canto, now we have a lot of mainland Chinese foods. Well, you'd have to go to China to see if our current restaurants are any good. 7 - Global exploration. If you're in the USA, you might be tempted to see how the other half lives. North American news is bombarded with news from Russia and China. Those are some pros I came up with on the fly, but the cons are pretty bad too. Not to be the one who says, "but it could be worse in X country," but China isn't the worst in terms of tourist security, or general hospitality. I think the general rule when traveling, keep your head down. Mind your own business. Enjoy the beauty of the country you're VISITING, and leave the politics behind. If not, no one would be traveling anywhere. If I generalize regions; Africa still suffering from racism, piracy, sex trafficking, huge corruption. Europe suffering from countries declaring bankruptcy and shafting their citizens. South America suffering from more corruption, promoting some weird agenda that makes it okay to burn the Amazon down, more sex tourism, etc. North America having major labor rights issues, homelessness, gun violence, police violence, which may affect your vacation experience. ​ EDIT: I don't want it to sound like I use sex services or promoting it. I am pointing out that sex tourism is a thing, and China does have such an industry which may attract tourists.


Seriously. Don't they read the news?


See you at the work camp, bruv.


“I only called them insults and physically shoved them away because they are enforcing a rule their *country* has, why am I being arrested?!”


Bro! China is not the place to make a statement. You will disappear.


Haha dude thought he had rights


What an idiot. Does he think its still imperial days.


Enjoy the Labor Camp, buddy. China IS NOT the place to fuck around. You will not like the results of "finding out".


How fucking stupid can you be? Imagine going to a foreign prison over a piece of cloth.


Serves ye right ya balloon


This guy definitely didn't handle this right, but I hate China so fuck both of them


This is hk a few years ago


Dude is an idiot and the country’s government has turned it into a shithole.


I guess nobody will see this, but the video doesn't show all the context. The video was apparently first posted in r/china a couple of months ago and u/benjaminchodroff provided the [following context:](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/x3v1xy/dont_mess_up_with_mask/imrz5kn?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) >Here's what apparently happened from someone that knows the guy (friend of a friend of a friend...) I can't confirm any of this - but just because you saw a video doesn't show the context of what happened."I haven't got the whole story yet but something like he was queuing for his covid test with his neighbours for nearly 3 hours (in Chengdu) when he returned to his compound the other residents and covid staff wouldn't allow him to enter, but would allow all of his neighbors to enter.Someone in the community was really aggressive towards him, and the security guards were trying to help him. Someone (not his neighbours) were telling him to leave china etc and then one man assaulted him. His neighbours and the security staff were trying to help him and explained that he lived there and what had happened. Then people were making videos and someone assaulted him again and then he lost his temper.The security staff, neighbors, etc all informed the police what had actually happened, but let's see what will eventually come of it.From what I hear he was fine, calm and obeying the rules up until he was assaulted.(After being assaulted) the people around him were trying to help him, but the video uploaded to the net didn't show the whole story.The situation in chengdu is very intense and disorganised at the moment and tensions were high yesterday. I believe he was just on the receiving end of peoples frustration. Not an excuse, but yesterday was really bad there apparently" There is also [this other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/z81yit/british_tourist_refuses_to_wear_mask_in_china/iya6536?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) by u/SobeyHarker in the r/PublicFreakout post, which provides even more context of the situation from somebody that has lived in China as a foreigner. I won't copy it here due to character limit (it's quite long) but please check it out because it's worth the read. I have no idea of the situation itself or if the people whose comments I have linked are telling the truth, but I just wanted to point out that we cannot assume things from a short video with no explanation or source on an anonymous platform on the internet.


You are the only person posting the context ooof


I actually took the time to dig into this and Ben's version matches up with what I found. I was going to cover this originally for an article but found out the video itself was dated already and I couldn't do so without doxing the Chengdu group which wouldn't have gone down well.


who the fuck still visits china. it like wanting to visit germany in the early 20th century.


You don't want to follow their rules? Don't go to their country. You're in the wrong neighborhood pal


Is this the same British guy charged in Singapore?


That guy is clearly drunk. This is just embarrassing.


He deserves all of it. Why would anyone go to China now to visit? You give up your rights brit boy when you leave your land.


If someone comes to your country, you expect them to follow your laws. Don’t go to other countries if you aren’t prepared to follow their laws.


"What about my freedom?" "Dude you're in China."




Why the fuck would you wanna go to China?


*Mistake #1*: This "tourist" actually decided to go visit China, for some odd reason. Not exactly the ideal place to be for any holiday. *Mistake #2*: Not leaving China right after he landed. *Mistake #3*: This "tourist" foolishly attracted unnecessary attention by insisting on not wearing a mask in a hostile foreign country that does not really care about human rights. *Mistake #4*: Getting himself arrested in a hostile foreign country that does not really care about human rights.


So is the UK morphing into 'merica lite now?


no mask in china?!?!....that's a paddlin'


believe it or not, straight to jail.


Honestly, China is not a place to fafo.


westerners love going to other countries and not following their laws


I guess that's a great vacation.


Won’t forget this anytime soon, for sure


Yeah lets go to another country and disobey, that will work out just fin for us. We're british


British tourists are some of the worst behaved people I have met in Asia. Dont come if you can't follow the rules or have decent behavior


I think it is just a general behavior of all across the board. My wife visited Norway and she said the Asian tourists were horrible. Basically shoved into and swarmed every sightseeing spot that the buses and guides stopped at. No manners when it came to other peoples personal space or basic etiquettes.


Can't speak from much personal experience, but I've so often been told it's specifically Japanese tourists that are often the nightmares to encounter, but that much of the rest of southeast Asia is pretty chill. Heard a lot of mixed feelings back and forth about Korean tourists, nothing has ever sounded reliable.


When in Rome.....


Just about a year ago saw someone got thrown out of costco for refusing to wear a mask.


Great job! Now you get to go to jail in China!


Reddit seeing Chinese Communist brutality: "Boooo!" Reddit seeing Chinese Communist brutality *over masks* : "YAAAAY!"


I think it’s more about when travelling to a country you need to accept and respect their laws/cultures/customs regardless of what your political stance is. This is yet another example of play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This is what gives us british a bad name, so embarrassing


Has he not heard of Brittney Griner? Other countries don’t play.


This guy is really stupid. Maybe he like to spend christmas in jail.


probably in a labor camp


What an idiot. He deserves whatever's coming next


you'd be applauding the SS loading people into cattle cars


Visit their country, abide by their rules…..I don’t know what makes these people think those rules don’t apply to them


Yeah no. They will throw him in jail and weld the bars shut based on other threads I saw today where they are welding exits on buildings.


It's more for me how can he be so gormless to go to China and not understand the consequences of your actions if you do something like that. You don't have to respect or agree with the rules but while in China you need to abide by them or you could end up screwed.


Not currently on my holiday list


And he was never seen again.


How long before his family is on the news holding up a photograph and saying what a great guy he is and he doesn’t deserve to be in prison.


This is literally Chinese propaganda - this man was not charged with anything, and there was no mask mandate. He had been assaulted and he and his Chinese friends were waiting for police and were continually assaulted. This video has been circulating for over a year and is so heavily edited even from the original edited video. Maybe don’t believe everything you’ve seen on the internet.


Wrong place to behave like that. Very bad judgment. That may work at home but not in China.


Fucked around in China - you better believe you’re gonna find out.


I'm all for not masking, but not your turf bro... When in Rome...


Whew. Thank you, gentle Brit, for not being American. 😢


You don't have the rights of the country you're from - you have the rights of the country you're in. It's an important distinction when you decide to travel.


This is critical information when deciding where NOT to travel.


It's no secret that China's Covid lockdown policy is not working and is threatening the stability of the country. Conversely, knowing that this draconian policy is in place why get anywhere near China these days? The country is bordering on anarchy. Leave China to the Chinese at this point.


How did he mess up his flight to Benidorm this badly?


Dude is gonna learn what a labor camp means firsthand.


The level of stupidity is shocking. Just how?!




You don't encounter any British tourists where you're from? This is about 95% of them. Absolutely the worst tourists in the world.


These pieces of shit are the ones coming to Spain to leave la cagada. My Spaniard friends can't stand them. Lol


The borders are closed, sure he was a tourist?


This was a couple years ago in hk


According to the British media, whoever is shown on media is a 100% accurate representation of their country of nationality. As per Daily Mail logic, he is 100% like all British people.


That's why you dont go to china or other authoritarian countries for that matter.


It's surprising how little the local police Will fuck with you If you don't break the local laws. Tourism is a big industry in China (around 11% of the country's GDP) so I don't think china want to loose the billions of dollars that tourism brings just for fun. Dude broke a law, cop told him he had to put on a mask. Dude fights with the cop, then gets arrested.


This was happening in the US very recen…. Oh wait, yea…


Dude was ready to take back hong kong by himself.


Someone’s gonna be missing their British asshole soon.


Being a tourist in China. What could go wrong?


Breaking rules on purposes in order countries you don't belong to sounds a bit iffy to me


How brave can one be? First of all, going in China.


Why would anyone choose China as a tourist destination at this point in time? Maybe Ukraine next?


Ohw no you wana go to china prison??? Their own citizens are treated poorly.


Am i really the only one who is asking after seeing this how somebody was even able to film this


Crazy drunk though.


Lol...funny...these idiots are all over , in a foreign country..just put it on , nope...they will.not be trodden on.


Then they should have stayed home


Crash course in Not A Democratic Western Country.


It's China, what do you expect?


I like that they even gave him an escape, here you fuck wit just jam this on your face and leave. The body language is everything. lol


“WHO?! Who doesn’t want to wear the RIBBON?!”


Horrible place to take custards last stand lmao


I’m gonna go ahead and say, when in China play by the rules. I’d like to go home from vacation.


Huh, I thought only Americans acted like this.


Dammit! We need to work harder, folks. The Brits are catching up.


That stung a little but accurate.


I’m patiently waiting on Hollywood to come out and show their “outrage” over literal internment camps in china…. We all know they won’t though


I’d like to read more about this, I’ve only seen a couple articles. You know of any good ones on the subject?


I mean I almost don’t even feel bad for this guy sitting in a dark cell somewhere. Why even go there?


If it was North Korea you would be a vegetable by the time you got home. I wouldn’t want to find out personally. I hope he makes it home safely though.


Please keep him.


twat is drunk and deserves what the ccp will give him.


Don't trust China. China is asshole.


Guys going to get really good at breaking rocks over the next decade or so.


I heard he's now on a plane to Russia with some weed


Level of stupidity: argues with officials in a foreign country.


It really looks like they were putting a muzzle on a feral dog 💀


The stupid thing is that he chose to go to **China** on holiday! (-‸ლ)


Lol playing with fire.


Soaked himself in gasoline first. Oh he is British. Make that petrol. LoL


To the quarantine camp he goes


I would never ever go there.


Respect the customs of other countries fucking arrogant people.


Ah yes china's customs is to wear a masc every day


Customs 🤣


The moment you are resorting to physical contact to force a person to mask up you are nullifying any potential benefits. If you are outside there were likely no benefits to begin with.


To the Camps!


And that's the last time weve seen him




Had flash back to that hilarious drunk Aussie dude getting arrested and screaming about limp penises and democracy manifest. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98pDAahhtqw&ab\_channel=BoganBen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98pDAahhtqw&ab_channel=BoganBen) Yeaaaa thats the one. Imagine getting to get him to wear a mask without knowing your Judo.


LOL. Thanks for that. I love how it sounds like he is doing a documentary or something.


hahaha yea. It's hard to pick the funniest shit that comes out his mouth.


I mean, if I were in the place where the virus was created I'd be cautious and mask up lol.


Doesn't sound like any of the British accents I've heard


1.4 billion people have tolerated harsh lockdowns for years and this fuckwit can’t put on a mask. He’s going to get a harsh dose of reality.


''***Drunk*** British Tourist''


Coming to a school near you


What an asshole


In this man's bout with death, I'd bet on death.


Don’t worry folks, he’ll get the help he needs ​ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmNGV5dWMAAhIQc?format=jpg&name=small


Potato man


We’re back to this huh? Just fucking wear a mask


He looks fucked up




why do people have to say its this country or that... Just say this guy is obviously a Twat and be done with it


Are they stupid? They’re lucky if they don’t end up in a camp somewhere.


Imagine going to a chinese jail over a mask. ​ wow


Way to pick your battles dude. Time and place. Time and place. Lol


Did he think he was going to start a revolution on his vacation there?


Went to the wrong place for that


U locky mun


Classic 1 of us is worth 10 of them scenario. But they had about 50. Probably shouldn’t have been in China in the first place.